For more information, contact the Alumni Relations team on: Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 6485 Fax: +44 (0) 161 275 5862 Email: Web: Manchester Business School, Booth Street West, Manchester, M15 6PB, United Kingdom.
Celebrate the aftershow Celebrate - this is exactly what alumni, their partners and staff did at the Alumni Reunion Ball on Saturday 30 September at the Renaissance Hotel in Manchester. After a drinks reception and a three-course meal, Professor John Arnold spoke of his impending retirement following 12 years as director of Manchester Business School. Then guests - including alumni from the anniversary classes of 2001, 1996 and 1991 - danced the night away to music courtesy of a soul band and resident DJ. The giant scalextric proved very popular, with guests enjoyng a spin around the track. There were prizes galore, thanks to a large number of sponsors who kindly supported the event. A big thank you goes to Manchester United, Manchester City FC, Renaissance Hotels, Delta Travel,, Blackwells bookshop, Abiwel Ltd, High Pin Golfing and restaurants, Yang Sing, Panama Hattys, Le Mont and Heathcotes. A fabulous brunch was held at the School on Sunday, rounding off a great weekend of networking and entertainment. We‘ve already booked next year‘s ball - and look forward to seeing everyone, particularly the classes of 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997 and 2002. So get your diaries out now and put a note under Saturday 6 October 2007 - you have a party to attend!
Editor‘s Welcome
Page 2 Celebrate
Welcome to the winter edition of Network magazine, focusing on the retail sector.
Page 3 Editor‘s Welcome Page 4 News Home Page 6 News Away Page 7 Working with MBS Page 9 The Keith Jones Interview Page 12 MBS Worldwide Page 13 Research Focus and Book Reviews Page 14 Executive Coaching for MBS Alumni Page 16 Alumni Group News Page 18 Awards
This issue features an exclusive interview with Keith Jones, managing director of PC World, who spoke to us about the challenges and opportunities facing retailers (see p.9). It‘s an exciting time for Manchester Business School. January 2007 sees Professor John Arnold handing over the reigns as director of the School to Professor Michael Luger. Professor Luger joins from Kenan-Flagler Business School at The University of North Carolina (see Over and Out on p.4). We are also pleased to announce the launch of our coach referral service. Following feedback from alumni, the service will give you access to leading executive coaches in the UK, Spain, USA and Asia. To find our more and to meet the coaches, check out p.14. Look out for our monthly alumni e-newsletter, packed with all the latest news and events. Please register your current email address with us if you haven‘t previously done so. Finally, thanks once again to all those who have contributed to this issue and we hope you enjoy the read.
Page 19 Alumni Diary Page 22 Inside Track Page 23 Contacts
Lisa Samberg, editor
News Home The creation and emergence of the new MBS during the past couple of years has been equally impressive. As the UK‘s largest campus-based business school, we have over 200 talented academics and an outstanding team of support staff. Our research power is now greater than that of any other business school in the UK and the increased size and strength created by bringing together the four legacy partners, has resulted in a further improvement in the Financial Times ranking of our MBA programme into the world‘s top 25.
Professor John Arnold
Over and Out This January I shall be stepping down as director of Manchester Business School and will be handing over the reigns of leadership to Professor Michael Luger. It is over 12 years since I was appointed director of MBS, and just over two, since I became director of the new School. During my time at the original MBS, the School achieved a great deal including the increasingly high rating of the quality of our research, our triple accreditation by Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) The European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) and the Association of MBAs (AMBA), and perhaps most important the development of a flourishing alumni association.
We are continually working to achieve our 2015 vision of being unequivocally recognised by our peers and stakeholders as one of the very best business schools in the world. A School with outstanding research and teaching, outstanding students at all levels - from undergraduate to senior executives - and an outstanding network of support staff. We recognise that in order to achieve that goal we need to invest in our people and our facilities - so far our progress is in line with our plans. We have recruited some excellent new faculty members, continued to attract the highest quality students and plans are in place for undertaking the necessary improvements to our facilities. We now have a network of over 20,000 alumni, all of whom have a crucial role to play in working with Professor Luger to drive the School forward - ensuring it achieves its 2015 vision. For me, one of the highlights of my time as director has been the friendship and support I have enjoyed from you, our alumni, and I thank you all most sincerely for that. I am sure you will give the same enthusiasm and support to Professor Luger when he takes over in January. These are exciting and challenging times and I am sure that the School will continue to flourish under Professor Luger‘s leadership. John Arnold, Director.
Fresh Start Alison Edmonds will become head of Alumni Relations in January 2007. Many of you will already know Alison from her time as head of Career Management Services. Alison said: “It‘s with much anticipation and excitement that I join the Alumni Relations Team. Alumni relations is key in driving Manchester Business School forward, and I have no doubt that we will continue to deliver excellent services for our alumni and am thrilled to be leading this work”. It‘s farewell to Cecile Buckenmeyer, who joined the School four years ago. Cecile will be working in the areas of personal development and cross-cultural coaching. Cecile said: “I‘ve enjoyed working with all of our alumni across the world, and I look forward to staying in touch with the friends I have made at the School”.
MBS Europe‘s Number One for Accounting Manchester Business School is ranked as Europe‘s leading university for accounting research, in a survey published this summer by Accounting and Business Research. The survey, which rates the quality of accounting research published in top journals across Europe, places Manchester above LSE and The University of Edinburgh. The survey affirms Manchester Business School‘s reputation for research excellence. It assessed the number of articles that appeared in 19 of Europe‘s top accounting journals by specific authors. Articles written by Professors Bob Scapens, Chris Humphrey, Martin Walker and Andy Stark were singled out for their academic rigour and placed them in Europe‘s Top 20 acedemic writers.
Professor Nitin Sanghavi
The Retail Centre Established in 1995 by Professor Nitin Sanghavi, the Retail Centre at Manchester Business School is the largest provider of retail executive education in Europe. Supported by a dedicated team, its programmes have been delivered to major retail and retail-related organisations in the UK, Asia and South Africa. 2007 will see this extended to the US and Australia as the Retail Centre grows to meet the demands of its increasing list of prestigious clients.
Burning Issue Wildfires on moorland are rare events in the UK, but a hot, dry month like July reminds us that even in England wildfires can be a real danger, converting somewhere like the Peak District from tranquil scenery to severe fire hazard. Jonathan Aylen from PREST has been looking at the risks, which will increase with climate change. The research is funded by a charity, Moors for the Future, and is looking at the best way to fight fires when they do break out. Are traditional fire-fighting techniques using beaters and water hoses the best way to tackle a blaze on remote moorland? Or, should helicopters be used as a swift way to douse fires as soon as they occur? The pioneering work follows a major collaborative study on Climate Change and the Visitor Economy which identified the uplands of the North-West as an area at risk of being damaged by climate change. For further information contact
A selection of clients past and present include: Tesco plc, ARG, BP Retail, House of Fraser, Goldsmiths, Coca-Cola, NatWest Bank, IBM, Marks and Spencer, Kingfisher Group, Kelloggs and many more. The aim of the Retail Centre is to develop a symbiotic relationship with each client, supported by the underlying objective of creating a long-term and mutually beneficial association.
The Retail Centre is acknowledged as a global leader in providing cutting-edge and valueadding information on strategic issues, retailing and consumer trends, strategic marketing and leveraging business opportunities. It also has extensive experience of research and customised case study development. The team prides itself on its unique ability to combine rigour and relevance.
One of the key achievements within the last five years has been the development of a range of company-specific programmes.These programmes have been introduced at three levels: board, senior managers and middle managers. The Retail Centre now has a proven track record of successfully designing and implementing tailor-made executive development programmes for national and international organisations at all three levels.
The real world expertise gained over the last decade through working with leading retail and retail-related organisations is now being realised and built upon by the continued success of the Retail Centre. The reputation within the global retail industry is growing such that new relationships with major non-UK retailers are now being developed and the timetable for 2007 is already at full capacity, as the number of programmes requested have doubled year on year. The Retail Centre is in a strong position to continue to successfully deliver its customer needs and to offer retail executive education to an increasing number of global players for many years to come.
All programmes are delivered by senior MBS faculty who have extensive teaching, research and worldwide consulting experience, and are supported by contributions made by leading practitioners/consultants drawn from its unique worldwide network.
Dr Naomi Chambers
Naomi Chambers to Become President of European Health Body Naomi Chambers, director of Executive Education, has been appointed President-elect of the European Health Management Association (EHMA). She takes up the two-year office in June 2007 at the EHMA conference in Lyon. EHMA has a history spanning over 40 years of management development in health services in Europe, and in recent years has become highly regarded as a source of independent and intelligent analysis of health management trends. With over 200 institutional members in 35 countries, EHMA is unique in bringing together practitioners and researchers to influence emerging EU health policy. It also fosters collaborations between academic institutions involved in health services research and health service purchasing and delivery organisations.
News Away Anne McBride and Paula Hyde Down Under Dr Anne McBride and Dr Paula Hyde recently spoke at the Australian Industry Skills Council‘s 2nd national conference, Making a Difference... Building the Future Community Service and Healthcare Workforce, in Brisbane. Over 300 delegates attended the conference, where Anne and Paula shared their efforts to address workforce challenges in the UK and
stimulated the delegates to think how this learning could be applied in Australia. The conference was opened by the Hon. Gary Hardgrave - minister assisting the Prime Minister and minister for vocational and technical education. This was followed by key note presentations across the four main themes of the conference: building and mapping the future; leading change; implementation and participation and partnership building across the two days. Following the conference Anne and Paula also delivered seminars in organisations and universities across Australia, such as The Department for Education and Training, Monash University and The University of New South Wales.
Coast to Coast Nik Poon and David Icharia
Eric Leaver and Todd Margolis
Dubai office for MBS Worldwide Manchester Business School Worldwide opened an office in Dubai in September. The new centre, based in the Dubai Knowledge Village, provides support for more than 100 distance-learning MBA students in the Middle East. Professor Jikyeong Kang, MBA programme
director, joined MBS Worldwide chief executive, Nigel Banister in Dubai for the opening ceremony. The centre offers library and classroom facilities for students and will host MBS faculty who visit the region. Heather Spiro and Nik Poon
Ms Randa Bessiso, director of Middle East Centre; Jikyeong Kang, MBA programmes director; Dr Ayoub Kazim, executive director of Dubai Knowledge Village; Mr John Hawkins, HM consul general from the British Embassy in Dubai; Mr Nigel Banister, CEO MBS Worldwide.
During her recent trip across Canada, as part of The MBA Tour, Dr Heather Spiro met with alumni during her brief stay in Vancouver. David Icharia (MBA ‘93), Eric Leaver (MBA ‘80), Todd Margolis (MBA ‘93) and Nik Poon (MBA ‘84) joined Heather at the recruitment event, where they spoke to potential applicants about the Manchester MBA and life after graduating. Heather also travelled to Toronto and Montreal as part of the trip.
Working with MBS The New Face of the International Business Project Professor Peter Naude has stepped into Gordon Mandry‘s shoes as director of the International Business (IB) Project. Peter will continue to enhance the network of excellent contacts that Gordon has developed over the years.
The IB Project is the capstone of the full-time MBA programme, drawing on the Manchester Method, which applies business theory to live consultancy work. Many business schools claim to incorporate a high level of practical project work in their programmes, however the Manchester Method is unique in that it allows students to bring together everything that they have learnt during the previous 15 months of the programme - setting us apart from the competition. Peter explains: “You can‘t over-estimate the contribution that Gordon Mandry has made to the School over the last 30 years. The biggest compliment I can give him, is to keep the format of the project pretty much the same. Over the last decade the number of alumni who have offered the School projects -
not just once, but repeatedly - is testament to the quality of consultancy they receive”. Although Peter is taking over from Gordon, he is no stranger to the IB Project having previously run the project, with Professor Jeffrey Ramsbottom, in the early 90s. He will be working closely with other members of staff, who have supervised projects for IB over the years. Peter said: "The project is a cost-effective way for companies to access high-level consultancy, at a fraction of the price it would otherwise cost. Teams of dedicated MBA students provide strategic direction, innovative solutions and measurable results. It‘s the ideal vehicle for companies looking to revitalise their growth strategy and seeking new opportunities on both
a local and a global level. There‘s no such thing as a typical project - it is flexible enough to cater for multi-nationals and smaller businesses.” Peter will work alongside Glenis Normanton, associate director of MBA projects, who has worked on the International Business Project for over ten years. She and her dedicated team ensure that the projects run smoothly and efficiently. This year, he is delighted to have the support of Dr Stephan Henneborg, who has recently joined the Business School as a senior lecturer in marketing, and who has had many years consultancy experience with McKinseys. If you are interested in sponsoring a project or would like to find out more, please contact Glenis Normanton on Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 6326 Email:
“Anyone can sell a computer, but very few can sell computing.�
The Keith Jones Interview Keith Jones (MBA ‘97) started his career in retail in 1982 - having dropped out of college four weeks before his A-levels - to become a van driver for Curry‘s. Today, Keith is managing director of PC World Stores Group.
Network met Keith to find out what inspired him to do his MBA and to hear the key challenges and opportunities facing retailers today. What inspired you to do your MBA and why did you choose Manchester Business School? I was working as a sales director (one member of a five person board) and we tried to buy the business. It didn‘t work out, but gave me the thinking space to decide how to progress my career. I wanted to find a way of formalising my practical experience, with academic grounding and an MBA offered me that balance. I spoke to Manchester Business School and decided that it was a great way to build this formal part of my background and to add an international dimension. Manchester was hugely attractive, particularly as I wanted to build an international career, rather than one based solely in the UK.
Has the programme added value to your career in retailing? Definitely! I didn‘t join the programme thinking about doubling my salary, as I was well paid before I started - although this did happen after I graduated. It certainly provided me with an international context that was second to none. There were 33 countries represented in my year and as a result I have a very different outlook, both from the point of view of cultural sensitivity and also understanding the way in which international consumers and markets work. The MBA has certainly changed the way I work for the better! The programme also re-endorsed the fact that I wanted to be a retailer, as it reaffirmed that I should continue doing what I was reasonably good at.
When did your interest in retail start, and how did you become involved? My parents owned two shops and by the time I was 12 years old I had gained quite a lot of experience. I also have an older brother, who is the really good retailer in our family, and looking at his successful career inspired me. The combination of experience and inspiration prompted me to start work for Curry‘s as a Saturday assistant during my A-levels. When a full-time position as a van driver came available, I had no hesitation in taking it - much to the concern of my parents, headmaster and just about everyone I knew! I can honestly say that I‘ve never regretted my decision. Although if my two daughters came to me at 18 and said they wanted to do something crazy like that - I‘m not sure I‘d have the foresight and strength (as my parents did with me) to let them follow their desire and passion.
Price deflation is another. This year you will be able to buy a laptop 15% - 20% cheaper than you could last year, and last year you bought it cheaper than the year before. This means that I have to run 18% faster this year just to stand still on size - now that‘s a challenge! I also have new competitors - everyone is looking at my lunch and fancies a little bit! Tesco and even Marks & Spencer are starting to move into selling mixed electrical products, whilst Woolworths and Toys R Us have been selling PCs for a while. I have a very clear strategy for PC World, which is to move from selling computers to selling computing, which I think that few of our competitors, if any can do as well as we can.
How do you think your background has helped your career? I regularly hold breakfast meetings with colleagues from all levels of the business - as it‘s important for them to meet me and more importantly, for me to meet them. My background opens the gate for me, as once they realise that I‘m just a van driver in disguise, and I have probably done the job they are doing, it allows me to relate to them better. I regularly come away feeling exited and energised about something they‘ve said and that I have to go away and do. It keeps me in touch with the business and the real people who run the business. What are the key challenges and opportunities facing retailers today and tomorrow? There are lots of challenges and opportunities. Retail is a really exciting place to be at the moment, not only because of the conventional reasons - it‘s fast which has always been the case, is reasonably dynamic and benefits from a lot of change. Change is occurring much faster nowadays, in supply chain, in consumer attitudes, in buying and also in service delivery. One challenge is the massive pressure on costs. I have rent and rates costs this year which are increasing in double digit percentage terms and these can‘t be traded away.
The idea of new competitors, and indeed new channels, is probably one of the most powerful challenges facing most retailers today. Consumers are changing, as they no longer shop in a single dimensional or conventional way. They might shop in a shop, online, via catalogue or by telephone. All these channels have to be joined together in a truly multi-channel strategy. So I‘m moving my strategy, from one that sells in shops, to one that sells multi-channel. Then there‘s customer service. Customers become more demanding every day, and our objective is to ensure that we at least meet, if not exceed customers expectations which is tough to do. I have 8,000 staff, so I depend upon them constantly getting it right, which doesn‘t always happen. Opportunities are also plentiful. We‘ve got products we can sell at incredibly low prices as a result of buying globally. I buy PCs for all of our groups (the UK‘s PC World and internationally, PC City), so I will buy over 2.5 million PCs this year. When you are buying that many, you‘ve got a reasonably strong negotiating position that‘s a big opportunity. We can also push new products through to market because we‘ve got big stores with lots of space. There are three specific areas that I intend to grow this year. Firstly I‘m introducing new product categories such as large flat
panelled TVs, which are attached to a computer and are part of a home computing entertainment system. The new store that I am opening in the North West has a very specific area called ‘The Connected Home‘ which brings together all these products. These are a big part of a new, exciting proposition in consumer electronics. Secondly, we‘ve got an opportunity to sell office supplies, as 30% of our customers are actually small business people. And the third part of our opportunity, is around mobility - selling mobile telecoms and laptops that have an integrated SIM card - allowing customers to use computing products whilst on the go. So there‘s lots of developments around products, in customer service terms and new channels (indeed for me, as I am responsible for the international dynamic of the business). I‘ve got opportunities to access a new market and a new country every year. I‘ve got a business proposition in PC World which is unique arguably there are very few markets where we wouldn‘t have the opportunity to be incredibly successful and differentiated against any known competitor. So the future of retailing for me is very clear. It‘s borne out of a customer-centric perspective, so being really close and in touch with our customers is very important. I‘m also responsible for our service group, called The Tech Guys. I‘ve got 2000 engineers now and expect to have up to 3000 in the future who will be able, to keep IT simple, and keep it working. Increasingly, our competitors are more than happy to sell you the box, but they don‘t want to know too much about you when something has gone wrong. Once upon a time, that in itself was a problem, but if you think about it now - the PC is linked to the TV, maybe your audio system and your i-pod - if it goes down, everything goes down. As customers in a digital age, whose gadgets are linked together, keeping them all working is going to be a great opportunity, that presents a tremendous challenge as well.
In your view, what are the key factors for success in retailing? Firstly it‘s important to have a customer focus, if not a customer obsession. You‘ve really got to feel it instinctively and intuitively.
Career History April 2005 Appointed as managing director, PC World
Secondly, it‘s about having lots of energy, drive and pace - more so now than ever before because there is so much change to respond to and the world is so competitive. You‘ve actually got to be thinking faster, doing things faster and making change faster than your competitors in order to be around and earn your right to stay.
February 2000 Appointed as managing director, PC City Spain, when the Ei System chain of stores was purchased by the Group. Previous role was as director of the Group‘s airport trading business
Lastly, you need to be innovative in order to meet the changing demands of the customer, but you also need to keep things simple. I‘ve got 8000 colleagues - and my dream is that all those people will share my passion for customer satisfaction. However, we don‘t always get it right. It‘s essential that we give our customer service team the right information, such as production specification, so that they can support the customer effectively. So keeping it innovative, whilst also keeping it simple those two things are very important in order to be a successful retailer. How do you keep track of customer satisfaction? Customer satisfaction is something that we spend a lot of money on - we have mystery shoppers in all of our stores, every single week. We do exit surveys on all our customers and we have focus groups to tell us not only about what we‘ve done, but what we are planning to do. Finally, and it might sound strange, we monitor employee satisfaction as much as customer satisfaction - because if our employees are satisfied and working at their peak, it‘s likely that they are delivering the right sort of experience for the customers. And it always shows when they are satisfied by the impression that they make - every time!
January 2003 Appointed as managing director, PC City Europe
1997 - 1998 Appointed as retail director of Virgin Vie 1995 - 1997 MBA at Manchester Business School Prior to 1995 Held senior positions including roles at B&Q and spent the early part of his career with Currys and Dixons Stores Group in the 1980s What are your interests? Family first, as I don‘t spend enough time with them - they live in Madrid and I live in the UK between Monday and Friday. Football, tennis and personal challenges - I like to put a challenge into my life and do one a year. The latest is the Three Peaks. Past challenges include hot air balloon racing, learning to sail - I am now qualified RYA 1 and 2, scuba driving - I have taken all of the exams and I‘m thinking of doing frozen waterfall climbing which is wonderful or possibly learning to fly. What is your favourite food? My wife is a fantastic cook - and I only get to eat with her for two nights each week - so anything she makes is fine. What is your favourite gadget? I like my blackberry - I‘m famous for using it a lot. However, my favourite gadget is probably the next to arrive in my office. At the moment I‘ve got a new one called the ‘Sling Box‘. This allows me, via broadband, to get my Sky digital content anywhere in the world. So as I travel a lot, I can watch Bolton Wanderers beat Manchester United on Sky even though I may be in China!
What is your favourite music? I have really eclectic taste. I like the very original Billy Joel music - not the nonsense he sang in the 80s though. I also like Jamie Cullum, The Arctic Monkeys and I‘m a big Awesome fan, although my girls are a bit embarrassed. What is your favourite holiday destination? Skiing in Colorado with the family. What car is on your drive? I have a 6-series BMW in the UK and a Volvo XC90 in Madrid. What‘s on your bedside table? Lots of pictures of my girls - my wife, Joanne and daughters Gemma and Emily. I‘m also reading a book at the moment called ‘may include nuts‘ by John O‘Farrell. It‘s fantastic and very funny. What‘s your pet hate? Half empty people. Which historical figure would you like to have dinner with? There‘s no historical figure in particular that I would like to have dinner with, but I can construct my ideal table for personal reasons. I‘m more interested in having forward thinking people, so perhaps someone who is really good at anticipating the future, in terms of trends, and probably other people in my game. I would probably handpick six interesting retailers including Philip Green and Stuart Rose (although I wouldn‘t sit them next to each other). David Jones who runs Next - I met him whilst I was at the Business School and who‘s been a mentor or mine since - he‘s fascinating. I would also have Alan Leighton who runs Asda and throw Richard Branson in for good measure (he‘s a crazy old guy and has some innovative views on the future). I would also have my current CEO, John Clare and last but not least I would have to include my brother.
MBS Worldwide Adriane McFetridge, Director eBay (MBA for Engineering Managers) What made you choose the MBA for Engineering Managers at MBS Worldwide? I have always found the complexities of working on an international level - whether it is in politics, business or relationships - very intriguing. When I was investigating business schools to attend, I wanted to continue to further expand my knowledge of not only business fundamentals, but the nuances of conducting business on an international level. Therefore, I felt it was important to choose a school which would address those criteria. MBS Worldwide was the perfect choice! I was able to attend the school remotely as I am still employed, and the course material addressed my desire to understand business with an international focus. Adriane McFetridge
After three years of balancing a career as a director at eBay - the online retail store that has grown from strength to strength over the last decade - studying for an MBA and adapting to married life, Adriane McFetridge is now entering the project stage of the MBA for Engineering Managers. She is now at a stage where she can put all of her learning and industry specific knowledge into practice - by addressing one of the many business challenges facing the company in today‘s fast changing online retail sector. She previously studied for a BSc in computer science and has an IT background, as do 18% of students on the MBA for Engineering Managers.
What are the current developments in online retailing and the new wave of retailing, via channels such as auction sites? eBay is a bit unique as we provide the online marketplace, but eBay Inc. itself is not a retail organisation - we don‘t sell anything ourselves, so we can‘t address industry trends in the retail space. That said, what we‘re seeing in our marketplace is that online shoppers are becoming more savvy and are often looking for a more personalised experience. Because of the flexibility of our software, we can offer more personalised shopping experiences to shoppers looking for a specific buying experience. For example, we‘ve recently launched eBay Express, a site geared more towards shoppers looking for new, in-season goods that they can buy on the spot. We of course, still offer the auction-style marketplace which works best for hard to find and one of a kind items. We also offer classifieds and comparison shopping, through Kijiji and What has made eBay a particularly successful online retailing model or business success? With more than 203 million users worldwide, eBay has built an incredible marketplace. It removes the constraints of geography and brings buyers and sellers from around the globe together. By removing some of the friction involved in trading goods around the world and providing a trusted environment in which people can interact, eBay has fostered a sense of community amongst its buyers and sellers.
Our community is incredibly important to us, and we continue to work to make it easier for them to interact, buy and sell in our marketplace. How has the MBA programme helped you both personally and professionally? On a personal level, the MBA programme broadened my understanding of business fundamentals and the intricacies involved in effectively operating a business. It‘s also given me the opportunity to meet and work with individuals with a variety of backgrounds. This has made the programme both enjoyable and very interesting. As a director in a technology organisation, the MBA programme has better enabled me to understand the business implications of my actions. As a result, I believe it has helped me become a better manager and a better contributor to my organisation. How has eBay supported your MBA? eBay has been very supportive. As a company, eBay provides employees with opportunities and formal support for furthering one‘s education. My manager has also supported my educational pursuit, providing me with assistance and guidance. You are now approaching the project stage what will you be focusing on? My project will focus on the challenges of managing a global matrix organisation. With the advancements in communications technology, more and more companies are able to build their business around this model. With this comes new challenges for managers and their teams. Have you realised a return on investment since undertaking your MBA? I have realised a personal return in my understanding of the business and the impact of my decisions. As for a more tangible return such as a promotion, it is hard to say. I have been fortunate in my career and have found all my endeavours to learn and grow have paid off considerably.
Research Focus
Book Reviews It also showed that, in an office environment, women prefer face-to-face communication to email communication - which they tend to use to communicate with people outside of their immediate environment. In contrast, men are just as happy to email the person sat opposite them, as to speak to them. In this scenario women tend to compensate by reproducing the socio-emotional aspect of face-to-face communication within an email and this leads to gendered patterns of email communication. For instance, men are less inclined to use greetings or ask social questions about the family, or the weekend in an email. In contrast, women tend to be more conversational in style - writing longer, more detailed emails and are more likely to take a few extra minutes to compose the content with the recipient in mind. Women also tend to express more support, positive feelings and thanks in emails - in comparison to their male colleagues - and even levels of politeness can identify the sender as female!
Hemail or Shemail? Professor Marilyn Davidson is co-editor of a new book, Gender and Communication at Work, with Professor Mary Barrett of University of Wollongong, Australia. The book explores many different aspects of communication in the workplace, and one chapter - written by Dr Niki Panteli of Bath School of Management and Dr Monica Seeley, founder of Mesmo Consultancy - focuses on the different approaches of men and women to email.
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus popularised the notion that, in relationships, men and women communicate in totally different ways. But in a business environment it‘s easy to forget that men and women aren‘t automatically speaking the same language. And this is highlighted in the differing e-mail style used by men and women. Analysis of worldwide research findings show that on average, people use email to maintain nine relationships with other people regularly (regularly is defined as weekly contact). Of these nine, onethird is also interacted with on a face-to-face basis. So this means two-thirds of regular relationships are predominantly maintained via emails.
There do not appear to be a great deal of gender differences in regards to frequency of emailing, but the research showed that women tend to spend longer composing each email. So in terms of organisational efficiency, from a male perspective, women are often seen to be investing unnecessary time in emailing. For men, email enhances organisational efficiency precisely because it allows for pared down, to-the-point communication. Email is perfect for rapidly distributing discrete nuggets of information to any number of recipients ie one-way communication - Hemail. The removal of social cues allows for shorter, more efficient communication - a model which characterises men more that women. Conversely, trying use email for anything more interactive arranging a meeting for example - can become onerous and generate a mountain of email. From this perspective it is easy to see how the arrival of a long and evolved email from a female colleague is not always viewed positively!
Gender and Communication at Work is published by Ashgate.
FASHION MARKETING Edited by Tony Hines and Margaret Bruce
Fashion Marketing is a collection of key chapter contributions from renowned academic and practitioners addressing many of the contemporary issues facing one of the world‘s largest and most global industries. With international contributions, the book outlines the dynamics of the fashion market with comprehensive coverage of the vital themes and a truly global scope, and provides an expert insight into the strategies, logistics and technique behind fashion marketing. Professor Margaret Bruce is professor of design and management and marketing, and director of the Centre for Business Research at Manchester Business School.
RETAIL MARKETING 2nd Edition Professor Peter McGoldrick Since its publication, the first edition has established itself as the leading and most authoritative textbook on the subject. This revised text confirms its reputation as the “essential” text for all courses in retail marketing. The edition, focuses upon the basic functions and challenges of retail marketing management. The text retains the analytical and scientific approach to the strategies within retail marketing, but also emphasises the vital role of flair and creativity. Current and emerging techniques are analysed, but no universal solutions are prescribed. Professor Peter McGoldrick is director of International Centre for Retail Studies ICRS, and professor of retailing at Manchester Business School.
Executive Coaching for MBS Alumni Manchester Business School is introducing a coaching referral service for its alumni. Coaching is now recognised as one of the most effective ways of supporting personal and professional development, so the School has launched a service to put alumni, looking to enhance their personal and career development, in touch with some of the leading executive coaches. The School has a bank of coaches in the UK, Spain, Asia and America. Alumni relations manager Cecile Buckenmeyer explains: “Many of our alumni are at the top of their professions. They may not need training or executive education, but may want additional support. Coaching is a great way for anyone wishing to clarify their goals, both professionally and on a personal level. It can help to enhance their performance at work or gain a better focus and purpose in life. I hope that our new service will make coaching more accessible and that a broad range of alumni will enjoy its benefits”.
Margaret Chapman
The Alumni Relations Team has worked closely with Margaret Chapman, newly appointed senior fellow in executive education, to short-list 13 executive coaches, all highly qualified and experienced. A key criteria was that coaches had to be committed to on-going development, be accredited (or working towards accreditation with a recognised coaching body) and abide by a particular code of conduct and ethics. Margaret is a trained coach, she has researched and published in emotional intelligence and coaching, and is actively involved with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) in professional coach-development at national level.
Cecile Buckenmeyer
As “coaching champion” for the School, Margaret has already secured a major NHS contract to develop an internal community of coaches. She intends to develop coaching activities within the School, including research and executive education.
How to Make Coaching Work for You Here are four steps to help you make the most of the service. STEP 1 - LOG IN • Go to • For those alumni who do not have access to MBSNet please enter ID: mbsnet and password: manchester
STEP 2 - CHOOSE YOUR COACH • You can contact any short-listed coach directly. Alternatively, fill the online matching questionnaire and we will suggest a selection of coaches who fulfil your requirements • Arrange an initial meeting with your coach to discuss objectives.
number and length of meetings communication between meetings fees and payment desired outcomes
Please feel free to contact us at any time if you need any advice in establishing this coaching agreement.
STEP 4 - FEEDBACK Your feedback will help ensure we continue to provide top quality referral services.
What is Executive Coaching? John O‘Brien
supervised specialist and a business manager and executive. Executive coaching is not life coaching, sports coaching or how to “dress to impress”, although some elements of those may be touched on in some discussions. The purposes of executive coaching are manifold, but are usually focused on enhancing the performance of the individual within their role in a business context. The work needs to be focused and there should be an element of evaluation of its effectiveness. There should be a clear “contract” covering the work and the confidentiality of the relationship.
John O‘Brien of The Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision (APECS) offers his advice on selecting the right executive coach for you. Executive coaching is a one-to-one professional relationship between a properly qualified and
The Coaches Tom Preston Executive coach helping to break the barriers to success. Location: UK, Asia Clive Prout Working with executives who want to become more effective leaders. Location: USA (West Coast) John O‘Brien Coaching individuals who are committed to developing top quality leadership approaches and who want to achieve high effectiveness. Location: UK (London) Ana Gomez Spanish speaking life and business coach. Location: Spain
Because there are no barriers to entry, there are now literally thousands of “coaches” in the market. So how do you select the right one for you? Effective executive coaches possess certain clear elements in their personal portfolio: • Business/executive experience • Sound psychological knowledge and understanding • A proper coaching model
Eve Konstantine Leadership coach with an approach that includes somatics and intra-personal development. Location: USA (East Coast) Peter Shotton Support learning, growth and development. Location: UK (Manchester) Helen Tiffany Performance coaching, stress management and cognitive-based coaching. Location: UK Brian Guest Career and leadership coach for high potential executives operating internationally. Location: UK Graham Lee Executive coach and UKCP registered psychotherapist. Published author in leadership development. Location: UK (London)
• They work to a clear professional ethical standard • Their executive coaching work is professionally supervised You also need to consider the relevant experience of the executive coach. Does he/she need to have technical knowledge of your sector, role, and markets? (This is not always necessary but there are cultural differences between nations and some business sectors where it is preferable that the executive coach knows how things work.) Then there is “chemistry”. Coaching does not have to be comfortable, but the sense of trust you have is critical and your conviction that this coach will operate ethically is of the utmost importance. APECS is the top level professional body for fully qualified executive coaches and executive coaching supervisors, and encourages the sharing of best practice in the field. It is supported by 22 major blue chip companies. More information is on
Elizabeth Moyles Coaching through individual and organisational change. Location: UK Jeff Hasenfratz Mandarin speaking executive coach working with the senior managers of international firms in Asia. Location: China (Shanghai) Pattie Horrocks Executive coach with a focus is on helping clients get clear about what ‘success‘ means to them. Location: UK Sue Powell Manchester MBA. Executive coach supporting leadership development, career decision-making and work/non-work balance. Location: UK (London)
Alumni Group News
Barbados The Barbados group had its first meeting in August at the Barbados Yacht Club.
Kenya Group Launch
The Caribbean Chapter hosted a networking and social event in October at the Caribbean Centre in Kingston.
Thursday, 7 September, was a day to remember for Kenyan alumni.
Over 30 alumni attended the event, as did a number of new students who joined the School in July. The group presented Peter Williams (MBA ‘99), former president of the Caribbean Chapter, with a birthday cake and had a special cake cutting ceremony to mark the occasion. Peter Williams and Courtney Christie-Veitch
(Pictured left to right) Kobie Gibson, Michael Carter, Vince Yearwood, Susanne Cooper-Corbin, George Gleadall (chair), clyde Sealy, Mariano Browne Jerry Arthur and Elizabeth Burrowes (not pictured) attended the event.
North West The North West Alumni Association (NWAA) held its first networking lunch in October. Chris Solley, director of the World Academy of Sport Executive Centre at Manchester Business School, talked to an audience of 30 alumni and guests about the Centre, which develops unique executive education programmes for the sports industry, underpinned by the world leading academic team from the School. He discussed the Centre‘s objectives, why the University of Manchester - in particular the School - was chosen as a partner and how the initiative sits with the University‘s 2015 vision. The next event will be held early next year. For more information contact Lee Williams, chair of the NWAA, at
Alumni took the opportunity to network and exchange fond memories of their student days at MBS and to update each other about their present occupations. Old ties were renewed and new ones forged during the colourful event. The alumni expressed excitement over the launch of this local group and expressed their interest to remain active members.
The group centred its discussions around how it could support current students and MBS in general, and it also agreed to collate a comprehensive list of Barbadian alumni who have lost touch with the School. The group will hold informal bi-monthly meetings, with George Gleadall remaining as the chair until early next year.
The launch of the Kenya group was held at the Pepper‘s Restaurant in Nairobi. The alumni were welcomed by the chair, Mr Robert Karanja (MBA DL ‘03) who said: "The foundation for a life long association had been laid".
For further information on the Kenya Alumni Group, please contact Robert Karanga at Tel: +254 (20) 374 66 66.
Greece - Alumni Association Revived Forward thinking is a characteristic that seems to prevail whenever alumni from different generations meet to exchange ideas. It is also a very appropriate description of the meeting that was held in Athens, on 23 October. The meeting was attended by approximately 30 alumni, spanning across three decades (80‘s, 90‘s & 00‘s), and Cecile Buckenmeyer representing the Alumni Relations Office. The agenda addressed how the Manchester Business School Greek Alumni Association (established in 1995) could be revived and to promote the MBS brand in Greece. Everybody participated in a passionate discussion, which touched upon all issues of the agenda. Alumni unanimously agreed that
the MBS Alumni Association in Greece must have a strong position and presence in the Greek and SEE market and that the momentum is strong enough to carry the Association forward. Everyone seemed determined to make this vision come true and more detailed implementation plans will be discussed in a next meeting after the election of a new Association Board of Directors and Audit Committee. The group looks forward to working closely within MBS staff to promote the new effort in Greece. Without any doubt, the meeting marks a step forward for all alumni residing in the country. More developments will come soon, so please stay tuned.
Squid Fishing in Hong Kong Squid fishing
Over 37 students and alumni met during August for a spot of squid fishing and dinner on a boat cruise. Pauline Lai, former chair of the MBS Hong Kong Alumni Association, gave a welcome speech before the guests started fishing. This was followed by a fabulous seafood dinner. The group welcomed Laurence Chan (MBA ‘82), former MBSAA Singapore board member and Mysoor Anup (Exec MBA ‘94). The Alumni Association in Hong Kong is extremely active and regularly holds events ranging from social evenings to management seminars and careers advice and coaching. If you would like to know more, please contact the Hong Kong Office at
Australia The second meeting of the Alumni Group in Melbourne took place at the end of October. The group enjoyed networking over dinner, held at an Italian Restaurant. They also held a brainstorming session in order to discuss ways that the group can support the School - one being the organisation of an information session for prospective students. The group hope to meet for dinner again early next year.
Keeping Up With the Times Joseph Yu is proof that you are never too old to learn, as he has just graduated from the Distance Learning MBA programme at the age of 74. Already a certified public account, Joseph is a typical example of pursuing higher education throughout one‘s life. He began is working life in 1953 for the Hong Kong Government as a general clerical officer, whilst continuing with his matriculating studies during the evenings, until he finally graduated in 1962. In 1963, he moved to the Inland Revenue Department, where he was encouraged to study with the Australian Society of Accountants (now
London The London Alumni Association (LAA) has joined forces with IBM Consulting to run a series of faculty lectures. Rohitha Perera (MBA ‘96), associate director at IBM Consulting, has been working closely with the LAA in order to make these events a success and has been responsible for organising IBM‘s sponsorship of the events. The first lecture took place at IBM Consulting in Southbank in May when Gordon Mandry gave his last official lecture before retiring, to over 50 alumni on the topic of Measuring and Managing Customer Value. The second lecture was presented by Professor Jeffrey Ramsbottom on the topic of Emerging Markets during October. Jessica Pittman, chair of the LAA said: "Our partnership with IBM Consulting is an opportunity to bring leading faculty to the alumni community through topical lectures and lively discussions. We look forward to bringing you new insights from our faculty in the coming year".
L to R: Paran Ramakrishnan, Ben Carney, Sami Lambe and Richard Blundell
If you are interested in joining or setting up a regional group, get in touch by emailing
CPA Australia). On completing the course six years later, he was promoted to acting assistant assessor, before later resigning to join the private sector. He joined Cooper Brothers - now known as PriceWaterhouseCoopers - in order to become a practising accountant, before joining a Chinese firm as a public accountant one year later. Joseph was a certified public accountant by the time the Hong Kong Society of Public Accountants was formed in the early 1970s. He went on to obtain the chartered secretary qualification, which enabled him to open up his own firm in 1977 until 2004. During this time, he was encouraged by his staff to continue studying, and in 1995 embarked on a course at Monash University and Hong Kong University
Joseph Yu
Space Joint Programme. However, he did not complete this and finally joined the School‘s MBA programme in 2002. His motivation to study despite approaching retirement age came from wanting to keep pace with the corporate world. Joseph said: "With my newly acquired knowledge, I might consider taking up a teaching position".
Awards What a Load of Old Rubbish… The paper, How (and Where) the Mighty Have Fallen, questions how consumers perceive branded litter and whether it affects their brand perception, packaging plays a vital role in communicating brand values, but Stuart and Cathy examine what happens when the context of the packaging changes and how these brand messages alter, when the packaging becomes litter.
Dr Stuart Roper
Research undertaken by MBS‘ Dr Stuart Roper and Manchester Metropolitan University‘s Cathy Parker, assessing the impact of branded litter on consumer perception, recently won the best paper award at the annual Academy of Marketing Conference, in London.
Dr Roper said: “What happens to a carefully constructed message once the contents of the package have been consumed? What of the potentially negative brand messages that are displayed when packaging is not properly disposed of and ends up as litter on the streets? Has the impact of such potentially negative brand messages been considered by brand owners and the packaging industry?” The paper presents a study conducted in Manchester city centre which identified the brands that most frequently occurred as litter. Walker‘s Crisps topped the list - with any city centre visitor having an 83% chance of seeing a discarded packet. Coke and Diet Coke came
second and third respectively. Marlboro Lite came top of the tobacco brands, as did Stella for alcohol and McDonald‘s for fast food. He continues: “It‘s not surprising to see fast moving consumer goods being so prominent when it comes to litter. The biggest offenders reflect the status of the brands: Coke, Walker‘s, Marlboro, Stella and McDonald‘s are all leaders in their respective categories. We argue that brands are still able to communicate a message when they are litter on the street, and the next stage of the research will be to investigate the attitudes of consumers to branded litter. The positive, negative or indeed ambivalent attitude of consumers and the subsequent impact upon brands and their image needs further research.” The findings of future research are likely to have far-reaching consequences. It was recently reported that around 300 tonnes of rubbish is discarded each day in Manchester city centre - a significant burden on the taxpayer. If it is revealed that litter triggers negative brand associations in consumers, then social responsibility for keeping the environment clean is set to become a much higher corporate priority for some of the world‘s most well known brands.
Bob Herz - Outstanding Alumnus of the Year Bob Herz - chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), MBS alumnus (BA Economics ‘74) and former student of Professor John Arnold - was presented with the Award for Outstanding Alumnus of the Year during July‘s graduation week. Professor Alan Gilbert, president and vice-chancellor of the University of Manchester presented the award. Bob returned to the School recently to deliver a groundbreaking seminar examining the latest developments in the convergence of international accounting standards. The lecture, organised by Professor Ted O‘Leary and colleagues in Accounting and Finance, attracted leading figures from the North West‘s business community and senior academics from across the UK.
After graduating with a BA in Economics in 1974, Bob joined Price Waterhouse and later joined Coopers & Lybrand becoming its senior technical partner in 1996. He assumed a similar position with the merged firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), the world‘s largest accounting firm, in 1998. Bob left his high-profile position as a senior partner at PWC, to step into to the chairman‘s role at the FASB in 2002. During his distinguished career, Bob has authored numerous publications on a variety of accounting, auditing and business subjects including the acclaimed The Value Reporting Revolution: Moving Beyond the Earnings Game. He also served as a part-time member of the International Accounting Standards Board. He is both a Certified Public Accountant and a Chartered Accountant.
L-R John Arnold, Bob Herz and Alan Gilbert
Bob has also chaired the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Regulations Committee and the Transnational Auditors Committee of the International Federation of Accountants, and served as a member of the Emerging Issues Task Force, the FASB Financial Instruments Task Force, the American Accounting Association‘s Financial Accounting Standards Committee and the Practice Section Executive Committee of the AICPA.
Alumni Diary We are delighted to welcome our new alumni and look forward to receiving your news. This is your chance to let everyone know where you‘ve been and what you‘ve been up to since graduating from Manchester Business School. If you have news for the next issue, email Jose Antonio Diaz_Infante (MBA ‘06) has joined Citigroup in London as an improvement manager for EMEA region. Tom Kent (MBA ‘06) is working for EMAAR Properties in Dubai as a business analyst in the groups CEO‘s office. James Clark (BA International Business, Finance & Economics ‘05) is currently working at Allianz Cornhill as a corporate management trainee (CMT), and is based in Guildford, Surrey.
investment. The system is currently being trialled in Glasgow and Cheshire and we are hoping set up some trials in London in the near future. We expect that the drinks industry will face some major changes next year when the smoking ban comes into effect and believe that a more continental style seated drinking culture will emerge". For more details on how this works go to
The CMT programme gives him the opportunity to move around the country filling differing job specifications, giving him access to the various divisions of Allianz Cornhill and allowing him to develop the cross-divisional skills essential for management.
after a flying post in the RAF. Shweta predominantly works in the Telecommunication, Media and Technology industries. She has completed projects in the Caribbean, Dubai and central Europe. Jonathan Wong (DipBA ‘04) has joined JP Morgan at senior associate level as a senior business analyst/project manager, and is based in their Hong Kong office. The role will include managing teams to define the strategy, design and implementation of equity and derivatives technical platforms throughout the Asia region.
Baby James
When he started, James was based in London on Leadenhall Street, and will be returning to Manchester to work in the Piccadilly One offices to perform a business development role in the new year. Tom Meacock (MBA ‘05) and Sharon became the proud parents of Noah Samuel on 6 June, weighing 7lb and 13oz. Tom, Sharon and Noah are now settling into family life in Sale, Cheshire and would like to thank everyone for their kind support and best wishes.
Peter Chambers (MBA ‘01) and Julia Chambers (MBA ‘02) became the proud parents of James Richard Chambers weighing 8lb 12oz on 11 July. Chris and Anna
Matthew Veasey (Exec MBA ‘05) and Joe McGrath (MBA ‘03) have recently joined forces to form Txt2Table. Txt2Table lets you order your drinks in pubs, clubs and bars via a text message from your mobile phone.
Chris Jones (MBA ‘04) and Anna Wycherley married in Clachan Church, Kintyre on Saturday 8 July. The couple honeymooned in Sri Lanka during August.
Joe explains: "We developed txt2table as a result of consumer research, highlighting the need for improved service with a low cost
Shweta Sharma (BSc Management ‘04) is currently working as a strategy consultant at Deloitte, based in London. She joined Deloitte
Katherine Mason (MBA ‘01) is working as director of process excellence, medicines and nutritionals group, Asia Pacific Region, Janssen-Cilag, a division of Johnson and Johnson. Lee Williams (MBA ‘01) and Zoe became the proud parents of a little girl called Nyah at 1:24am on 9 September 2006, weighing in at 10lb 2oz.
Alumni Diary Keyji Johnsen (MBA ‘01) and Miwa Hamasaki married on 8 April in Kobe, Japan. Baby Thomas
Margaret Agar (nee Milton) (MBA ‘01) and Richard became the proud parents of Thomas on 3 June, weighing 8lb 1oz.
Lesley Cuzons (nee Cashmore) (Exec MBA ‘99) has been appointed as managing partner at Yorkshire Bank‘s financial solutions centres in Manchester and Stockport. Keith Jones (MBA ‘97) completed the Three Peaks Challenge during September, when he and five others climbed Ben Nevis, Sca Fell and Snowdon in 24 hours. The challenge of the trek in itself was enough, but one of these mountains was also climbed in the dark! This was a personal challenge but he also helped to raise money (nearly £6000) in the process for The Christie Cancer Trust. Mark (Exec MBA ‘96) and Alison Haslam (Exec MBA ‘96) - who met whilst studying for their MBA at Manchester Business School - opened the doors to Rivington Taylor, a multi-million pound independent family furniture business, in Bolton during November, following Mark‘s return to his home town after 20 years working across the country. With 40,000 square feet of space spread over two floors, this is the largest furniture and bed store in the region. Mark said: "We can offer something a little unique, as this is an excellent showroom with lots of great furniture displayed in inspirational settings - more choice than any other showroom in the area. What the customers will also get is the business owners actually involved with the day-to-day operation of the shop, not a distant shareholder without any real feel for what‘s happening at ‘the coal face”. For more information go to
Pablo Kalberman (MBA ‘96) has been keeping extremely fit since graduating. He originally ran marathons and then progressed to racing triathlons (Olympic distances). After completing several Half Ironman competitions, he finally completed his first full Ironman race in 12 hours and 47 minutes, during May 2005 in Florianopolis, Brazil. In May this year, he returned to Florianopolis and completed his second Ironman. Ironman Pablo
Pablo said: "The most important objective in an Ironman is to finish; the experience from crossing the line is hard to describe, almost impossible. It is happiness and excitement, but also very emotional and you end up crying! Besides training your body and fitness for such an event and building your endurance, you also need mental training and getting used to loneliness on top of the bike; learning to be patient, having a second plan in case something goes wrong, managing various variables and focusing on your goal”. “An Ironman race is like being a manager, like launching a new product, similar to making a business work or a machine function. It‘s about pushing your mental and physical limits".
Simon Shorter (MBA ‘92) and Helen are proud to announce the birth of their fourth child Madeline Rose, who was born on 5 October weighing 8lbs 9oz. Madeline is a lovely sister for Hannah, Rebecca and Ben (the twins). Peter Winter (MBA ‘91) has been appointed pro-vice chancellor (enterprise) at Loughborough University. Verina Ingram (centre)
departments at Polaroid, but later expanded to become a competitive walk between firms in the photographic industry and although it is now open to the public, , it still goes by the name of Photoplod and is now the walking equivalent of the London Marathon. There has been frequent talk of a team entry from the London MBS chapter, but although they seem to have several able women they have not yet been able to produce enough men with the necessary robustness! Photoplod is a marvellous social event, but it is highly competitive and by no means trivial. Anyone who thinks they could get together a creditable team should check the rules on or contact Timothy. His details are on the website. OBITUARY
Verina Ingram (Management Science ‘89) is currently working as an interim manager at the Forest Governance Facility in Cameroon. Verina met recently with fellow alumni at a recent reunion weekend in Manchester where they spent the weekend visiting their old haunts from their student days. Richard Clegg (MBA ‘76) celebrated his 50th birthday in September. Guests at his celebrations included classmates Tony Birts, Barbara Burke, Mike Derbyshire, Barry Jones, Andrew Robertson and Pete Royle.
Marian Sudbury (Exec MBA ‘96) is running her own research, coaching and mentoring agency, InSync. The company, run by two research professionals with a combined 45 years of experience, specialises in helping businesses grow through understanding their customers and their market. InSync also coaches staff to deal with the impact of change, thus greatly increasing the chance of research leading to action. This provides Marian with a unique insight into the leadership issues faced by the research industry.
Timothy is the founder of this event which was started as a social event when he was head of personnel at Polaroid, 30 years ago. It became a fund raising event several years later almost as an afterthought.
For more information, please contact Marian at
Originally named Polaplod the event started out as a competitive team event between
Timothy St. Ather (MBA ‘74) completed a 42 mile walk across the South Downs on behalf of Save the Children in June of this year. He raised a total of £1020 for the charity.
Malika Talati (MBA ‘01) died tragically on the 14 May 2006, aged 32. Following graduation, she took up a position with IBM in New York. She was a vibrant and lively member of her class, as those of you who knew her would agree. Her contribution to the Business School and the alumni association in New York, will be sorely missed. Malika achieved many goals in a short period of time that many may not achieve in a life time. Her enthusiasm for life was unabated to her last day. She will leave a legacy in many hearts that will live on. Our thoughts are with her family and friends and she will be sadly missed by all those who knew her. Malika Talati
Inside Track Paul Haslam (MBA ‘91) who runs his own retail consultancy business explains why retailers face a winter of discontent as the cost base rises, while the total consumer market shrinks. Retailers and consumers both face rising costs over the coming months and this means trouble. Consumers have been hit with way above price and wage inflation, increases in home energy prices (45% year on year), fuel and council tax. Additionally the chancellor‘s previously announced income tax rises come into play in November and interest rates are still rising. All this adds up to a shrinking retail pie and as if this wasn‘t enough there is, what I call, hidden inflation where we are being encouraged (rightly) to buy organic and fair-trade goods - the price difference here again is significantly above Retail Price Index (RPI) inflation. Meanwhile… The retailer faces the same cost pressures with rises in council tax for businesses, rents (11%), the minimum wage (19%) and National Insurance contributions. With increasing competitive pressures and with the retail pie decreasing, he is faced with the need to increase market share, in order to survive and ultimately maintain profits.
So what would I be doing in the short term if I was a retailer…? Providing my product is right - without good products or services you are dead in the water.
Competition for the retail pie continues to be fierce. Tesco continues to grow and bulldoze into new markets (only recently they announced a skiwear range), M&S is recovering fast, clawing back market share back in food and clothing, whilst attacking new areas such as small electrical goods.The amount of money spent on the internet will reach a new high (30% annual growth).
• Make shopping as easy as possible - so don‘t cut staff. Consider creating a multi channel offer. Retailers who have a transactional (i.e. you can buy from it) website are not hurting as much as traditional retailers at the moment. The single biggest growth area of internet shopping is buy online, pick up at store (approximately twice as fast as internet sales growth)
Technology will make a big claim on the pocket this season as consumers‘ trade up to mobile phones with cameras and mp3 players and the flat screen TV becomes a household necessity. Cheap flights continue to funnel spending money overseas rather than on to the UK high street.
• Sort information into meaningful and timely key performance indicators, that will tell me if something is going differently from the projections. Areas to consider are store performance, distribution, as well the favourites like best and worst sellers. If something is going incredibly right this may be the opportunity you were looking for
The impact on a retailer‘s profit and loss could be dramatic, with many retailers going bust unless they have clear strategies to mitigate these cost rises whilst finding a way to grow the sales. Rent quarter day in March will be an uncomfortable time for many retailers as they try to balance the cash flow.
I would: • Get my message out - so at least maintain marketing spend if not increase it
• Tighten stockholding through specific use of technology available - getting the right product at the right place, at just the right time will free up capital for use elsewhere
• Plan for the “expected” as well as the “unthinkable”. Have a business continuity plan. Companies often think of business continuity problems being triggered by disasters like Buncefield last year, but they can be sparked by small events, for example a heavy snowfall, key staff falling sick during busy periods. Remember a week‘s lost sales in December are more than likely to be three or four weeks‘ lost sales in January or February • Look at the stock loss and look for opportunities to save money. Every pound of stock loss saved goes virtually straight to the bottom line and may also result in an extra sale. Shrinkage is a huge cost to the retail industry and careful design of business processes can engineer these mistakes out of the business and improve your profitability. In the longer term there are lots of possibilities, but between now and Christmas I would advise retailers to focus on the present, to ensure they are still here next year to enjoy planning future strategies!
Contacts UK Manchester Lee Williams (MBA ‘01)
London Jessica Pittman (MBA ‘04)
Paul Handforth (MBA ‘99)
Ida Huang (MBA ‘05)
India Piyush Seth (MBA ‘04)
Australia Sami Lambe (MBA ‘00) Barbados George Gleadall (MBA DL ‘98) Canada (Toronto) Steven Edwards (Exec MBA ‘04) China Mijia Wu (MBA ‘01) Cyprus Michael Charakis (MBA ‘01) France Timothy Griffin (MBA ‘88) Germany Paul Baker (MBA ‘94) Greece Dimitrios Vlachos (MBA ‘90) Hong Kong Pither Yeung, Wai (Mingi) (MBA DL ‘06)
Indonesia Pamela Teo (MBA DL ‘01) Ireland Colin Gerrish (MBA ‘00) Jamaica Courtney Christie-Veitch (MBA DL ‘97) Japan Tetsuo Iida (MBA ‘04) Kenya Robert Karanga (MBA DL ‘03) Korea Edward Suh (MBA ‘03) Mexico Alvaro Bravo Bartolozzi (MBA ‘05) Middle East Malini Anand (MBA ‘04)
Gillian King (MBA DL ‘05)
New York Larissa Hrabec (MBA ‘01) North America Elizabeth Pia Minah (MBA ‘04) Portugal Joao Duque (PhD ‘95) Scandinavia Louise Asp (MBA ‘00) Singapore Stanley Sia (MBA DL ‘01) Spain Javier Martin (MBA ‘96) South Africa Robert Stratton-Brown (MBA ‘01) Taiwan Alex Chen (MBA ‘99) Thailand Paitoon Chetthamrongchai (PhD ‘98)
Lincoln Behm (MBA ‘05)