Author J.S. Ririe~ Why the World
Needs Clean Fiction & Characters With Values!
really am in a very small minority. I see it with most of the books my 13-yearold granddaughter reads and her obsession with the macabre, violent and unreal frightens me. Fortunately, she’s not into the really graphic sexual stuff yet, but I see the handwriting on the wall. No one wants to write about normal people with regular problems anymore because it’s much too tame and doesn’t appeal to the masses who have been conditioned to accept things as being routine that caused people to gasp even a generation ago. I feel a great need and responsibility to help fill the gap between people who have decided that God no longer exists, and ones who still believe in him, with stories that cause people to get in touch with their inner selves and hopefully find the strength to fight their own problems without giving in to all the negative influences that are so prevalent in our me-centered society.
Brylee Hawkins Virtue
Brylee is a character of the twenty-first century. She knows what it’s like to feel rejection, regret,
betrayal, anger, and loneliness. Watching her grow from a frightened young woman with no real sense of self into a confident adult who can run a ranch and
and pain without turning her back on God, like almost everyone else in her family has done, because she understands that without her faith she has nothing left to cling to. Her journey parallels that of most women who have ever lived, not in exact experiences, but in the throbbing disappointment, excruciating heartache, and loss of dreams that few mortals escape. Brylee’s story is not for readers who prefer fantasy to reality, but it is for those who want a thoughtprovoking and exciting read that is full of twists and turns they will not see coming.
An Author's Values
give emotional support to a family she doesn’t know helped me to identify my own strengths. She has no answers when she arrives in Australia to face her estranged father, but she has the faith necessary to keep moving forward when her beliefs threaten to destroy everything she is trying to build-even a new romance. She learns how to fight through the hardships
I can only speak to the values I’ve set for myself, and they are ones I cannot violate even though I know I would garner far more success if I did. I was raised in a very strict home where our mouths were washed out with soap if we said even the mildest swear word and our behinds felt the pain coming from a razor strap if we backtalked to our mother or stepped out of line in any other way. I’m not saying that’s any way
Books ‘N Pieces Magazine — April 2022 —