PARADIGM project organises online Patient Engagement Open Forum The PARADIGM project’s Patient Engagement Open Forum was organised online this year, due to the ongoing COVID pandemic. It was decided to have a series of online events, running from June to November 2020.
The following sessions have been dedicated to presenting the results of the PARADIGM The Patient Engagement Open Forum (PEOF) is PEOF2020 aims to provide a holistic perspec- project: an event which aims to explore patient engage- tive of patient engagement, the landscape ment beyond theoretical aspirations, working and actors. It is also fostering collaboration 25 June in a multi-stakeholder context to achieve and co-creation, while breaking down fragreal progress. The PEOF has been organised mentation and silos that are often present One of the parallel sessions was dedicated annually since 2018 in the context of the IMI in patient engagement work. The first vir- to presenting three of the PARADIGM patient PARADIGM project, as a joint effort involving tual session of the PEOF2020 took place on engagement tools that can be used for planthree European initiatives: PARADIGM, Patient 25 June and the closing session will take ning and reporting patient engagement Focused Medicines Development (PFMD) and place on 23 November. Several other ses- activities. the European Patients’ Academy (EUPATI). sions are taking place between these dates, on a wide variety of topics, including: tools 7 July The 2018 and 2019 editions were organised as and recommendations for effective patient face-to-face events in Brussels that welcomed engagement; methods for monitoring and In one of the parallel sessions, three of the people from all over Europe and from differ- evaluation of impact and outcomes in patient PARADIGM tools that could be used for conent stakeholder groups. In 2020, the PEOF was engagement activities; and fair market com- ducting patient engagement activities were launched in June, as a series of virtual events. pensation for patient input. presented.
Some thoughts from the organisers “Patient engagement in medicines development is multiform, with as yet unmet needs from all actors involved. At the PEOF2020, PARADIGM showed its work to make patient engagement easier for all, with the tools and the Patient Engagement Toolbox that we developed in the past 30 months. Our public private consortium is proud to have provided some of the most needed resources to systematise and sustain a meaningful patient engagement ecosystem. The PEOF has proven its raison d’être and its value to the community at large, and so we are at work, at EPF with PFMD and EUPATI, to pen down a PEOF2021 on everybody’s agendas! It is a challenge that will require resources and commitment from all stakeholder groups.” Mathieu Boudes, PARADIGM “The PEOF reflects a true multi-stakeholder approach, which is crucial to tackle the huge challenges related to implementing meaningful patient engagement. It provides a unique opportunity to share knowledge and information – and plays a key role in shaping the future of the patient engagement landscape. EUPATI is proud to be part of this initiative and bring the importance of patient training into the conversation.” Maria Dutarte, EUPATI “PFMD’s vision for the PEOF was to truly make it open to all stakeholders and ensure that it differs from all the other congresses with the aspect that you can participate in co-creation by joining the sessions. We are so proud to have been able to bring this concept to the audiences since 2019 with a great reception from the audience. Thanks to the collaboration and shared purpose of co-organisers PFMD, PARADIGM and EUPATI to make the event the best we could, the PEOF has been received with high interest and an even better reach globally. We hope you’ve been able to join us in our past sessions and will be able to join the last ones this year, still to come in October and November. See the agenda and register now, there’s still time!” Chi Pakarinen
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