Born in 1991, Cattolica. RN He had completed Master of Science in Architecture, graduated with honor at Politecnico di Milano in 2017. His thesis project “Novi Stav. Sarajevo, the city as a text” has been developed with phD professors Lorenzo degli Esposti and Alessandro De Magistris; previously bachelor graduated in 2014 in Science of Archi tecture, at Politecnico di Milano. He worked for the International firm RCR Arquitectes, Pritzker Price 2017, from October 2017 to May 2018 on the project of Ile Seguin, Paris. In 2013 he worked in Milan with Francesco Librizzi studio and Matilde Cassani, and for Giancarlo De Carlo Architetti in 2016. He collaborated in different workshops with Baubotanik, Roberto Zancan and Landworks Sardinia. Heʼs founder partner of Ground Action, multidisciplinary collective, with Matteo D'Ambros, Francesco Cucchiara and Roberto Zancan. Since 2014 he has been teaching assistant at Landworks for Roberto Zancan, 2015 for Christiane Sfeir of Beirut University and 2016 for Isabella Inti of TempoRiuso. In 2016-2017 he has been teaching assistant at Politecnico di Milano for Lorenzo Degli Esposti design studio. He participated at BIO25, Biennal of Design in Ljubljana 2017 inside “After Utopia” chapter. His drawings and collages has been presented in several exhibitions, Tulpenmanie Gallery, Dedar flagship in Milano Brera and published in Architectural Review, Sketchbook city and many ʻdrawing foliosʼ. His land-installation has been produced in different country and festival as Pesaro, Caprera, La Maddalena, Sassari, Banja Luka, Bologna, Masua, Trbovlje. In 2017 hee has been visiting lecturer at Facoltà di Architettura e Design di Ferrara.
professional experiences
Ile Seguin, Cultural Center
RCR Arquitectes 2017/2018 - PARIS
Casa C
model. Francesco Librizzi studio - MILAN
Casa G
private house. Francesco Librizzi studio - CEFALù
Percorsi a Mezzʼaria
Triennale 13. Francesco Librizzi Matilde Cassani - MILAN
Ponte sul Naviglio
model, Francesco Librizzi studio - MILAN
re-project, Collegi Universitari del Colle Giancarlo De Carlo Architetti materiale dʼarchivio - URBINO
Personal projects
Novi Stav
The city as a text - SARAJEVO
Disjunctio Oppositorum
East Milan, identity as reality - MILAN
Z Tower
The form of the form - MILAN
Indulgentia ludens
A project for the Jubileum - ROME
Ars Oblivionalis
The memory of forgetfulness - NORCIA
Cameretta per astronomi
beyond a little secret - RIMINI
After a mechanical factory
renovation of an urban industry - MILAN
tiny house - URBINO
Ile Seguin, Paris
Cultural and Commercial center, Emerige RCR Arquitectes 2017-18
RCR arquitectes are developing a new project in the city of Paris. The project is located in the Ille Seguin, currently unused since the closure of the old Renault factory that occupied the site. It will house a multidisciplinary cultural center, a multiplex cinema and a hotel. I worked for 7 months at the Museum Project, from the concept design to the constructive details, the Building S17. This cultural offer reaffirms ambition to make this historic and heritage island a Mecca of Greater Paris culture. It is also in line with the Emerige Endowment Fund's sponsorship policy, which aims to support the creation and sharing of art with as many people as possible. S17 is a new cultural ambition and a link between the two shores. The cultural and artistic hub, dominated by a complementary architectural object such as a lighthouse visible in the distance by residents, Ile-de-France and tourists from around the world, will include a art center and a multiplex of eight rooms served by a gallery overlooking the Seine. Beyond the collection of Laurent Dumas, a sign of his passion for artistic creation, iconic and historic collections and foundations will be invited, just like the Renault art collection which, as a strong symbol, will invest in a first time the exhibition spaces. Other cultural partners, close to Emerige, work on avenues of collaboration, including the Giacometti Foun dation and the Gandur Foundation for Art. In the same way, an ambitious program of artistic and cultural education will be developed there for the young public in echo with the active policy of support led by Emerige in favor of the rapprochement of the culture and all the public.
Casa G
interior concept and model for exhibition Francesco Librizzi studio
Percorsi a mezzĘźaria
Triennale 13, Room for Bruno Munari Francesco Librizzi studio and Matilde Cassani
Ponte sul Naviglio
Shortlist competition Francesco Librizzi studio
Novi Stav
a new paragraph, Sarajevo. 2017
Our project is a reflection on the possibilities of coexistence and socialization between us and the others, between Europe and the Sea, clashes with the city of Sarajevo in recent years. Crossroads of Cultures of passage, ethnic groups and religions, Sarajevo was and will be the link between the two worlds, the East and the West; The opposite nature of the old continent. Its very urban vocation is complex and contradictory, concealed and revealed according the succession of signs, symbols and narratives of the powers that have governed, of lives that have corrupted. Stratification is therefore the secular compromise in which the remains are hiding between the ancient and the modern, between construction and reconstruction; Islamic feeling of the minarets, and the Austrian-Yugo desire of r tionality. Â Sarajevo is therefore the city of contradiction, opposing opposites, which will never attract. The project re-reads the stratified and blurred forms of one of the most controversial "European" capitals. It tries to abstract geometries, compositions and understand the social, anthropological dynamics that have generated the demographic catastrophe. Sarajevo presents itself as a case study for the proposition of an autonomous architecture that does not prescind from rewriting, from history, but which overlaps its characterizing aspects, to rewrite its own text. A new paragraph. Architecture is a lexical, metric-syntactic composition, an excerpt of those historical notes that we read analytically, a succession of excavations, signs that are based on traces. The urban plan is rooted in the gaps, the Austrian barracks, as a new home. Kasarna MarĹĄal Tito. The city becomes a building, the building becomes a city. The bigness of form, the variety of contents, services, agility, hospitality, dispositions and social relationships are his prerogatives. As in a metabolism, you live your life. The scene becomes choral, the project fades between being inserted into the fabric and becoming itself a new hierarchy of textures, passages, links. The form is housed among the ruins, sometimes recognizable, by other latents. The limit is unmarked. This is the new city, the head of the new Sarajevo today, more than ever unbalanced. A university complex and a historical center, which is a historian, has only the crystallized memory between the Austrian facades and the marshal statue.
Master thesis research and project magna cum laude, July 2017
Disjunctio Oppositorum
East Milan, identity as reality
Z Tower
The form of the form
Indulgentia ludens
project for a diving pool for Rome “the ritual of anareligious baptism�
Ars Oblivionalis
the memory of forgetfullness
Collective memory space space ssenlluftegrof evitcelloC
fo ecaps Individual memory space of ssenlluftegrof laudividnI
Cameretta per astronomi
project for a camera obscura. small pavillon in Pennabilli RN, paesaggi migranti honorable mention.
The project of our "pinhole camera" arises from a personal re-reading of the territorial identity. A town of presumably Etruscan foundations, Pennabilli was born from the duality of two rocks that still characterize the landscape. The etymology of the two peaks is of great interest to us because even if clashing, they highlight the same meaning: "Pinna", peak, tip, "Bilia", top [among the trees]. In our semantic reinterpretation, the top becomes the goal to be reached, the desire, and the bedroom, the object, becomes a spatial device, an action: observation. The dark bedroom is not just a container of jewels, but the opportunity for two similar visions, the inner one * dark and silent of a deformed and reproduced landscape, and the climb towards a more real vision, the scenic beauty * of the context. Formally, the architecture of our chamber recalls the typically pyramidal Etruscan constructions with a compressed side and the ascent staircase on the back. On the other hand, we metaphorically wanted to reverse the meaning of projection, pouring the image of heaven on earth and that of the earth in heaven. The user of the room is in ea fact in a very comfortable position, lying down, having to turn his gaze to a plane inclined above him, the celestial plane, full of constellations filtered by the hole. Architecture, on the other hand, puts itself at the service of those who surround it, raising visi tors' steps towards a privileged position, the open-air observatory from which to look down. The chamber is made of cheap recycled wood planks, with a small door [0.80 x 2.00] and a further black cotton cloth to obscure the slits. The staircase will be made of the same recycled and cheap wood as the structure and painted with golden water paint. Inside, a single element, the rug, an economic sofa in molded foam (or waste) covered in cotton. The hole will be vintage in a brass half-pipe placed at the top of the entrance door. The room has no other openings, total darkness. Its use is scheduled for 24 hours a day. In the evening to become an astronomical observatory, the day as a stage seating for the viewing of performances and external performances, always like a spatial sculpture. Its location is foreseen at a distance of a few meters from the perimeter fence, to be considered and evaluated on site at the time of installation.
After a mechanical factory
renovation of a urban ruin. Milan
3/4 glass house
28msq tiny house, Urbino.
A living room, a kitchen, a small gallery, a possible bedroom. A flexible space. 3/4 is a tiny house, the expansion of a 80ʟs villa on the countryside of Urbino. The structure is in steel, the façades are for three of the four sides completely glazed, openable if necessary, while the east-facing façade is a wall, to allow more privacy to guests and a screening at the early hours of the sun. All the technical installations are inside a very small wall which contains water, electricity and lighting controls. Even the kitchen rests on this wall and it is hand made on request of nautical derivation to minimize the overall dimensions and maximize functionality. there is a stove, a sink and a refrigerator for guests. The same half-wall contains all the stereo and television halfsystems. The sofa is also a bed for a couple, the lighting system is created and integrated into the false ceiling, the whole environment is obscured by traditional curtains, intentionally double-sided to have an external color integrated with the anthracite steel structure and a more sober, almost white, interior.
project realized, 2015 ph. Beatrice Conti 2017
drawing techniques
sketchbook, hand drawing pencils and ink.
sketchbook, hand drawing pencils, watercolor and ink.
sketchbook, hand drawing coffe, ink and watercolor.
collages analogic collage, handmade. Cut and paste
Hand drawing - exhibited at Tulpenmanie 2016 grafite and pencils
Hand drawing wax color, watercolor and ink.
digital collage milano riconnessa
digital collage speculative dream
Carlalberto Amadori Cattolica, RN 28.02.91
July 2010, High school diploma Liceo classico T.Mamiani, Pesaro July 2014, Bachelor in Architecture, Politecnico di Milano July 2017, Master of Science graduated with honors, Politecnico di Milano October 2017, Erasmus+, Olot, Spain
Professional experience
October 2017 - today, junior architect at RCR Arquitectes, Olot, Spain January-July 2016, intern at Giancarlo De Carlo architetti, Milan January-July 2013, intern at Francesco Librizzi studio, Milan April-May 2013, collaboration with Matilde Cassani, Milan September 2014-today, founder partner of Ground Action, Milan-Venice
Teaching assistant experiences
2017, Faculty of Architecture Ferrara, visiting lecturer 2016-2017, Politecnico di Milano, L. Degli Esposti design studio “Deep Milano” 2016, Landworks summer school, Iglesias, Isabella Inti “TempoRiuso” 2015, Landworks summer school, Sassari, Christiane Sfeir “Beirut University” 2014, Landworks summer school, La Maddalena, Roberto Zancan, IUAV
2016, “After Utopia” for Biennal of Design. Ljubljana 2016, “Nothing left to design”, Campo space with Blake square. Rome 2016, “Immaginare la città futura”, S.Giovanni Valdarno 2013, “Metabolism of a city”, NYiT. New York city. 2013, “Landworks Sardinia summer school”. Caprera 2013, “Cluster of Healtcare architecture”. Milano
2016, Third prize, “Memory” competition Arch out loud. 2016, Selected artist, “Cheap festival”, Bologna 2016, Honorable mention “Paesaggi migranti”, Pennabilli 2010, First prize, Confindustria competition, Pesaro
Publications and exhibitions
2017, Milano Capitale del Moderno, Actar Publisher. curated by L.Degli Esposti 2017, BIO25 Biennal of Design Ljubljana. curated by A.Rui and M.Vradjan 2017, Spazio FMG, Sezioni, la Divina Commedia. curated by L.Molinari 2016, Nothing left to design, CAMPO, Rome. curated by 2A+P/a and Blake square 2016, Cheap art festival, street poster. Bologna 2016, Tulpenmanie, Salon des refuses. Milano, curated by L.Degli Esposti 2016, Abitare, Landworks: esercizi sul paesaggio. 2016, Cartoline dal futuro, S.Giovanni Valdarno. curated by M.Brizzi and Ma0 studio 2016, Architectural Review folio, collage “neomedievalismi di culto”. 2015 ArtWort “The role of images in contemporary architectural projects” 2015 KoozArch “Pretending in colors”, interview 2015, Library graphic pattern “The Pride”, collage. 2014, Fundamentals, Venice Biennal of Architecture. Biennale session. 2013, Domus, Landworks, Caprera installations. 2013, Triennale design Museum, Milan. with Francesco Librizzi studio.
2017 OLS, Spanish language. Erasmus students C1 2014 TOEIC, English language. ETS Global. 720/990 2010 TENG, English test for Polimi. 27/30 viale Toscana 19, Milano. ITALIA
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