What is the data telling us - Updated

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Essentials Do you have what it takes for the 21st Century?

Endeavors Opportunity Knocks Everyday!

16.2% Real rate of unemployed & under-employed people-of-color


16.2% --either unemployed or under-employed for Blacks. For Black males, it is in the 20‟s. So, “What is the data telling us?” High unemployment for people-ofcolor—we get that. What else is it saying? Moreover, how are we responding?

Annalisa Adams-Qualtiere is the Founder and President of Altruistic Leadership, a career management and leadership enhancement company. During her 20+ years in corporate America, Annalisa held executive, senior management and key roles at Fortune 500 companies: Hewlett Packard, Automated Data Processing (ADP), PricewaterCoopers, as well as small to mid-sized organizations in the insurance, technology, and consumer services industry. Annalisa created, researched, designed, developed, and deployed an enterprisewide African American Leadership Program. This program was a critical component for the organization receiving a Diversity Best Practice award in 2008. The program was featured in the inaugural issue of Diversity Executive Magazine in 2008. Annalisa is the creator and sponsor of a nationwide internet radio program: Take-A-Lesson—Uncovering Hidden Mentors for Diverse Leaders. TakeA-Lesson invites successful corporate leaders, non-profit executives, entrepreneurs, activist, and academics to share thought-leadership, trials, triumphs, tripping points, and techniques. The sole purpose of the program is to build up leadership capabilities and promote career trajectory.

As a small business owner, data is essential to running a business. HOWEVER, I believe in snuffing out of the tradition examination, calculation, and projection of financial data. If you start with numbers, you will end up with a flawed strategic plan that fits nicely within your numbers but that is void of innovation, lacks velocity, fails the agility test, and inhibits success. So, what am I saying? Stick with me here, I believe that understanding data beyond the “math” will help you manage your career (diversity) style and put you on the right plan. The 16.2% screams opportunity—to me. I‟m going to share resources & data to help you become a better problem solver & problem solving is essential to helping to make sense of it all.

A little about me I’m naturally a researcher and that makes me instinctively want to master the art of problem solving. We are in turbulent times and problems are all around us. To solve a problem, we need data. The data I will share with you comes in the form of resources that you may not be aware of. I am a spotter—someone who can research data, spot it, gathers it, study it, shift it, trend it, and convey it in a way that values your time. I won‟t steal your time.

But mostly … I am someone who believes that as a steward (your steward), I will use well the God-given talents & abilities entrusted to me to present to you data that may help you in your career endeavors and life. At this point, you‟re deciding whether you should keep reading or stop; well, before you make a decision there is some you should know. It’s tough right now, I know; that’s not lost on me. You are at this Day-of-Opportunity event today—January 18, 2011—needing resources. The goal of this document is to provide you with a synthesis of accessible & practical materials in a thoughtful and entertaining format. Enjoy!

To learn more about Annalisa: www.annalisa-adams-qualtiere.com


Altruistic Leadership


2635 North First Street, Ste 243 San Jose, CA 95134 All right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotation in printed reviews, without the prior permission of Altruistic Leadership. All internet addresses (websites, blogs, etc.), references, and telephone numbers printed in the document are offered as a resource. Altruistic Leadership cannot vouch for the content of these sites or statistics for the life of this whitepaper.

Table of Contents A little about me ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 What is the data telling us about unemployment? ................................................................................................................... 5 The Economic Policy Institute .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Where do I find “must know” data? .................................................................................................................................. 5 How do I easily track what is happening in the economy? Here ...................................................................................... 5 What is the data telling us about choosing entrepreneurship over unemployment? ................................................................ 6 How does Race and Entrepreneurial Success play out in this picture? ............................................................................... 6 What‟s the SCORE? ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 How do I avoid the pitfalls? .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Does opportunity knock? Every day! ................................................................................................................................... 9 Are there Startup Quick Strategies? Of course! ................................................................................................................. 10 Partner ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Bootstrap ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Don‟t sacrifice opportunity for perfection ........................................................................................................................ 10 Use external resources .................................................................................................................................................. 10 Master the art of the iteration cycle ................................................................................................................................ 11 What else do I know to know? The Art of Start, that‟s what! ......................................................................................... 11 What is the data telling us about leadership essentials? ....................................................................................................... 13 How can Altruistic Leadership help me? ................................................................................................................................ 14 Leadership Skills Wanted Now! ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Should I head back into Corporate America? You have choice! ............................................................................................ 18 What can we learn from Ted Williams? ............................................................................................................................. 18 What you should know before you go! ............................................................................................................................... 18 Rev up your résumé ...................................................................................................................................................... 18 Update your LinkedIn profile .......................................................................................................................................... 19 3

Choose the right places to apply.................................................................................................................................... 19 Don‟t become frustrated ................................................................................................................................................ 19 Get back into action ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 Stop dealing with your career by yourself ...................................................................................................................... 19 In Closing............................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Popular Blog-post by Annalisa ........................................................................................................................................... 20 Sideway Opportunities—Posted June 8, 2011............................................................................................................... 20 Don‟t waste this recession!—Posted April 11, 2011 ...................................................................................................... 20 Where is your job security?—Posted April 22, 2011 ...................................................................................................... 20 Credits, Resources, and Recommendations.......................................................................................................................... 21 Key Leadership Websites: ................................................................................................................................................. 22


What is the data telling us about unemployment? Well it isn‟t good, and you didn‟t need me to tell you that. Here‟s a question: where are you getting your resource data? Watching the nightly news maybe be a good resource, but from this point on you want and require the best. Check out this source...

The Economic Policy Institute A reliable and informative source is EPI: The Economic Policy Institute, is a non-profit Washington D.C. think tank, created in 1986 to expand the discussion about economic policy to include the interests of low- and middle-income workers: the unemployed and underemployment. This resource is a strong voice for the American worker becoming the “gold standard” in that field. Where do I find “must know” data? http://www.epi.org/ Launch page for access to key research and data. How do I easily track what is happening in the economy? http://www.economytrack.org/mainchart.php Know before you go! Jumping out of the fire into the frying pan isn‟t pretty. Learn what‟s going on in that state, statistically speaking. This site has tools, resources, and data to track the recession and unemployment statistics with the ability to focus specifically on trends by state, race/ethnic group, gender, occupation, and education level. Slicing data is critical. You can bloom where you‟re planted, but not if it‟s amongst rocks!

Current Research on this site: 12/9/2010: State of Working America preview: Whites more upwardly mobile than blacks—ouch! “America is often called the land of opportunity, and that class mobility has long been a popular tenet of American culture. Mobility is not always upward, particularly for black children raised in middle-class families who often find themselves in lower income ranks as adults.” While these headlines may not be what you want to see, it‟s what you need to know to position you and your family to make income & spending choices, education investments, and to explore opportunities for the future.

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What is the data telling us about choosing entrepreneurship over unemployment?  It‟s not easy being unemployed in today‟s economy.  It‟s not easy being a mature worker in today‟s economy.  It‟s not easy being a recent college graduate with an MBA in today‟s economy. Finding new jobs after layoffs is just not easy! Those who do find jobs are often starting over in lower level positions and often “underemployed.” A July 2009 survey conducted by CareerBuilder reported that only 28% of laid off workers age 55 and over found new jobs within the past year—the lowest percentage of all age groups. Bet you‟re thinking, “Phew…that‟s not me,” but you may not be out of the woods. Last spring, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that unemployment among 18- to 25-year-olds was a staggering 16.1%. That was grim news for college graduates, plenty of whom headed straight to graduate school, or promptly moved their belongings into the family basement. Here‟s the good news: many laid-off workers or college graduates aren‟t even looking for a job. Instead, they are starting their own businesses. More than one in ten workers, or 13 million people, in the United States are self-employed business owners. These 13 million business owners hold an amazing 37.4 percent of total U.S. wealth. Good news!

How does Race and Entrepreneurial Success play out in this picture? Good question and some bad news: 5.1 percent of African American workers and 7.5 percent of Latino workers own businesses, compared to more than 11 percent of white and Asian workers. On average, black- and Latino-owned businesses have lower sales, hire fewer employees, and have smaller payrolls than white-owned businesses (U.S. Census Bureau 2006). Firms owned by African Americans also have lower profits and higher closure rates than those owned by whites. Race and Entrepreneurial Success, published last year by economics professor Rob Fairlie at UC Santa Cruz, paints a bleak picture for minority business ownership, particularly black entrepreneurship. This book is good reading for research. Understanding the research & data is important. HOWEVER, are the statistics a good reason to shy away from owning your own business in this market? No, because there is more good news!


What’s the SCORE? SCORE is a free and confidential small-business advice organization for entrepreneurs. I utilized their services before starting my business. What data do SCORE and the SBA (Small Business Administration) have to offer about minority business? Let‟s focus on the demographic with the greatest risk according to Fairlie: black-owned businesses:  Black-owned businesses are the fastest-growing segment of new businesses, growing 45 percent 1997-2002, with revenue growth 25 percent.  The 1.2 million black-owned businesses in the United States employ more than 756,000 people and generate nearly $89 billion in business revenues.  4 in 10 black-owned businesses (38 percent) were owned by women.  New York had the most black-owned firms, followed by California, Florida, Georgia, and Texas.

How do I avoid the pitfalls? Fairlie‟s book provides us with data outlining pitfalls associated with minority success. This book allows us to utilize the experiences of others (positive & negative) to build a roadmap. Here are the key findings:  Importance of human capital  Importance of financial capital  Importance of higher education  Importance of family-owned business background experience  Importance of pre-business work experience

“Put more structure around your failures.” Henry Cloud I‟ve made that quote large for a reason. I can give you 100 motivational sayings to pump you up and get you on your way, but without the framework—the structure—failure is imminent and you may potentially risk more unwittingly. On the other hand, something worse may occur—you won‟t try at all. We‟re here to help close the gap between failure and success.


Career Derailed? We Can Help! Altruistic Leadership is a career management and leadership development organization focused on the needs of the people-ofcolor (diverse) leaders.

Altruistic Leadership differs from other leadership programs by examining themes such as risk, work, perceptions, and career derailments often faced by the diverse leader. Awareness is essential to career/life success. By focusing specifically on cultural differences, you are more prepared for opportunities vs. derailed. In a safe and secure forum with other diverse leaders, you are provided the techniques to strengthen your leadership stance, style, and effectiveness. Our programs are designed for intense interactions focused on helping diagnose the issues that have an impact on your personal and professional objectives.

ALTRUISTIC LEADERSHIP Helping Business Understand Color! Call / Click / Come-In 2635 North First Street, Suite 243 San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 954-8090 WWW.ALTRUISTICLEADERSHIP.COM


Does opportunity knock? Every day! Hewlett Packard, Disney, Hyatt, MTV, CNN, Microsoft, Burger King, GE, Trader Joe‟s, ClifBar, Fortune Magazine, Wikipedia, and Altruistic Leadership (wink) all started during periods of economic recession. Here‟s a truth you need to know: periods of uncertainty fuel tremendous opportunity because the deck is reshuffled and the rules of the game are changed, AND no one is sure of what is the new normal. Starting a business during a recession is easier. Why?  Resources are cheaper: offices, equipment, etc.  Larger available talent pool  Large organizations are focused on sustainment, not innovation, and lose opportunity, while…  Small companies are players that are more agile—I love that part! Jeremy Gutsche‟s book Exploiting CHAOS is another (excellent data) resource I share with you. His topics include SPARKING A REVOLUTION, TREND HUNTING, ADAPTIVE INNOVATION, and INFECTIOUS MESSAGING—truly an A+ book.

Two more resources I highly recommend:  The Truth About Starting a Business: What does it mean to do what you truly want to do?  What’s Stopping You? Shatter the 9 Most Common Myths Keeping You from Starting Your Own Business

Both of these books by

Bruce Barringer provide a voice of reason demystifying start-up misconceptions


Are there Startup Quick Strategies? Of course! Partner—Companies that start with partnerships minimize your financial risk and instantly expand your knowledge base. Choose partners with skills & capabilities complementary to your own. Do not partner with people who are exactly like you—there‟s no fun (or creativity) in that. Imperative: use agreements and set ground rules. Bootstrap—It is very difficult to raise capital in this market, and besides, you probably don‟t need as much as you think. Use savings, lines of credit with terms as a means to starting your business. Also, ask all partners to tap into their own savings so that everyone has skin in the game.

Nearly 80% of the self-funded companies were profitable! Bootstrap as far as you can possibly go, then once you reach the point where you absolutely need outside funding, go to traditional sources. On the CD, you have a copy of The Bootstrapper’s Bible, a manifesto by Seth Godin. Excellent resource that you MUST read through at least once, then keep it for ongoing reference. In this reference, Seth highlights entrepreneurs who focus and work to start a great business from scratch with no (or almost no) money. Remember that having limited resources often forces you to make better and more informed decisions. Starting out financially disciplined but not overly cautious will serve you well as you grow. Don’t sacrifice opportunity for perfection—I‟ve seen that happen far too often. If you have a good product or service, get it out there—your clients or customers will help you refine your product. When I launched Take-A-Lesson, my website was so-so, process for the show was good but not great, yet we moved ahead with scheduling guests and delivering the show. Where I drew the line and did not skimp was execution. Being known for our approach and flawless execution built a powerful brand and excused the early raggedy edges. Our guests helped improve the process according to their own needs. We utilized an iterative process—but more about that later. Use external resources—there are more available free resources than you think. We talked about SCORE and also the SBA— more traditional and widely known. You might start with your alma mater; they routinely have small business resources to assist alumni. Ask people in the industry for help. If they are in noncompetitive markets, they will be surprisingly helpful and it shortens your learning curve. Finally, come to Altruistic Leadership for workshops, coaching, counseling, connection, and business space options. I have to plug my company. We also offer experienced sales, marketing, and business training and staff that can help promote your business.


Master the art of the iteration cycle—Getting your product & service to market, testing it, refining it, and before the final product is NECESSARY work, and, yes, a lot of extra effort. Your planning & release approach should include iterations. I‟ve seen too often, even with focus group data, a “waterfall” approach with fingers crossed that the final product is what your target market wants and needs. Forget it! You lose more than you gain. People are more forgiving than you think of honest business people. What else do I know to know? The Art of Start, that’s what! To complement your library of great resources, I strongly recommend reading The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki. His humorous approach to explaining business practices helps complete the picture. Every chapter begins with a GIST: Great Ideas for Starting Things—an overview; and each chapter ends with a FAQ—not the FAQ you think. FAQ stand for Frequently Avoided Questions, the questions we tend to hide from. Slay your dragons—that comes a little later in the leadership section—and acknowledge the lizards per Seth. He has also provided exercises throughout the book. In the chapter “The Art of Bootstrapping,” here are the three BIG ideas: 1. Manage for cash flow, not for profitability—for example, on the revenue side, pass on sales that are profitable but take too long to collect. You need to establish a stream of income early on. On the expense side, stretch out your payments—but DO NOT become delinquent in paying them! 2. Bottom-up forecasting—which means start with real-world variables like the example given in his book: Salesperson X can make N number of calls to produce X number of conversion to revenue. Check out page 82—great example to use as a template 3. Focus on function, not form—this can and has derailed start-up efforts. What‟s important is the function you need performed from a service-provider perspective, not a Fortune 500 accounting firm to review your financials. Make sense?

Rather than looking at models, let’s focus on the Leadership Skills you’ll need for your future!


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What is the data telling us about leadership essentials? This is a complex world, sometimes feeling as if it is spinning out of control, leaders absolutely will need improved skills and to understand more about what drives decisions, people, and their customers. Strategic plans that used to last five years, last five months; and competitive advantage that used to last five months, now lasts five minutes. Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook (and other social media platforms) are game changers for leaders in business, large & small. On top of this being a complex world, it is also transparent. Generation X & Y move in networks; Boomers who don‟t (there‟s a Take-A-Lesson topic). Moreover, most corporate structures are struggling with the concept that “greater access to information at greater speeds actually means more ambiguity, not less,” to quote The Conference Board—and they are spot on. I love this quote:

According to author Douglas Rushkoff, “Survival in a purely digital realm—particularly in business—means being able to scale, and winning means being able to move up one level of abstraction beyond everyone else.” Awesome! So let‟s begin by looking at leadership drivers businesses are looking for based on data from The Conference Board—a respected and reliable source. Leadership Drivers for the 21st Century Complexity

Annalisa’s commentary

Speed of change

The target is always moving. Factors influencing decision can change within minutes. Be open to changing your path. The new normal is change! The speed of change is changing as well. Innovation is consent & required.

Diversity (fragmentation) Sustainability / corporate responsibility

Generalization is out; precision is in. Corporations (and small businesses) must be socially responsible. Deliver to both the bottom line & social accountabilities.

Customer sophistication / value proposition Regulation

Access to information by clients‟ demands constantly upgrading the value you bring to them.

Communication / transparency

Talk, but also listen, and that includes what‟s written in blogs, websites, etc. The CEO as the rock star is dead and it doesn‟t take a boulder to kill „em. A small smooth stone in the shape of a well-placed blog entry can have you attending a funeral metaphorically speaking. Be honest and communicate (talk back) at the right time. Be a Solomon—be wise. This vs. that exists in every business. Define & comprehend the most significant external & internal factor that will influence business & decide.

Managing polarities / multiple time horizons Changing expectations of The workforce

Learn to deal with and become more comfortable with regulations and regulators. Non-compliance costs will continue to escalate—why, we‟re broke, remember!

People are looking for meaning to their jobs—particularly during this time. The “you gotta paycheck” approach is as dead as the CEO is as a rock star. It‟s also buying you an Exodus in the long-term. Engage them; provide CLARITY of vision, and truly value diversity & integration, not assimilation. That’s where Altruistic Leadership can help you personally!


How can Altruistic Leadership help me? I often ask my business associates, “What is the new normal?” As the economy begins to rebound, are you wondering when things will get back to normal for your business? If you believe the prognosticators and pundits, there will be no “back to normal.” We‟re looking at a “new normal” that we haven‟t seen in a long time, if ever. A recent study from the Pew Research Center says, “Of the 13 recessions that the American public has endured since the Great Depression of 1929-33, none has presented a more punishing combination of length, breadth and depth than this one.” It has led to lowered expectations among the public about their children‟s futures and their own retirement; a new frugality in spending and borrowing habits; and an expectation that it will take several years for the value of their homes and other investments to recover. One thing is for sure: Nothing is for sure. The future is uncertain, and uncertainty is the playing field of the entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, I tend to adjust quickly to whatever “the new normal” is. Agility is one of the greatest advantages you have over most competitors. You have the ability to anticipate and adjust to significant trends faster, quicker than large corporations that are heavily vested and entrenched in their current markets, models, and practices. You can transform potential threats and weaknesses of being a small business in this market into strengths and opportunities.

Leadership Skills Wanted Now! So, what are the key Leadership Skills cited to take full advantage and leverage this market? Let‟s go back to The Conference Board. I‟ve taken their research of Leaderships Skills need for the 21st century, slightly modified the language for our purposes, and added my commentary and resources to further your development.


Leadership Skills for the 21st Century— Conference Board— modified by Altruistic Leadership Build Trust

Annalisa’s commentary

Altruistic Leadership Workshop/ Coaching / Assessment—Programs

Is so easy to build trust: just never lose it. Once you “intentionally” lose the trust of another, it is difficult to gain it back. We are in an open-source world, networked more than ever before.

 

Foundations Workshop | 360 Assessment (Proprietary AL Assessment) 2-Hour TuneUp & Profiles/Assessments: Influencing / Emotional Intelligence, Change Leadership (Each assessment is its own individual 2-hour session)

Be reflective

Be willing to slow down action; have a willingness to step back to leap forward. Sounds clichéd but its true—go slow to go fast.

 

2-Hour TuneUp: Emotional Intelligence Assessment 2-Hour TuneUp: Leadership Effectiveness Profile

Be an influencer

Be honest and communicate (talk back) at the right time. Use inquiry & advocacy to seek understanding & to be understood. Manipulation disguised as influence is no longer tolerated.

    

2-Hour TuneUp: Influence Profile 2-Hour TuneUp: Emotional Intelligence Profile 2-Hour TuneUp: Listening Effectiveness Profile 2-Hour TuneUp: Coaching Effectiveness Profile Coaching Program: Business or Operational Leadership

Be a T-shaped thinker

Hone your primary skills & become the expert in the area of education, exposure, and experience. Know the external and internal drivers (as discussed previously) for what drives your business, client, or market.

Foundations Workshop | 360 Assessment (Proprietary AL Assessment) Coaching Program: Strategic or Business Leadership Finding the Career That Fits You (A Biblical Perspective)—1 Day Workshop 2-Hour TuneUp: 2x2 Framework Inventory Series—This series has 23 Strategic & 13 Organizational Framework Sessions

Facilitate the possible

Learn to connect the dots for yourself & others; casting vision and making linkages for decision-making

   

Facilitation Workshop—2 Day Coaching Program: Strategic Leadership 2-Hour TuneUp: Force-Field Analysis 2-Hour TuneUp: 2x2 Framework Inventory Series—This series has 23 Strategic & 13 Organizational Framework Sessions

Deal with ambiguity

Learn to shift gears comfortably. You don‟t need to have things finished before moving on. Learn to decide & act without the total picture.

   

Build networks

Find common ground quickly & solve problems; encourage collaboration & be candid but not RUDE!

   

Influencing for Results Workshop—1 Day 2-Hour TuneUp: Emotional Intelligence Profile 2-Hour TuneUp: Listening Effectiveness Profile Coaching Program: Business or Operational Leadership

Mine, synthesize, & distribute information that tells a compelling story

Disseminate information in a timely way; provide information so that decision becomes easier. Reframe from providing too much information.

Inspire innovation, creativity, & open-source thinking

Become good at & participate in brainstorming. Learn how to predict & communicate how ideas can play out in the marketplace.

  

Networking & Building Relationships Workshop—1 Day 2-Hour TuneUp: Networking Styles Profile 2-Hour TuneUp: Listening Effectiveness Profile 2-Hour TuneUp: 2x2 Framework Inventory Series—This series has 23 Strategic & 13 Organizational Framework Sessions Coaching & Counseling Program: Emphasis on Informing 2-Hour TuneUp: 2x2 Framework Individual Inventory Series—This series has 12 Framework sessions Coaching & Counseling Program: Emphasis on Informing

Slay dragons

Delegate responsibility with accountability Learn You (know thyself)

Fail Forward (design for failure)

Foster and capitalize on the wisdom of the crowd (harness the energy)

Attack the fears that are inhibiting your growth. Acknowledge the Lizards from our friend Seth. Acknowledge key skills deficiencies; remain open to tutors, courses, & any learning to improve proficiency.

   

Foundations Workshop | 360 Assessment (Proprietary AL Assessment) 2-Hour TuneUp: Emotional Intelligence 2-Hour TuneUp: Leadership Effectiveness Coaching & Counseling Program: Customized

Let direct reports and others finish their own work; broadly share your responsibilities; trust people to perform. Know your strengths, hone your T-shape, and balance your “non-strength” with collaboration & partnership so that it does not become a weakness & interfere with your own ability to perform to expected levels or interfere with others‟ ability to do their work. Fail early, fail often, and fail forward. There is ZERO value in developing guilt tendencies because of a failed attempt. There are key reasons why people make mistakes.

 

2-Hour TuneUp: The Art of Delegation 2-Hour TuneUp: Managerial Effectiveness Profile

   

Foundations Workshop | 360 Assessment (Proprietary AL Assessment) 2-Hour TuneUp: Emotional Intelligence 2-Hour TuneUp: Leadership Effectiveness Coaching & Counseling Program: Customized

 

Coaching & Counseling Program: Customized 2-Hour TuneUp: Leadership Effectiveness

Collection of ideas can solve almost any problem. That said, for the crowd to be smart, certain conditions must be met and diversity is key, so it incentives. Share credit for success.

Foundations Workshop | 360 Assessment (Proprietary AL Assessment) 2-Hour TuneUp: Negotiating Skills Profile 2-Hour TuneUp: Diversity Profile

 


Where can you meet with Successful Executives, Entrepreneurs, and Educators all willing to share their leadership journey? Only One Place

Your Host Annalisa Adams-Qualtiere President Altruistic Leadership

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Take-A-Lesson: Uncovering Hidden Mentors for Diverse Leaders

A conversation with today's diverse leaders on thriving vs. surviving in todayâ€&#x;s economy. Call in and speak with executives at ‌

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Broadcast Producer Tammy Rainer

Should I head back into Corporate America? You have choice! What can we learn from Ted Williams? Kevin Donlin, an expert on executive job search, recently blogged on the key takeaways any job seeker can learn from the Ted Williams experience: 1. Ted got out of the house and met people; 2. Ted didn‟t use an ordinary résumé; 3. Ted didn‟t interview, he performed; 4. Ted kept a positive outlook; and 5. Ted kept this craft tuned—that one’s mine. Kevin Dolan has been featured in USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, CBS Radio and elsewhere. Source: http://www.successinhr.com/hr-job-search-secrets-homeless-man-with-the-golden-voice

What you should know before you go! In this type of market, it is very easy to become discouraged and withdraw. The impact on the people-of-color community is higher than it has ever been, and the advent of social media in this market can be either friend or foe. However, you do have choices—control the controllable. We focused on entrepreneurship in the whitepaper, but let‟s also consider getting back into corporate America. So, let‟s make sure you consider the following steps. Rev up your résumé Time to review & revise your résumé: Print it out and read it to yourself. Read it aloud and have someone else review and get an objective opinion. You can also utilize a resume-writing service. In addition, check into Altruistic Leadership & other resources for that résumé face-lift.    

Remove personalization—“my” & “our” words; Make it a third-person document. Proofread your résumé after any edits—or ask someone else to. Remove color and any graphics, AND Obtain a professional email address. I cannot tell you how many times I‟ve received emails with résumés attached from shoelady@yahoo or lovepopcorn@gmail—while those are extreme examples, you get my drift.

Consider “Telling Your Story” Some say the resume is on the out, and the bio is on the rise. People work with people they can relate to and identify with. Your bio answers the questions: Who am I? How can I help you? How did I get here? Why you can trust me? Moreover, what do we share in common? Learn more @ http://the99percent.com/tips/7025/The-Resume-Is-Dead-The-Bio-Is-King


Update your LinkedIn profile Ok, this is a bug-a-boo for me. Linkedin is the primary resource for recruiters, yet less than 6% of their users are people-of-color. This is not strategically placing you in an area to be considered! Also, have recommendations! Make sure recommendations are well written, highlight your expertise and experience, and are from credible people. Choose the right places to apply Check closely the website you are using to apply for positions. I suggest whenever possible going directly to the company website and applying there. Your chances of your résumé being seen will be dramatically increased. Many of the sites that post résumés do not have direct contracts with the hiring organizations and just accumulate résumés to boost their numbers and job applicant base for advertising or marketing purposes. Don’t become frustrated The only difference between you and the people who are getting what they want is they kept moving and you didn't. It probably began innocently. You became frustrated and took a break. When you took a break, things started to slow down. Therefore, you became resigned and you told yourself there was no point in trying since it wouldn't make a difference anyway. Soon, your goal was too big, too hard, or too overwhelming. Then, you stopped completely or your efforts became hollow and unproductive. Take responsibility for stopping. This is the first step to starting again. Get back into action If you recognize that people are busy with other responsibilities, and they are not rejecting you personally, you can begin moving again. Just like in sales, contacting people is a numbers game. Trust that eventually the numbers will work in your favor. If you wait until you feel like getting back into action, you will be waiting a long time. It does not matter how you feel. Get back into action. Emotions follow action and not the reverse, regardless of what you‟ve told. Stop dealing with your career by yourself I meet too many people who believe they are deficient because they cannot tackle obstacles on their own. Life is about getting results through people. It is not about overcoming challenges alone. Winning alone is losing. There are people who want to contribute to you. Will you let them? The best approach you can take is an objective one. Focus on what you want, and do not stop until you get it.


In Closing At Altruistic Leadership, one of our values is to “use well the abilities and talents entrusted to us for the benefit of our participants” and I hope we‟ve done that with this whitepaper and the Day of Opportunity! Also, enjoy current blog-post & key leadership books, manifestos, and website that have helped me along the way.

 Popular Blog-post by Annalisa

Sideway Opportunities—Posted June 8, 2011 http://www.altruisticleadership.com/2011/06/sideway-opportunities/ Yesterday (June 8, 2011) we profiled Tonia Woodbury, Vice President and Business Manager at Wells Fargo Bank, and we asked the question “Do you believe there is an Iron Ceiling for African Americans in Corporate America?” This is a standard question for all our profiled leaders. The answers we’ve received from leaders at Sprint, Avon, USAA, MTV, MSKCC, Professors, and Activist, have run the gamut. When you get a moment, go back and listen to what our traveling companions have to say. While there is certainly some debate among these outstanding leaders, there’s a core of consistently as well. As Tonia stated “don’t miss the sideway opportunities” and she is right. (Read more online)

Don’t waste this recession!—Posted April 11, 2011 http://www.altruisticleadership.com/2011/04/dont-waste-this-recession/ Recently I’ve received several emails from former colleagues, who were informed that their positions are being “eliminated.” One particular email was laced with fear throughout. They were so very afraid and here’s why… (Read more online)

Where is your job security?—Posted April 22, 2011 http://www.altruisticleadership.com/2011/04/where-is-your-job-security/ People are facing career issues—no doubt. Headlines highlight it, spotlight it, and try to explain it. All of this leads us to believe that jobs (recall what that stands-for) will be more transient in the future than they have been in the past. As many people have found out, over the long haul you cannot look to your company for... (Read more online)


Credits, Resources, and Recommendations The source documents below were those used in the research this whitepaper. Original publication dates are stated. I highly recommend you obtain, read, and savor these resources. The authors, sites, & contributors are some of the best in my opinion. Report: Go Where There Be Dragons: Leadership Essentials for 2020 and Beyond by The Conference Board—Council Perspectives: Insight from The Conference Board on Leadership Development, Organizational Learning, HR & Talent Management Diversity and Inclusion. Published: 2010 e-Book: The Bootstrapper's Bible based on the book of the same name. Author: Godin, Seth; Publisher: Do You Zoom, Inc.: Copyright 2001; you can print out the eBook; you can share the eBook. Here‟s my special note: When you purchase this book, 50% of the cover price (Seth‟s share) of every copy purchased from Amazon.com goes directly to charity, with no deductions on his part. Book: What’ Stopping You? Shatter the 9 Most Common Myths keep You from Starting Your Own Business by Bruce R. Barringer, R. Duane Ireland; Publisher: FT Press; Published: 2008 Book: The Truth About Starting A Business—“What does it mean to do what you truly want to do?” by Bruce Barringer; FT Press; Published: 2009 Book: Exploiting Chaos: 150 Ways to Spark Innovation During Times of Change by Jeremy Gutsche; Publisher: Penguin Group USA; Published: 2009 Book: Race and Entrepreneurial Success: Black-, Asian-, and White-owned Businesses in the United States by Robert W. Fairlie, Alicia M. Robb; Publisher: MIT Press; Published: 2008 Book: Crush It! Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuk Publisher: HarperCollins; Published: 2009 Manifesto: Brainwashed—Seven way to reinvent yourself from the book: Linchpin—Are You Indispensable? By Seth Godin; Manifesto Publisher: ChangeThis; Born: 2010 Book: The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki Publisher: The Penguin Group; Published: 2004 Book: One Person / Multiple Careers: How “The Slash Effect” Can Work For You by Marci Laborer Publisher: Warner Business Books; Published: 2007 Manifesto: Looking Around the Corner from the book The New Experts by Robert H. Bloom; Manifesto Publisher: ChangeThis; Born: 2010


Key Leadership Websites: Altruistic Leadership—Leadership development with a twist! http://www.altruisticleadership.com Take-A-Lesson: Uncovering Hidden Mentors for Diverse Leaders http://www.blogtalkradio.com/altruisticleadership The Economic Policy Institute—The Data Zone http://www.epi.org/resources/datazone_index/ ChangeThis—Manifesto’s must read! http://changethis.com/ John C. Maxwell—enough said! http://johnmaxwellonleadership.com/ Meet the Boss—Executive Leadership Interviews http://www.meettheboss.tv/ Harvard Business Review http://hbr.org/ Knowledge@Wharton http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/index.cfm LeadershipJournal.Net http://www.christianitytoday.com/le/


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