2016 Portfolio - Alexander Alva Delanova

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port-fo-li-o (noun)

a collection of drawings, documents, etc. that represent a person's, especially an artist's

education SMA Santa Maria 1 Cirebon Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Hi! I'm Alexander Alva Delanova, but you can call me Alva or Domdom. I was born in Pontianak, West Borneo in 1995. Currently being a graphic design student at Multimedia Nusantara University. I like to learn new things especially in making illustrations.

achievement 1st place in National Education Day’s wall magazine competition (2012) 1st place in UNTAG’s photography competition (2013)

experiences Starent Studios as Designer (2014-2015) Antiokhia Cup as Head, Designer and Photographer (2015) Masterpiece Magazine as Exhibition Designer (2014-2015) Kolektif as Designer and Conceptor (2015) For Friends Weekend Antiokhia as Head (2015) Antiokhia Cup as Designer and Photographer (2015)

software and design skills Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe After Effects Adobe Dreamweaver Microsoft Word 3ds Max Branding Layouting Packaging Web Design Advertising Manual Illustration Digital Illustration Manual Painting Sculpting Typography Writing 08561607033 (line) alvadomdom alexander.domdom@gmail.com (facebook) Alexander Alva Delanova kreavi.com/alvadomdom


one friend a day


natural wraps

world watercolor month: patterns

fructus' advertising

bango's campaign

logo & branding

duna nusantara project


self project

star wars giveaway: postcards & stickers

deadpool giveaway: artprints & stickers

natural wraps postcards


fullprint pattern t-shirts

alexander alva delanova 2016

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