Aspects January 2016

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Aspects Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016  1

Book heading title Book heading title Body text

Vice Chancellor’s message – Page 3

2015 Graduations – Page 12

Alumni benefits and services – Page 26

The alumni magazine from Anglia Ruskin University January 2016

2  Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016

A very warm welcome to all our alumni.




Cover image: Mark Coulier – Success in Business winner

In this issue Alumni News

Our Latest News

03 The Vice Chancellor Welcome message from Professor Michael Thorne

09 Our alumni are making a difference Updates from our alumni

04 Welcome A message to alumni from Helen Arnott, Alumni Officer

10 Off the bookshelf Our published alumni and staff

04 Your letters A selection of emails and letters received from our alumni 05 Art star Alumna Zoe Richter’s Cepheus Parchment Scroll sculpture 06 The longest running reunion? Alumnus Tony Archers’ trip down memory lane with fellow alumni 08 We’re proud of what you’ve achieved Alumnus Jason Williams is keeping connected

12 Record numbers at 2015 graduations A look back on recent graduations 13 OBE for our academic Celebrations for Professor Helen Odell-Miller 13 Success in Business winner Alumnus Mark Coulier presented with award 14 Our new Honorary Award holders Sixteen individuals recognised for their outstanding achievements

16 Our news Updates from our faculties 20 Upcoming events Dates for your diary 20 Obituary The life of Roy Pitchford, Music Lecturer at CCAT 21 Making a difference An update on how you can make a difference at Anglia Ruskin 22 Postgraduate study £1,000 discount to alumni for postgraduate study at ARU 24 University statistics Keeping you informed 25 Build your career Update from Employability Services 26 Services for you An update on benefits and services available to you

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The Vice Chancellor This will be the last edition of the Alumni eMagazine for which I shall write an introduction, since I am retiring at the end of March after more than nine years at the helm of Anglia Ruskin University. What a privilege it has been to lead such an incredibly ambitious academic institution and what a wonderful and delightful community of alumni, staff and students it is. Without doubt this has been the best job I have ever had. My successor is Professor Iain Martin, currently Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of New South Wales in Australia – though he hales originally from Wales. He is a surgeon with a distinguished academic background which will fit in very well indeed with our Postgraduate Medical Institute and our plans to expand the range and depth of our work in medicine. I have spoken to Iain extensively and he is very personable, well informed about the current UK situation and comes across as a visionary with a clear view of where he would like to take Anglia Ruskin in the future. I am confident that even more exciting times are coming for your university. Iain takes over midMarch so that there is a handover period.. Being my last, this year’s graduation ceremonies were even more special than

usual. Record numbers came to graduate accompanied by record numbers of their guests. As you will see from the article about our ‘Wall of Frames’ (this was a photo booth positioned at the post-ceremony receptions for graduates and guests to use) these were very lively occasions. All of those receiving honorary degrees commented favourably on the team spirit represented by loud cheering and applause for those crossing the graduation stage quite unlike, we were told, graduations elsewhere. It was humbling to recognise the achievement of our Success in Business award winner Mark Coulier and you can read all about just how far he has travelled since graduating on our website, here. We also offer you the usual updates about progress in our individual faculties. It is only when you look back that you realise just how far we have travelled. When I started at Anglia Ruskin in 2007 it had 23,970 students and a turnover of £110million while today it has 39,411 students and a turnover of £200million. It was, of course, named Entrepreneurial University of the Year in 2014. Following the most recent government assessment of university research Anglia Ruskin University was found to have 12 areas of world leading research and research funding from government doubled. As well as achieving Investors in People awards, we have had continual Customer Service Excellence awards and achieved the

ISO14001, an environmental management certification, since 2009. Overall student satisfaction has increased from 66% to 85%. While many universities are struggling with finances following the government’s lifting of the cap on UK student recruitment, Anglia Ruskin has achieved its budget every year since I joined and invested some £150million in new buildings. In our 2015 Staff Survey 88% said it is a good place to work, a most gratifying figure given all the changes a succession of UK governments have imposed on the UK university sector and how much harder everyone in the UK university sector is expected to work every year as a result. Another article in this edition describes the joy of an alumnus’ reunion with fellow students from forty years ago. Retirement will mean that I shall have more control over my own diary and, as a colleague put it so well, I shall be able to read real books (not government circulars) during the hours of daylight. However I am not expecting to leave the academic stage entirely so do please say hello if our paths cross. What we have in common is that you have been lucky to study here and I have been lucky to work here. I wish you every good wish for the future.

Professor Michael Thorne Vice Chancellor

When I started at Anglia Ruskin in 2007 it had 23,970 students and a turnover of £110million while today it has 39,411 students and a turnover of £200million.

4  Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016

Welcome Your letters Happy New Year and a very special welcome to our new 2015 graduates. We would like to thank our new graduates for their National Student Survey feedback which, for the second year in succession, rated our courses among the most intellectually stimulating in the country and our lecturers have been rated among the most enthusiastic and interesting in the country. Our graduates are also among the most confident in the country, helping them secure graduate level jobs. Since our last edition, we have conferred more than 13,000 awards at our recent graduation ceremonies and have awarded 16 new Honoraries. You can review our favourite photos of the occasion and can read more about our new Honoraries on pages 14–15. We’re proud to share that Professor Helen Odell-Miller has been awarded an OBE and we’ve just received word that alumnus, Neil Clephan, has also received an OBE. You can read about both of their achievements on page 13. We must also thank Professor Michael Thorne for his service as Vice Chancellor for the past nine years. We very much look forward to an interesting and exciting year with new leadership from Professor Iain Martin. We anticipate there will be lots of promising events ahead. Helen, Alumni Officer

Dear Anglia Alumni I graduated back in 1991 from English and European Thought & Literature (ELT) and went on to have a successful academic career which has brought me, at the start of this academic year, to a professorship at Yale University. This is me. I will never forget my inspiring lecturers at Anglia Ruskin (Anglia Polytechnic as it was called when I graduated), to whom I owe my love of ideas and my success as a scholar. Best wishes Stephanie Newell (Cambridge) BA Humanities & Social Studies 1991

I graduated with BA (Hons) Applied Accounting and then went on to do my Masters in Accounting and Finance from University of Kent. Now I am working as an associate auditor with Ernst and Young Riyadh. Indeed it’s down to the skills and expertise I gained at ARU that helped me progress well and land in my dream job. I would love to feature in ARU alumni magazine to inspire with my story and give a valuable insight into my amazing experience at an amazing university. Muhammad Shammaz Hamid (London) BA (Hons) Applied Accounting 2013

It’s so lovely to still feel part of what I will always remember, a wonderful community. Anglia Ruskin was an incredible place to study. I don’t think I’d ever change my decision of studying law with ALSS. From day one, I always felt supported and never did I feel I needed to hesitate if I needed any help or assistance. All lecturers and support staff went above and beyond to make us feel well supported and what I loved the most was the ‘open door policy’ of all lecturers, which definitely made life a lot easier. I went on to win a few awards with the university. During my second year, I won the Mills and Reeves award for the ‘Best Second Year LLB Student’ and Sweet and Maxwells award for the ‘Most Outstanding Second Year Performance’ and in my third year the Mills and Reeve award for the ‘Best Third Year LLB Student’. My final year dissertation was actually based on a heartwarming family issue, it was something I was so passionate about and again, I was supported all the way through. I will forever be grateful to study with ARU, for the opportunity that ARU gave me to expand my horizons with no restrictions at all – thank you all ever so much. Binita Thobhani (Cambridge) LLB (Hons) Law 2013

We are always pleased to receive your emails and letters. Please note that letters are sometimes edited, but never changed.

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Art star Cambridge School of Art alumna goes stellar with astronomical installation June 2015 saw the unveiling of Cambridge School of Art alumna Zoe Richter’s Cepheus Parchment Scroll at the Cambridge Institute of Astronomy. Mark Hurn (Departmental Librarian at Institute of Astronomy), opened the artwork. His opening ceremony included a short poem he had written about Zoe’s work, which is entitled The Seat of Cepheus, and is a scroll-shaped sculpture which can also be used as seating. Zoe said “the piece has a musical quality in its form from the side view, its beautiful shape is enhanced only by this 1801 star map of Cepheus by Joannis Elerti Bode which is specifically positioned so you can sit on the sculpture and gaze up at Cepheus in the nights sky”. At the beginning of September, BBC’s Sky at Night programme filmed an interview with Dr Stuart Clark (Astronomy journalist for the Guardian) and Dr Helen Fry, (Mathematician) on the sculptured seat. The interview aired on BBC 4 Sunday 13 September at 10.00pm and again on Thursday 17 September at 7.30pm. The relationship between Anglia Ruskin and the Cambridge Institute of Astronomy is thanks to a site-specific project established by Douglas Teal when he was Head of Fine Art.

This summer also saw a two monthlong joint art exhibition by Zoe and fellow artist and partner Martin Richter. It was held in Huntingdon at the Commemoration Hall. Artwork included sculpture, oils, watercolours, gouache, digital photography, short films and digital sculpture. The response was so positive that they have been asked to exhibit again next year. The Cepheus Parchment Scroll is now a permanent installation at the Institute of Astronomy and everyone is welcome to come and take a look and sit on the sculpture. Zoe Richter (Cambridge) BA (Hons) Fine Art 2014

Zoe Richter’s Cepheus Parchment Scroll

6  Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016

The longest running reunion?

l–r back row: Richard Durban, Jim Hardy, Chris Hunter, Geoff Lavers. l–r front row: Rod Eggleton, Greg Alvey, Tony Archer, Kevin Harris.

A few names to consider – Tony Archer, Rod Eggleton, Richard ‘Dick’ Durban, Greg Alvey, Geoff Lavers, Chris Hunter, Jim Hardy, Gordon Bell, Kevin Harris, John Berry, Bobby Osbourne. If any of these names strike a chord, you must have been studying at the forerunner of Anglia Ruskin, CCAT. (Cambridge College of Arts and Technology) in the early to mid 1970s. I often read with interest in my copy of the alumni magazine of various reunions taking place, and was prompted to recount our own ‘reunion’, which for those of us from the list above who graduated in 1975, reaches its 40th year this year! After we graduated, most left Cambridge

to pursue their lives/careers in all parts of the UK. Personally, I’d seen too many highly educated kitchen porters at Addenbrokes, so hot footed it back to my roots in Leeds! Wherever we went, or whatever careers we embarked upon, we all agreed that we mustn’t lose touch. As such, we initially returned to Cambridge on an annual basis to meet up and catch up. Of course there has to be a pretence for drinking too much, and recounting the old stories, so we used to play the existing College team at rugby. As the bodies became, shall we say, less flexible, these get-togethers relocated to Elmdon cricket club who we used to play whilst at college, and many agreeable weekends were enjoyed there. Even back then when it may have only been a few years since we left CCAT, Elmdon were amazed we were still keeping in touch, and always laid on a terrific BBQ, and well stocked beer cellar! After a while ‘Old Boys’ started bringing

girlfriends, who turned in to fiancé’s, and before too long the first pushchairs were featuring. At this juncture it became difficult to carry on as before, and whilst people still kept in touch on an individual basis, with weddings, christenings etc., the concept of a full blown ‘Old Boys’ Weekend’ took a bit of a back seat. As the kids grew up and ‘taxi duties’ eased, Richard Durban came up with the idea of a golf weekend, and suddenly the ‘Old Boys’ were back. The first event featured four of us, fifteen years ago, and we are now up to nine – Richard, Rod Eggleton, myself, Greg Alvey, Geoff Lavers, Jim Hardy, Chris Hunter, Kevin Harris, and Gordon Bell (pictured above). Richard, Rod, Chris and Kevin are the true golfers, and the rest of us get around without causing too much embarrassment. As always, it’s another excuse to meet up and tell the same

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1975 (l–r) Richard Durban, Chris ‘Happy Hall’, Tony Archer, Rod Eggelton, and Greg Alvey.

Tony and his friends (same people as in the image above) in 2010, reenacting a game they used to play at, what was then, the ABC, their college club.

stories from all those years ago, sing the same songs, but maybe drink slightly less as time catches up on us. The final development of all this came about six years ago, when we all met up in Cambridge for a couple of days to celebrate some milestone or other. The difference this time was that partners/ wives attended. The event was so enjoyable (though some of the stories may have been watered down slightly in mixed company!) that we have added this to the May golf event as a regular feature, usually towards the end of September.

Geoff Lavers has kindly been the chief organiser, and so far we’ve met up in such diverse places as Stratford, Harrogate, Salisbury, and Gisburn near Cliteroe. It’s great fun and the ‘other halves’ seem to be getting on as well as the original CCATers. We have a good look around the town we’re staying at, a couple of meals, and a good ‘yomp’ on the second morning to keep us out of the pub as long as possible. This year we’re in King’s Lynn, and the group is up to 20.

It’s often said that going away to college is not just about the education, but about learning about yourself, and making long lasting, meaningful, and special friendships. Certainly true in our cases! It’s often said that going away to college is not just about the education, but about learning about yourself, and making long lasting, meaningful, and special friendships. Certainly true in our cases! Hope you’re as lucky as we were. Tony Archer (Cambridge) Cambridge College of Arts & Technology 1975 Do you still meet up with your old university friends? Why not tell us all about it?

Photo: Daniel Ackerley

8  Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016

We’re proud of what you’ve achieved

Jay Williams, Musician I studied a joint Sociology and English Literature degree between 1992–1995 on the Cambridge campus, and had a great time, on a fascinating course. I clearly remember the Sociology freshers gathering, as I walked into a room that contained nearly everyone that appeared in the photograph on the back of the A level Sociology text book I’d studied – and I could take you to the seat in the Mumford Theatre where I had my first English lecture. I can honestly say my experiences on the course continue to inform me to this day. During my time at Anglia I played in bands with a number of fellow students, resulting in a number of Peel sessions, and main stage slots at festivals, including several appearances at Glastonbury, Latitude, SXSW in Texas, and the Cambridge Folk Festival – the album ‘Welcome Home Loser’ (The Broken Family Band) appeared in the Guardian’s ‘1000 records you should hear before you die’.

I recently brought together a group of musicians to make an ambitious double vinyl album by means of crowd funding, and later discovered that nearly every single person involved (around 50) have some connection with Anglia Ruskin University. The album covers much of the music I love. Along with a brass section, orchestral strings, an opera singer and the usual rock band set up, the album also contains in-utero scan sounds of the baby of one of my house mates at University. You can buy a copy on gatefold vinyl, or CD here. Listen here.

have two boys aged 5 and 10. Search for me on Facebook and drop me a line, as I’d love to hear from old college friends. Jason Williams (Cambridge) Sociology and English Literature 1995

I’m currently working on two new albums, a 70’s Fleetwood Mac style album, and a hard rock album I’ve been meaning to make since my teens. I made many great friends at Anglia, and though they have since spread across the country we remain in contact, and I’m pleased to say I have attended many of their weddings, and met lots of their wonderful offspring. I fell in love with Cambridge during my three year course, and live in a village one stop down the line, happily married for 10 years, and

Reconnect Is there someone you would like to get back in touch with? Contact us and we’ll try to help.

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Our alumni are making a difference

Lloyd Amsdon

Eddie Law

Aisha Gaido

Lloyd Amsdon co-founded Watchfinder, a retail company that specialises in selling pre-owned luxury watches, with a value of watches sold to date, of over £165m.

Eddie Law is a lawyer and founded the eLawyer internet-based recruitment service in Malaysia.

Congratulations to Aisha who has won a regional award for her leadership skills. Aisha won the Student Leader of the Year category at the Quality in Education and Training Awards held this October.

Watchfinder has won several awards for its business success, including the ‘UK Jewellery Awards’ and ‘Online Retail Awards’ and has made it onto The Sunday Times ‘Fast Track 100’ list. The company can be found online here and there are also stores in London, Bluewater, Kent and Leeds as well as a concession in Harvey Nichols, Knightsbridge. Lloyd Amsdon (Cambridge) BA (Hons) History 1995

Eddie has just been named as ‘one of the top 30 most important people in legal circles in the Asia Pacific’ by Asia Law Portal. According to Asia Law Portal, Eddie is one of only three Malaysians who made the list of top 30 influencers within the legal industry. Eddie’s eLawyer Blog Forum was also listed as one of the 12 Blogs to follow in Asia in 2015. Eddie is also our Malaysian Ambassador and he has assisted us with many events over the years and has been invaluable in helping to organise our next Malaysian event, to celebrate the 25 year anniversary of Anglia Ruskin University in Malaysia. This event is an Anniversary Dinner, which takes place on 27 January at the Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur Hotel. You can read more about this event in our next publication. Eddie Law (Chelmsford) BA (Hons) Law 1999

Aisha, who graduated with a BSc (Hons) Nursing degree this year, spent September volunteering in Tanzania, both in a local hospital and a rural Maasai clinic. Her main objective was looking into issues associated with female genital mutilation. Aisha said: “My vision is always to enhance humanity where and how I can. At Anglia Ruskin this saw me take up a number of roles to achieve this, to not only empower service users but my fellow students too.” Aisha Gaido (Chelmsford) BSc (Hons) Nursing 2015

10  Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016

Off the bookshelf Written a book? Let us know so we can highlight it in the next eMagazine. Buying Revolution

world history. Buying processes change more rapidly than sales processes. Therefore, businesses have to comply to changing behaviors. Currently 93 percent of buyers began their buying processes online. This situation requires that marketing and sales activities should be a harmonious body. The only solution is to embrace digitalisation and to utilize marketing automation services in order to receive a competitive edge in the marketplace. By great online content businesses can create hot leads for sales persons, and by big data businesses can monitor the market environment. Jukka has also written another book, released last July entitled Luksus – strategia, markkinointi ja myynti (Luxury – Strategy, Marketing and Sales) and this too is available to purchase online.

Alumnus Jukka Aminoff and co-writer Mika D. Rubanovitsch have written a book on how buying processes have changed and how sales processes should respond to this. The book is written in Finnish and was launched at an event at Hanken Business School in Helsinki, on 13 November 2015 and has since been promoted at the Helsinki Book Fair 2015 which was held at Akateeminen Kirjakauppa, the largest bookstore in Northern Europe.

Jukka Aminoff (Cambridge) MA Marketing and Innovation 2012

Danger from the Skies

The book, called Ostovallankumous is available to purchase online and you can find out more about their publication here. For more information about Jukka, you can view his website here.

“Are catastrophic impacts upon the Earth’s surface the major driving-force of Evolution? Cuvier vs Darwin: do we need to revise our understanding of the Origin of Species? Are asteroids really a significant threat to life on Earth? Or is their role in extinction over-stated? Is mankind’s nemesis lurking unsuspected far beyond the orbits of Neptune and Pluto? When can we expect another major extinction event and what can we do to prevent it?”

Book description: Buyers are currently dominating the business market for the first time in the

Alumnus David Bryant has had his third book published, entitled Danger from the Skies. The book focuses on

an examination of the role of cometary impacts in global extinction events. David’s book is available to purchase online and you can find out more from his website here. David Bryant (Brentwood College of Education) Certificate in Education 1973

The Reality of Recovery in Personality Disorder Alumna Heather Castillo has published her second book titled The Reality of Recovery in Personality Disorder. Heather writes “As a former student at Anglia Ruskin University, I completed an MA and a PhD. The early 2000s proved to be a fertile time for innovation when the Department of Health allowed a kind of exploratory latitude in research and service development that I have not experienced before or since. This,

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Book description: Exploring the process of recovery from personality disorder and how this can be achieved, this research-based but highly readable book describes the successful community-based ways to support people after diagnosis, and the wider implications for mental ill health. Heather’s blog on the subject can be read here, and the book is available on Amazon here. Dr Heather Castillo (Cambridge) PhD Health and Social Care 2011

GIAnnA BoUchArd Principal lecturer in drama at Anglia ruskin University, cambridge, Uk.

Performance and Science InterdIscIplInary dIalogues Series editors: John Lutterbie (Stony Brook University, USa) and nicola Shaughnessy (University of Kent, UK)

Eva’s book is available on Amazon here.

Performance and the medical body edited by Gianna bouchard and alex mermikidies

edited by Gianna bouchard and alex mermikidies

Alex MerMIkIdes is senior lecturer in drama at kingston University, london, Uk.


In bringing together a variety of analytical perspectives, the book draws on scholars, scientists, artists and practices that are at the forefront of current creative and scientific research. Its exploration of the dynamics and exchange between performance and medicine will stimulate a widening of the debate around key issues such as subjectivity, patient narratives, identity, embodiment, agency, medical ethics, health and illness. In focusing on an interdisciplinary understanding of performance, the book examines the potential of performance and theatre to intervene in, shape, inform and extend vital debates around biomedical knowledge and practice in the contemporary moment.


This edited collection focuses on performance practice and analysis that engages with medical and biomedical sciences. After locating the ‘biologization’ of theatre at the turn of the twentieth century, it examines a range of contemporary practices that respond to understandings of the human body as revealed by biomedical science.

Performance and the Medical Body

Performance and the medical body

Alumna Eva Jordan has written a book titled 183 Times A Year, focusing on a social observation of family life. Inspired by her own experiences she wrote this book, “set amongst the thorny realities of today’s sometimes divided, often extended, modern family”, she says. Eva informs that it is through her degree at Anglia Ruskin that she began to believe she could aim high and set herself the goal of being a published author. Science

Heather also informs us that she was the runner up for Deputy Prime Minister’s Mental Health Hero Award 2015.

183 Times A Year


coupled with the inspiring guidance from Tutors at ARU, enabled me to publish two books and engage in research-based service development involving a very fraught area of mental health; personality disorder. My new book spans twenty years of research. I hope you will find it a stimulating story.”

Eva Jordan (Peterborough) BA (Hons) History and English Literature 2009 drama & Performance studies

Cover design by Louise Dugdale Cover image © xxxxxxxxx

ISBN 978-1-4725-7077-2

9 781472 570772


also available from Bloomsbury

Leader of the pack Alumnus Karl Scarr has become a five star Amazon rated author after publishing several books. His latest, a book titled Leader of the pack, focuses on canine behaviour within a pack of 56 wild dogs. It looks at the morphology, physiology, health and characteristics of today’s modern domesticated dog along with village strays. Karl’s book is available on Amazon here. Karl’s other books include Scarr’s Pocket Guide to Dogs – Aggression and Scarr’s Pocket Guide to Canine Diseases Karl Scarr (Cambridge) BSc (Hons) Zoology 2011

Anglia Ruskin lecturer Dr Gianna Bouchard has co-authored a book on Performance and the Medical Body. Book description: This edited collection focuses on performance practice and analysis that engages with medical and biomedical sciences. After locating the ‘biologization’ of theatre at the turn of the twentieth century, it examines a range of contemporary practices that respond to understandings of the human body as revealed by biomedical science. Dr Gianna Bouchard Deputy Head of Department Arts, Law and Social Sciences

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Record numbers at 2015 graduations Our 2015 graduations were held this September and October and were a great success, with record numbers. This year we introduced our ‘Wall of Frames’ – a large photo booth area, positioned at the post-ceremony receptions next to the Partyjazz Quartet and available for all our new graduates and their guests to take additional photos of their special day. Fun was had by all and it was a great opportunity for me, as your Alumni Officer, to meet so many of you and share in your achievements.

You can see the full gallery of photos on our Alumni Facebook page and if you’re one of our 2015 graduates and haven’t already, you can tag yourself in your photos. Click any of the images on this page and this will redirect you to our graduation albums.

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Professor receives OBE

Success in Business winner

Helen Odell-Miller is Professor of Music Therapy and Director of the Music for Health Research Centre. Helen has conducted research and clinical work into delivering the first randomised control feasibiity trial in music therapy for people with dementia across the UK and has conducted significant research in the area of music therapy and adult mental health with people with personality disorders. You can find out more about her work here.

Professor Helen Odell-Miller has been recognised in the New Year’s Honours list for her work in music therapy.

Music therapy uses improvised music to treat people suffering from learning difficulties, autism, dementia, depression and a whole range of mental disabilities. Music Therapy at Anglia Ruskin was established on the Cambridge campus in 1994 and, in addition to providing the first MA in Music Therapy training in the UK, the department is a centre for excellence in research. You can find out more about Music Therapy here.

Alumnus achieves OBE Congratulations to Neil Chephan (BA Languages, 1979) who has been awarded an OBE in the New Year’s Honours list. Neil achieved his OBE due to his service within the education sector and his ability as an inspirational Headteacher, assisting

through secondments at schools facing challenging circumstances. We look forward to keeping in touch with Neil and hope to meet him later in the year when he returns to Cambridge to visit us.

In our last Aspects edition, we told you about Mark Coulier, our 2015 Success in Business award winner. This edition, we are pleased to show you a photo of Mark with our Vice Chancellor, Professor Michael Thorne. Mark received his award at our Cambridge ceremony on 13 October at 3pm. Mark Coulier is the Creative Director of Coulier Creatures FX (www. – a leading makeup effects company, best known for the work on famous movies such as Harry Potter, The Iron Lady and most recently on In the Heart of the Sea, starring Chris Hemsworth. You can read more about Mark’s work and find out how to nominate someone to win our Alumni Success in Business 2016 award on our Alumni success stories webpage here. Deadlines for nominations is 6 May 2016. You can view Mark’s Success in Business acceptance speech by clicking on the photo above.

14  Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016

Geoff Sjogren

Jenny Hunt

Dr C Palanivelu

Caroline Haynes

Sir Thomas Hughes-Hallett

John Niland

Dr William Webb

Princess Elettra Marconi Giovanelli

Halima Khan

Dr Peter Zinovieff

Andy Hepworth

Sir Tim Smit KBE

Les Reed

Prof Karalyn Patterson

Andy Harter

Anders Holch Povlsen

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Honorary Award Holders 2015 This year we were delighted to appoint 16 new Honorary Award holders at our September and October 2015 ceremonies. We appoint Honoraries to act as role models to our current students and to inspire. Degrees are often conferred as a way of honouring individuals for their contributions to a specific field such as arts, charity, technology, health, sports, education and business. You can view our Honorary acceptance speeches by clicking on the photo of each Honorary.

Geoff Sjogren Honorary Doctor of Science Geoff is the National Chairman of the Institute of Decontamination Sciences. He has driven national education and qualification frameworks for the decontamination of medical devices throughout the UK. Jenny Hunt Honorary Doctor of Science Jenny is an innovator, facilitator and leader in the field of nursing. A former Director at the Nursing Research Initiative for Scotland, and a Visiting Professor of Nursing within our Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education.

Dr C Palanivelu Honorary Doctor of Science Dr Palanivelu is an internationally renowned surgeon, researcher, philanthropist, and Chairman of the Gastro Enterology Medical Hospital & Research Centre in the city of Coimbatore, Southern India. Caroline Haynes Honorary Doctor of Education Caroline is Principal of Tendring Technology College in Frinton-on-Sea, Essex. Caroline’s zero tolerance approach to disruptive pupils resulted in a dramatic improvement to examination results and a major contribution to continued Ofsted success. Sir Thomas Hughes-Hallett Honorary Doctor of Arts Sir Thomas is actively involved within the charity sector. His passions are philanthropy, innovation, patient-centred health care and choral music. Sir Thomas was awarded a Knighthood in 2012. John Niland Honorary Doctor of Science John is the Chief Executive Officer of Provide, which is a Community Interest Company that delivers a broad range of health and social care services in the community. Provide supports our students with scholarships and bursaries.

Dr William Webb Honorary Doctor of Technology William is an academic, technology pioneer, CEO of Weightless Special Interest Group, and President of the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Princess Elettra Marconi Giovanelli Honorary Doctor of Technology Princess Elettra is the daughter of Marchese Guglielmo Marconi, the ‘Father of Radio’. She is co-author and editor of Marconi, My Beloved, an account of the life and work of her father. Halima Khan Honorary Doctor of Science Halima is Trustee of Dementia UK and a Director at Nesta’s Innovation Lab, leading on health and ageing. Dr Peter Zinovieff Honorary Doctor of Music Peter is a composer, librettist and pioneer of electronic music. He was the first to use ‘sampling’ as a musical technique. Andy Hepworth Honorary Fellow Andy is an Anglia Ruskin alumnus and is the Professional Relations Manager with Essilor – the world’s largest manufacturer of ophthalmic lenses. Andy has provided close support on our Ophthalmic Dispensing Foundation Degree.

Sir Tim Smit KBE Honorary Doctor of Science Sir Tim is an entrepreneur, author, educator, motivational speaker, social campaigner and co-founder of the Eden Project. Les Reed Honorary Doctor of Science Les is Head of Football Development and Executive Director Football for Southampton Football Club, and is an inspirational coach and innovator. Prof Karalyn Patterson Honorary Doctor of Science Karalyn is the founding Member of the British Neuropsychological Society and an internationally renowned researcher in the field of cognitive neuropsychology. Andy Harter Honorary Doctor of Science Andy is an engineer, innovator, entrepreneur, and Chief Executive Officer of RealVNC. Anders Holch Povlsen Honorary Doctor of Business Administration Anders is an alumnus and Danish billionaire, entrepreneur, retailer and property owner. This is just a snapshot of what these outstanding people have achieved. Full profiles of all our Honorary Award holders can be viewed here.

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Our news Students achieve double success Congratulations to Olutayo Oyefeso, Akshay Chauhan, Michael Carrington, Elizabeth Lovett and Magnus Skoglund, our Chartered Management Institute (CMI) students who have won CMI awards for their outstanding achievements. Michael Carrington and Magnus Skoglund have now graduated from their courses with us. To find out more about how CMI is working in collaboration with Anglia Ruskin click here.

The Veterans’ Transition Review, published in February 2014, was commissioned by Prime Minister David Cameron to look at what could be done to improve the experience of service personnel when they leave the Armed Forces and return to civilian life, and to improve understanding amongst the public, employers and policy makers about their transitions and what veterans can offer. The VRH was established by Anglia Ruskin University’s Veterans and Families Institute following recommendations in the review and was jointly funded by the Forces in Mind Trust and Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC.

MBA Scholarship For September 2016, we are offering a £3,000 discount to UK, EU and International students studying our MBA Educational Leadership and Management.

Loneliness ‘tip of the iceberg’ for older people

Offered in Cambridge, our course will teach you the importance of strategic management in education and how this applies to developing effective management systems. You’ll also explore how you can be an agent of change and improve your working and teaching environment in an educational context.

Army veteran appointed to head research hub Armed Forces veteran Alex Cooper, who worked on Lord Ashcroft’s Veterans’ Transition Review, has been appointed to the role of Project Director for the establishment of our Veterans’ Research Hub (VRH).

Older people seeking support for loneliness are also suffering from a web of related physical and mental issues, according to a report by Anglia Ruskin University. Read the full story here. Click here to read the Vision and Hearing Science eNewsletter. Read the full stories and check out our latest news here.

Where are you now? You may have noticed that we have a number of student and staff video case studies appearing on our website. If you would be interested in filming your story for us then please do get in touch.

Working in partnership with Wright State University In the last week of November 2015, a group of Anglia Ruskin University staff and representatives from the Students’ Union, visited Ohio in the United States, which is home to over 400 higher education institutions. The trip was hosted by Wright State University; a university that shares our values and has a similar student body to us. The group also took the opportunity to visit The Ohio State University and the Columbus College of Art and Design during their trip. Our University is committed to enhancing the student experience and the purpose of the trip was to see how we can improve engagement with and better support our students by sharing best practice, broadening our horizons and gaining new ideas to implement at our University. For example, Wright State University is one of the leading higher education institutions in the U.S. for supporting disabled students and we will be developing some of their practices to deliver fresh approaches to promoting inclusion on our campuses. We were also able to use the trip as an opportunity to further develop our successful

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ARU colleagues with Wright State University’s mascot, Rowdy Raider, who gave us some useful tips for developing our own mascot, Ruskin the Rhino.

partnership with Wright State University for the international internship on the MA Student Affairs in Higher Education and to explore the development of our own Masters at ARU. Such was the importance of the trip, that our Vice Chancellor and Deputy Vice Chancellor joined the ARU delegates for a couple of days. Whilst the institutions we visited in Ohio had different structures, resources, and faced diverse challenges to Anglia Ruskin University, we are an ambitious university and will be using what we have learnt from the trip to the U.S. to develop innovative and unique initiatives to enhance the student experience and stay ahead of our competitors. As a result of the trip, we are now re-examining our work around supporting students with their transition into higher education, as well as into each new stage of study thereafter; we are using some of the approaches used in the U.S. to improve student engagement and increase feelings of pride and belonging amongst our students and staff; and colleagues in our Lord Ashcroft International Business School are exploring how they can develop our relationship through further collaboration with Wright State University. Wright State University’s Boonshoft

School of Medicine has also proven to be valuable in supporting us to set up a Medical School at our university. We were impressed by the way that Wright State University’s alumni play a key role in the student experience through donations to the university and mentoring current students. Similarly, we see our alumni as important change makers in the student experience at ARU, and we will be looking at ways we can make the most of our relationship with you.

University, I hope you agree that the articles included reflect the range of our diverse interests and successfully communicate just how academically ambitious we are. To read our 2015 Annual Review online click the image below.

We are very grateful to our Wright State University colleagues for hosting us and for their generous hospitality, and we look forward to developing our working relationship further in the future. Hannah Lamb Student Experience Manager

Annual Review The theme of our 2014/15 review is ‘thought leadership’ as a means of emphasising a selection of our intellectual endeavours. While it would obviously not be possible to cover the interests of every single academic at Anglia Ruskin

2014/15 Anglia Ruskin University


We have 12 areas of academic study that were recognised as having world-leading research. You can watch videos on each area here. This research has resulted in moving us up 18 places in the league table of research.

18  Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016

Our news Unique excavation for UCP degree students

are also offering talks from various guest lecturers. This includes a Jack the Ripper talk from DNA researcher, Dr Jari Louhelainen, who claims to have ground breaking new evidence from the 19th Century case.

The Hound of the Baskervilles – Performance by UCP Performing Arts students

Students were engaged with Work Based Learning activities which put their skill sets to the test. They unearthed pig remains, sieved for evidence and investigated the plot of land for additional information about the ‘crime’. Crime studies tutor Leisa Nichols-Drew organised the event for the students and aims to bring in other extracurricular activities for degree level students. This event is followed by a variety of further opportunities for students at UCP. Learners will have the chance to visit the Scotland Yard museum after it recently became available to the public and UCP

‘The Hound of the Baskervilles has been a great experience for all of us, as it is the first time we have devised a show as ‘The 3rd Degree Theatre Company’. We were able to analyse the skills that we had learnt from a variety of practitioners and performance styles, and apply them to the show.

Students studying Crime and Investigative Studies at University Centre Peterborough (UCP) recently undertook an excavation of animal remains on the centre grounds. The excavation was the first of its type to ever be offered to degree level students. Expert in CSI and experienced professional, Gareth Dineen, led the excavation which was designed to simulate a genuine crime scene.

on the performance in their first year as part of the ‘Making Performance’ module. They have continued their routine throughout the three years of their degree and third year Thomas Farrell described the value of the performance to the group’s progression:

Each time we perform Baskervilles, we are able to reflect and develop from the previous performances, discovering new ways of delivering lines, physicality, and of course more gags.’

“It’s dangerous out on the moors, there’s an eerie howling coming from the swirling mists and murder is on loose. It looks like you’ll need the help of The Greatest Detective Ever”. Performing Arts students from University Centre Peterborough (UCP) have taken to the stage for the final time to perform their comedic adaptation of The Hound of the Baskervilles. On 11 and 12 November, Thomas Farrell, Jack Hudson and Ben Piper presented the hilarious variation of the classic Sherlock Holmes novel in the Peterborough Regional College Main Hall. Branding themselves ‘The 3rd Degree Theatre Company’ the trio originally put

The broadly acclaimed routine has led the students to apply for the National Student Drama Festival (NSDF), which will offer a great opportunity to perform this play in a different arena and develop their performance for future productions. ‘With applying for the NSDF this year we have taken extra care in refining the performance in order to create our best show to date!’ UCP Director Liz Knight, “It is a comic masterpiece with excellent timing and a creative and novel interpretation of the script. I have seen the performance multiple times and it seems to get better and better.” Phone: 01223 695750 or email:

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Photo: l to r: CWA Principal David Pomfret, Hilary Orpet RVN (Veterinary Nurses Council), Rachel Scarlett, Charlotte Hurrell, Charlotte Liggins, Shelbie Thompson, Dr. Marian Bond (Partnership Manager, Life Sciences at ARU), Dr. Toby Carter (Director of Learning, Teaching and Assessment for Science and Technology at ARU).

CWA Cambridge campus students graduate RCVS approved Four elated students from the College of West Anglia (CWA) Cambridge Campus celebrated becoming registered veterinary nurses, certified by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), at the beginning of the academic year. Charlotte Hurrell, Charlotte Liggins, Rachel Scarlett and Shelbie Thompson, are now fully-registered veterinary nurses and will begin their careers as graduates of CWA, with full accreditation from the RCVS. This year was the first graduation ceremony at the College of West Anglia, which saw the addition of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons pledge and declaration ceremony included in proceedings. The declaration formalities, overseen by Hilary Orpet RVN of the Veterinary Nurses Council, took place

at the CWA’s King’s Lynn campus on Saturday 10 October 2015. This addition to CWA’s annual graduation proceedings is a direct result of the college receiving accreditation from the RCVS this summer, which means that all future CWA veterinary nursing graduates who complete either the college’s veterinary nursing or veterinary nursing with applied animal behaviour degree or foundation degree, will now be fasttracked into the profession. The BSc in Veterinary Nursing and Applied Animal Behaviour and FdSc in Veterinary Nursing and Applied Animal Behaviour are delivered on behalf of Anglia Ruskin by the College of West Anglia at the Cambridge Campus in Milton, Cambridge. The approval by the RCVS means that students graduating from the above courses can now join the Register of

Veterinary Nurses without having to undertake a pre-registration examination, which otherwise would be an additional exam sat on top of their degree at a later date. Donna Woodruff, programme manager for Landbased Studies at CWA Cambridge Campus, said: “I am delighted that our learners have been able to take advantage of our new accreditation and that all students in the future will be RCVS recognised too. The pledge and declaration ceremony was a momentous occasion for the college and one we look forward to replicating with our future students for years to come.” Graduate Rachel Scarlett said: “I was proud to stand up with my fellow course mates and show our dedication to our profession and make a commitment to promoting animal welfare and caring for animals, something I am very passionate about.”

20  Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016



Did you know that there are lots of community and social events that you can participate in throughout the year?

Roy Pitchford 1941–2015

13 February 2016 e-Luminate – The e-Luminate Cambridge Festival is a modern arts festival. Read more here. 29 February 2016 Essex Book Festival launch with Grayson Perry, one of our Honorary Award holders 10 March 2016 Essex Book Festival – The Kingdom to Come 12 March 2016 Essex Book Festival – Birth of the Book 23 March 2016 Essex Book Festival – Scene of the Crime – Writing the Place 27–29 May 2016 Tenor 2016 More details here. You can read all about the upcoming events here.

It is with sadness that we report the death from cancer of Roy Pitchford on 22 September, 2015 (age 73). Roy became an undergraduate lecturer in Music at Cambridge College of Arts and Technology (now ARU) in 1973 – his contemporaries included Bob Reeve, Caroline Bosanquet and Alan Rochford. An inspirational lecturer and gifted performer, he had eclectic tastes in music and displayed astonishing versatility. He was, first and foremost, an innovator, keen to take his students on a journey away from the (then) traditional path of musical study. Roy was a trail-blazer for the cause of jazz – his jazz orchestra sessions every Wednesday evening in the Mumford Theatre attracted widespread, enthusiastic participation from students and staff across the campus and throughout the city. His energetic conducting manner was esoteric, often comical… but always effective! He explored the mystic repertoire of Indian Classical Music long before the fad for World Music took hold. And he introduced the student community to the wonders of electronic music. All these areas were to form the foundation of Anglia Ruskin’s current provision at music degree level. Roy had an impish sense of humour and delighted in telling the story of how he once sold his Triumph Stag to an exstudent who subsequently became the lead guitarist for the band Eurythmics.

Roy held various administrative posts during his period at CCAT, not least as a kindly Admissions Tutor for Music. His northern roots eventually lured him to Leeds College of Music in 1987 where he became Vice Principal. Our condolences go to Sheila, Tonia and Julia. He will be greatly missed. Alan Rochford Visiting Fellow, Music and Performing Arts If anyone has film footage of those iconic Mumford Theatre jazz sessions, the family would love to have a copy. Please contact if you are able to help with this.

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Make a difference to Anglia Ruskin

Education is a gift worth passing on Many of our alumni already support Anglia Ruskin – if you’re one of them, thank you. Your support makes a big difference – whether it’s donating money, coming back on campus to give a talk for our current students, or offering a student work placement in your business. If you don’t support Anglia Ruskin at present, please do consider whether you could help in any of these ways. Many of our supporters make contributions to our Annual Fund which disburses grants to a variety of projects. However some of our donors are interested in giving to specific causes such as student support, research or music therapy. Whatever your area of interest, every one of our supporters has the power to play a role in Anglia Ruskin’s future. Here are some of the ways to support and stay connected with Anglia Ruskin:

Scholarships and bursaries Support students by offering

hardship bursaries or scholarships for undergraduate or postgraduate students to encourage student talent and offer lifechanging educational opportunities.

Alumna Mary Windus (BA History, 2000), who has pledged a gift in her Will, describes what motivated her to give in this particular way. She told us:

Donate to the Annual Fund

“I wanted to help make sure that students who may be struggling with money worries can receive the financial help they need to continue with their studies, through essential scholarship funds. I also have a particular personal interest in cancer research and music therapy. Anglia Ruskin’s work in both these areas is world-class, and I know that making a legacy gift is one of the most effective ways that I can support all these areas of the University’s work.”

Money given to our Annual Fund ensures we can offer extra opportunities to students, giving them an exceptional experience over and above what is expected.

Donate to other projects From supporting cutting-edge research that addresses today’s problems and needs to funding books for the library, your donations can make a huge difference on campus.

Leave a legacy gift in your Will This could be the single most important philanthropic gift you ever make and can even significantly reduce your inheritance tax liability. A legacy gift can make a great difference long into the future, helping students to complete their studies successfully whatever their needs may be, or helping to sustain and develop our specialist research.

We are very grateful to Mary and all others who support Anglia Ruskin. Please do consider if you could do the same. To find out more, please visit our webpage, email, or contact Jon Anscombe on 01245 684722.

22  Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016

£1,000 discount to alumni for postgraduate study at ARU Pursue your passion with further study We’re constantly evolving. In the last five years we’ve invested £122m in state-of-the-art facilities, with a further £98m being invested over the next five. We’re conducting new and impactful research and offering an ever-expanding range of industry-recognised courses. So whether you have career ambitions or a passion for learning there’s a course for you. We’re pleased to offer a special Alumni Scholarship to all our former students with the opportunity to save £1,000 on Masters course fees. This is available for all full and part-time Masters courses starting this September*. We offer 51 research programmes, 112 taught postgraduate courses and 172 continuing professional development courses, across three campuses in city-centre locations. Studying full or part-time, there’s a way for you to become part of our community of 12,000 postgraduates students from all over the world, led by inspiring, award-winning tutors. Book now for our next Visit Day on 27 February, 10am–2pm. You’ll be able to speak to one of our academics about postgraduate study and find out more about our £1,000 alumni discount. You can also apply for the Postgraduate Scholarship, by downloading the application form here.

*The scholarship isn’t applicable to most distance learning courses or courses delivered in conjunction with collaborative partners. Recipients of the Postgraduate Support Scheme are not eligible for this award. All applicants must have successfully completed their award with Anglia Ruskin University to be eligible for the Alumni Scholarship.

Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016  23

A in n RU umb


Arts, Law & Social Sciences Health, Social Care and Education Lord Ashcroft International Business School Medical Science Science & Technology




students across the globe

one of the largest universities in the East of England


Postgraduate students

98,000 active alumni

in 152 countries across the globe

Our researchers are recognised as

leaders in their respective fields


part-time students


organisations come to us annually for support, from start-ups to corporations

Research Institutes Anglia Ruskin Information Technology Institute Cultures of the Digital Economy Research Institute Global Sustainability Institute Institute for International Management Practice Postgraduate Medical Institute Veterans and Families Institute

MedTech Campus

will provide one of the world’s largest health innovation spaces for companies, create 12,500 jobs and boost the medical technology sector by £1.2bn We have invested


over the last 5 years in state of the art facilities and will be investing £98m over the next 5 years Call: 0845 271 3333

International: +44 1245 493131


figures are based on information available at the time of printing

Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016  25

Student Services

Employability Service

Build your

career Continue to build your career with the Employability Service

After the excitement of graduation has passed, don’t forget that the Employability Service is still on hand to help you succeed in your chosen profession. If you are still searching for your first role after graduating remember our team of professional advisers are available in person, on the phone or via email to help you to identify your skills, enable you to articulate them effectively to employers and help you secure the right role for you. Additionally, we have 24/7 support available via our Employability and Careers Portal where you will find a wealth of resources to help you write your CV, prepare for interviews, watch video clips of employers advising about what they are looking for from graduates and search for graduate jobs. You can also access the Employment Bureau, our on-campus recruitment agency, which offers graduates job opportunities both on campus and with a variety of employers. Why not check out our current vacancies and register at If you would like some help or advice you can contact us directly at (Please note this service is available up to two year’s after graduation)

26  Anglia Ruskin University Aspects magazine – January 2016

Alumni benefits and services You are automatically a member of the Alumni Network. Membership is free and lifelong – and provides you with a wide range of services and benefits designed to meet your changing needs and expectations following your time spent at Anglia Ruskin. We’d like you to stay in touch and remain involved in university life. You’re inviting you to variety of events, and we’d like to keep you up to date with university news, developments and successes. We want to support your continuing development in every way we can. You’re part of our professional family – please do make the most of it.

Keep in touch with us and benefit from: • Free careers support for those crucial first two years after graduating • Graduate work opportunities available through our Employment Bureau • Discounts on postgraduate study • Access to our libraries • Preferential rates for our Helmore Gym and Mildmay Sports Centre

Contact us Alumni Officer Helen Arnott Development Manager Jon Anscombe Post: Corporate Communications and Events Anglia Ruskin University Bishop Hall Lane Chelmsford Essex CM1 1SQ UK

• Opportunities to network, volunteer and support current Anglia Ruskin students


• Discounts on days out, travel, hotels and more!

Email: (Alumni) (Development) (Honorary Award holders)

+44 (0)1245 684761

Contact us to find out more. Visit:

Next edition We’re starting to compile our May edtion already and we would love to hear from you. What have you been up to since graduating with us? Have you started your own business? Written a novel? Did you find love at Anglia Ruskin? Have other members of your family gone on to study with us? If you think you have a story we’d like to hear, please tell us all about it. Your article could feature in our next edition.

Alumni Directory:

Your alumni community

Social networking: Join us on Facebook and


Being able to exchange information, discuss ideas and best practice and develop professional or social contacts is invaluable. Join our Alumni Directory to talk to other alumni. It’s a great way to reconnect with old friends and make contact with new people.

Opinions expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Anglia Ruskin University or the Editor.

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