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Suzie TK SnippeTS
By: Suzie Tyler
The Victory is in the Struggle
No one likes difficulties. We all would prefer a realm of Eutopia, but we live in a fallen world, and life happens!
We have all asked, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Many books have been written on the subject, but no definitive answer is ever given. Yes, they say things like, “It’s an opportunity to test or teach, or we grow in adversity,” but it’s still difficult to grasp when you live in a moment of controversy.
I can confidently say that after living for 80 years, my faith in God has brought me through many bad times. Did I question Him? Yes, absolutely. During one conflict in my life, I said, “God, this is not what I wanted. Do I need to come up there and tell you how to do this because you are not getting it right!”
Aren’t you glad God loves us and has a sense of humor? All the time, He had a plan in place that was better than the one I had conjured up in my brain!
Those times of controversy have built my faith, and I’ve learned to say, “God, I don’t understand, but I’m going to trust you.” I’m sure glad I have good friends who love and encourage me and don’t judge me like Job’s friends did in the Old Testament!
In the New Testament, I’m sure the disciples wondered about God’s plan after Jesus died on the cross. What looked like an utter defeat was the plan needed to save the world.
This Easter season, let’s remember that we all have times of struggle. Many people walk around and look normal while performing their daily activities, behave normally, and say normal things, but their heart is breaking inside. Your smile or kind word may be the glue that keeps them from breaking apart!
Don’t judge others! People need encouragement, not discouragement. Spread cheer daily, not doom, gloom, and despair!
Enjoy this time of celebrating the season of resurrection because we are blessed with eternal hope. Happy Easter.
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