Netapp NS0-160 NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP
NS0-160 VCE ExamCollection
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NS0-160 VCE ExamCollection
You don't have to take any worry about your NS0-160 Exam VCE. Examcollection give you some demo question and answer of NS0-160 Examcollection. NS0-160 VCE ExamCollection
How would you protect a NAS SVM root volume? A. B. C. D.
Create a SnapMirror copy of the root volume to a peer cluster. Create load-sharing mirrors. Create a backup the SVM configuration. Create a backup of the SVM root volume.
Answer: B
You want to establish a SnapMirror relationship between two clusters. In this scenario, which two actions must you perform to accomplish this task? (Choose two.) A. B. C. D.
Peer the nodes. Peer the volumes. Peer the clusters. Peer the SVMs.
Answer: C D
A storage administrator has a single-node FAS cluster. The administrator wants to add a second node to convert the FAS storage array into a switchless cluster. In this scenario, what would the administrator do to accomplish the task?
A. B. C. D.
Add a new AFF HA pair and replace the existing FAS. Add a cluster interconnect switch and a second FAS of the same model. Add a new single node AFF controller to the existing FAS storage array. Add a new single node FAS controller of the same model.
Answer: D
Which storage efficiency policy is automatically defined when you run volume move from a non-AFF system to an AFF system? A. B. C. D.
inline-only promote default auto
Answer: D
When a write from a SAN host is received, the information is stored within the controller before it is written to the underlying RAID. In this scenario, which component stores the data?
A. B. C. D.
HBA FlashCache Flash Pool NVRAM
Answer: D
To which three objects on an ONTAP 9.3 cluster would you assign a QoS throughput floor? (Choose three.) A. B. C. D. E.
a volume on FAS a LUN on AFF a volume on AFF an SVM on AFF a file on AFF
Answer: B C E
You are configuring an FC to allow LUN access to a host system. In this scenario, a switch needs a zone configuration file that includes which two elements? (Choose two.) A. B. C. D.
host initiator WWPN SVM target WWNN host initiator WWNN SVM target WWPN
Answer: A D
If an SVM is renamed and it is participating in an intercluster SVM peer relationship, what is the result? A. B. C. D.
SVM peers are removed and they need to be re-created. Snapshot copies are renamed with the new SVM unique identifier. SnapMirror relationships appear as broken and a resync is required. Remote clusters are updated with the new peer SVM name.
Answer: A
You have configured SVM Disaster Recovery on your cluster, and you set the identity-preserve option to false. In this scenario, which objects are replicated?
A. B. C. D.
SAN LIFs NFS Export policies DNS and DNS hosts Snapshot copies
Answer: D
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NS0-160 VCE ExamCollection
NS0-160 VCE ExamCollection
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NS0-160 VCE ExamCollection