National Park Service - Diversity Campaign

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alyssa, kourtney, macy, nathan, rachel

“The Everyperson” • 59 parks & 354 sites • “America’s Best Idea”

• Convenient, welcoming, distinguished. • Enjoyment, education, inspiration.

• Preservation of resources. • Sense of pride.


2015: More than 305 million visits recorded.


We want to see 30% of all Americans visit National Parks by 2018

insights & research Small % of minorities, large room for growth. Parks are missing cultural connection. Parks in their backyard, yet they aren’t going. Where are they going?


lack of connection, non-inclusive, lack of opportunity awareness

TARGET Asian-Americans, African-Americans, and Hispanics. Within 500 miles of parks. Value connections, heritage, experiences. Enjoy going out, traveling, exploring. Desire a sense of belonging. Willing to spend time/money on vacations. Prefer inclusive, “culturally safe� places.

strategy Create a more diverse experience celebrating all cultures in america. We want all Americans to feel ownership of the National Parks.

lost in translation Accessibility: all national park planning resources in one place, google translate Individualization: options to transform your experience

rangers in the city City Travel Agency: city touring + one national park day Park rangers + a park experience in the city Guerilla

#Meetmypark Sense of pride, social, connections

melting pot Create a festival celebrating the vast amount of cultures in the U.S. Hosted at the National Parks.

celebrate your roots On Arbor day hold a tree planting program, so that people will have a direct connection to a park and feel as though they contributed. This will also help get people to return to parks to see ‘their tree.’


thank you.


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