Designed for possibilities. Made for people.
Altro Wood™ Safety collection Transform your interior spaces with on-trend wood-look safety flooring
Altro Wood™ Safety collection Inspired by nature Introducing our new wood-look flooring that combines functional performance with modern design to create spaces that really work for the people that use them. Take your pick between our two
With matching design and colour
safety flooring ranges – 2mm
options across these two ranges
Altro Wood Safety and 2.85mm
you can achieve a consistent look
Altro Wood Safety Comfort.
in different areas. Select from
Both give the functional performance you’d expect
performance required for the area.
from an Altro safety floor and
Naturally, these ranges
provide sustained slip resistance
complement our other flooring
for the lifetime of the flooring
and walling solutions and come
(PTV ≥36). The thicker option
with industry-leading guarantees
provides comfort underfoot
and technical support.
and 14dB sound reduction.
As a responsible designer
We’ve enhanced the number
and manufacturer we take
of choices on offer – keeping
sustainability seriously. Our new
many of the old favourites and
wood-look ranges are made in
introducing some exciting new
Europe, contain bioplasticers
colours. In addition, we have
and are phthalate-free.
included a bamboo-look fineline design and wide plank classic and rustic designs. Whether you want to create warm and homely aesthetics, or transform a space into a cool contemporary feature area, our new ranges can help you make your design vision a reality.
the ranges for the right technical
Altro Wood™ Safety Typical applications: Hospital / care home corridors, living areas and patient rooms. Retail. Kindergartens, schools, universities: general circulation areas, corridors.
This attractive, general purpose 2mm wood-look flooring is available in a range of designs with different plank sizes and shades including a bamboo-look fine-line design and wide plank classic and rustic designs, helping you create the right look for areas where people live and work. It is not just about looks though: Altro Wood Safety is designed to cope with medium to heavy traffic in the areas specified above and has sustained slip resistance for the lifetime of the floor. It is also a perfect partner for a variety of wall shades and finishes, from wall cladding to metal and glass, making design simpler. With matching design and colour options across this range and Altro Wood Safety Comfort you can achieve a consistent look in different areas. Select from the ranges for the right technical performance required for the area.
Did you know? More designs for more possibilities! Transform your space with our new wide plank classic and rustic designs.
Altro Woodâ„¢ Safety
Autumn Maple | WSA2005 WR339 / A1M339 / LRV 24
Farmhouse Oak | WSA2004
Rustic Oak | WSA2006
Oak Traditions | WSA2013
WR462 / A1M462 / LRV 43
WR338 / A1M27 / LRV 38
WR340 / A1M340 / LRV 37
WR353 / A1M225 / LRV 25
Ranch Oak | WSA2021
Bleached Oak | WSA2001
WR335 / A1M335 / LRV 51
WR335 / A1M335 / LRV 52
Washed Oak | WSA2015
Vintage Cherry | WSA2002
Washed Bamboo | WSA2020
WR347 / A1M347 / LRV 38
WR239 / A1M239 / LRV 22
WR463 / A1M392 / LRV 42
Light Beech | WSA2017
LRV = Light Reflectance Value
A1M = Mastic code
WR = Weld rod code
Manor Oak | WSA2016
WR348 / A1M348 / LRV 7
Worn Oak | WSA2023
Urban Cherry | WSA2003
Walnut Noir | WSA2011
WR342 / A1M224 / LRV 21
WR322 / A1M239 / LRV 19
WR337 / A1M337 / LRV 17
WR345 / A1M62 / LRV 6
Deep Bamboo | WSA2019
WR468 / A1M62 / LRV 10
Stately Oak | WSA2025
WR341 / A1M160 / LRV 15
Antique Walnut | WSA2007
Mountain Oak | WSA2022
Spring Maple | WSA2018
WR339 / A1M339 / LRV 22
WR352 / A1M352 / LRV 27
Pendulum test
year product guarantee
PTV ≥36
Noble Oak | WSA2024 WR467 / A1M467 / LRV 17
R10 07
Altro Wood™ Safety Comfort Typical applications: Corridors and classrooms in schools, kindergartens, universities. Student accommodation. Hospital / care home corridors and patient rooms. Retail. Home adaptations / social housing.
Altro Wood Safety Comfort offers aesthetics combined with comfort. It’s an ideal choice for areas that need to look good while helping to give comfort underfoot. This 2.85mm thick option offers 14dB sound reduction, which is great for noisy environments such as hospitals and kindergartens. It is also suitable for wheeled traffic and low residual indentation facilitates the flexible use of equipment and furniture, including hospital beds. With matching design and colour options across this range and Altro Wood Safety you can achieve a consistent look in different areas. Select from the ranges for the right technical performance required for the area.
Did you know? With matching design and colour options across the two ranges you can achieve a consistent look in different areas.
Altro Woodâ„¢ Safety Comfort
Aged Oak | WSASC2815
Soft Oak | WSASC2804
WR347 / A1M347 / LRV 38
WR338 / A1M27 / LRV 38
Light Bamboo | WSASC2820 Field Oak | WSASC2806 WR340 / A1M340 / LRV 37
WR463 / A1M392 / LRV 42
Antique Cherry | WSASC2802
Reclaimed Oak | WSASC2821
WR239 / A1M239 / LRV 22
WR335 / A1M335 / LRV 51
LRV = Light Reflectance Value
A1M = Mastic code
WR = Weld rod code
Deep Cherry | WSASC2803
WR339 / A1M339 / LRV 24
WR337 / A1M337 / LRV 17
Veteran Oak | WSASC2822
Classic Walnut | WSASC2807
WR339 / A1M339 / LRV 22
WR341 / A1M160 / LRV 15
Warm Maple | WSASC2805
Regent Oak | WSASC2825
Royal Oak | WSASC2823
WR468 / A1M62 / LRV 10
WR322 / A1M239 / LRV 19
Pendulum test
year product guarantee
PTV ≥36
R10 11
Samples If colour choice is critical, please request a sample of the material 01462 707 600
To find out more please visit our website
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, Altro, Designed for possibilities. Made for people. Altro Wood Safety and Altro Wood Safety Comfort are trademarks of Altro Limited.
Content correct at time of going to print. Altro reserve the right to change any detail. Š Copyright Altro 2017