The Cruelty Free Project

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Creative Conscience Campaign Graphic Design 2 Alyse Judd

Campaign Outline The Challenge More than 100 million animals suffer and die in the U.S. alone every year in cruel chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics tests as well as in medical training exercises and curiosity-driven medical experiments at universities. Animals truly don’t desrve a life like this. ‘The Cruelty Free Project’ has been developed to help create awareness and put cosmetic testing on animals to a stop in the cosmetic industry.

Who are we talking to? Ultimately everyone! We want consumers to be aware of the effects they have on animals lives by purchasing cosmetics that were tested on animals. We also want to inspire and send the message out to other companies that cosmetic testing on animals is not okay.

How will we achieve this? The Cruelty Free Project will create huge awareness across Australia through integrated media, merchandise and Cruelty Free Project events through out Australia. This will educate consumers and inspire companies to go cruelty free.

Logo Design & Branding Font

Chasing Embers Word Mark



#E4B4B6 Letter Mark



Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz



Multi-page Documet

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Multi-page Documet How can I know a product is cruelty-free?

Why buy cruelty-free products?

For the animals: Testing inflicts tremendous pain, suffering, and death. It’s typically performed without anesthesia or pain relief. Dr. Gerhard Zbinden, world-renowned toxicologist, described one test as little more than “a ritual mass execution.” Testing one substance alone can involve hundreds of animals enduring prolonged suffering before death, and can cost millions. If the animals do not die, they are typically killed. The vast majority used are mice and rats who receive no protection under the U.S.

Animal testing is an outdated and flawed way to determine cosmetics and product safety. Many companie now use more effective, non animal methods. Your consumer purchasing power can help end animal testing an effortless way to help animals, the environment, and yourself!

For the environment: Cruelty-free products are more environmentally friendly, less likely to contain harmful chemicals, and more likely to use natural substances. In addition, animal testing results in millions of carcasses, considered pathogenic or hazardous waste, as well as othercontaminated waste such as excrement and bedding. For your health: Animals are not “little humans” and respond to substances in ways that may or may not predict human response. At best, they give us “guess work” information, which is bad science. Rabbits are used in eye irritancy tests, though their eyes produce fewer tears, cannot easily flush out chemicals, and their corneas are thinner and more easily damaged. Animals can differ from us in their reaction to chemicals. Aspirin, for example, can kill a cat. We use animal tests that have never been validated as measuring what they claim to measure, or predicting what will happen in humans. Most would unlikely meet the requirements. Though dependence on animal tests hinders enforcement of consumer protection laws, federal agencies continue to accept data from them to meet safety requirements.

What are the alternatives?

Companies and a growing number of federal agencies acknowledge the There are many cruelty-free superiority of alternatives. For definitions and labels that can be confusing and sometimes misleading. example, skin corrosivity and irritation Some products claiming “not tested is easily measured using human cell and tissue cultures, such as EPISKIN on animals” or “cruelty-free” may contract out animal testing to labs or and EpiDerm. may not monitor testing practices of ingredient suppliers.

Follow the Movement @thecrueltyfreeproject

The Cruelty Free Project is all about putting a stop to cosmetic testing on animals all over the world. Help join the fight against animal testing! Share and help spread the word.



Web Design

Web Design

Web Design

Web Design

Web Design

Web Design

Social Media Snapchat One exciting and innovative use of integrated media in this campaign will be the use of a local, live snapchat story. Snapchat and The Cruelty Free Project will be teaming up to provide a story on the The Crulety Free Project event. This way audiences will be able to engage and post their own exciting or memorable snaps from the day. This will be able to watch from everyone in the world and will be used as a device to share the message of cosmetic testing and gain donations.


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