History of DIN

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type family

FF DIN 1451 Engschrift

FF DIN 1451 Mittelschrift FF DIN 1451 Regular Italic

FF DIN 30640 Grotesk

FF DIN 30640 Grotesk Light

“It’s very mechanical, bold, and strik HISTORY OF DIN

The history of the typeface DIN is a

This committee sought to unify public

it. In 1936, the German Standards

long one that involves many variants

communication across Germany with

Committee settled on it as the

and different designers. One of the

a clean typeface such as DIN, which

standard font to be used everywhere in

earliest variants of the typeface was

was designed on a grid and very

Germany. From street signs to public

DIN 16 which was released in 1916 by

industrial in form. It became an even

transportation and to the Autobahn,

the German Standards Committee,

more accepted typeface in 1923 when

DIN was a font that was to be the

(Deutsches Institut für Normung).

the D. Stempel A G Foundry released

standard for the public.


Following in September 1939, DIN

In 1995 Albert Jan Pool created FFDIN,

Din Mittelschrift was what was used

achieved legal status, the same time

which expanded the original typeface

primarily and Engschrift only when

Germany invaded Poland and started

to be a more polished form for graphic

Mittelschrift didnt’ fit. These new

WWII. Consequently, the German

design. There are two variants of DIN

variants renewed interest among

Standards Committee was careful

and that includes Din 1451 Mittelschrift

graphic designers, including Akira

to separate itself from Nazi political

(main) and DIN 1451 Engschrift

Kobayashi, who was the lead designer



behind another version, Din Next.


bert Jan-Pool

A apex



b ascender



ascender line

Minim tittle

cap height



x height



mally shoulder


waltz, BAD n FOR quick JIGS


nymph, VEX!


“Typography i human speec translated int what can be r -H

is ch to read� Herbert Bayer THE BAUHAUS

Design movements that surrounded

standardized, and stripped away of

the inception of DIN included most

ornament. Notable designers of the

importantly Bauhaus, which spanned

Bauhaus include its instructor Joost

from 1919 to 1933. The Bauhaus was

Schmidt who taught lettering. Schmidt

a German design school started by

encouraged students to focus on the

the architect Walter Gropius and it

treatment of rectangles, squares,

was known for combining fine art and

and circles, the very structures that

design principles in its curriculum.

made up letterforms. Also of note

The Bauhaus’ general aesthetic was

was Herbert Bayer who was another

extremely minimal and industrialized

instructor and also commissioned by

and this was reflected in all its work,

Gropius to create a standard typeface

from architecture to print design and

for the Bauhaus. Bayer believed in

Gropius stressed that the work be

creating compositions that consisted

made for the masses.

of bold geometric elements and was

Typography became an increasingly

in tune with the expressive qualities

important facet at the Bauhaus when

that color could have. Any notion of

it was viewed not only as a pragmatic

handiwork was to be dispelled in favor

form of communication but also had

of a more industrialized and minimal

the potential for artistic expression.

look. As a result, the end result to

Visual clarity played a significant role

Bayer’s commission was a typeface

its typographic aesthetic.

that was geometric and universal, an

As accordingly, designers there were

ideal sans serif font that contained no

keen to use sans serif typefaces,

capitals and was stripped of anything

which were geometric and could be


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