Brochure Humana

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Humana People to People

“Development - it is about fostering new generations with golden hearts and heads and hands.� (The Humana People to People Charter)

In response to the pressing issues facing mankind, members of the Federation implement a number of programs. They include education, community development, fighting HIV & AIDS, agriculture, food security and protection of the environment.

Protecting the environment through collection, processing and sale of second hand clothes

Educating the children and youth

Organizing families to improve their own living conditions

Training farmers to increase income

Individual counseling to control HIV/AIDS

“When being a grown up means never becoming old, we become part of the struggle against the plague and the war.� (The Humana People to People Charter)

“The Federation for Associations connected to the International HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE Movement”, (Humana People to People) is an international membership organization, which currently comprises 32 national associations working in 42 countries. The Humana People to People Movement places itself in the frontline of the struggle for development. The movement is built on the understanding of people as a decisive force in creating development.

More than 265 projects

Where we work ANGOLA




























“When life cannot be lived, hardly even survived, we place ourselves in the line of fire. With our thoughts, our words, our deeds.” (The Humana People to People Charter)

Through 265 projects, members of the Federation benefit 10 million people and employ more than 9,000 staff on an annual basis. The people engaged in Humana People to People’s development efforts are trained and equipped with tools and knowledge enabling them to transform their dreams and wishes for a better world into practical actions.

in 42 countries Humana People to People maintains Solidary Humanism as a basis for its International efforts.




United Kingdom


United States







“When hunger acts as a loyal companion to the dying child, we cry. From the tears we water the new rice. We build places for children.” (The Humana People to People Charter)

Training of Teachers There is an unfulfilled need for teachers for the rural areas in most developing countries. Over the past 15 years Humana People to People member associations have trained highly qualified and dedicated primary school teachers to take up positions in the countryside. In partnership with the Governments of Angola, Malawi and Mozambique, 23 colleges have been established, graduating more than 2,200 teachers annually. So far, 6,500 teachers have completed the training and received a certificate issued by the respective Ministries of Education qualifying them to serve in Government Primary Schools. The two and a half year education represents a life changing program of training and experiences. From 2009 the education will be one year in Mozambique. The education includes practice periods in primary schools, where the would-be teacher learns the skills of teaching and becomes equipped to meet the challenges of being a teacher in a rural setting. At the One World University in Mozambique, instructors for the teacher training colleges earn their bachelor degrees. “Fighting with the Poor” is the second department at the same university.

“We want to see loving and caring, responsible, creative and engaged grown ups as the basic element of the feeling of security for the life of every child.” (The Humana People to People Charter)

Food Security & Fighting with the Poor Farmers Club The Farmers Club program organizes and builds capacity in small-scale farmers to improve their living conditions by increasing productivity, crop quality and linking farmers to viable markets. The program introduces improved agricultural techniques and provides a forum to develop the skills and experience of participating farmers.The program puts focus on improved soil management and introduction of organic farming methods alongside better water access and protection of the environment. Farmers Club Projects are operated in Angola China, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Guinea Bissau benefiting a total of 47.800 farmers and 230.000 family members.

Child Aid / Community Development The Child Aid program builds the capacity of 3,000 families and their communities to work towards the common goal of improving their children’s lives. The project is all-inclusive, and recognizes that in order to nurture children successfully, the entire community must be strengthened. Families are brought together to address a range of community development issues, including health, income, education, municipal development, environmental awareness, and greater opportunity for children. 52 Child Aid projects are operated in 15 countries, benefiting more than 290.000 families.

“When water dies from the burning bacteria, we drill even deeper, we clean better, we organize health groups.� (The Humana People to People Charter)

Educating the Young and the Children Vocational Schools The Vocational Schools offer young people training in a number of demanding theoretical and practical subjects, comprising a secondary education as well as basic vocational training. This provides the students with a solid foundation to pursue further studies and to start a professional life. Agriculture, Carpentry, Mechanics, Construction and Business management are some of the many vocational subjects introduced. Today, members of the Federation operate 11 Vocational Schools providing education to more than 1,500 youth on a yearly basis.

Primary and Secondary Schools

Humana People to People’s schools for children started as a part of the Child Aid programs in 1990, targeting the street children from some of the large cities. In both Angola and Mozambique the wars had resulted in many children being displaced in their own country.The idea was to create quality primary school opportunities for street children who had dropped out of school. Today, members of the Federation operate 14 Schools for 9,000 children including street kids and otherwise vulnerable children.

Children’s Towns The Children’s Towns Projects provide education and vocational skills to orphans and former street children. During the course of the program, participants transform themselves from being shy, abused, and often traumatized individuals, into bright and skilled human beings, full of potential. 3 Children’s Towns are operated in Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe benefiting 1,225 children on an annual basis. The projects also reach out to more than 10,000 vulnerable children from surrounding communities.

Fighting to Control HIV & AIDS Total Control of the Epidemic (TCE) Total Control of the Epidemic (TCE) operates within geographical areas of 100,000 people over a three year period to provide individual counseling and mobilization of people in the area. Through the program individuals are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to take control of HIV/AIDS. Operationally, the TCE model involves recruiting, training and deploying 50 local Field Officers in each area of 100,000 people. The Field Officer walks through his/her field of 2,000 people to visit households, schools and businesses. The Field Officer facilitates an open dialogue about HIV and promotes decisions on safe sexual behavior, mobilizes people to become volunteers (Passionates), and assists in establishing small scale enterprises. In a number of countries, Field Officers are trained and certified by the Ministries of Health to conduct field testing and provide post test counseling. Through the engagement of every single person, cooperation with existing infrastructures, and the community at large, TCE forges crucial links with government interventions at national and local level. Since its inception, TCE has proven effective throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as in areas of India and China reaching over 8 million beneficiaries. TCE is funded by a range of different agencies such as National AIDS Councils, The Global Fund, The World Bank, CDC, USAID/PEPFAR, USDA, Johnson & Johnson and other national and international entities.

HOPE Humana People to People The HOPE projects support people with HIV. From the Hope Centers the projects conduct many and varied activities like VCT, positive living clubs, lessons in home based care, nutrition, and much more – all needed in the fight against AIDS and in dealing with the consequences of the AIDS epidemic.

“Look right into the face of AIDS and you will realize, that only the concerted effort from all spheres of society with the Solidary Humanism as a vital platform can hope to help, support, prolong, assist, encourage all involved parties.” (The Humana People to People Charter)

Protecting the environment with collection, processing and sale of Second Hand Clothes During the last 30 years members of Humana People to People in Europe, the United States and Canada have built a large scale income generating system: collection and sale of second hand clothing. Through 26,000 collection boxes placed in cities and towns across the countries, millions of people have the opportunity to contribute to development by donating their used clothes and shoes. Through this business model Humana People to People turns zero value into considerable value. Reusing the clothes instead of discarding of them in land fills protects the environment, and when the donated clothes are sold the surplus is used in support of development programs world wide. Part of the collected clothing is sold on the commercial markets. Another part is shipped by sea to Africa, where Humana People to People associations sort and sell the clothes at affordable prices. In this way income is generated locally for the many social programs while also creating a large number of jobs and stimulating economic growth in the receiving countries.

Development Instructors The Development Instructor program constitutes a vital part of the Humana People to People Movement. Seeing development as a global effort, Humana People to People invites people to contribute in person through volunteer work at one of many projects in Africa, Asia or Latin America. Trained for 6 months before starting their work at the projects, thousands of Europeans, Americans, Asians and Africans have over the years contributed their impressive share and upon return to their home country they have contributed significantly to build positive attitudes in the public towards the challenges of development.

Frontline Institute Frontline Institute in Zimbabwe builds capacity in future project leaders to work in the Humana People to People Movement. The students are from Africa, Latin America and Asia.

Partnership in Development Partnership in Development constitutes an important element in financing Humana People to People’s activities. The members of Humana People to People implement projects with funds from among others:

Multilateral donors The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Unicef, The UN Democracy Fund, European Commision, Asian Development Bank and The World Bank. Governments MFA Holland, Governments of Angola, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Malawi, Namibia and Zambia, USAID/Pepfar, MFA Spain (AECID), MFA Denmark (DANIDA), MFA Finland, USDA, US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Ambassadors’ Girls Scholarship Program (USAID), National AIDS Councils in several countries. Local government: Generalitat Valenciana, City of Madrid, Provincial Governments in Angola, Provincial Governments in South Africa, Local Governments in India. Companies: Johnson & Johnson, Nokia, Exxon-Mobil Corporation, Sonangol, StatoilHydro, Mozal, BHP Billiton. Foundations: Fundacion Caja Navarra, Audemars Piquet, FACT Foundation (Fuels from Agriculture in Communal Technology), Toyota Foundation, W.K.Kellogg Foundation, Beit Trust, Waterloo Foundation. NGO’s: World Vision, Family Health International (FHI), Population Services International (PSI), ADRA, Water Aid, Concern International, Practical Action, Children First, Light for the World.

“The cause of development accepts the smallest contribution. The dangers of development and the risks involved on the road ahead give credit to the courageous and accept the mishaps as an integral part. We have learnt that nobody is so good that they can exclude someone else.” (The Humana People to People Charter)

Let’s get things done!

The Federation for Associations connected to the International Humana People to People Movement Europe Austria: HUMANA People to People - Verein fur Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Perfektastrasse 83, 1230 Wien. Tel. +43 1 869 38 13, Fax +43 1 869 38 13 E-mail:,

DRC: Humana People to People Congo, Rue Katako Kombe

Bulgaria: Humana Bulgaria , 50, 9002 Varna.

Guinea-Bissau: Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo na Guiné-Bissau, Bairro Cupelum de Baixo, C.P. 420. Tel. +245 68 53323 / +245 66 32359 E-mail:,

Tel.+359 526 486 65, Fax +359 526 486 65 E-mail:,

Denmark: U-landshjælp fra Folk til Folk - Humana People to People, Lindersvoldvej 5, 4640 Fakse. Tel. +45 28 40 88 91 E-mail:, Estonia: Ühendus Humana Estonia, Betooni põik 8, 11415 Tallinn. Tel. +372 601 2945, Fax. +372 601 2955 E-mail:,

Finland: Landsföreningen U-landshjälp från Folk till Folk i Finland r.f., UFF Finland, Järvihaantie 12, 01800 Klaukkala. Tel. 35 89 276 47 60, Fax. 35 89 276 476 10 E-mail:,

Germany: Humana People to People Deutschland e.V., Waldhausstrasse 7, 51069 Köln. Tel. +49 221 500 04 56, E-mail: Holland: Stichting Humana, Postbus 65, 3980 CB Bunnik. Tel. +31 30 657 00 09, Fax. +31 30 656 14 55 E-mail:, Italy: Humana People to People Italia ONLUS, Via Aldo Moro 5, 20010 Pogliano Milanese, (MI). Tel. +39 2 935 440 00, Fax +39 2 935 429 77 E-mail:,

Lithuania: Humana People to People Baltic, Kirtimu g. 47, 2028 Vilnius. Tel/Fax +370 5 264 10 58 E-mail:,

Norway: U-landshjelp fra Folk til Folk Norge,

Farexveien - Lindeberg, 2016 Frogner. Tel: +47 906 65 986 E-mail:,

Poland: Humana People to People Polska, 3-812

Warszawa, ul. Kamionkowska 35. Tel. +48 22 4283554, fax: +48 22 398 78 44 E-mail:,

Portugal: Associação HUMANA, Brejos do Lobo, Alto Estanqueiro - Jardia, 2870 Montijo. Tel. +351 21 280 15 87, Fax: +351 21 280 15 86 E-mail:, Slovakia: Martin Textile Trading s.r.o., Sucianska Cesta 31, 03608 Martin. Tel. 00421434303224, Fax 00421434303226 Email:, Spain: Humana Spain, Polígono Industrial Monguit, C/Tona 1-5, 08480 l’Ametlla del Vallès, Barcelona. Tel. +34 93 840 21 82, Fax +34 93 840 28 19 E-mail:, Sweden: Biståndsföreningen HUMANA Sverige Industrihuset - Kalmarleden 56, 746 30 Bålsta. Tel. +46 7025 43625 E-mail:,

No. 31, Q/Ma Campagne, C/Ngaliema Kinshasa. Tel : +243 81 161 5225 E-mail :,

Malawi: DAPP-Malawi, Post Office Box 2732, Blantyre. Tel: +265 1 834 277, Fax: + 265 1 830 740 Email:, Mozambique: Associação Moçambicana para a Ajuda de

Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo, Centro No Caminho da Vitoria, Rua Berta Caiado, C.P. 489, Machava, Maputo. Tel. +258 1 750 106, Fax +258 21 75 01 07 E-mail:,

Namibia: DAPP in Namibia, Windhoek Office, Blenkinsop

Street 6, Windhoek North, P.O. BOX 26660, Windhoek. Tel/ Fax: + 264 61 258220 E-mail:,

South Africa: Humana People to People South Africa, 5/11 Richmond Road, Pinetown 3605. P.O. Box 15339, Ashwood 3605. Tel: +27 31 701 9280 E-mail:,

Zambia: DAPP in Zambia, P.O.Box 70505, Luneta Rd. 10, Northrise, Ndola. Tel/Fax +260 212 620 057 E-mail:, Zimbabwe: DAPP in Zimbabwe, Park Estate, Shamva,

P.O. Box 4657,Harare. Tel. +00263 912 419 703, Fax. 263 4 25 11 58 E-mail:,

The Americas Belize: Humana People to People Belize, Monkey River Rd. (Independence), Toledo District, Belize. CA, Mail to: 12 Albert Street West, P.O.Box 1728, Belize City. Tel. +501 678 9943, Fax: +501 520 3984 Email:, Brazil: Humana Povo para Povo Brasil, Avenida Monte Sante, 296, Cansancao - BA, Brazil, CEP 48.840.000 Tel: +55 62 9664 1000 Email:, Canada: Planet Aid Canada, Inc, 132 Marion St. #2, M6R 1E7, Toronto, Ontario. Tel: +1 647 866 2269 Email:, Ecuador: Humana Pueblo a Pueblo - Ecuador, Circunvalación Norte 401B, Urdesa, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Tel. +593 4 238 2782 E-mail: USA: Planet Aid, Inc., 8919 McGaw Ct.# 4-6, Columbia, MD 21045. Tel: + 1 (202) 386 2128 E-mail:,


United Kingdom: Planet Aid UK Ltd, 33 Maylan Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, Northants. NN17 4DR. Tel. +44 1536 400 721, Fax +44 1536 400060 E-mail:,

China: Humana People to People Cooperation Project Office of Yunnan Province, 199 Chuanjin Rd., 650 051 Kunming, Yunnan. Tel: (86) 871 512 4716, Fax (86) 871 516 9035 Email:,


India: Humana People to People India, C - 183, Madhuban,

Angola: Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo em Angola, Rua João de Barros nº. 28, antigo escritórios do PAM, Luanda. Tel +244 923 45 4692 E-mail:,

Botswana: Humana People to People Botswana, Plot 22085, G/West Industrial, Gaborone, P/Bag 00149, Suite 245, Gaborone. Tel: +267 391 36 50 , Fax: +267 391 36 87, E-mail:,

Preet Vihar, Delhi -110092, New Delhi. Tel. +91 11 329 477 34, Fax +91 11-22466386 E-mail:,

Please Contact: The Federation for Associations connected to the International Humana People to People Movement Contact in Europe: Avenue Louis-CasaÏ 18, CH-1209 Geneva, Switzerland Phone: + 41 22 747 7540

International HQ in Zimbabwe: PO Box 6345, Harare, Zimbabwe. Phone + 263 912 420 420


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