Information technologies
Before 2030, three IT-focused technology
advancements have the potential to alter how we live, do business, and protect ourselves.
1.Governmentsandbusinesseswillhavemoreopportunitiesto "know"theirconstituentsthankstosolutionsforstoringand analyzingenormousamountsofdata,particularly"bigdata." Althoughthetechnologyisavailable,someconsumersmaynot agreewiththemassivedatacollection.Inanycase,these solutionsarelikelytosignalanimpendingeconomicboomin NorthAmerica.
2. Utilizing social networking technologies, individual users can create online social networks with other users. As top businesses incorporate social features into everything else a person may do online, they are increasingly becoming a part of their everyday lives online. Alya AlNuaimi says that through social networks, people can communicate across different user groups and geographical boundaries in both helpful and dangerous ways.
3. Smart cities are metropolitan areas that use ITbased solutions to increase economic output and quality of life for residents while reducing resource use and environmental damage.
1.Avarietyofcivicandmilitaryapplicationsemployroboticstoday. Therearecurrentlymorethan1.2millionindustrialrobotsinusedaily, andnon-industrialrobotapplicationsaregrowing.Numerousrobots areusedbytheUSmilitaryonbattlefields,inhouseholdstovacuum andmowlawns,andinhospitalstopatrolhallwaysanddispense supplies.AlyaAlNuaimisaysthatastheircognitiveabilitiesimprove, theymayhaveasignificantimpactonboththecurrentglobalsupply chainsystemandtraditionaljobdistributionalongsupplychains.
2.Byaddingonelayerofmaterialatatime,3Dprinting(alsoknownas additivemanufacturing)technologiesenableamachinetoconstruct anobject.Plasticmodelsarealreadybeingproducedusing3Dprinting insectorslikeconsumerproducts,transportation,andaerospace.By 2030,3Dprintingmightdisplacesometraditionalmassproduction, especiallyinsituationswhereshortproductionrunsorhigh-valuemass customizationarepresent.
3.Themajorityofautonomousvehiclesusedtodayareinthemilitary andforspecializedpurposes,includingintheminingindustry.By2030, autonomousvehiclesmayrevolutionizemilitaryoperations, peacekeeping,travel,andprospectingwhilealsoposingunique securityvulnerabilitiesthatmaybechallengingtoresolve.Googlehas beentestingadriverlessautomobileattheconsumerlevelforthepast fewyears.
Technological advancements will be necessary to meet the rising demand for resources brought on by population increases worldwide and economic development in the poor nations of today. By increasing agricultural production through a wide range of technologies, such as precision farming and genetically modified crops for food and fuel, such advancements can have an impact on the relationship between food, water, and energy. According to Alya AlNuaimi through improved oil and gas extraction, alternative energy sources like solar and wind power, and biofuels, new resource technologies can help improve energy availability and water management by improving irrigation efficiency and desalination.
1. Through such new enabling technologies as diagnostic and pathogen-detection tools, disease management will become more efficient, more individualized, and less expensive. For instance, molecular diagnostic tools will offer a quick way to check for genetic and pathogenic disorders during operations. Genetic testing, which is easily accessible, will speed up disease diagnosis and assist doctors in determining the best course of action for each patient. Almost certainly, breakthroughs in diagnostic and therapeutic techniques will be paralleled by advancements in regenerative medicine. By 2030, replacement organs like kidneys and livers may exist. The longevity and quality of life of the elderly populations around the world will grow because of this innovative illness management technology.
2. With the use of human enhancement technologies, both civilian and military personnel may be able to work more productively and in previously inaccessible locations. These technologies range from implants and prostheses to powered exoskeletons and brain improvements. The health and quality of life of older populations may be improved by powered exoskeletons that help wearers with basic walking and lifting activities. Moral and ethical issues will certainly arise as human enhancement technologies advance.
Alya AlNuaimi states that according to a report by the US National Intelligence Council, "the shift in the technological center of gravity from west to east, which has already begun, will almost certainly result in the flow of companies, ideas, entrepreneurs, and capital." Will continue as. The developed world leads to growth in developing markets." In my opinion, this change will not happen "absolutely". Although most technological applications will likely occur in the East, particularly in Asia, most of the breakthroughs currently lie in the West. Furthermore, I do not believe the former will become a hotbed of technological innovation.