STUDENT GUIDE 2012 – 2013
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Student-Faculty Interaction
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Quality of Teaching & Learning
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Most Satisfied
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Quality of Teaching & Learning
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Best Resi
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Most Satisfied Students
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Campus Atmosphere I NTRODUCTION Nipissing’s Advantages. . . . . . . . . 1 Additional Support and Financial Assistance. . . . . . . . . . 5 Tuition and Residence Fees. . . . . . . 7
Graduate and Professional Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Degree Framework. . . . . . . . . . . Undergraduate Programs. . . . . . . Residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
STUDENT LIFE: NORTH BAY CAMPUS. . . . . . . . . . 9 Programs at a Glance. . . . . . . . . 11 Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Dual Degrees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Orientation to Teaching. . . . . . . 11
SCHULICH SCHOOL OF EDUCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Teaching and Technology. . . . . . . 29 Teaching Options . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
11 13 15 25
STUDENT LIFE: MUSKOKA CAMPUS . . . . . . . . . 33 Undergraduate Programs. . . . . . . 35 STUDENT LIFE: BRANTFORD CAMPUS . . . . . . . . 37 Concurrent Education Program. . . 37
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ADMISSIONs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Satisfied with Out of Province Admission Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Class Size Admissions Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Pro Acc
Small University. Big Advantages. As a small university, Nipissing has many advantages that result in student satisfaction. Student success is directly related to quality teaching and outstanding student services. Our top-of-the-class results in national surveys indicate that small class sizes, the availability of faculty to students outside the classroom, opportunities for research, professional placements, community-based service-learning, and overall quality of education, are all Nipissing advantages that will help you realize your full potential.
Our focus is student success
Enjoy the friendly, community feel and a safe, personalized student experience. • Learn in small interactive classes where every student has a voice, and a name. • Expect accessible, supportive faculty who provide one-on-one attention and are available outside classroom hours. • Live in the best residences in Canada with a guaranteed private room. • Celebrate your secondary school achievements with our guaranteed entrance scholarships – no application required!
“I chose Nipissing University because I didn’t want to be just another face in the crowd. The small class sizes mean your professors get to know you by name and they have a genuine interest in your success. I couldn’t be happier with my decision. Nipissing has given me many experiences and opportunities I could only have at a small university.” Thomas Hanna, Physical and Health Education, 2012-13 NUSU President
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Satisfied udents
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Best Student Residences
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Work-Play Balance
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Instructor Teaching Style
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Class Size
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Academic Counselling
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Reputation with Employers
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Career Preparation
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Research Opportunities
Guaranteed Single Room in Residence
Residence is guaranteed to all students admitted directly from secondary school. With fully furnished suites, modern private bedrooms complete with high-speed wifi and ethernet internet access, it’s no wonder Nipissing’s residences are rated the best in the country. For full details, see page 25.
High Employment Rates After Graduation
91.3% Employment Rate 6 months after graduation. 96.0% Employment Rate 2 years after graduation. Source: Government of Ontario, 2011
Guaranteed Entrance Scholarships
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
90% +
85% +
Admission Average*
* Average based on best six final 4U/4M courses ** Tuition amount depends on program. Based on taking 5 courses per term (30 credit course load) in Fall/Winter undergraduate courses † Based on 2012-2013 tuition fees.
No rocket science here. No application is required either. If you have the marks you’ll receive the scholarship. Check the next page for more information on other scholarships, awards and bursaries. Renewable Scholarship Must maintain a minimum of 85% on 30 credits in the fall/winter term Annual Scholarships Based on annual grades of 85% + on 30 credits in the fall/winter term Based on annual grades of 80-84% on 30 credits in the fall/winter term
WINNER 2012 Library Interior Design Competition International Interior Design Association/Library Leadership and Management Association
Additional Support and Financial Assistance We believe that a university education should be an attainable goal for all qualified students, and we are committed to helping you overcome financial obstacles. Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries Last year, nearly 55% of our students received an entrance scholarship. Scholarship averages are calculated using the best six final 4U/4M marks completed as of June 30, 2013. Your final grades can make a big difference! Applicants who apply for admission to Nipissing University by May 1, 2013, will be considered automatically for entrance scholarships. Secondary school applicants from outside Ontario are also eligible for entrance scholarships; please contact the Liaison Office for information at You can easily apply for other entrance awards and bursaries (based on criteria other than just grades) by completing the following three application forms by May 1, 2013.
Award Application forms
Chancellor’s Awards •
$10,000 Chancellor’s awards for two first year students • entering full-time undergraduate studies (first entry only) • minimum average of 85%, show evidence of personal leadership activities and financial need • renewable at $3,000 per year
$6,000 Schulich Scholarships in Science or Mathematics and Education •
$6,000 awarded to 100 students entering the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts (Math or Computer Science), or Bachelor of Physical Health and Education program at Nipissing University with a focus on education (BSc with Concurrent BEd or Orientation to Teaching (OTT) or BA Math or Computer Science with Concurrent BEd or OTT or BPHE with OTT) • Recipients must have a minimum 75% average and demonstrate contributions to the community and/or financial need.
Entrance Bursaries and Awards • •
values range from $500 to $3,000 entering undergraduate studies directly from secondary school
For a complete list of scholarships, awards and bursaries or other funding options, please visit:
“ Scholarships and awards give me the freedom to worry about what really matters – my school work. I can focus on getting the most out of my program without the financial concerns.” Andrea Macedo, Mathematics ’10, Schulich Scholarship Recipient Currently pursuing an MSc Mathematics
Work Study Program Work study programs are designed to support student financial needs, while providing career-related experience. Students who qualify have access to opportunities that are posted at the beginning of the fall semester, and may work on campus for up to 10 hours per week between September and April. Applications and additional information may be found at
Government Assistance Government assistance programs such as OSAP are an important source of funding, and this program is available to all eligible students attending Nipissing University. To learn more about OSAP or to apply for funding, visit
Nipissing Ranks
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Student-Faculty Interaction
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Quality of Teaching & Learning
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Best Student Residences
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Instructor Teaching Style
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Work-Play Balance
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Class Size
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Tuition and Residence Fees Maintaining a budget throughout your university years will help ensure that you achieve your goals and reduce your stress levels. When calculating your budget, remember to include the cost of textbooks and supplies, which can cost between $500 and $1000.
STUDYING IN NORTH BAY 2012-2013 Tuition Fees for First Year Full-time Undergraduate Students Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents BBA and Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,770 Concurrent Education (Year 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,476 All Other Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,379 International Students Undergraduate Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,500 Ancillary Fees Student Incidental Fees* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,256 (Includes a City of North Bay transit pass) Optional Fees Residence fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,465 – $6,195 On-campus parking (depending on lot). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $210 – $235 Locker rental. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 Optional meal plans are available to residence and non-residence students for $200, $750 or $1,500; or, choose a personal plan starting at a minimum of $25.
STUDYING IN MUSKOKA 2012-2013 Tuition Fees for First Year Full-time Undergraduate Students Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents Child and Family Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,379 Culture and the Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,379 Liberal Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,379 Concurrent Education (Year 1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,362 International Students Undergraduate Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,500 Ancillary Fees Student Incidental Fees* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $851 Optional Fees Residence fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,965 – $6,145 Locker rental. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25
*This information is provided for guidance only. Fees are subject to change from year to year.
STUDYING IN BRANTFORD 2012-2013 Tuition Fees for Full-time Undergraduate Students
Tuition fees for undergraduate courses are payable to Wilfrid Laurier University. Please visit for further information.
“ When I first visited Nipissing, I was blown away by the residence. I spent all four years of my undergraduate degree in residence; I felt safe, got involved in Residents’ Council, and created numerous connections with residence staff and students. Being a student at Nipissing was truly an experience, being in residence helped to make the transition from Brampton to North Bay easier.” Tamrakay Plummer, Sociology ’10, BEd ’11
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Quality of Teaching & Learning
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Best Student Residences
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Instructor Teaching Style
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Class Size
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Academic Counselling
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Campus Atmosphere
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Work-Play Balance
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Most Satisfied Students
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City Satisfaction
Reputation with Employers
6 months a graduatio Gov’t of Ont, 2011
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Satisfied with Class Size
96% Students Agree:
Professors Accessible
Outside of Class CUSC 2011
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Satisfied with Type of Instruction
north bay Campus
Student Life: North Bay Campus Nipissing’s main campus in North Bay is located on a stunning 291 hectares of Canadian Shield forest and is only 3.5 hours north of Toronto or 4 hours west of Ottawa. With the focus on student-centred learning and living, you will feel a sense of community the moment you step on campus. Over 60 percent of our full-time students come from out of town, which means most everyone is eager to make new friends. The small class sizes and supportive environment will encourage you to find out about yourself, explore your interests, and develop new life-long friendships. Active Living Whether you like indoor or outdoor activities, Nipissing is ready for action. The newly expanded R.J. Surtees Student Athletic Centre boasts 3 gymnasiums, an international squash court, fitness centre, cardio studio and weight room. You have access to 20 km of hiking trails and a natural waterfall right on campus. The university is also close to the YMCA (with pool), several arenas, a ski and snowboarding hill, biking path, walking trails, and several public beaches ideal for swimming and canoeing. If you are looking for more organized activities, check out the intramural teams that Nipissing has to offer at
Lakers varsity teams Our student athletes bring their best game to the classroom as well as to the playing surface, and rival their peers both academically and athletically. Our varsity teams provide high performance entertainment, so come out and cheer on your Nipissing University Lakers. For more details, visit • • • • • • •
Men’s and Women’s Soccer Men’s and Women’s Volleyball Men’s and Women’s Cross-country Running Men’s and Women’s Nordic Skiing Men’s Hockey Women’s Hockey coming Fall 2013 Men’s and Women’s Swimming (new for Fall 2012)
Student Union and Clubs You may be interested in student government, joining an existing club, or creating your own. Getting involved is a great way to enrich your campus experience. It will make the transition to university life at Nipissing and North Bay so much more fulfilling.
Some of the current clubs on campus include: • African Canadian Culture Club • Arts and Crafts • Best Buddies • Cheerleading • Dungeons and Dragons • Habitat for Humanity • Love the Label • NU Reads • Nipissing Dance Club • Nipissing University Student Ambassadors (NUSA) • Pride on Campus • Residents’ Council • Street Team • Students on Stage • Women’s Center • Zombie Action Defense Club
Student Events – North Bay Every year, Nipissing and NUSU (Nipissing University Student Union) host a multitude of different events including, to name a few: • Frosh Week (First week of September) • Wall Pub Theme Nights (Fridays) • Frost Bite (January) • Homecoming Weekend (October) • Residence Orientation (September 1-3) • Dinner & A Show at the Wall (Wednesdays) • Concerts at the Wall (throughout the year) Many clubs also run performances or other social events not listed here. Check out for more information.
Services for Students Student success is our top priority, and excellent resources are available to assist you with your goals. Access to the academic skills programs, peer tutoring,
international exchanges, job search workshops, career counselling, and individualized assistance for differently abled students is available through the Office of Student Development and Services.
City Transit Pass To make transportation a breeze, a City of North Bay transit pass is included in all full-time student incidental fees. For more detailed information visit cityhall/department/transit/schedules.asp
North Bay Whether you are interested in arts and culture, exploring the outdoors or socializing with friends at any of our local eateries, you will want to check out the City’s website to get an idea as to what there is to see and do while you are in North Bay:
International Studies
Love to travel? International study opportunities are available to students who want to experience Nipissing’s partnerships with universities in Australia, Barbados, China, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, United Kingdom or the United States.
Academic Counselling
Research Opportunities
Reputation with Employers
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Employment Rate
City Satisfaction
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Employment Rate 2 years after graduation Gov’t of Ont, 2011
96% Students Agree:
Professors Accessible
Outside of Class
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Satisfied with Type of Instruction
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Average Class Size
Employment Rate
Employment Rate
6 months after graduation
2 years after graduation
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Programs at a Glance Your career options are limitless. Nipissing takes an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach to learning. Whether you choose an existing program or customize your own degree, you have the flexibility to align your interests with your studies, which will help you to realize your professional goals. Undergraduate Programs
Additional Available Credentials
Biology Business – Streams: Accounting, Economics, Organizational Studies, Marketing, Technology Management Classical Studies Commerce Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics English Studies Environmental Biology and Technology Environmental Geography Environmental Science and Physical Geography Fine Arts Gender Equality and Social Justice Geography History Liberal Arts Liberal Science Mathematics Native Studies Nursing Philosophy Physical and Health Education Political Science Psychology Religions and Cultures Science and Technology – Streams: Artificial Intelligence, Environment, General, Industrial Mathematics, Robotics or Service System Technology Social Welfare and Social Development Sociology
Certificate in Aboriginal Leadership Certificate of Bilingualism Certificate in Digital Humanities Certificate in Environmental Management Certificate in Financial Services Certificate in Game Design and Development Certificate in Geomatics Certificate in Health Studies and Gerontology iLEAD Business Experience Certificate Certificate in Neuroscience
Dual Degrees Concurrent Education The Faculty of Arts and Science, and Applied and Professional Studies, in conjunction with the Schulich School of Education, offer a concurrent program leading to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree and a Bachelor of Education degree or a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree and a Bachelor of Education degree. Bachelor of Commerce If you would like to combine Business with an Arts or Science program, Nipissing offers students the opportunity to study both and complete a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in five years. This dual degree allows students to study a wider range of general interest and career specific subjects. For more information see the Academic Calendar at and see the Admission Chart on page 44 for admission requirements.
“ I enthusiastically recommend the physical and health education program. The annual community placements, variety of sport practicals, inspirational teachers and welcoming family-like community has and will continue to enrich my academic, professional and life experiences.” Mabel Plourde Doran, Physical and Health Education, ’12 Currently pursuing a Master of Physical Therapy at the University of Western
Orientation to Teaching Thinking about a career in teaching? Consider Nipissing’s Orientation to Teaching (OTT). As an OTT student you will take teaching-specific courses as part of your undergraduate degree and after graduation will be admitted to the Schulich School of Education for your Bachelor of Education degree. OTT can be combined with any Nipissing degree, with the exception of Nursing. For more about teaching options, refer to page 29.
Graduate and Professional Programs Bachelor of Education Master of Education Master of Arts (History) Master of Environmental Studies Master of Environmental Science Master of Science (Math) PhD in Education
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Quality of Teaching & Learning
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Student-Faculty Interaction
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Best Student Residences
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Work-Play Balance Most Satisfied Globe & Mail 2012
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Quality of Teaching & Learning
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Instructor Teaching Style
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Most Satisfied Students
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Class Size Campus Atmosphere
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Reputation with Satisfied with Employers Class Size
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Resea OpportP A
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City Satisfaction
91% Ave Employment Rate 96. 21:1 Clas Employm Student-Faculty Ratio 3 6 months after graduation Gov’t of Ont, 2011
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Satisfied with
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Shape Your Future It is not unusual for students to explore new academic interests or switch programs once they have seen all that the university has to offer. Within the Nipissing degree framework, you can choose specializations, majors and minors that align with your career plans to design your own academic journey and ultimate career path. Each specialization, major or minor consists of a group of courses from that area of study. The chart below shows how courses can be combined in the three different types of degrees offered. Degree Type
Honours Bachelor’s Degree 40 courses (120 credits, 4 years)
Degrees Available Honours Specialization (18 courses in area of specialization plus the two-course honours level courses, and 20 additional courses) Honours Double Major (12 courses in each of two areas of study plus 2 honours courses and 14 additional courses) Specialization (18 courses in the area of specialization plus 22 additional courses)
Bachelor’s Degree 40 courses (120 credits, 4 years)
Double Major (12 courses in each of two areas of study plus 16 additional courses) Major (12 courses in the major area of study plus 28 additional courses)
Bachelor’s Degree (General) 30 courses (90 credits, 3 years)
Major (12 courses in the major area of study plus 18 additional courses) Double Minor (Liberal) (6 Courses in each of two areas of study plus 18 additional courses)
“ There are many opportunities for involvement at university — academic and social. The two are not mutually exclusive, and part of being a student is finding the balance that works for you. My involvement as a peer mentor, blogger, and co-creator of a reading club for youth has helped me bridge the gap between class work, career goals and personal interests. I encourage you to participate in extra-curricular activities, and to individualize your involvement so you make the most of your experience.” Alayna Becker, Concurrent Education with English, ’12
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Average Class Size
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Program Descriptions Biology and Environmental Biology and Technology As a Biology student, you will learn from professors who are active in their fields of research. As an undergraduate, you will have the opportunity to conduct original graduate-level research. Nipissing’s state-of-the-art research facilities include a central analytical facility, a fully automated greenhouse, a three acre field station, a confocal microscopy unit, animal care facilities, and a genomics/ gene expression laboratory. Your hands on training in a range of biological techniques will be a great benefit when planning for careers, graduate schools or graduate scholarships. In the Environmental Biology and Technology degree, you might focus on such areas as water quality, environmental health, and ecology. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies (Master’s and Doctoral degrees in fields of biology and health) • Professional School (Medicine, Education, Law, Physiotherapy, Dentistry, Optometry, etc.) • Careers in biology, research, wildlife management, environmental management, forestry and consulting For a more information please visit
Business Programs in the School of Business are designed for both secondary school graduates and working professionals. You will gain the advantage of both in-depth business knowledge and broad personal experiences to help you prepare for your future career. Our unique learning environment provides more than a degree. At Nipissing you will: •
interact with award-winning faculty develop a sense of social and corporate responsibilities • explore international exchanges and travel • learn by doing through internship and research opportunities • earn credits towards professional designations •
You can choose to specialize in one of the five Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) streams: Accounting, Economics, Marketing, Organizational Studies or Technology Management. Alternatively, the Bachelor of Commerce (BComm) degree is available to students who already have post-secondary education or workplace experience. Graduates of a three-year college diploma program may qualify to complete the BComm at their college campus. For students who already hold a university degree in another area of study, we offer the BComm as a second degree. For the convenience of working professionals, this degree is also available through flexible learning, online. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law, MBA) • Careers in management, accounting, taxation, e-commerce, government services, human resources, marketing, banking and international investment For more information please visit
Classical Studies This program provides a broad understanding of Ancient Greek and Roman worlds including their history, philosophy, archaeology, art, language and literature. In first year, you will be introduced to Ancient Literature, Latin, Religion, Military Traditions, Mythology, Philosophy, Art and Architecture, Social and Political Thought, and differing theories developed by various historians. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law) • Careers in research, library or museum services, and archeology For more information please visit
Computer Science If artificial intelligence, robotics and game design are your areas of interest, then Nipissing’s Computer Science program is for you. You will gain a strong foundation in computer science theory and in its applications such as graphics, networking and distributed systems, computer security and software engineering. You can tailor your degree to be more applied or theoretical and you will be supported by faculty who are genuinely interested in providing you with the skills to make your dreams a reality. In first year, you will take a number of courses including Digital Systems, Programming, Calculus, and Discrete Mathematics. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, MBA) • Careers as systems analysts, programmers, software analysts, and software developers For more information please visit
Criminal Justice As a Criminal Justice student, you will complete core courses in Criminology, Law and Research Methods, along with specialized courses in one of our program streams: Policing, Corrections, Criminology, or Criminal Justice Studies. For the Policing and Corrections streams, Nipissing University works collaboratively with Canadore College so that graduates will receive both an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree and a College diploma (in Police Foundations or Community and Justice Services). Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law) • Employment as a police officer, crime analyst, research and policy analyst, correctional officer or probation/parole officer • Careers with the RCMP, OPP, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Correctional Service of Canada, Canada’s armed forces, regional, municipal, military and First Nations community police services
graduation Gov’t of Ont, 2011
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Satisfied with Class Size
96% Students Agree:
Professors Accessible
Outside of Class
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Satisfied with Type of Instruction
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Student-Faculty Ratio
Average Class Size
Employment Rate 6 months after graduation Gov’t of Ont, 2011
For more information please visit
English Studies Whatever your goals, individual attention from your English Studies professors will help you to succeed. English Studies cultivates advanced communication skills, but the primary object of study is the text. Over the course of your degree, you will study the cultures that are expressed, imagined, defined, and, in some cases, challenged in literature from Beowulf (the Anglo-Saxon dragon-slayer) to present day texts. The first-year course, Introduction to English Studies, provides the composition and analytical skills you will need as an English major and is taught through a combination of lecture and small group seminars. Small group discussion is core to the program at every level. During your four years, you will acquire valuable research and analytical skills through courses focusing on Literary History and Genre, Cultural and Media Studies, and Language and Rhetoric. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Library Science, Law, MBA) • Careers in journalism, public service, public relations, professional writing, or creative writing For more information please visit
Fine Arts Nipissing’s four-year Bachelor of Fine Arts program will prepare you to become an artist, work in the field of fine arts, and become a community leader in the promotion of visual arts and culture. Through the problem-solving involved in preparing studio projects, the management skills involved in the preparation of a graduate show, and the analysis of contemporary culture that is developed through research, this program offers the essential mix between studio and academic training that provides the tools and the certification to pursue a career in fine arts. You will study in the collaborative studio environment at Monastery Hall — one of the most picturesque locations on campus — learning from professors who are practicing artists as well as educators. In your first year you will take fine arts courses in Art History and Art Fundamentals, and have
north bay Campus
an option to concurrently take a second year course in Drawing, Painting or Sculpture. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education) • Careers as an established artist, curatorial practice, museum management, communications, advertising, design, illustration, and art direction For more information, please visit
Gender Equality and Social Justice So, you want to change the world? Let’s start by figuring out how it works. Gender Equality and Social Justice at Nipissing is one of the most innovative programs in Canada. You will learn to think critically about who has power in the world, and why, as well as how to resist, shape, and change power for social justice. Our program is for students with interests in critical studies of popular culture; the politics of resisting inequality through the law; globalization and human rights; violent conflict and international justice; transnational organizing for social justice; histories of colonization; feminist philosophies; postmodernism; theories of justice; and the intersections of race, class, ability, sex and gender.
Careers in international development and research, media communications, government, health, research and advocacy
For more information please visit
Geography The field of Geography is diverse and exciting. At Nipissing you can choose between four majors: General Geography; Environmental Geography (Arts); Environmental Geography (Science); and Environmental Science and Physical Geography (ESPG). In any of our Geography honours degrees, you can also choose geography courses that earn you an additional certificate in Geomatics or Environmental Management. The Geomatics Certificate provides additional skills in computer mapping, Geographic Information System (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and Remote Sensing, all of which enhance employment opportunities. In first year, you will study both Human and Physical Geography. If you enter the Environmental Geography (Arts or Science) or the Environmental Science and Physical Geography program, you will also have an introduction to Environmental Science that will prepare you for later courses. The Environmental Geography (Science) option can provide the foundation of a career as a geoscientist.
In first year, you will be introduced to historical and contemporary debates that underpin questions of social justice. You will learn about social movements such as civil rights, women’s rights, queer liberation and environmentalism as well as some of the controversial debates surrounding global travel, reproductive rights, pornography and identity politics.
Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education) • Careers in natural resources, hydrology, urban planning, environmental consulting, climatology, geomatics, and transportation planning
In upper years, you can focus on one of three streams: Culture and Criticism; Power and Inequality; or Human Rights and Social Justice.
For more information please visit
The program is highly interdisciplinary with close links to programs in Social Welfare and Social Development, Religions and Cultures, Political Science, and Philosophy; many of our courses are cross-listed in almost all the humanities and social science disciplines.
Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Social Work, Education, Law)
The History program at Nipissing will shed light on the past in order to help you to understand the present. Our professors have expertise in North American, European, International, and Community and Oral History. They are dedicated to teaching the research and critical skills needed to succeed. In first year, you will begin with introductory courses in Canadian History, World History or European History. Later, you will examine history from a variety of perspectives including economic, social, intellectual, political, military and environmental points of view.
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Research Opportunities
Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law) • Careers in journalism, archival research, museum work, politics and government For more information please visit
Liberal Arts Nipissing’s Liberal Arts program provides maximum flexibility to study a range of disciplines. It emphasizes breadth rather than specialization so you can develop a program that is based on your specific interests and goals. The majority of courses taken in this degree will be in the Humanities and Social Sciences, although you can take courses in Business and Science as well. In first year, you choose from a very wide range of disciplines. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law, MBA) • Careers in journalism, administration, public relations, theatre arts and marketing For more information please visit
Liberal Science Nipissing’s Liberal Science program is general in nature and will expose you to a range of scientific disciplines, and provide a broad-based understanding of science. You will study the basic concepts and approaches of modern science and consider its role in society today. In first year, you will take introductory courses in at least two science disciplines with courses from Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Medicine, Optometry) • Careers in health sciences sector, library services, and scientific journalism For more information please visit
Mathematics Mathematics is one of the few subjects that can transcend disciplinary boundaries and open
north bay Campus
up a wide array of opportunities to you as a graduate. The four-year (Honours) degree has three different streams: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, or (Non-specialized) Mathematics. Our professors are committed to the success of our students and have developed a Math Drop-in Centre for those who want to receive (or give) assistance with math problem-solving. The first two years of our program are comprised of courses in Calculus, Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics and Probability and Statistics. Later, you will select from a variety of courses such as Analysis, Algebra, Differential Equations, Combinatorics & Graph Theory, Topology, Mathematical Modeling and Mathematics of Finance. As a Mathematics student you will participate in research as an undergraduate. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies in mathematics or areas of application of mathematics • Professional School (Education, Law, MBA) • Career as a statistician, economist, data analyst, researcher, investment fund manager For more information please visit
Native Studies The medicine wheel provides a traditional, holistic framework for knowledge, insight and a guide to living life. It is a central template for a native worldview and is also the impetus for the unique courses offered in this program. In this program you will receive valuable learning experiences and information that will allow you to create life-enhancing and transformative opportunities for both your career and your life path. Courses include: Introduction to Native Studies; Native Philosophy; Native Kinships with Environment; Native Creativity and the Arts; Concepts of Wellness in First Nations Communities; Native Ethnobotany; Ojibway Language I and II; and Native Spirituality and Religions. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law) • Careers in community health, environmental management, fine arts, politics, social services, advocacy, and opportunities within corporate, nonprofit and government sectors
For more information please visit
Nursing Nipissing’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) degree is offered in collaboration with our campus neighbour, Canadore College, and is designed to equip you with critical thinking and clinical skills grounded in theory and evidenced-based practice. You will gain the professional abilities and capacity for lifelong learning necessary to meet the growing needs of health care. In first year, the broad-based curriculum covers physical, emotional, social, spiritual and cultural aspects of health. From the very beginning, you will study nursing by participating in our unique job shadowing experience. You will work side-by-side with nurses in practice and in our state-of-the-art simulation lab, and will have the opportunity to demonstrate your skills in simulated patient case scenarios. You can explore inter-professional education and practice inter-professional care. Opportunities exist to consider an international nursing placement. The BScN degree is also available to graduates of a college Registered Practical Nursing Diploma Program (RPN) on a part-time basis through a Blended Learning Model (online and face-to-face modalities). For students who already hold a university degree in any area of study, and are interested in a BScN degree, we also offer a unique second degree BScN Scholar Practitioner Program (SPP). Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Careers in healthcare settings: Emergency Room Nurse, Home Health Agencies, Hospitals, Long Term Care Facilities, Managed Care Centres, Nursing Homes, Nurse/Midwife, Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Administrator, Nursing Specialties, Operating Room Nurse, Pediatric Nurse, Psychiatric Nurse, Public Health Agencies, School Nurse For more information please visit
Philosophy As a Philosophy student you will have lively debates and discussions around age-old questions. What is knowledge? What is real? What is right and wrong? Why do we consider something beautiful or ugly? You will examine how these questions relate to life today including application of philosophical analysis to areas such as film, gender issues and existentialism.
north bay Campus
The study of philosophy will help you learn to think clearly, logically and in abstract terms, and will assist in developing sound research and analysis methods.
• Careers in fitness assessment and
Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law) • Careers in journalism, administration, government, and social work
For more information please visit
For more information please visit
Physical and Health Education You will learn how physical activity contributes to the physical, mental and social well-being of individuals and populations. You will investigate the relationship between human performance, disease prevention and health promotion. In first year you will study such areas as: Introduction to Physical Education, Motor Development, Health Concepts, Leadership, and Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Physical Activity. Through the practical physical education component in each year of the program, you will participate in a variety of and physical activities and sports in the gymnasium, on the field, or in nearby community facilities. Later, a unique community leadership placement allows you to become a physical activity leader in the community. Upper-year courses will include: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Motor Learning and Control, Adapted Physical Activity Nutrition, Psychology of Physical Activity, Health, Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics, Coaching, Injury Prevention and Care, Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases, Fitness Assessment and Prescription, Health and Exercise Psychology and Contemporary Health Issues. If you are interested in becoming a Physical Education teacher, you can apply to Orientation to Teaching (OTT), which holds a place for you in the one year BEd program after you complete the degree in Physical and Health Education. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies (Physical Education, Kinesiology, Human Kinetics) • Professional School (Education, Medicine, Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy)
promotion, kinesiology, research, sports management, and coaching
Political Science As a Political Science student you will examine Canadian politics and local government, great political questions and the foundations of international relations and foreign policy. You will explore the organization of various political institutions and the relationship to political and moral philosophy, political economy, foreign policy, history and other disciplines concerned with the social sciences. Your studies will include a range of economic, sociological, psychological and historical modes of analysis. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law) • Careers as government advisors, policy makers, politicians, journalists For more information please visit
Psychology Psychology covers a wide range of topics related to human behaviour, and course topics include: Early- and Late-Childhood or Adult Development; Cognitive Psychology; the Psychology of Work; Social Psychology; and Sports or Health Psychology. Clinical areas of study include: Psychopathology; Counselling; Tests and Measurement; or Childhood Disorders. Your studies can range from animal behaviour, where you’ll explore whether there are laws of behavior that apply to all organisms to studies of social decision-making or humour appreciation and the brain’s role in these evaluations. You may choose to focus on theories about how humans behave and think. At Nipissing you can earn either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Psychology. Your professors have research expertise in areas that include aging and cognition, the psychology of art, work stress, autism, violence and victimization, psychological measurement, environmental psychology, and behavioural or cognitive neuroscience. You can conduct independent research as an undergraduate, work
in active research labs and participate in courses that have a service-learning component. In first year you will take an introductory Psychology course that includes both lecture and laboratory sections, as well as elective courses. If you are in the BSc stream you may choose Biology, Calculus, Chemistry or Physics. You will be able to design and analyze research studies, and you may also choose courses that enable you to obtain a Certificate in Neuroscience alongside your BSc Psychology degree, or complete an honours research thesis. As a senior student you may be selected as a Teaching Assistant, helping other undergraduates to learn in the laboratory setting. These hands-on experiences will give you a significant advantage if you plan to pursue graduate studies. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, MBA, Medicine (with choice of appropriate science electives) • Careers as counsellors, personnel administrators, recruitment coordinators, research analysts For more information please visit
Religions and Cultures The program in Religions and Cultures at Nipissing invites students to ask and learn about the same questions that have occupied the greatest religious, spiritual and philosophical thinkers across the globe. “What is the meaning of life?” “Does God exist?” “How did religion develop?” “Why do we die? “What is love?” “Where does evil come from?” If you have wondered about some of these questions, you will find a course in Religions and Cultures where we are asking them as well as engaging in dialogue about the different possible answers. In first year, we will introduce you to the world’s major religious traditions and develop your knowledge in the academic study of religion. In upper-year courses, professors will raise your awareness about gender and the Bible; examine the role of religion in society; deepen your understanding of religion’s contributions to peace and violence; get you thinking about the environment, and inspire your imagination with sacred cinema and literature, to name only a few of the subjects you can pursue. Our teaching strengths cross disciplines: we specialize in the study of women and religion, and we are developing our program in the field
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Researc Opportun
of health, healing and religion. We are now offering team-taught discussion courses in religion and politics as well as the Bible, literature and culture. Our dynamic department will challenge you with an exciting program of study! Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law) • Careers in civil service, politics, journalism, and for non-government organizations, development, and multi-cultural organizations For more information please visit:
Science and Technology The new Bachelor of Science in Science and Technology major prepares you to be a highly skilled individual with a strong background in Computer Science, Mathematics and other sciences. You will complete a core group of courses in Mathematics and Computer Science together with science courses during the first two years of the program. Core courses will include Calculus, Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Programming in C++, Engineering Graphics. In addition to Computer Science and Mathematics, the program provides ample flexibility and is designed to allow you to direct your studies and earn, for example, a double major or add a minor from subjects such as Business, Economics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Psychology, Sociology, etc. When you finish the core courses, you will choose to pursue either the General Stream or to specialize in one of the following: Artificial Intelligence; Robotics; Service Systems Technology; Industrial Mathematics; or Environment. You will also complete a practicum in an industry or a business in your field. At the senior level you will have the opportunity to take courses in Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, Mathematical Modeling, Computational Geometry,
north bay Campus
Game Design and Development, Operations Research, Systems Control, Human Computer Interaction, Service Systems Computing, Software Engineering, Computer Graphics and Numerical Methods. If you are interested in the Environment stream, you will take courses such as Spatial Analysis Using GIS, Remote Sensing of the Environment, Watershed Modeling, and Water Resource Management. If you are interested in Service Systems Technology, you will also take two courses in Marketing to complement your degree. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, MBA) • Careers as analysts, network specialists, statisticians, administrators, technologists, and within environmental, computer, mechanical, geological and biomedical disciplines For more information please visit
Social Welfare and Social Development As a Social Welfare and Social Development student, you will explore issues of social justice in such areas as poverty, women’s rights, health care, unemployment and Aboriginal rights. In the first year, you will examine the social, economic and political context of social development and social well-being from a global perspective, with an emphasis on inequality and the groups that have been underrepresented in the distribution of resources, opportunities, and power. The interdisciplinary approach to this program provides a tremendous balance of theoretical study and practical experience, and in upper-years you will have access to a wide variety of courses, including some that are focused on community service-learning. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies
“ I came to Nipissing because I immediately felt at home the moment I walked onto campus. The idea of being in small classes and knowing my professors was a comfort because I was moving so far from home. My relationships with professors, staff, and friends have been fundamental to my personal development and I have every expectation that they’ll remain life-long.” Stephanie Matiyek, Sociology and Psychology ’10, BEd ’11
Professional School (Education, Law, MBA, Social Work) • Careers with human service agencies, government, advocacy groups and self-help groups For more information please visit
Sociology As a Sociology student, you will examine how social structures and institutions such as class, family, community, and power influence society. You will investigate classical and contemporary social theories and will explore how problems such as crime and abuse affect society. You will gain a thorough understanding of research methods and techniques and will hone your ability to design experiments and studies, and analyze statistical data. You also have the opportunity to complete a Certificate in Health Studies and Gerontology alongside your degree and carry out Honours Thesis research. This special experience will provide you with a distinct advantage upon graduation. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law, MBA, MPA) • Careers in government, healthcare, corrections, policing, and research For more information please visit
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Best Student Residences
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north bay Campus
A Room of Your Own There is a genuine sense of belonging that naturally develops in residence. You will be provided the opportunity for many great experiences with the added comfort of a private room of your own. Residence life is about meeting new people and exploring new ideas. It’s about studying, socializing, living independently, meeting new friends, and making your own choices. Guaranteed Single Rooms in Residence If you are a current secondary school student who receives full-time admission by May 29, 2013, and you meet the residence application and deposit deadline of June 3, 2013, you are guaranteed a single room in residence that comes equipped with local telephone and cable television service in all bedrooms and the living room, and is set up for both wireless and wired high-speed internet access. Students in residence have access to laundry rooms, common areas and lounges. All residences are smoke-free environments.
Suite-style Residences There are three suite-styled residences: Founders House and Chancellors House, located on the lower campus, and Governor’s House on the main campus. Lower campus is a short walk or a three-minute bus ride to your classes. Each fully-furnished suite accommodates four students and features four single bedrooms, a kitchen with fridge and stove, a living room and two full bathrooms. suite-style residence
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north bay Campus
Townhouse Style Residences The townhouses are located on the main campus and accommodate six students to a house. Built on two levels, the fully-furnished townhouse has a kitchen with a fridge and stove, a living room, three bedrooms and a half-bathroom on the main floor. The upper level contains three bedrooms and a full bathroom.
Life in Residence
Townhouse 2ND LEVEL
The residence staff, in conjunction with Residents’ Councils, organize a variety of fun events and activities to suit all interests such as potluck suppers, skating parties, fitness classes, the winter carnival, athletic events, movie nights and coffee houses.
Living and Learning Option If you are interested, indicate on your residence application form that you would like to live in one of our four Living Learning Communities (LLC). These communities offer specialized programming and events in four categories that compliment the educational experience and provide opportunities to become involved in an array of residence, campus and local community activities. Benefits include: providing a mutual support network; having a smoother first-year transition into the university experience; occasion to participate in events of specific personal interest or academic discipline; and membership in a like-minded community that shares common goals. For full details, visit
Welcome to the Schulich School of Education Our history of offering education programs extends well over 100 years and Nipissing is known in Canada as a leader in teacher education and for being one of the first to integrate technology into the learning environment. The Faculty of Education, renamed The Schulich School of Education in 2010 — the only named school of education in Canada — continues its reputation for providing a rigorous teacher education program, which is demanding of the student teacher and provides outstanding teachers for Ontario schools. The mission of the Schulich School of Education is to promote the professional growth of teachers through pre-service, in-service and graduate programs, and to provide educational leadership and support through consultation and research. The depth and breadth of this degree provides an extensive skill set that also easily extends to education-related careers outside of the traditional teaching environment. Our graduates have been sought out by nongovernmental organizations, businesses that engage in co-operative learning and teambuilding, consulting companies that value organizational skills and the ability to work with diverse groups of people, and advertising agencies who require expertise in youth culture for focus groups and marketing. If you’re interested in our teaching programs, you have a few options to choose from.
Option One Nipissing’s Orientation to Teaching (OTT) and the one-year consecutive Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree. You will take teaching-specific courses throughout your undergraduate degree and you’ll be guaranteed a place in the one year BEd program after graduation*. OTT is not applicable to Nursing.
Option Two Concurrent Education Each year of your undergraduate degree studies (majors in Computer Science, English, Geography, History, Math or Psychology) includes Education courses. You graduate in five years with both a BA (Honours) or BSc (Honours) degree and a BEd degree.
Option Three The one-year consecutive BEd degree upon completion of an undergraduate degree. You can apply to the Schulich School of Education after you achieve your undergraduate degree from Nipissing University, or another recognized university. Both Consecutive and Concurrent Education students will have the opportunity to complete an international teaching practicum in countries such as Kenya, Ecuador or Italy.
Teaching and Technology Nipissing is a leader in integrating technology into the learning environment and offers the iTeach Laptop Learning program – the first in Canada – to fully integrate mobile educational technology into the Bachelor of Education Program. It involves the use of laptop computers by all students and faculty during course work and practicum experiences and develops expertise in the use of technology that enhances the delivery of effective teaching strategies.
“ Nipissing’s Schulich School of Education is known for its excellence in teacher training in Ontario and around the world. I was also able to gain teaching experience beginning in my first year of study, which is unique to the Nipissing program.” Greg Santarelli, Concurrent BA/BEd ’10, Brantford Campus
Applied research on the use of emerging technologies in the classroom, such as iPads, social media and smartphones, has been undertaken to enhance multiple literacies (reading, math, health, technology, art, science, etc.), to better engage reluctant readers, and to better prepare our students for classroom careers. You will benefit from added information technology skills that employers are seeking and will become a leader in education technology. Depending on the route you have chosen, during the last two years of Concurrent Education or in the one year Bachelor of Education program, you will be required to purchase one of several Apple laptop models that best meets your needs and budget. You will also lease an external hard drive, which will contain important Ministry of Education provincially licensed software for your use as teacher candidate. * Guarantee applicable to students who graduate with a minimum 75% cumulative average on their best ten full course equivalents. This guarantee is offered for the year following graduation only.
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Teaching Options For a complete comparison of all of these options please visit All routes meet the requirements of the Ontario College of Teachers for the Certificate of Qualification. Concurrent Education BA (Honours)/BEd BSc/BEd
Concurrent Education BA/BEd – Brantford Campus
You will take education courses throughout your undergraduate degree and graduate with a BA (Honours) degree in English, Geography, History, Mathematics or Psychology, or a BSc (Honours) degree in Computer Science or Mathematics partnered with a BEd degree.
You can apply to the Schulich School of Education after you achieve either an undergraduate degree from Nipissing University, or another university.
You will take education courses throughout your undergraduate Contemporary Studies degree and graduate with a BA (Honours) degree from Wilfrid Laurier and BEd degree from Nipissing University.
North Bay or Muskoka Campus for undergraduate degree. BEd in North Bay
North Bay Campus
North Bay Campus
Brantford Campus
4 or 5 years (depending on first degree)
5 years
1 year (following degree)
5 years
OTT: 36 hours of classroom observation/assistance, seminars and readings BEd: 13 weeks practice teaching
23 weeks practice teaching spread over 5 years. In fifth-year, students experience two different sessions of intensive practice teaching
13 weeks practice teaching spread over one-year
25 weeks practice teaching spread over 5 years. In fifth-year, students experience three different sessions of intensive practice teaching
Enrol in one of two streams in the program: Elementary: P/J – (J/K to Grade 6) J/I – (Grades 4 to 10) Secondary: I/S – (Grades 7 to 12)
Enrol in one of two divisions in the program: P/J – (J/K to Grade 6) J/I – (Grades 4 to 10)
Enrol in one of three divisions in the program: P/J – (J/K to Grade 6) J/I – (Grades 4 to 10) I/S – (Grades 7 to 12)
Enrol in one of two divisions in the program: P/J – (J/K to Grade 6) J/I – (Grades 4 to 10)
Separate or Public School Boards
Separate or Public School Boards
Separate or Public School Boards
Separate or Public School Boards
BEd = Bachelor of Education P/J = Primary/Junior
J/I = Junior/Intermediate I/S = Intermediate/Senior
You will take a selection of teaching-specific courses within your undergraduate degree and you’ll be guaranteed a place in the one-year BEd program after graduation*.
One-Year Consecutive Bachelor of Education
Orientation to Teaching (OTT) in addition to the One-Year BEd
BA = Bachelor of Arts BSc = Bachelor of Science
* Guarantee applicable to students who graduate with a minimum 75% cumulative average on their best ten full course equivalents. This guarantee is offered for the year following graduation only.
WINNER 2012 Library Interior Design Competition International Interior Design Association/Library Leadership and Management Association
Muskoka chosen one of
Vacation Spots in the World National Geographic Traveler, 2011
Suite-style residence, 2 bedroom
Suite-style residence, 4 bedroom
Muskoka campus
Student Life: Muskoka Campus Our beautiful and modern campus in Bracebridge is located in Jubilee Park within close walking distance to all amenities and main street stores and restaurants. This safe and friendly campus is a convenient two hour drive from Toronto, North Bay, Sudbury and Grey-Bruce and within an hour of Barrie, Orillia and the Parry Sound area. Classes at the Muskoka campus are taught in small personalized settings and it’s because of this that the success and satisfaction of our students is so high. The time you spend finding out about yourself and exploring new interests will be an unforgettable journey made within an unparalleled sense of community. Active Living
Our Muskoka campus has partnerships within the town of Bracebridge to provide fitness opportunities within the community. Students can take advantage of these indoor activities or enjoy the local trails and discover all the beauty Bracebridge has to offer.
There is no question that the scenery around Muskoka is breathtaking. You will find lots to do, whether you are interested in culinary delights, arts and culture, or simply exploring the outdoors. Check out the Town of Bracebridge website to get an idea of what there is to see and do while you are in town at:
Student Union and Clubs Getting involved is a great way to enrich your campus experience. As a student at the Muskoka Campus, you will be a member of the Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU). Membership provides you with access to health care benefits, a locally elected union representative and a variety of social and recreational opportunities. You will enjoy events like Frosh Week led by NUSU, or other activities with the Nipissing University Student Ambassadors (NUSA) club. Join an existing club or start one of your own. More information about NUSU can be found at
Services for Students Ensuring student success is our primary goal. Excellent resources are available to assist you with your studies, and provide access to support including academic skills programs, peer tutoring, job search workshops, career counselling, library services, and individualized assistance for differently abled students. Visit studentservices for more information.
Programs Our Muskoka campus offers you the opportunity to study full- or part-time towards a Bachelor of Arts degree in three different majors: Arts and Culture; Child and Family Studies, or Liberal Arts. Applicants to Nipissing University who have studied at an Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology may qualify for admission with advanced standing if they meet the minimum admissions requirements. The Muskoka Campus offers a unique opportunity to complete the only Concurrent Education program in the province exclusive to Early Childhood Education graduates. The Bachelor of Arts in Child and Family Studies/ Bachelor of Education, Primary/Junior program will be a particular advantage for those seeking positions in full day Junior Kindergarten in Ontario.
Customize Your Degree Many students want to explore new academic interests or switch programs once they’ve seen all that the university has to offer. Nipissing has introduced a new flexible degree framework that allows you to mix and match specializations, majors and minors. You can combine subjects from different departments to suit your interests and career goals. You are able to design your own academic journey and ultimate
career path. Each specialization, major or minor consists of a group of courses from that area of study.
Residence and Off-Campus Housing Live in our new, state-of-the-art student residence. You will reside in a tightly knit community that will assist you in making the transition to university life. Residence is an ideal forum for meeting new people, making friends, investigating new ideas, socializing, studying and exploring your independence. Nipissing is excited to welcome students to the newest addition to our residence community. Located directly beside the main academic building, the Muskoka Residence complex is a suite-style residence with both two bedroom and four bedroom suites. Each fully-furnished suite features private bedrooms, a kitchen with fridge, freezer and stove, a living room and a full bathroom for every two students. If you are a current high school student who receives full-time admission by May 29, 2013, and you meet the residence application and deposit deadline of June 3, 2013, you are guaranteed a single room in residence. Students will always be connected with local telephone and cable television service in all bedrooms and the living room, and both wireless and wired high-speed internet access. Students in residence have access to coin-operated laundry rooms, common areas and lounges. All residences are smoke-free environments. Interested landlords also list off-campus housing opportunities for students on our Nipissing web site. These range from individual apartments, shared houses, or room and board opportunities.
Muskoka campus
Program Descriptions Arts and Culture Nipissing’s Arts and Culture program takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of thought ideas, culture, and society and examines the role of the arts and culture in our modern world. You will have the opportunity to hone your skills in artistic expression while broadening your understanding of the social, political and cultural conditions in which ideas and artistic expression take shape. Students who are passionate about artistic, cultural and heritage careers will want to major in Arts and Cultural Management. This major seeks to provide fundamental management skills and an overview of the business of creative and cultural industries and will appeal to those who want to prepare themselves for entrepreneurial or administrative careers in these facets of the creative economy. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law) • Careers in journalism, research, creative cultural industry, art gallery ownership, festival coordination or museum or heritage curating For more information please visit
Child and Family Studies The Child and Family Studies major is an interdisciplinary degree program. You will take courses from Child and Family Studies, Psychology, Social Welfare, and Sociology, and will focus on themes and issues such as psychological development, the increasing variation in family structure, the changing roles of men and women, the status of children, children’s rights, the role and status of caregiving in society, and violence in the family. Offered exclusively at the Muskoka Campus, the two thematic areas of study are: Human
Development and Learning; and Child and Family Well-Being: Issues, Services, and Social Justice. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law, Social Welfare) • Careers in areas such as child welfare, social services, counselling, community advocacy, and community mental health For more information please visit
Liberal Arts The Liberal Arts program gives you maximum flexibility to study a range of disciplines. It emphasizes breadth rather than specialization and you can develop a program that is based on your particular interests and goals. The majority of courses taken in this degree will be in the Humanities and Social Sciences, although you are able to take courses in Business and Sciences as well. In first year, you can choose from a very wide range of disciplines. Career and Academic Options • Graduate Studies • Professional School (Education, Law) • Careers in journalism, administration, public relations, theatre arts and marketing For more information please visit
Orientation to Teaching (OTT) If your ultimate goal is to become a teacher, consider the Orientation to Teaching (OTT) opportunity, which is applicable to all Nipissing University degrees, with the exception of Nursing. OTT is a unique opportunity offered only at Nipissing, which consists of a set of courses and a non-credit practical experience,
“ Concurrent Education has allowed me to put the theory I have learned in the classroom into practice over the course of my degree. I have grown confident in my building skills and this has built my confidence. I know I will be a successful teacher.” Adam Azzarello, ECE/Concurrent Education, Child and Family Studies Muskoka NUSU representative
that when taken as part of an undergraduate degree, provides preparation for the Bachelor of Education Program. OTT allows Nipissing University students to assess their suitability for Education before their undergraduate degree is completed. Students who complete a Nipissing degree with OTT and graduate with a minimum overall average of 75% on their best 10 full course equivalents are guaranteed a spot in the one year Bachelor of Education program for the September immediately following the completion of their degree.
Concurrent BA/BEd for ECE Graduates only ECE graduates will be thrilled to learn about the Nipissing program that offers a Bachelor of Arts in Child and Family Studies concurrently with a Bachelor of Education – Primary/Junior. For more information please visit education/concurrentbed.asp In addition to Arts and Culture, Child and Family Studies, and the Liberal Arts programs, the Muskoka Campus also provides first year courses for a limited number of other Bachelor of Arts majors. Please refer to the introduction section of this student guide for costs, scholarships, bursaries and awards information, and the admissions section for general admission guidelines.
Brantford Campus
Student Life: Brantford Campus If you want a career in the field of education and you would like to study in southwestern Ontario, consider the joint Laurier-Nipissing Concurrent Education program in Brantford. The Nipissing education component provides an extensive skill set that will prepare you for teaching. Education extends to careers outside of the traditional classroom environment where organizational skill, working with diverse groups of people, and embracing co-operative learning and teambuilding are valued. The Nipissing education buildings have been upgraded with the latest technological advances to meet your academic needs. As a student in the Concurrent Education Program, you will have the unique opportunity to participate in student life activities at two institutions. Both have dynamic academic and social activities for students. University life encompasses much more than just studying. Get involved in extracurricular activities and challenge yourself to explore new opportunities and become an active member of the campus communities. Active Living Students have a great deal to look forward to within the athletics and recreation department at Laurier Brantford. Whether you are interested in incorporating regular fitness into your personal lifestyle or you are planning to become involved in campus intramurals, the athletics and recreation opportunities on campus provide something for everyone. For further details, visit
Student Union and Clubs Laurier Brantford and Nipissing offer a unique opportunity for personal, academic, and professional development within a growing campus community. University is a chance for you to develop a well-rounded lifestyle, challenging you to find balance between academics, social development, recreation, friends, and family. Getting involved with the Students’ Union, clubs and initiatives is a great way to enrich your campus experience.
Services for Students Support services for students are offered by Nipissing and Laurier. Nipissing University offers support through an Academic Advisor and the Practicum Office. The Student Services department at Laurier is also a valuable resource in helping you succeed. You will want to become familiar with the variety of people and services available to you such as Accessible Learning, Career Services, Counselling Services,
Aboriginal Services, Writing and Study Skills and Health Services. Information about all the services can be found online at
Laurier-Nipissing Concurrent Education program will find it listed under Wilfrid Laurier University with the Ontario Universities Application Centre
Residence Experience
The Brantford community has much to offer. Museums, cultural attractions, scenic trails, recreational facilities, dining and entertainment options are of high quality and welcome students. For more information and to see all that awaits you, check out the City of Brantford at
Residential services for students in the Laurier-Nipissing Concurrent Education Program are provided by Wilfrid Laurier University. Residence at Laurier Brantford is guaranteed for students entering first-year studies at Laurier for the first time, who submit their application and $400 deposit to Residential Services by the specified deadline. You will enjoy living in the comfort of the apartment-style suites, which include full kitchens and furnished common areas. High-speed wireless internet service and cable television is also included in all residence buildings. Using a residence communitybased Student Leadership model, the aim is to provide all students living in residence with the opportunity to grow, learn, work and live with others in their residence environment. There is also an opportunity for students to live in a residence Learning Community, comprised exclusively of Concurrent Education students. To learn more, visit
Concurrent Education Programs Nipissing University in partnership with Wilfrid Laurier University offers a joint Concurrent Honours BA/ BEd program. Upon graduation from this five-year program you will earn a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary Studies from Wilfrid Laurier University and a Bachelor of Education from Nipissing University. All required courses are offered in Brantford. Students apply to either the Primary/Junior (JK-6) or Junior/ Intermediate (Grades 4 -10) division, and complete placements in Public or Catholic schools in various surrounding boards in years one to three and in fifth year, can request a placement in any Ontario school board. Students will also complete an alternative placement and have the opportunity to complete an international placement in countries such as Italy and Kenya. Students wishing to apply to the
Nipissing Ranks
Globe & Mail 2012
Student-Faculty Interaction
Nipissing Ranks
Globe & Mail 2012
Quality of Teaching & Learning
Nipissing Ranks
Best Student Residences
Nipissing Ranks
Globe & Mail 2012
Campus Atmosphere
Work-Pl Balanc
Globe & Mail 2012
Instructor Teaching Style
Globe & Mail 2012
Most Satisfied Students
Nipissing Ranks
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Globe & Mail 2012
Academic Counselling
Globe & Mail 2012
City Satisfaction
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Admission to Nipissing Be fully prepared to maximize your potential by making note of the following helpful information about the application process. Look for details such as how to apply, application deadlines and course prerequisites. Applying to Study Full-time Secondary School Students Ontario secondary school students apply through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) 101 application process. Visit Students attending Canadian secondary schools outside Ontario apply through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) 105D application process. Visit Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents not Presently Attending Secondary School Students apply through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) 105D application process. Visit International Applicants International applicants apply through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) 105F application process. Visit
Applying to Study Part-time Applicants to part-time university study or those applying for a January (winter semester start) apply directly to Nipissing University using the Nipissing parttime application form found at: registrarforms or contact the Liaison Office at: to request a copy. Canadian Secondary School Applicants Applying to your program of interest at Nipissing is simple – there are no hidden formulas. A minimum average of 75% is required for consideration for admission to the Concurrent Education, Criminal Justice and Orientation to Teaching programs. A minimum average of 70% is required for consideration for admission to all other programs. Averages for all programs are based on the best six final 4U/4M
or equivalent courses including all required courses. Please refer to the admissions chart on page 44 for specific course requirements. Refer to the chart on page 42 for general admission requirements for all Canadian provinces and territories. The chart also outlines each provincial/territorial high school course that Nipissing University will accept as equivalent to the specific Ontario program prerequisites. International Baccalaureate Applicants who have successfully completed the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma with at least six subjects, including three at the higher level, with a minimum final grade total of 24, will be considered for admission. Advanced standing, to a maximum of 18 credits, may be granted for courses completed at the higher level with a grade of 5 or higher. Advanced Placement Applicants who have completed Advanced Placement (AP) courses are encouraged to submit their examination results. Official AP score reports must be sent directly to Nipissing University. Advanced standing will be granted for most AP courses completed with a grade of 4 or higher, to a maximum of 18 credits.
International Applicants Applicants will be expected to show proof of English proficiency and must have completed courses in certain academic disciplines depending upon the degree program applied to. For guidance, please refer to the admissions chart at the back of the book. International applicants do not typically qualify for transfer credit for previously completed post-secondary courses at non-Canadian institutions. Part-time university study is not available to international students. International secondary school applicants are eligible for Nipissing’s Entrance Scholarships starting at $1,250 for “A” average students.
Applicants from the United States Applicants graduating with a “B” average from Grade 12 at an accredited secondary school and presenting high scores in SAT Reasoning or ACT examinations (minimum score of 24) including the Writing Test component and at least two SAT Subject Tests or AP/ IB subjects appropriate to their proposed area of study are normally eligible for admission. Scores below 500 in any part of the SAT Reasoning or SAT Subject Tests are not acceptable. Please refer to the admissions chart at the back of the book for specific subject requirements. Nipissing’s SAT code is 4149 and ACT code is 5167. Other applicants from the U.S. must have completed a minimum of 30 semester credits (45 quarter credits) at an accredited post-secondary institution (U.S. applicants who have completed more than 30 semester credits at an accredited postsecondary institution will be assessed on an individual basis for transfer credit/advanced standing). Applicants from Great Britain and Other Countries with GCE Equivalents Applicants must present the General Certificate of Education (GCE) with satisfactory standing in at least five academic subjects, two of which must be at the advanced level or satisfactory standing in at least four academic subjects, three of which must be at the advanced level. Two Advanced Supplementary/Advanced Subsidiary (AS) subjects are considered equal to one Advanced Level subject for admissions purposes. Other International Applicants Applicants possessing the requirements necessary for admission to a recognized university in their home country will normally be eligible for admissions consideration. For country specific admission requirements visit:
Proof of Proficiency in English All student visa applicants from areas where the language of instruction is not English are required to supply proof of proficiency in English. International applicants studying in Canada on a student visa authorization, who have attended an Ontario secondary school, or a Nipissing University approved school, full-time for at least the past three years, are exempt. Permanent resident applicants whose first language is not English may also be required to provide proof of proficiency in English. Permanent resident applicants who have lived at least three years in Canada, or in a predominantly English-speaking country, are exempt. Acceptable proof of English proficiency is the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 550 PBT, or 80 iBT (minimum 20 in each section); the Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) with a minimum score of 90; the Canadian Assessment of English Language (CAEL) with a minimum score of 60; the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with a minimum overall band score of 6.0 (with no band less than 6); or the Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) with a minimum overall score of 55 and a minimum score of 55 in writing. Applicants should note the Nipissing University TOEFL code is #3614.
Applicants with PostSecondary Studies Applicants who have attended a college or university may be eligible for admission consideration may receive transfer credit for completed studies. Official transcripts from all institutions attended are required for admission. Prerequisite subjects must be met for specific programs as outlined in the Admission Chart.
University Applicants Applicants in good standing at recognized universities may apply to Nipissing University. Transfer credit is usually awarded for university courses previously completed (at an accredited university) with “C” grades or higher. Depending on the program applied to, transfer credit is not normally granted for practical or clinical courses taken in specific areas such as Engineering, Physical and Health Education, Dance, etc. Students enrolled at other universities may apply to take Nipissing University courses for transfer credit to their home university via a Letter of Permission. Letter of Permission applicants apply directly to Nipissing University. College Applicants Applicants from Colleges who have completed a recognized diploma program with a minimum 70% overall average are normally eligible for admission consideration. Some programs are restricted to applicants with higher averages. Applicants who have not completed a diploma program must present a minimum of one full year of a recognized college diploma program or completion of a certificate program with an overall 70% average in order to be considered. Mature Students Applicants who are not admissible to Nipissing University based on previous academic results may be considered for admission on probation. Full academic disclosure is required and official transcripts must be submitted. Mature students who qualify for admission will be considered for admission full-time on probation with a reduced course load to a maximum of 24 credits. Mature student applicants must be a Canadian citizen or Permanent
“ I came to Nipissing because I have a life-long dream to be a teacher. I recently graduated with my BEd from the Schulich School of Education. My goal is to teach Art and English at the high school level, and three summers ago, I created an art program with the high school kids from my First Nations Community of Eagle Village. The turnout was great. I’m also a volunteer at L’Envol Adult Education in Temiscaming, QC.” Jill Lariviere-Moore, Tembec Aboriginal Scholarship Recipient, Fine Arts ’10, BEd ’11
Resident, must be 20 years of age or older by the end of the semester in which they wish to enrol, and must have been away from formal academic education for at least the previous two years. Mature student applicants to Bachelor of Science degrees or Bachelor of Arts degrees in Computer Science, Economics or Mathematics, must present the 4U or equivalent program specific prerequisites as listed in the Admission Chart in the Academic Calendar. Mature student applicants to limited enrolment programs (Concurrent Education, Nursing and Physical and Health Education) are not able to apply for direct entry admission consideration to these programs. Mature student applicants interested in these programs may be admitted to another program and apply for transfer consideration for the following year. For transfer consideration applicants will need to present the 4U or equivalent program specific prerequisites as listed in the Admission Chart in the Academic Calendar.
Out of Province Admission Requirements
This table shows the high school courses for all provinces and territories that are equivalent to the admission requirements for Ontario students that can be found on the next page of this guide or at
Alberta/NWT/ Nunavut
British Columbia/ Yukon
New Brunswick
General Requirements
Secondary School Diploma with five Grade 12 courses numbered 30 or 31 including program specific prerequisites.
Secondary School Diploma with four academic level Grade 12 courses (courses with % grades not letter grades) including program specific prerequisites. Provincial exams are not required.
Secondary School Diploma with five 40 level courses including program specific prerequisites.
Secondary School Diploma with five academic Grade 12 courses number 121 or 122 (courses numbered 120 may be considered) including program specific prerequisites.
English 4U
English 30 or ELA 30-1
English 12 or English 12: First Peoples
English 40S
English 121 or 122
Biology 4U
Biology 30
Biology 12
Biology 40S
Biology 121 or 122
Chemistry 4U
Chemistry 30
Chemistry 12
Chemistry 40S
Chemistry 121 or 122
Physics 4U
Physics 30
Physics 12
Physics 40S
Physics 121 or 122
Calculus and Vectors 4U
Math 31
Calculus 12
Pre-Calculus 40S
Advanced Math with an Introduction to Calculus 120
If Advanced Functions 4U or 4U Mathematics is required
Pure Math 30
Principles of Math 12
Applied Math 40S
Trigonometry & 3-Space 121/122
Exercise Science 4U
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Quebec (CEGEP)*
Quebec (Private)
Secondary School Diploma with six two-credit courses at level 3000 including program specific prerequisites.
Secondary School Diploma with five academic or advanced Grade 12 courses including program specific prerequisites.
Secondary School Diploma with five Grade 12 courses numbered 611 or 621 including program specific prerequisites.
One year of CEGEP completed with a minimum of 12 academic subjects including program specific prerequisites.
Secondary School Diploma with six academic Grade 12 courses including program specific prerequisites.
Secondary School Diploma with five academic Grade 12 courses at the 30 level including program specific prerequisites.
English 3201
English 12 or English 12: African Heritage
English 621A
2 semester courses in English (603 series)
Grade 12 English
English A30 and B30
Biology 3201
Biology 12
Biology 621A
2 semester courses in Biology (101 series)
Grade 12 Biology
Biology 30
Chemistry 3202
Chemistry 12
Chemistry 611A or 621A
2 semester courses in Chemistry (202 series)
Grade 12 Chemistry
Chemistry 30
Physics 3204
Physics 12
Physics 621A
2 semester courses in Physics (203 series)
Grade 12 Physics
Physics 30
Math 3207
Pre-Calculus 12
Math 611B
Calculus I & II
Grade 12 Calculus
Calculus 30
Math 3204 or Math 3205
Math 12
Linear Math 621B (Math 621A may be used to satisfy a non Algebra I & II specific 4U Math prerequisite)
Grade 12 Math
Math B30 and C30
* Applicants from Quebec who have completed more than one year of CEGEP (more than 12 courses) will be considered for admission with advanced standing. Applicants who have completed the DEC program at a CEGEP with a cumulative average of “B� or better will be considered for admission with advanced standing to a maximum of 30 credits. Prerequisite subjects will apply.
Admissions Chart
The following Chart lists prerequisite courses required for Nipissing University degree programs in 2012. Degree Program
Bachelor of Arts2 (BA)
OUAC Application Program Codes
Minimum Entrance Average
Required 4U or Equivalent courses from other provinces or countries
Classical Studies, English Studies, Environmental Geography4,6, Fine Arts (Studio Arts), Fine Arts (Art History and Visual Studies), Gender Equality and Social Justice, Geography4,6, History, Liberal Arts, Native Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religions and Cultures, Social Welfare and Social Development, Sociology
English; one Mathematics
Computer Science7, Mathematics7
English; Calculus and Vectors; one other Mathematics
Criminal Justice – Corrections; Criminal Justice Studies; Criminology; Policing
Bachelor of Arts2 (BA) Muskoka Campus
Arts and Culture1, Child and Family Studies1, Liberal Arts2
Bachelor of Business Administration2,8 (BBA)
Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Marketing, Organizational Studies, Technology Management
English (one Mathematics is recommended)3
Bachelor of Fine Arts2 (BFA)
Bachelor of Physical and Health Education2 (BPHE)
English; one of Biology or Exercise Science (Chemistry and one Mathematics are recommended)
Bachelor of Science2 (BSc)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)
English; Biology; Chemistry; one of Calculus & Vectors or Advanced Functions
Computer Science 7
English; Calculus & Vectors; one other Mathematics; one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics
Environmental Biology & Technology
English; Biology; Chemistry; one of Calculus & Vectors, Advanced Functions or Physics
Environmental Geography4,6
English; Mathematics; one of Chemistry or Physics
Environmental Science and Physical Geography 4,6
English; Chemistry; one of Calculus & Vectors or Advanced Functions; one of Biology or Physics
Liberal Science – Sequence in two of Biology, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Geology, or Mathematics
English; two of Chemistry, Mathematics (either Calculus & Vectors or Advanced Functions) or Physics
English, Calculus & Vectors; Advanced Functions; one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics
Psychology 5
English; Calculus & Vectors; one of Chemistry or Physics
Science and Technology – Artificial Intelligence, Environment, General, Industrial Mathematics, Robotics or Service Systems Technology streams
English; Calculus & Vectors; one other Mathematics; one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (a second Science is recommended)
Offered as majors only at the Muskoka campus. Orientation to Teaching can be applied to with this degree program. 3 Students admitted without a 4U Mathematics or equivalent will be required to complete MATH 1911 or MATH 1912 in their first year. 4 A Certificate in Geomatics is also available to students pursuing an Honours degree in these majors. 1 2
English; Biology; Chemistry (one Mathematics is recommended) A Certificate in Neuroscience is also available to students pursuing an Honours degree in these majors. 6 A Certificate in Environmental Management is also available to students pursuing an Honours degree in these majors. 7 A Certificate in Game Design and Development is available to students pursuing a degree in these majors. 8 An iLEAD Business Experience Certificate is available to students pursuing one of these degrees. 5
Degree Program
OUAC Application Program Codes
Minimum Entrance Average
Concurrent Bachelor of Arts (BA)/ Bachelor of Education (BEd) Primary/Junior
Concurrent Bachelor of Arts (BA)/ Bachelor of Education (BEd) Junior/Intermediate
Concurrent Bachelor of Science (BSc)/ Bachelor of Education (BEd) Primary/Junior
Concurrent Bachelor of Science (BSc)/ Bachelor of Education (BEd) Junior/Intermediate
A Nipissing Degree with Orientation to Teaching (OTT)
Indicate “with OTT” when selecting program code degrees above (not applicable to PSN, PCP, PCJ, PEP, PEJ)
Wilfrid Laurier University/Nipissing University Concurrent Bachelor of Arts (BA) Honours/ Bachelor of Education (BEd) Primary/Junior
Wilfrid Laurier University/Nipissing University Concurrent Bachelor of Arts (BA) Honours/ Bachelor of Education (BEd) Junior/Intermediate
Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) combined with Bachelor of Commerce
Required 4U or Equivalent courses from other provinces or countries
English, Geography 4,6, History, Psychology
English (minimum grade of 70%); one Mathematics (minimum grade of 60%)
Mathematics 7
English (minimum grade of 70%); Calculus & Vectors; one other Mathematics (minimum grade of 60% must be achieved in one Mathematics)
English, Geography 4,6, History, Psychology
English (minimum grade of 70%); one Mathematics (minimum grade of 60%)
Mathematics 7
English (minimum grade of 70%); Calculus & Vectors; one other Mathematics (minimum grade of 60% must be achieved in one Math)
Computer Science7
English (minimum grade of 70%); Calculus & Vectors; one other Mathematics; and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (a minimum grade of 60% must be achieved in one Math)
Mathematics 7
English (minimum grade of 70%); Calculus & Vectors; Advanced Functions; and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (a minimum grade of 60% must be achieved in one Math)
Computer Science 7
English (minimum grade of 70%); Calculus & Vectors; one other Mathematics; and one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (a minimum grade of 60% must be achieved in one Math)
Mathematics 7
English (minimum grade of 70%); Calculus & Vectors; Advanced Functions; one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics (a minimum grade of 60% must be achieved in one Math)
Elementary – available to high school applicants only
English (minimum grade of 70%), one Mathematics (minimum grade of 60%) and requirements for degree program and major to which the person has applied.
Secondary – available to high school applicants only
English (minimum grade of 70%) and requirements for degree program and major to which the person has applied. The regular requirements for the Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) major to which the person has applied.
Contemporary Studies (offered jointly by Wilfrid Laurier University – Brantford Campus and Nipissing University in Brantford ON)
English (minimum grade of 70%); one Math (minimum grade of 60%)
Application is made through OUAC to Wilfrid Laurier University (contact WLU for information)
Contemporary Studies (offered jointly by Wilfrid Laurier University – Brantford Campus and Nipissing University in Brantford ON) Application is made through OUAC to Wilfrid Laurier University (contact WLU for information)
A Certificate in Digital Humanities is available to all students pursuing any degree. A Certificate in Health Studies and Gerontology is available to all students pursuing any degree. A Certificate in Aboriginal Leadership is available to all students pursuing any degree.
English (minimum grade of 70%); one Math (minimum grade of 60%)
Come for a Visit North Bay Campus Open House Our Open House events provide you the opportunity to speak to faculty and staff about specific programs of interest. Bring your questions regarding admissions, academic programs, residence life and administration. November 3, 2012 (Fall) March 11, 13, and 15, 2013 (Spring) Time: 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (complimentary lunch included)
We look forward to welcoming you to campus!
Book a Campus Tour North Bay Campus Tours are available weekdays at 1 p.m. (except holidays). Saturday tours are available at 1 p.m. in October, November, March and May (except holiday weekends). To set up a campus tour or if you have questions, visit or call (705) 474-3450, ext. 4517. •
100 College Drive, Box 5002 , North Bay, ON, Canada
Muskoka Campus Tours are available Mondays and Fridays at 1 p.m. (except holidays). Saturday tours are available at 1 p.m. in October, November, March and May (except holiday weekends). To set up a campus tour or if you have questions, email or call (705) 645-2921, ext. 7200. •
125 Wellington Street, Bracebridge, ON, Canada
Brantford Campus To tour Nipissing’s Brantford campus, please contact us at (519) 752-1524. To arrange a tour of the Laurier Brantford campus, email or contact (519) 756-8228 ext. 5816. For more information, visit •
50 Wellington St., Brantford, ON, Canada
Ensure a rewarding tour by contacting us one week in advance of your visit to organize and confirm details. Please be advised that residence tours are not available during April and December due to exams.
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON P1B 8L7 tel: (705) 474-3450, ext. 4517
email: Twitter
tty: (877) 688-5507 •
Take the Roadtrip Challenge Sign up now to attend an Open House tour and be entered to win a MacBook!
Approximate Travel Times North Bay – Toronto: North Bay – Ottawa: Bracebridge – Toronto: Brantford – Toronto:
3.5 hours 4 hours 2 hours 1 hour
Liaison Office, 100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON P1B 8L7 tel: (705) 474-3450, ext. 4517
fax: (705) 495-1772
email: Twitter
tty: (877) 688-5507 •