14 Good Foods for Osteoporosis, Strengthen Bones and Joints Naturally

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Strengthen Bones Naturally

As we age, our bones start to

deteriorate. Though it is normal development in the human body

Strengthen Bones Naturally

But if it happens beyond a

certain limit, it is called as osteoporosis. For people suffering from this problem,

Strengthen Bones Naturally

They suffer from frequent

fractures in the spine, hip,and forearm because of bone weakness.

Strengthen Bones Naturally

When this condition is left

untreated, it will get worse and can lead to a condition where they can break and crack

because of body weight.

Strengthen Bones Naturally

But, herbal treatment for calcium

deficiency will help in preventing these complications.

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Strengthen Bones Naturally

Causes for loss of bone strength

and density When it comes to protecting bone density

Strengthen Bones Naturally

People are recommended to

follow a few things in their life which will help them in preventing weakness in bones.

Strengthen Bones Naturally

For example, they are advised to

use supplements to strengthen bones and joints naturally. Some factors that can contribute to

bone loss and weakness are:

Strengthen Bones Naturally

1. Excessive intake of

phosphorous in the form of sodas, especially colas can make the body to balance.

Strengthen Bones Naturally

The phosphorus by absorbing

calcium from the bones. This causes bone weakness.

Strengthen Bones Naturally

2. The most important

contributing factor in osteoporosis is a deficiency of magnesium.

Strengthen Bones Naturally

Though, many of us know that

calcium is essential for bones, magnesium is also essential for ensuring the health of bones.

Strengthen Bones Naturally

3. Deficiency of estrogen after

menopause is believed to be the most important reason for osteoporosis in women.

Strengthen Bones Naturally

4. Not eating foods that are filled

with vitamin D and calcium is believed to the most important contributor for osteoporosis

among women.

Strengthen Bones Naturally

5. Some medications used to

treat health conditions can prevent the body’s calcium absorbing ability.

Strengthen Bones Naturally

6. Other health conditions such

as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and over-active thyroid can cause bone loss.


14 foods good for osteoporosis

• Add dairy products to your diet • Nuts • Fresh vegetables

• Whole grains


• Dates

• Fresh fruits • Pulses • Eggs

• Omega 3 fatty acids


• Calcium-fortified food items

• Prunes • Salmon • Tofu

• Plain yogurt

Strengthen Bones Naturally

Bone dislocations and injuries

can be normal when there is calcium deficiency in the body and if you are getting aged.

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So, to keep your muscles,

bones, and joints healthy you can use Freeflex and Calcivon.


Supplements which are made

with ashwagandha, asthisanghar, guggul and godantihadtal bhasma.

Strengthen Bones Naturally

These herbs help the body to

absorb calcium from the diet; they also supplement the nutrients which disappear due to

an unhealthy diet.

Strengthen Bones Naturally

The herbal supplements work on

calcium deficiency, agility, strength, performance, arthritis, bone debility, and nutritional


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