1 minute read


In this strategie, the renovation of both historical buildings and existing residential buildings has been discussed.

Historical buildings: Interaction between solid and void


The necessity of the interaction between solid and void: Based one the site analysis, there is a large area of ancient architecture on the site. The density of the ancient buildings is very high, and the buildings are very crowded. The paths used for access are narrow and there is no large activity space on the site. In this case, the diagrams listed as follows may provide a possibility of renovation, giving the historical site a balance between solid space and void space.

Typology and residencial building concept

a. historical+central courtyard function: existing residential b. elevated aim: activate & gather function: community, tea house c. historical+box aim:activate & attract function: renovation studios d. lifted box aim: resilience from flooding function: residential e. solid, void & points aim: connection & free space function: shops, cafe, chess etc. f. integrate aim: new style of living function: social housing, community g. plugin aim: connection function: gallery, communal h. additive aim: more roof top space function: public building ie. library

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