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Since P.Lemmens Company’s foundation in 1977 we have elected to focus our activities on the engineering and manufacturing of direct driven centrifugal fans. Since then we have attained European scale in this very

Consistency We like to believe our success is above all based on a constant search for consistency. All our working philosophy rests on this conviction which will in fine allow offering the best

Performing laboratory: consistency in development PLC possesses a will asserted rigor and consistency. That is why the research and development were always at the heart of our activity and

specialized market. In 1993, PLC was the first european company to apply the technology in the air movement industry. In 1988, we started manufacturing small air handling units in which we have naturally incorporated all the “aerolic” know-how we have acquired through the years. The scope of this activity today equals that of our fan business. In both activities we have learned to make the best use of the air.

conditions to the customer. A team of competent and motivated co-workers strives to achieve this objective. At all the levels every individual organizes his activity to meet at best the needs of the customer with regard to our line of products and our competence. We aim for the long term.

the laboratory stands at the center of the organization as it is often perceived as our best sales argument. Thanks to the information integration software all the useful technical data are distilled to the various services to insure a good cohesion between activities. 102, chaussée de Tirlemont - B 5030 Gembloux Tél.: +32 (0) 81 625 252 - Fax: +32 (0) 81 625 253

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3/15/06 4:18:21 PM

CUBUS Series

CUBUS are “design” standard ventilation units designed for connection to circular ductings. They seduce by their sober æsthetic aspect, their neat finish and their technical characteristics: low noise

fans. It is fitted for airflows ranging from 200 to 5.000 m3/h, and for static pressures up to 800 Pa.

level and broad product range.

controlled mechanical ventilation, ventilation in general, exhaust hoods, kitchen ventilation, sanitary ventilation, fresh air supply,... In option, the series can be equipped with high tech TAC fans, particularly with the ‘CP’ control mode – constant pressure modulation.

CUBUS CONCEPT The CUBUS series declines itself in 5 sizes (350x350, 400x400, 500x500, 600x600 and 710x710 mm), and is equipped with PLC direct drive centrifugal

APPLICATIONS The most common applications are:

CONSTRUCTION The structure is made out of omega shaped anodized aluminium profiles. The panels are double skin steel plates insulated with fireproofed treated EPS. The outside panels are prepainted. CUBUS are delivered in standard with one connection at the inlet (MONO). They can be delivered with two connections (DUO), or four connections

TV Series

REC Series

Single Flow Ventilation Units

(QUATTRO). All the panels are removable and interchangeable, and can therefore always be configured to allow the ideal configuration for the application. They come with M8 suspension nuts injected in the aluminium profile. FANS The Cubus series exists with 2 types of fans, the standard AC fans - designed to operate with ES series speed controls -, or the TAC fans. These intelligent efficient fans feature many advantages, one of them being the constant pressure control (without sensor) ideal for apartment ventilation.

Room ventilation with heat recovery REC units allow ventilating rooms while recovering heat energy from the air expelled and delivering it to the air introduced in the room. If you mean heat recovery then you must mean efficiency. It is absurd to recover thermal Watts while electrical watts are being wasted. This is the reason why we have decided to equip both REC series as standard with TAC technology high efficiency fans. This results in a much higher GLOBAL efficiency.


COMPLETE RANGE : Classic ‘X’ series, with 60% efficiency The X series can operate at airflows up to 8000 m3/h.The ‘Compact’ is delivered ‘off the shelf’ with or without post heating coil. The other X models are composed at the customer’s request from many available options. Up market HR series: 90% efficiency – no post heating required The HR series allows ventilation at airflows up to 6400 m3/h. It can be delivered in 3 versions: The ‘Mural’, the ‘RHRm’ or monobloc, and ‘RHR’ or multibloc version. The Murals are delivered off the shelf, the other HR’s are delivered on a base frame and have 30 mm double skin panels.

Roof exhaust units REC mural

Modular construction REC series can be modulated according to requirements of the application and can be installed outdoors (providing appropriate options). The range is engineered in order to facilitate the specific product’s design, manufacturing, transportation and installation. The single flow ventilation unit exists in a rooftop version. The principles are the same as for the cubus, except that the TV is constructed in reinforced

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polyester and delivered with a baseframe. Polyester is particularly adapted against corrosion.

Mechanical Ventilation with double energy recovery

Full option CB REC control A new full option control device was developed for the REC units. It allows monitoring 4 TAC fans simultaneously in one of the 3 modes: ‘CA’ or constant airflow, ‘LS’ or link with a 0/10V, and ‘CP’ or constant pressure. The CB REC also pilots the by-pass and the anti-freeze control with the 3 temperature sensors delivered.


The CB REC is easy to program thanks to the LCD display using a user friendly setup interface. The ‘RHRm’ units can be delivered fully pre-wired (plug & play) as an option.


Many options can be applied to meet the application’s requirements, such as 100% by-pass, dampers, outdoor versions, etc...

3/15/06 4:17:55 PM

CUBUS Series

CUBUS are “design” standard ventilation units designed for connection to circular ductings. They seduce by their sober æsthetic aspect, their neat finish and their technical characteristics: low noise

fans. It is fitted for airflows ranging from 200 to 5.000 m3/h, and for static pressures up to 800 Pa.

level and broad product range.

controlled mechanical ventilation, ventilation in general, exhaust hoods, kitchen ventilation, sanitary ventilation, fresh air supply,... In option, the series can be equipped with high tech TAC fans, particularly with the ‘CP’ control mode – constant pressure modulation.

CUBUS CONCEPT The CUBUS series declines itself in 5 sizes (350x350, 400x400, 500x500, 600x600 and 710x710 mm), and is equipped with PLC direct drive centrifugal

APPLICATIONS The most common applications are:

CONSTRUCTION The structure is made out of omega shaped anodized aluminium profiles. The panels are double skin steel plates insulated with fireproofed treated EPS. The outside panels are prepainted. CUBUS are delivered in standard with one connection at the inlet (MONO). They can be delivered with two connections (DUO), or four connections

TV Series

REC Series

Single Flow Ventilation Units

(QUATTRO). All the panels are removable and interchangeable, and can therefore always be configured to allow the ideal configuration for the application. They come with M8 suspension nuts injected in the aluminium profile. FANS The Cubus series exists with 2 types of fans, the standard AC fans - designed to operate with ES series speed controls -, or the TAC fans. These intelligent efficient fans feature many advantages, one of them being the constant pressure control (without sensor) ideal for apartment ventilation.

Room ventilation with heat recovery REC units allow ventilating rooms while recovering heat energy from the air expelled and delivering it to the air introduced in the room. If you mean heat recovery then you must mean efficiency. It is absurd to recover thermal Watts while electrical watts are being wasted. This is the reason why we have decided to equip both REC series as standard with TAC technology high efficiency fans. This results in a much higher GLOBAL efficiency.


COMPLETE RANGE : Classic ‘X’ series, with 60% efficiency The X series can operate at airflows up to 8000 m3/h.The ‘Compact’ is delivered ‘off the shelf’ with or without post heating coil. The other X models are composed at the customer’s request from many available options. Up market HR series: 90% efficiency – no post heating required The HR series allows ventilation at airflows up to 6400 m3/h. It can be delivered in 3 versions: The ‘Mural’, the ‘RHRm’ or monobloc, and ‘RHR’ or multibloc version. The Murals are delivered off the shelf, the other HR’s are delivered on a base frame and have 30 mm double skin panels.

Roof exhaust units REC mural

Modular construction REC series can be modulated according to requirements of the application and can be installed outdoors (providing appropriate options). The range is engineered in order to facilitate the specific product’s design, manufacturing, transportation and installation. The single flow ventilation unit exists in a rooftop version. The principles are the same as for the cubus, except that the TV is constructed in reinforced

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polyester and delivered with a baseframe. Polyester is particularly adapted against corrosion.

Mechanical Ventilation with double energy recovery

Full option CB REC control A new full option control device was developed for the REC units. It allows monitoring 4 TAC fans simultaneously in one of the 3 modes: ‘CA’ or constant airflow, ‘LS’ or link with a 0/10V, and ‘CP’ or constant pressure. The CB REC also pilots the by-pass and the anti-freeze control with the 3 temperature sensors delivered.


The CB REC is easy to program thanks to the LCD display using a user friendly setup interface. The ‘RHRm’ units can be delivered fully pre-wired (plug & play) as an option.


Many options can be applied to meet the application’s requirements, such as 100% by-pass, dampers, outdoor versions, etc...

3/15/06 4:17:55 PM

AE Series

Centrifugal water unit heaters

AIRA Series

REAL air curtains


“The AirA is a real air curtain: that is why it is recommended to use a speed control.”

With AE, high induction is “natural”! The centrifugal unit heater is a superior technology that allows more comfort and is really economical. Forget the mixing rate, high induction is natural What you aim for when designing a heating system is to obtain a desired constant temperature everywhere in the room with maximum comfort. With classical “propeller” heaters the way to achieve this is by specifying a high mixing rate, installing many units, and adding expensive “high induction” grilles. All this is not necessary with a centrifugal Unit Heater. You only need to make your selection on required capacity. The result is a globally cheaper and technically superior solution, much quieter and providing more comfort. The centrifugal fan, by construction, is

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designed to create “long” air throws, much longer than commonly used axial fans. As a consequence the amount of air ‘moved’ by one AE is 25 times its nominal air volume. Centrifugal UH are also characterized by their low noise level and low airflow/capacity ratio. APPLICATION The AEs are specifically designed for ‘big surface’ applications where more comfort is appreciated. Its exceptional air throw allows installation cost savings considering the surface covered by one unit. It is often the case that units only have to be installed on one side of the room. This results in substantial savings in piping, connection and installation costs. AEs are particularly well designed for sports halls, factories, car garages, show rooms, department stores, hobby stores, and have even been successfully installed in offices.

The advantages of the TAC technology can also be applied to AE’s and is particularly interesting when many units are installed, since they can be PC monitored with the EOLE software.

The Range is complete going from 10 KW to 100 KW it is available with 2 and 4 rows coils (4 rows for low temperature applications), The AEs can be delivered equipped with the following options: a 4-way plenum (PL4) designed for vertical installation allowing air diffusion in the 4 directions, a 2-way mixing box (MK2) allows to mix fresh air with recycled air, a fan speed control (ES), we advise to design it from the start with a speed control, indeed this option allows to control capacity and noise level “at the tip of your finger”, a suspension kit (ST), and a filter kit (G3): a G3 class filter is inserted in a perforated steel frame of the same RAL9002 colour as the unit.

The biggest European Porsche show room has chosen for the AE

WHY AN AIRA AIR CURTAIN ? Without air curtains, an open door creates drafts. Drafts are expensive and create an unpleasant environment. Cold air enters the room from underneath, as warm air leaves the room from above. The “air curtain effect” the AirA sucks air from above (where it is warmer), and blows it down so that the residual ground air speed is at least 1,5m/s. The consequences of the effects of the air curtain are: 1 The recovery of the unused hot air from the upper layer of the room (destratification),

2 Avoiding the creation of a cold air stream entering the room from underneath by creating a warm “insulation” layer between inside and outside air, 3 To warm the residual air still entering the room from underneath, creating better environment for people close to the doors (cashiers,..). THE AirA RANGE: A “commercial” line and an “industrial” line, adapted to market requirements, PLC introduces a complete range of air curtains 1m, 1,5m, 2m and to 2,5m wide split into 2 lines: C, the “commercial line” is designed for shops, shopping centres, offices, halls, etc… It has a more aesthetic, compact and slim line, while still able to deliver a real 2.000 m3/h/m, for installations up to 4 m high. The “commercial line” can also be modified to be applied in false ceiling applications. AirA V are applied in “cold” applications, where you want to avoid hot air entering cold rooms. I, the “industrial line” is engineered for more industrial applications. The construction is more robust and rigid, but it can actually deliver 3.500 m3/h/m, and can be applied in installations up to 7 m high. P, the “false ceiling line”, a version with a 250mm height, easy to fit in the false ceiling. It delivers 1900 m³/h/m and can be installed up to 3 m high. The range is also split into 3 heat exchanger versions: AirA B: air curtains with warm water

heat exchangers, AirA E: air curtains with electrical coils, AirA V: air curtains without heat exchangers. The main characteristics are strictness and aesthetics, a useful compromise between performance and comfort. The AirA is designed for lower noise level and better air performance. The air diffuser, the inlet grille with 2mm holes, the heat exchangers which have a 4mm fin spacing to reduce clogging risks, and the fans are specially designed for air curtain applications, in order to create a uniform initial airspeed with high induction. The shape of the air outlet has been engineered to eliminate

AIRAp turbulences, with the added benefit of a lower noise level for a higher initial airspeed. RLG Control The electrical air curtains are delivered fully pre-wired (plug & play) with a remote control and control cable. (see documentation RLGE).

3/15/06 4:18:04 PM

AE Series

Centrifugal water unit heaters

AIRA Series

REAL air curtains


“The AirA is a real air curtain: that is why it is recommended to use a speed control.”

With AE, high induction is “natural”! The centrifugal unit heater is a superior technology that allows more comfort and is really economical. Forget the mixing rate, high induction is natural What you aim for when designing a heating system is to obtain a desired constant temperature everywhere in the room with maximum comfort. With classical “propeller” heaters the way to achieve this is by specifying a high mixing rate, installing many units, and adding expensive “high induction” grilles. All this is not necessary with a centrifugal Unit Heater. You only need to make your selection on required capacity. The result is a globally cheaper and technically superior solution, much quieter and providing more comfort. The centrifugal fan, by construction, is

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designed to create “long” air throws, much longer than commonly used axial fans. As a consequence the amount of air ‘moved’ by one AE is 25 times its nominal air volume. Centrifugal UH are also characterized by their low noise level and low airflow/capacity ratio. APPLICATION The AEs are specifically designed for ‘big surface’ applications where more comfort is appreciated. Its exceptional air throw allows installation cost savings considering the surface covered by one unit. It is often the case that units only have to be installed on one side of the room. This results in substantial savings in piping, connection and installation costs. AEs are particularly well designed for sports halls, factories, car garages, show rooms, department stores, hobby stores, and have even been successfully installed in offices.

The advantages of the TAC technology can also be applied to AE’s and is particularly interesting when many units are installed, since they can be PC monitored with the EOLE software.

The Range is complete going from 10 KW to 100 KW it is available with 2 and 4 rows coils (4 rows for low temperature applications), The AEs can be delivered equipped with the following options: a 4-way plenum (PL4) designed for vertical installation allowing air diffusion in the 4 directions, a 2-way mixing box (MK2) allows to mix fresh air with recycled air, a fan speed control (ES), we advise to design it from the start with a speed control, indeed this option allows to control capacity and noise level “at the tip of your finger”, a suspension kit (ST), and a filter kit (G3): a G3 class filter is inserted in a perforated steel frame of the same RAL9002 colour as the unit.

The biggest European Porsche show room has chosen for the AE

WHY AN AIRA AIR CURTAIN ? Without air curtains, an open door creates drafts. Drafts are expensive and create an unpleasant environment. Cold air enters the room from underneath, as warm air leaves the room from above. The “air curtain effect” the AirA sucks air from above (where it is warmer), and blows it down so that the residual ground air speed is at least 1,5m/s. The consequences of the effects of the air curtain are: 1 The recovery of the unused hot air from the upper layer of the room (destratification),

2 Avoiding the creation of a cold air stream entering the room from underneath by creating a warm “insulation” layer between inside and outside air, 3 To warm the residual air still entering the room from underneath, creating better environment for people close to the doors (cashiers,..). THE AirA RANGE: A “commercial” line and an “industrial” line, adapted to market requirements, PLC introduces a complete range of air curtains 1m, 1,5m, 2m and to 2,5m wide split into 2 lines: C, the “commercial line” is designed for shops, shopping centres, offices, halls, etc… It has a more aesthetic, compact and slim line, while still able to deliver a real 2.000 m3/h/m, for installations up to 4 m high. The “commercial line” can also be modified to be applied in false ceiling applications. AirA V are applied in “cold” applications, where you want to avoid hot air entering cold rooms. I, the “industrial line” is engineered for more industrial applications. The construction is more robust and rigid, but it can actually deliver 3.500 m3/h/m, and can be applied in installations up to 7 m high. P, the “false ceiling line”, a version with a 250mm height, easy to fit in the false ceiling. It delivers 1900 m³/h/m and can be installed up to 3 m high. The range is also split into 3 heat exchanger versions: AirA B: air curtains with warm water

heat exchangers, AirA E: air curtains with electrical coils, AirA V: air curtains without heat exchangers. The main characteristics are strictness and aesthetics, a useful compromise between performance and comfort. The AirA is designed for lower noise level and better air performance. The air diffuser, the inlet grille with 2mm holes, the heat exchangers which have a 4mm fin spacing to reduce clogging risks, and the fans are specially designed for air curtain applications, in order to create a uniform initial airspeed with high induction. The shape of the air outlet has been engineered to eliminate

AIRAp turbulences, with the added benefit of a lower noise level for a higher initial airspeed. RLG Control The electrical air curtains are delivered fully pre-wired (plug & play) with a remote control and control cable. (see documentation RLGE).

3/15/06 4:18:04 PM

COMPO Series

COMPACT and MODULAR Air Handling Units


TAC technology Means “Total Airflow Control” technology, in other words «Technology for the total control of the airflow». It rests on the construction of airflow algorithms, and exploits the latest developments

COMPO CONCEPT Thanks to the efficiency and the programmability of the fans and to the “Meccano” component assembling system we have determined pre-mounted base structures, ready for final assembly to become real “tailor-made” air handling units. This system allows us to answer to very specific descriptions while still reducing costs, and to guarantee very tight delivery leads. The airflow ranges from 0 to 8000 m3/h.

TAC technology as standard The PLC developed advanced TAC (Total Airflow Control) Technology, thanks to its features, has become a market standard. The motor’s high efficiency – generating substantial energy savings – the easy to use airflow choice (LCD display), the airflow being kept constant independently from the network’s pressure loss, the simplicity and low cost of the airflow control devices, the quietness of the units are obvious advantages of this technology that have contributed to its undisputed success. We offer this technology as standard in the COMPO series, all you will need to choose is the fan control system (see TAC series). COMPO: a double skin MODULAR construction: quiet, sturdy and aesthetic The structure of the COMPO units is made out of omega shaped anodized aluminium profiles. The panels are double skin steel plates insulated with fireproofed treated EPS. The outside panels are pre-painted RAL 9002 colour covered with a plastic protection (to be removed after installation). The side panels are removable to enable easy access to the components for maintenance. This combination is engineered for a sturdy structure perfectly adapted for outside installation. All the access panels to the components – fan, coils, and filter – are equipped with handles, while each

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TAC Series

module is ready for assembly one to another using the assembling system delivered. It guarantees a sturdy, air tight flexible unit. The Modules Each COMPO can be composed with the following features: •Ventilation, heating and/or cooling: the 2 and/or 4 rows heat exchangers delivered are pre-selected to answer to most of the market’s usual requirements in heating (water or condensation) or cooling (water or evaporation). A drain pan is delivered complete with siphon when required. • Electrical coils are available (KW). They are manufactured with armoured elements and are delivered fully pre-wired with thermal protection. • Filter sections are available: G4 Z filters and F7 bag filters. • Contra-rotating dampers CT, 2 way mixing boxes (MK2), 3 way mixing boxes (MK3) COMPOs can also be delivered with the following options: • Sound attenuating sections (GD) for inlet and exhaust side • Servo-motors; simple (SMO1) or with spring (SMO2) • Rectangular flexible connections (MS) • Outdoors execution with roof (VEX), anti-volatile grill (AU), jealousy louver (VK), base frame (BA),…

in electrical motors such as Electronically Commutated Motor.

Intelligent and Efficient fans

CA control Box means “Constant Airflow”. It means that you choose one (or several) airflow(s) and the CB TAC3 will pilot the fan so that it is obtained, independently from the counter pressure.


Intelligent motor, intelligent fan The ECM motor is able to communicate instant accurate information on the motor’s working point. Using this information, we have built airflow models allowing instantaneous calculation of the fan’s actual working point.

What advantages for each intervening party? Each intervening party finds an advantage in applying the technology: the designer, the installer, the maintenance contractor, the OEM, and the the paying end user get a more competitive state of the art product, with less setup time, less power consumption, less noise etc...

FULL control Box, stands for ‘Full option’, all the modes are included. LS means «link with a 0/10V signal». It means that the user introduces a specific linear relation between a 0/10V input signal (representing T°, relative humidity, air quality,…) and its corresponding airflow, and that the CB TAC3 will then carry out this task, independently from the actual pressure drop. CP means Constant Pressure. The user requests a nominal airflow. The resulting counter-pressure is saved as the reference value to be kept constant by the CB. The CB TAC3 will then pilot the fan to maintain this value constant independently from system changes. The instantaneous pressure value at a given moment is provided either by the calculated value in the CB, the total static pressure applied against the fan (CPf mode), either by a pressure sensor sensibly located somewhere in the airflow system (CPs mode). . ‘N’ Control mode the power of a PC controlled network. The network of fans is connected to the PC through an RS485 interface. The EOLE software allows programming and supervising the operation of each fan. It is thus possible to know the working point – airflow, pressure, rotation speed, absorbed power, etc..of each fan. The possibilities are countless !!

ECONOMICAL = ECOLOGICAL TAC fans are specifically designed for energy savings. The efficiency of the motor remains high whatever the rotation speed, which is not the case with classic AC motors. Besides the direct electrical energy savings there are also indirect savings: more efficiency engenders less heat losses, and thus less cooling load, thus less power consumption. It also means less investment in air conditioning capacity. The technology is therefore a concrete result of the industry facing the world ecological concerns of global warming, as brought forward during the conferences of Kyoto, Johannesburg and Montreal.




3/15/06 4:18:12 PM

COMPO Series

COMPACT and MODULAR Air Handling Units


TAC technology Means “Total Airflow Control” technology, in other words «Technology for the total control of the airflow». It rests on the construction of airflow algorithms, and exploits the latest developments

COMPO CONCEPT Thanks to the efficiency and the programmability of the fans and to the “Meccano” component assembling system we have determined pre-mounted base structures, ready for final assembly to become real “tailor-made” air handling units. This system allows us to answer to very specific descriptions while still reducing costs, and to guarantee very tight delivery leads. The airflow ranges from 0 to 8000 m3/h.

TAC technology as standard The PLC developed advanced TAC (Total Airflow Control) Technology, thanks to its features, has become a market standard. The motor’s high efficiency – generating substantial energy savings – the easy to use airflow choice (LCD display), the airflow being kept constant independently from the network’s pressure loss, the simplicity and low cost of the airflow control devices, the quietness of the units are obvious advantages of this technology that have contributed to its undisputed success. We offer this technology as standard in the COMPO series, all you will need to choose is the fan control system (see TAC series). COMPO: a double skin MODULAR construction: quiet, sturdy and aesthetic The structure of the COMPO units is made out of omega shaped anodized aluminium profiles. The panels are double skin steel plates insulated with fireproofed treated EPS. The outside panels are pre-painted RAL 9002 colour covered with a plastic protection (to be removed after installation). The side panels are removable to enable easy access to the components for maintenance. This combination is engineered for a sturdy structure perfectly adapted for outside installation. All the access panels to the components – fan, coils, and filter – are equipped with handles, while each

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TAC Series

module is ready for assembly one to another using the assembling system delivered. It guarantees a sturdy, air tight flexible unit. The Modules Each COMPO can be composed with the following features: •Ventilation, heating and/or cooling: the 2 and/or 4 rows heat exchangers delivered are pre-selected to answer to most of the market’s usual requirements in heating (water or condensation) or cooling (water or evaporation). A drain pan is delivered complete with siphon when required. • Electrical coils are available (KW). They are manufactured with armoured elements and are delivered fully pre-wired with thermal protection. • Filter sections are available: G4 Z filters and F7 bag filters. • Contra-rotating dampers CT, 2 way mixing boxes (MK2), 3 way mixing boxes (MK3) COMPOs can also be delivered with the following options: • Sound attenuating sections (GD) for inlet and exhaust side • Servo-motors; simple (SMO1) or with spring (SMO2) • Rectangular flexible connections (MS) • Outdoors execution with roof (VEX), anti-volatile grill (AU), jealousy louver (VK), base frame (BA),…

in electrical motors such as Electronically Commutated Motor.

Intelligent and Efficient fans

CA control Box means “Constant Airflow”. It means that you choose one (or several) airflow(s) and the CB TAC3 will pilot the fan so that it is obtained, independently from the counter pressure.


Intelligent motor, intelligent fan The ECM motor is able to communicate instant accurate information on the motor’s working point. Using this information, we have built airflow models allowing instantaneous calculation of the fan’s actual working point.

What advantages for each intervening party? Each intervening party finds an advantage in applying the technology: the designer, the installer, the maintenance contractor, the OEM, and the the paying end user get a more competitive state of the art product, with less setup time, less power consumption, less noise etc...

FULL control Box, stands for ‘Full option’, all the modes are included. LS means «link with a 0/10V signal». It means that the user introduces a specific linear relation between a 0/10V input signal (representing T°, relative humidity, air quality,…) and its corresponding airflow, and that the CB TAC3 will then carry out this task, independently from the actual pressure drop. CP means Constant Pressure. The user requests a nominal airflow. The resulting counter-pressure is saved as the reference value to be kept constant by the CB. The CB TAC3 will then pilot the fan to maintain this value constant independently from system changes. The instantaneous pressure value at a given moment is provided either by the calculated value in the CB, the total static pressure applied against the fan (CPf mode), either by a pressure sensor sensibly located somewhere in the airflow system (CPs mode). . ‘N’ Control mode the power of a PC controlled network. The network of fans is connected to the PC through an RS485 interface. The EOLE software allows programming and supervising the operation of each fan. It is thus possible to know the working point – airflow, pressure, rotation speed, absorbed power, etc..of each fan. The possibilities are countless !!

ECONOMICAL = ECOLOGICAL TAC fans are specifically designed for energy savings. The efficiency of the motor remains high whatever the rotation speed, which is not the case with classic AC motors. Besides the direct electrical energy savings there are also indirect savings: more efficiency engenders less heat losses, and thus less cooling load, thus less power consumption. It also means less investment in air conditioning capacity. The technology is therefore a concrete result of the industry facing the world ecological concerns of global warming, as brought forward during the conferences of Kyoto, Johannesburg and Montreal.




3/15/06 4:18:12 PM

Since P.Lemmens Company’s foundation in 1977 we have elected to focus our activities on the engineering and manufacturing of direct driven centrifugal fans. Since then we have attained European scale in this very

Consistency We like to believe our success is above all based on a constant search for consistency. All our working philosophy rests on this conviction which will in fine allow offering the best

Performing laboratory: consistency in development PLC possesses a will asserted rigor and consistency. That is why the research and development were always at the heart of our activity and

specialized market. In 1993, PLC was the first european company to apply the technology in the air movement industry. In 1988, we started manufacturing small air handling units in which we have naturally incorporated all the “aerolic” know-how we have acquired through the years. The scope of this activity today equals that of our fan business. In both activities we have learned to make the best use of the air.

conditions to the customer. A team of competent and motivated co-workers strives to achieve this objective. At all the levels every individual organizes his activity to meet at best the needs of the customer with regard to our line of products and our competence. We aim for the long term.

the laboratory stands at the center of the organization as it is often perceived as our best sales argument. Thanks to the information integration software all the useful technical data are distilled to the various services to insure a good cohesion between activities. 102, chaussée de Tirlemont - B 5030 Gembloux Tél.: +32 (0) 81 625 252 - Fax: +32 (0) 81 625 253

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3/15/06 4:18:21 PM

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