4 minute read


Alhamdulillah, we have been given the blessing from Allah to witness and experience another holy month of Ramadan: a month full of Rahma, Maghfirah and Khair. Ramadan was the month in which our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW received the first word of the Quran: “iqra” - Read! The first thing that was revealed through the Quran was not to pray, give zakat or do Hajj. It was to read, to seek knowledge. And what better time is it to read the words of Allah and to understand it than the month of Ramadan?

As an Islamic school, Alhamdulillah we have done many things to prepare the students for Ramadan. One of the first initiatives created by the Quran and Islamic studies department was to have a halaqah every Friday in which the boys and girls sit separately in circles and recite alkalam Allah. Alhamdulillah so far, by strengthening the brotherhood and sisterhood; teaching the students the necessity of the Quran in our daily lives, this has been very successful.

Allahuma barik lahum the Quran and Islamic studies department have also spent many hours organising Ramadan guide packs for every single secondary student. This year’s packs contain some Zamzam water, dates, miswak, a prayer mat, a Ramadan card and some chocolate. This has built up excitement in welcoming the blessed month of Ramadan. These bags will help our dedicated students maximise their good deeds for the month.

They were given to the students during a special assembly dedicated to Ramadan. Alhamdulillah, this assembly gave the students some insight into how impactful and life-changing this month can be to them if they attain taqwa. Taqwa is the awareness that Allah is al-Baseer, the all-seeing, and al-Alim, the all-knowing. Knowing this, we aim to avoid sins for the sake of Allah, knowing that it displeases Him. Rather, we should be indulging ourselves in as much good as we can.

This Ramadan, let us acquire taqwa so we do not wake up on the morning of Eid and wish that we did more acts of worship. I pray that we can fully benefit from this blessed month

Thank you,

Imran Hussien ICOM College Captain 2023

Ramadan, dear readers, is a spiritual springtime. It is a season of growth, renewal, and rejuvenation for the Muslim soul. Just as the winter frost gives way to the warmth of the sun, Ramadan thaws the hearts and blossoms the spirits of the believers. Our faith is much like a seed, nourished by acts of fasting, prayer and charity, which allow it to grow into a strong and vibrant tree. SubhanAllah, just as a healthy tree provides shelter and nourishment to those around it, a strong and fruitful faith can bring light, love and livelihood into our lives and the lives of those around us. This Ramadan is the perfect opportunity for us all to cultivate a deeper love and appreciation for Allah (SWT) so that, InshAllah, in the hereafter, we are amongst the true believers.

The profound love that the Islamic College of Melbourne holds for Ramadan is rooted in the utter joy and fulfilment this holy month allows us all to experience. We are a college that proudly advocates for sympathy, gratefulness and peace, which is why this fleeting period of heightened spirituality is always welcomed with open arms. This year in particular, the college has truly gone above and beyond to spread Ramadan cheer. InshAllah, we will begin the holy month together with the secondary Iftaar, a memorable night in which students across secondary will come together to break their fast in a timeless tradition that strengthens our unbreakable bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood. Every year, the secondary Iftaar creates a sense of unity amongst the ICOM folk, as we enthusiastically bond over a shared sense of a higher purpose that is cherished and celebrated. The night of the highly anticipated Iftaar will also see Year 12 students taking part in the Qiyam night, organised by our wonderful Quran and Islamic Studies department, during which they will stay overnight at the school to observe acts of worship together and reflect on how they wish to approach the month ahead. Moreover, the college will especially be focusing on helping those less fortunate, because as the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), the best of men, said, “Give charity without delay”. Through partnership with the Halal Food Bank, which I am very proud to say is a student-led initiative that has been planned by some incredible year 10s; secondary students will be encouraged to generously donate foods so that more Muslims across Victoria can enjoy fulfilling Iftaars with their loved ones. Overall, to say that ICOM is excited for Ramadan would be a massive understatement.

Alhamdulillah, the love that we, as Muslims, hold for Ramadan is not just for the month itself, but for the transformative effect it has on our lives and our relationship with the One, the Only, Allah (SWT). I pray that just as the spring rain brings new life to this earth, the mercy and forgiveness of Allah (SWT) is showered upon the Ummah this Ramadan, providing us all with the strength, hope and guidance we need, Ameen.

Sumaiyya Baloch

ICOM School Captain 2023

( .ئيش

نيذلا طارــص ،ميقتسملا

بوضغملا ريغ مهيلع تمعنأ

اذإو .)نيلاضلا لاو مهيلع

لاصخ نم نزاوــتــلا ناــك



لاضلاو ىدهلاو لطابلاو

نسح هدميو دشرلاو يغلاو

ىوقتو قحلا يرحتو دصقلا

ةيناعلاو رسلا يف برــلا

ىوهلا عابتا هتدام عطقيو

ةدمحم بلطو ايندلا راثياو

ىدهف( :ىلاعت لاق )سانلا

اوفلتخا امل اونمآ نيذلا هللا

هللاو هنذإب قحلا نم هيف

طارص ىلإ ءاشي نم يدهي )ميقتسم

اهيف عقي يتلا روملأا نم

للخ ىلع ءانب للزلاو للخلا

ملعلاو يقلتلاو مهفلا يف

ءادأ يف نزاوتلا ةيضق يه

بيلغتو اهتياعرو قوقحلا

ىلع بجاوو ،قح ىلع قح

ملظلا يف دبعلا عقيف بجاو

ماسلإاف ،ريصقتلاو يدعتلاو

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