Ocean Conservation in the Urban Realm Aquarium Design as an Ecological Narrative Trieste, Italy
The Trieste Aquarium aims to bring conservation awareness through the use of comparative exhibits in which local species are contrasted with tropical species from around the world. Because this sight has a large urban footprint, its approach design as well as building masses are strategically cut to allow for no visual barriers between approach and the destinations of waterfront and the La Lanterna lighthouse. View corridors lead site visitors towards major intersections while allowing for a separate approach for aquarium visitors by means of a through site ramp, which introduces the experience of the interior exhibits, which are located mainly underground, allowing for adjustment of the visitor. Once in the interior, one becomes immersed in the below ground habitat seemingly immersed with light in cave like environments. Three main exhibition spaces focus primarily on tributaries, rivers and local ocean species with contrasting tropical exhibits.
Initial Process Diagrams
AXIS CONCEPT PARTI Site Plan SCALE : 1/64 “ = 1.0’
Alyssa Kay Hess ARCH.515.04 Spring 2019 Ginette Castro
Ocean Conservation in the Urban Realm Aquarium Design as an Ecological Narrative Trieste, Italy
The Trieste Aquarium aims to bring conservation awareness through the use of comparative exhibits in which local species are contrasted with tropical species from around the world. Because this sight has a large urban footprint, its approach design as well as building masses are strategically cut to allow for no visual barriers between approach and the destinations of waterfront and the La Lanterna lighthouse. View corridors lead site visitors towards major intersections while allowing for a separate approach for aquarium visitors by means of a through site ramp, which introduces the experience of the interior exhibits, which are located mainly underground, allowing for adjustment of the visitor. Once in the interior, one becomes immersed in the below ground habitat seemingly immersed with light in cave like environments. Three main exhibition spaces focus primarily on tributaries, rivers and local ocean species with contrasting tropical exhibits.
Initial Process Diagrams
AXIS CONCEPT PARTI Site Plan SCALE : 1/64 “ = 1.0’
Alyssa Kay Hess ARCH.515.04 Spring 2019 Ginette Castro
West Elevations
East Elevations
North Elevations
Ocean Exhibit Section
Complete Building Section
Rivers Exhibit Section N-W