1 minute read

Project Description

A solar eclipse in a rare celestial event that can wholly capture the attention of those who are lucky enough to experience it. People actively stop what they are doing, go outside and take the time to watch the event unfold. The sky darkens and the people quieten, with their focus fixed on the moon’s journey across the sun’s body of light.

Although this moment may be brief, I was inspiredby how this natural event has the ability to change a person’s pace and behaviour. It is not often, due to the busyness of our lives, that we take the time to stop, be still and appreciate.


Thus, this light is designed to prompt a transitional time of day for the user, causing them to be calm, still and quiet as nighttime approaches. The light should be used from dusk onwards when the sky begins to darken. The user can interact with the light to alter how much light is omitted from the lamp, supporting the user through their nightly activities and natural rhythm.

Email: alyssabillington@gmail.com

Phone: +61 450 499 833

LinkedIn: Alyssa Billington

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