1. Hi ghCompr es s i on Shapewear 2. Cov er sFul l Wai s t 3. Li f t sBut t 4. Mac hi neWas habl e 5. MadeofMi c r of i br e+El as t ane 6. DoesnotRol l Down
www.hom eskyshop.com
contact us: 09216673737
1. Hi ghCompr es s i on Shapewear 2. Cov er sFul l Wai s t 3. Li f t sBut t 4. Mac hi neWas habl e 5. MadeofMi c r of i br e+El as t ane 6. DoesnotRol l Down
www.hom eskyshop.com
contact us: 09216673737