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DNE, LTG, EA Messages

M e s s a g e f r o m t h e NEWS EDITOR

Hello Hedgehogs


It seems like time is really passing by. Can you believe it's almost the end of the term? It's nice to reminisce on all the events that happened this year by looking back at old newsletters. Looking back at all the service projects and events planned during the year makes me miss in person events. None of the less, we made the best of our circumstances and really had an amazing term. But hold your horses, bare with me for a few more months. I would like to thank everyone who has been reading these newsletters from the beginning of the term and looking at my improvement throughout the year. I hope you have been enjoying this journey as I have and I will continue to make my last few newsletters more blossoming.

Rolling to Service,

Mikaela Dinh

Division 13 West News Editor


What's Up Hedgehogs

Are you ready to SPRING into March with us? I know the rest of the Division Leadership Team and I are! We’re nearing the end of our term, so we hope to continue having the amazing levels of participation that we have been getting from our hedgehogs at our events.

As we continue on with club elections, I want to remind all candidates and clubs to reach out if they have any questions. I can’t wait to meet all the new officers and getting them ready to prepare for DCON this April! We hope all of our members are ready to enter a new era of our Division’s history.

As always, continue inviting friends to join Key Club and become future hedgehogs. It’s never too late to become a member and ignite someone’s passion for service! For now, enjoy this month’s issue of the newsletter and all it has to offer. Until next time!

Rolling to Service, Javier Nunez

Division 13 West 2020-2021 Lt. Governor


What's going on Hedgehogs?! SENIORS, I hope you all are having an AMAZING last few months of high school and are thinking ahead and planning for the future! If you have any questions regarding college or your next plans for the future, send me an email or a DM, I would be more than happy to help! It is never too late to plan for the future! Juniors, sophomores, and fresh humans!! Run for a cabinet position at your local school Key Club! Being part of your school cabinet is a great way to build your leadership experience (that colleges look for) and make connections between schools in the division. Even though sitting in one place for hours staring at the screen can be overwhelming, spring break is comin' up, so keep pushing through! You go this! I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE AN AMAZING MONTH! See you all in the next DCM! Hey! As we all know the term is ending! So we should all end this term strong. Continue to submit your hours and participate in the service projects. It is also election time, so I encourage you to run for a position. Yes, it is fun to be a member of Key Club, and if you think you can go further try going for a certain position. It can be really FUN!! If you have any questions feel free to ask or even ask your president questions about any positions. Stay safe hedgehogs.

Rolling to Service,

Alexia Cerilo

Division 13 West Executive Assistant

Rolling to Service,

Jennifer Magana

Division 13 West Executive Assistant

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