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Typical dwellings in China — high density and high infection possibility
The six storey residential buildings selected for the site are typical old residential areas in China, which are highly representative. Due to the imperfection of building laws and regulations in history, this kind of community has high building density, small building spacing, and few indoor and outdoor public spaces, which increases the possibility of epidemic transmission. At the same time, such communities always only have a very narrow traffic core (staircase). This transport core is shared by all residents, making itself a possible infectious source.
Contagion In The House
Three different types of units for one floor
Contagion in three unit types
The nine building types on the site are exactly the same, forming a nine palace layout.

main public space main road system
A building has only one entrance and exit, all house types share one staircase core, which is not conducive to the diversion of person.
The diagram shows relationship between public area and the private area of each householders. Usually, balcony and the master bedroom located at the southern edge, where is farthest away from the staircase and public corridor (if there locates one).The inner arrangements basically according to two principles, which the toilet and kitchen lying along the public area area or at the wings of the entire plan.The living room or so called as the "Menting" to be more specific always located at the center, acting as a trasition of outdoor and indoor, also as a connection between bedroom and rest of rooms in the residence.

House In Pause Mode
The diagram shows relationship between public area and the private area of each householders. Usually, balcony and the master bedroom located at the southern edge, where is farthest away from the staircase.

Traditional family units with balcony
This type of traditional family houses includes three bedrooms. By adding the external staircase, the relationship between public space and private space will be changed. balcony becomes a new entance, which will reduce the risk of infection.
This type of traditional family houses also includes three bedrooms. By adding the external staircase, the relationship between public space and private space will be changed. balcony becomes a new entance, which will reduce the risk of infection.
This type of traditional single units includes one bedroom. By adding two external staircases, one for the doctor and another one for the patients. These two groups have their own circulation, thus, the risk of infection will reduce.

The numbers of capsule wards will increase or decrease according to the patient's situation. It is very flexible. Normally each ward will have two bed for the patients, the same as the mobile cabin hospital in shanghai city. Some of the wards will have other furnitures based on the needs of different patients.
The medical wall combines all these elements. It finally connect with the existing residencial buildings and serves the community

Building In Pause Mode
The Use of Plate-shaped Structure

By adding a plate-shaped structure to connect the three unit buildings, the plate-shaped structure becomes a larger urban scale building facade. At the same time, this plate-shaped structure is attached to the isolation ward and connected to the medical center, becoming a temporary medical center.

The number of external wards will directly show the number the numbers of wards, people could know the current situation the structure will remains and it will become the outdoor becomes a sspecia landmark to record the epidemic and