GreatStart Guide

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GreatStart — Guide —

our mission A Makers’ Studio empowers the modern creative woman to make a difference in homes and hearts. Our mission is to support her with in-depth education, unique projects, and meaningful work as she leads her community in crafting a beautiful life.


Letter From Founder


First Steps


Social Media Suggestions


What Motivates You?


Who Do You Know?


Sharing Leads To Success


Share Your Story & Invite Others


Setting Your Own Hours


Let’s Get to Work!


The Power Of Sharing With Others


How To Share A Makers’ Studio


They Are Interested In Joining You


Leading By Example


Leadership & Commitment


Celebrate Success


Dearest Maker, Welcome to your new Makers’ Studio business! We are so glad you have made the decision to be part of our incredible family of Makers. I feel blessed to have you with us! As a fellow entrepreneur, I know what it’s like to start a business. There’s a never-ending to do list, as well as investments in both time and resources that can quickly steal the joy from your exciting endeavors. As Creatives, we seek to do what it is we love through learning new skills, enjoying a balanced life, serving others and being a real difference maker in our communities. A Makers’ Studio has empowered you to start your own business. I couldn’t be prouder! You have everything you need to be successful… your own website, tech support, sales tools, fantastic marketing images, unlimited inventory, business mentors, a family of fellow Makers to connect with… your resources are endless. You also have this GreatStart Guide, your first step in becoming a true #MakerBoss. All you need to do is use it. I invite you to craft a beautiful life™ through your business with A Makers’ Studio. I am absolutely thrilled you are here! AM Y


first steps As a new Maker, you’ll want to jumpstart your business to achieve your first levels of The GreatStart Program. This program will set you on a course for the very strongest beginnings – and an amazing future! The following checklist includes some tasks that are important (and fun!) to accomplish in your first few days.

a new email account for your business. This will enable you to look professional, Create as well as keep your personal priorities separate from your business ones. There are many options, so be creative and choose which works best for you! your voicemail on your phone. Make sure your family – plus your customers, Change Hosts, potential Makers and Team Members know they have reached the right person! of the best, most exciting things you can do for your new business is to set up a One meeting – whether in person or by phone - with your mentor and/or Leader. They will work with you to review the materials contained in your PaceSetter StudioPak. through this GreatStart Guide! These are key behaviors Work sure to point your business towards a GREAT start!

Customer Service Hours: M-F 9:00am – 5:00pm CST A Makers’ Studio Address: 478 North Hollywood, Memphis, TN 38112


curated creativity


SOCIAL MEDIA SUGGESTIONS We all understand the impact of social media on today’s business. Maximizing your social media is a great way to introduce your friends and family to your new business. They can “experience” your amazing collection of products and find out how to seize the opportunity to host Creative Gatherings with you.

Facebook – Certainly the most popular by far and as social as can be! FB is great for longer messages, images, invitations to events and groups, and Facebook live videos. Facebook allows for event pages and control over your messaging.

Instagram – Best known and loved for photos and/or images and short messages, this is a must for a business looking to grow. Take pics of everything you create, as Insta is a very heavy visual medium. Great pics draw followers!

Pinterest – This great website lends itself well to sharing your crafting ingenuity with a large population. Creatives, as well as aspiring Creatives, can be found here virtually every minute of every day! Make sure to drive interest to your personal webpage.

LinkedIn – This professional networking, social media site allows you to promote your business – and YOU as a business owner. Your profile and messages should be more business focused than other social media applications.

It’s likely you already have accounts on most, if not all, of these social media sites. GREAT! Time for you to begin promoting your business on your existing accounts. We suggest you monitor those following you specifically because of A Makers’ Studio. At some point, create social media accounts designated especially for your business. This will enable your messages to be strongly focused on A Makers’ Studio and the audience who craves it!


“People don’t buy what you do; they buy WHY you do what you do.”


WHAT MOTIVATES YOU? Right now, you may be asking yourself this very important question – Now what? Before you get to the “what,” the when, the how … let’s start with the WHY. Having a vision for what you truly want begins with asking yourself WHY. Why did you decide to become a Maker? Is it the thought of a life-changing income? Is it the opportunity to show the world your creative side? Do you want to lead and be a mentor to others? Have you started joking about work/life IN-balance, but it’s just no longer a joke? Do you want to be a real difference maker? Being specific about WHY it is you made the decision to own a business will give you vision, both short and long term. It will sustain you if the going gets a bit bumpy, and will allow for major celebration when you see your “why” come to fruition because of your business! Don’t worry. It’s okay if today your why is a little unclear. We have provided the following questions that should help you begin to see your vision for your business and determine what truly inspires you. As your business grows and changes, your why will more than likely evolve with it. Come back to these questions when your life or your path shifts and evolves. Remember, life (and business!) is a journey, not a destination. Leadership expert Simon Sinek has an educational video titled “Determine Your Why.” We encourage you to view this short video to better understand your why. During your meeting with your mentor, share your thoughts and ideas regarding this video. This is just one of the many things that nurture life-long bonds and friendships!


When you know what drives and inspires you then the HOW becomes clear.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What are you passionate about? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ What does home mean to you? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ What are your three most immediate needs for you and/or your family? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ What does success mean to you? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your definition of being a difference maker, both personally and professionally? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ What would you like to accomplish through business with A Makers’ Studio? In 30 days? _______________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________ In 60 days? _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ In the next six months? ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________


who do you know? You may have heard the old saying, “It’s not what you know it’s WHO you know!”

Most people are amazed when they realize just how many people they actually know through a variety of places, groups, environments and social circles. Each and every one of these people are potential connections for your business! The following exercise is a great thought-starter to help you remember all the people you know. The result will be a robust Contact List. Your assignment is simply to create and organize your list. We will talk about what to do with your list a little later in this guide! To make this exercise simple and fun, do the following:

1. Find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. 2. Clear your mind of other distractions (but have your phone handy!). 3. Put on some music to get you in a creative state. 4. Take a deep breath. 5. Begin to write the names that come to your mind. *If a name comes to you, write it down without thinking it over. This exercise is all about creative brainstorming! And, remember—all names are welcome!





Your family – moms, dads, sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, in-laws, nieces, nephews.

Social networking connections – Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, Periscope, etc.



Acquaintances – friends, neighbors, people from church, teachers, parents of kids’ classmates, day care providers, coworkers; people you do business with – accountant, lawyer, community professionals, work connections, etc.

Creatives, or crafty people – Those you know who love to decorate or update their home; are always trying a new craft project, and really enjoy creating something new.


Sharing A Makers’ Studio opportunity leads to success This is a social business and connecting with your group of contacts is essential for your success. We all have a social network we’ve tapped into before. Think of all the times your social network helped you move, clean up your garage, raise funds for a non-profit, and the list goes on.

What if you leveraged your social network that you outlined on the previous page to build your business? Everyone loves to share great experiences with products and services. In fact, word of mouth is the least expensive, yet most effective, method of marketing. How many times have you shared with your friends the great shoes you just bought? With A Makers’ Studio, we are handing you the possibility of building a successful business by simply sharing a one-of-a-kind experience and unique products with your social network. Simply put, you share the opportunities at A Makers’ Studio and use our resources to create meaningful and memorable experiences for your prospects and customers. After they experience all you have to offer, you can leverage their sharing with their social network to broaden your connections and build your business. With this venture, you can be creative, meet new people, earn money, and develop yourself into the leader you know you can be. This will take work, but it will also transform you and the people around you for the better.


Go back to the worksheet on page 11 and look at the names in each group. Let’s decide who to talk to first. With your list front of you, ask yourself the questions below. When you have determined a contact who fits this profile, circle their name. Who do you know that is…

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Creative Crafty Looking to add additional income to their budget Involved in community activities Has been in Direct Sales before and has a positive perception of the opportunity Loves to gather people together for parties Attracted to personal development Wants to replace their full time job Looking for a business opportunity

The better you assess their needs, the more tailored your approach will be when you share A Makers’ Studio with them. Above all value, maintain, and nurture the relationship regardless of their response. Relationships are vital to your business. Those who don’t join or participate may know someone who will!

“You add value to people when you value them.” John Maxwell


share your story & invite others Now that you have your list, begin to reach out to them to book your first Creative Gatherings. You can do this! Just follow these simple steps… Step 1 – Create Awareness It’s time to let everyone know what it is you’re doing! There are several ways to get the word out about your new business:

• Social Media – post several messages with our logo, beginning with announcing your new business, followed by WHY you’re doing this business, what you hope to gain through your business, etc. Remember, constant messaging is vitally important.

• Show examples of projects you’re creating or have completed. • Use these ideas and also the marketing A Makers’ Studio provides to post at least 3 – 4 times a week. Create interest in what you are making and doing. Talk about the brand, the opportunity, Creative Gatherings – both in-person and virtual – inform and excite people about your new venture!

Step 2 - Design and Share Your Story Once you begin posting on social media and talking to others, it’s natural that they will ask you questions. Prepare a simple story to share with them. Keep it exciting, short, and sweet. This will inspire others to take the next step.


• Share your excitement for your new venture • Share your excitement about your current project • Explain who A Makers’ Studio is – and our mission • Text or email A Makers’ Studio Who We Are video • Send a link to your personal website

Step 3 - Invite them to Host or attend a Creative Gathering Now that you’re getting the word out about your new business, begin inviting people to host or attend a Creative Gathering. Here are some ways to invite your first guests:

• Social media • Text • Email invitation • Phone call All of these methods are great, and don’t be afraid to use more than one.

Step 4 – Follow Up It’s important to you and your Host to make sure attendance at the Creative Gathering is strong. Following up with those you have invited insures exactly that, and allows you to be prepared. Following up is as easy as inviting! Just use the same methods to check in and make sure those invited will be joining you. Sometimes peoples’ schedules don’t allow them to join you. If they are unable to attend a Creative Gathering:

• Ask them if they would be interested in attending your next Creative Gathering. • Ask them if they would be interested in being your next Host at a Creative Gathering of their own.

Keep in mind that you will get better at telling your story and inviting people the more you practice. Your business is a journey, not a sprint!

Reaction to your social media post YOUR FRIEND SAYS YOU SAY


setting your schedule

Your A Makers’ Studio is your business, so let’s begin setting the hours you will work your business. As with any business, it will be important for you to keep a consistent schedule or hours of operation. Because you want to be able to control your own personal schedule, we suggest doing the following:

• Acquire a planner, whether an actual one or an online app. • Look at your next 60 days. Mark all your family commitments first. Choose the days in each week and the hours in those days you commit to working on growing your business. When contacting the people you know, it’s all about proactive choices. Knowing when you’re most available will enable you to best serve your customers.

Choose the days of the month you want to hold Creative Gatherings. Choose the days of the month you want to hold Virtual Creative Gatherings. We suggest placing a dollar sign ($) on these days – they will be your MONEY MAKING days! One of the most important things to remember when growing your business is to be flexible! When creating your 60-day calendar, identify the following:

• Must stay – commitments that are required, such as your job, family commitments, and those things that serve your family. • Can go for now – activities you participate in by choice that can be temporarily removed from your calendar.

It’s critically important as your begin your business that you allow enough time to GROW it! We’re all busy and you may be wondering how you will fit it all in. It’s okay – take a breath! You will quickly find a great balance in your business and personal life. As you commit to two 30-day schedules, here are some reminders to add to your schedule:

• Appointment with your mentor or team leader to review this guide. • Observation Gathering with your mentor. • Your first Creative Gatherings. • Sharing hours – time spent reaching out to people to host Creative Gatherings, meeting with people about the business, following up with those you have already spoken with.

• Creative Gathering prep time and follow up. 16

current schedule Sunday









new schedule Sunday







Here are some reminders to add to your first month’s schedule: • Appointment with your mentor to review this manual and to get you started out strong. • Observation Gathering with mentor. • Your first Creative Gathering.

• Additional two Creative Gatherings. • Sharing Hours – time you spend reaching out to people to host Creative Gatherings or to meet with you about the business. This time can also be used for following up. • Creative Gathering prep time and follow up.



The process is simple – Make, Share, and Grow. In order for your business to provide for you, you must focus on the key activities that earn you money and grow your business. All of the activities up to this point helped you build a strong foundation for your business. Now you will start taking action.

Let’s break it down so that you can see how easy this process can be. Make – craft a beautiful life. Makers are empowered to use their hands, hearts, and head to make a difference in the world. We encourage you to begin making projects on your own, at Virtual Creative Gatherings or at in-person Creative Gatherings. The more projects and methods you learn through our series of training videos, the more you have to share with others.

Share - teach your friends and family how to craft a beautiful life by sharing your story, your projects, your experience, and how A Makers’ Studio has served you and your family. At A Makers’ Studio, we have many paths to participate: Customer, Host, or Maker. You should be meeting ten new people a week and adding them to your list so you can talk to them about A Makers’ Studio. Mondays are a great day to schedule an hour of making calls to people on your list. Committing to this will get you into a spirit of activity at the start of your week.

Grow – your income through commissions and team sales commissions. You make 25% base comission on everything you sell, plus bonuses and extra income as you grow your business. Makers develop the leadership skills to help others build creative businesses. Everyone succeeds each time a new difference Maker joins the team to craft and create in their community. 18


THE POWER OF SHARING WITH OTHERS There are others in your community who are looking for the kind of opportunity you have to share. Many are

looking for options to simply add income to their monthly budget or to be part of something that will develop their craft and leadership skills. Somebody cared for you enough to share A Makers’ Studio with you – who do you know that would be open to hearing about the business? It’s always more fun to go on a journey with someone else. Sometimes we just need to ask if they are interested and then let them decide. Always keep in mind that they should willingly want to join us instead of being convinced. Always be ready to talk about your business and how A Makers’ Studio has made an impact in your life. Adding new Makers to your team allows you to take advantage of additional earnings from team commissions. When you combine team commissions with your retail and Creative Gathering earnings, you have the foundations for a fruitful and growing business. It all starts with you sharing who we are and what you want to become.

Someone is waiting to hear what you have to offer today!



How To Share A Makers’ Studio We want to make sharing your business simple for you. As you talk with more

people, your presentation will become more and more natural. Remember, everything won’t be absolutely perfect in the beginning – and it doesn’t have to be! We have created this manual and the supporting training videos to help you get comfortable with sharing. You also have a Mentor who wants you to be successful. They were once in your shoes, so allow them to guide and coach you in these early stages. Here are some ways to begin sharing the opportunities at A Makers’ Studio


Creating Interest When talking about A Makers’ Studio always present the various ways they can participate:

Customer, Our mission is to empower you to unleash your creative side and be a difference maker in homes and hearts. As such, displaying the projects you create with A Makers’ Studio products will generate curiosity… which leads to conversations about YOUR business. This is especially true when you leverage social media to share. And remember to always get out and meet new people. They become new connections for your list.



Sharing Your Passion You will find that there are many ways to share A Makers’ Studio with others. Let’s start with these three: Reaching out to the people on your list who you designated as Maker potential. Start by telling them that you started a new business and thought they may be interested.

Example Text Message with Picture: Hi Jane! I have some exciting news! I started a business with A Makers’ Studio. They help me host Creative Gatherings where we make something for our homes together using their professional DIY product line. It didn’t cost much to get started and I made it all back right away. Plus it’s been really fun so far. You came to my mind as someone who might be interested in hearing more about it. Want to chat soon?

• Following up with your Hosts. You will find that some people enjoy hosting Creative Gatherings for you, but haven’t yet considered becoming a Maker. • Sharing with guests at Creative Gatherings. Guests who attend your events may want to host their own Creative Gatherings. They also know other people who would make good referrals for you. Example: Thank you all for attending this Creative Gathering. If you would like to host a Creative Gathering with your friends, let’s get you scheduled tonight, or we can set up a time to chat this week. I also want to make sure you know that A Makers’ Studio offers everyone the opportunity to become a Maker like me! If you’re interested, let’s talk and I can send you a video with more information.


Follow Up It is important that you always follow up. Keep it simple and focus on your contact’s experience. Keep notes on what they requested when you last talked so you can be specific when you follow up: Responded positively to you sharing via text or email.

Follow up by making an appointment, whether on the phone or in person, to share more information. You may want to send a video before the scheduled appointment.

• Someone who desires to host a Creative Gathering.

Follow up by calling to set up a date for their Creative Gathering. Explain the many benefits of being a Host and just how easy the process is to be one!

• Interested in hearing more about the business opportunity.

Follow up by scheduling an appointment, either on the phone or in person, to talk about becoming a Maker. Be sure to send the welcome video before the meeting.

• Wants to buy product.

Send the link to your website with a thank you note. You want your customers to know that you appreciate their business!

• Has referrals for you.

Follow up by connecting with the person about their referrals. Ask them to introduce you via phone, text, or email so that the conversation is easy.

Keep in mind that it may take several conversations before someone joins as a Maker. That’s okay. Again, we want them to be happy they joined us and feel ready to build their business. Continue to answer questions or even connect them with your mentor.


they are interested in joining you

Someone wants to hear more and is interested in joining your team. This is great news! Here are some questions you need to ask them, and questions they will likely ask you.

Let’s start with the questions you should ask. It is important to get to know your new potential Maker and understand their needs. You will be their mentor and leader, so getting to know them right away is important. Here are some questions to ask:

1. 2. 3. 4.

What was it about A Makers’ Studio that sparked your interest in learning more? Would you please tell me a little bit about you and your family? Have you ever owned your own business? Do you like learning new things?

Give them time and space to answer your questions. They may need to think a little to give you detailed answers. That’s a good thing, because you want to understand what motivates them so you can help them reach their goals. Next, ask them if they have any questions for you.

Here are some common questions asked by prospects:

What makes A Makers’ Studio special? First, share your personal experience with A Makers’ Studio and why you joined. It is important to build an emotional connection before you move through factual information. Then, share the mission of the company. Explain who Amy Howard is, both as a creative person and an empowered businesswoman. This will lead to you sharing what sets our products apart, looking at the Compensation Plan, and going through the unique opportunity our direct sales channel provides.

Can I make money? Explain that Makers earn 25% base commission on all retail products sold in person, at Creative Gatherings, or through their website. In addition, The Money Maker Compensation Plan is designed to reward Makers who build teams. They can choose how much they want to earn and how they want to earn it. It’s up to them!

How do I get started? Walk them through the enrollment process. They will need to complete an online application and purchase a Maker’s PaceSetter StudioPak. Help them decide which is the best companion StudioPak to choose. This will enable your Maker to start strong. Encourage them and let them know they are not alone! You will be their mentor and will make sure they are supported every step of the way. The goal of being in any relationship is trust and integrity. Your relationship with your Makers is no exception! 24

Can I do this? Yes! Most of our Makers had little to no experience when they started. Your team will welcome your patience and guidance. Sharing your experience while supporting them through encouragement, training, and community will help establish comfort and promote consistent business activities. Their commitment and willingness to follow the methodology we provide will give them the platform to learn new skills and abilities. Ultimately, it comes down to mindset: If they want to succeed they will. A Makers’ Studio has provided the supportive resources integral to their success. Plus, they have you to mentor them along the way! Assure them that this business is designed to be built with others, not alone. Make sure they know that they will be surrounded by a supportive community of other Makers and leaders.

At the end of the conversation, you should be ready to help your new Maker get started!

I don’t know a lot of people I am so busy, I don’t think I can add another thing into my schedule

I understand and felt the same way when I started. A Makers’ Studio has a great exercise to help you create a schedule that fits your life. I can help you make this a possibility.

I have never done anything like this before and I am not a salesperson I felt the same way too. But with A Makers’ Studio, we are helping people create a beautiful home by being more creative. I’m sharing a lifestyle with people, not selling. My business is about helping others create and craft a beautiful life, whatever that means to them. Would you like to hear how I build my business?

I bet you know more people than you think. I am here to help you think of four people right now who could be a Maker for your business. We start with those first four contacts and go from there. Let’s make it fun by thinking of all the people you know. We can even just go through your contact list.

When a prospect tells you they need to ask a spouse or check with their family, simply set a follow up date with them and keep it. If they tell you they want to do some research, provide some links to A Makers’ Studio information and set a follow up appointment. Be a resource for every step of their decision journey. Always share a video, keep the follow up appointment, and let them choose their pathway. Keep positive and assure them that your relationship is the most important.


leading by example

A Makers’ Studio leaders lead by example because they know others will model their actions. One element of A Makers’ Studio opportunity is the development of leaders. For many who initially join us, it is the first time someone has intentionally invested in them and their growth. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to renew their lives and become the difference maker and leader they know they can and will be! By growing and building this business with other Makers, you will be entering this leadership journey. It all begins with leading by example. As others join your business, they will bring their own strengths to the table. However, they will look to you, their leader, to show them how to grow and thrive. That is why it is important at the beginning to know what type of leader you want to be.

Traits of a Leader:

• Leaders have a positive outlook. They want to help themselves through helping others. • Leaders take action. A leader will take the action they expect their teams to model. • Leaders are competent. They are always learning, reading, and expanding their skills. A leader will then apply what they have learned and immediately share with others. • Leaders have vision and passion. You can feel their passion and want to follow them. Leaders will see and show the way. • Leaders are problem solvers. They will not get caught up in small matters. Instead, a leader will work towards taking action to solve the issue and move forward. • Leaders understand the importance of goals. They have goals and work daily towards the achievement of those goals.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What type of leader do you want to be: Do you want to be a trusted leader? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ What does it mean for you to be a trusted leader? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Do your actions support your intentions and your words? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Are you always learning and reading? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ How well do you know your personality? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Do you know where you need or want to personally improve? _______________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________ How do you handle conflict?

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ These are some things to think about. We also suggest you complete a DISC assessment. A DISC assessment will outline your strengths, weaknesses, and communication styles.

“Real leadership is being the person others will gladly and confidently follow.” ― John C. Maxwell


LEADERSHIP & COMMITMENT As you begin your journey with A Makers’ Studio, we ask that you commit to being a leader in your company. You are worth the time and energy to develop as A Makers’ Studio leader and we believe you can accomplish the task!

More than anything, we ask that you commit to yourself and your team in following these eight steps that will lead to your success:

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Your Business Plan. Commit to creating and following your business plan and helping your new team members create their own plan for success and growth. Introduce New People Daily to A Makers’ Studio. Using company-provided business tools and training, share your business and its many opportunities with at least two new people per day. Leverage your list, referrals, and social media to begin attracting people to your business. It’s important to remember that in this business, YOU are the messenger. You determine how you deliver your message. As you develop your method, train your new team members and supporters to develop their own methods as well. Attend Corporate Events. Our corporate events are where community is created and lifelong friendships begin. At these events, you will network with other Makers, learn from field leaders, receive product training, and get inspired and motivated to continue growing. We will always encourage you to experience the wonderful community at A Makers’ Studio! Participate in Company Conference Calls. A Makers’ Studio provides conference calls and webinars to support your growth as a business owner and to communicate important company information. Make it a point to attend, and encourage your team to attend as well. Personal Development. Read one book per month and listen to audio recordings or podcasts weekly. A Makers’ Studio will provide suggested reading material, though we encourage you to ask others for references. Always be learning and developing. Again, setting the tone for your team. Find a Partner. Look for another Maker who is similar to you, has similar goals, and demonstrates skills you admire. This may be your mentor or even another leader. Building a business with a partner who challenges, supports, and teaches you will allow both of you to succeed together! Always Look For the Best In Others. It is good practice to find the good in others, especially your team. When challenges arise, you will lean on your understanding of their positive attributes as you help them resolve issues. Lead by example. Model the leadership qualities you want your team to practice. Start with finding the good in others. Be Here a Year From Now. Commit to the long-run as we embark on this exciting journey. Your commitment is shown by your actions and attitudes. Follow through on promises to all those in your organization, from Customers to other Makers to your leaders. Always speak highly of others. Know that the more you develop as a leader, the stronger your organization will be. Reach out to others when discouraged and, in turn, help others through times of discouragement. Above all be present and positive.

“It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.” Eleanor Roosevelt

celebrate success Celebrate and recognize what you have accomplished each step of the way! Celebration motivates you to get to the next level. It inspires you to stay consistent with your business activities as you grow. It’s good to tell yourself that you are great and to reward yourself for a job well done! As you learn to celebrate and reward yourself, you also want to celebrate and reward your team. Recognition of a job well done is a huge motivator. It confirms for your team members that they made the right decision to join this business. It shows them that their hard work is seen and that you appreciate them! Recognition, celebration, and rewards all work towards creating a positive and supportive environment. A Makers’ Studio has a recognition program to celebrate certain efforts and milestones reached. You can celebrate and recognize your team as much as you want. In fact, we encourage it! Rewards and recognition do not need to be elaborate or expensive. Especially as you begin your business, find ways to recognize others in ways that have lots of emotional worth. Here are some things you can celebrate within your team: • Social Media – create private team pages where you can consistently recognize efforts.

• Group Emails - share the good news with everyone on your team.

• Phone Calls – a highly personal way to reach out and show a team member how much you care.

• Cards – mailing a handwritten note feels extra special in today’s digital world.

• Text Messages – quick but powerful way to keep in touch with your team.

• Team Functions, Dinners, Parties – simple verbal recognition in front of peers is an amazing motivator.

Celebration is a very important – and fun – part of building community. Keep lines of communication open. Take lots of pictures and post them. Make being thoughtful a consistent business practice. Remember, you are modeling the behavior you want from your team. When you create a culture of appreciation, positivity, and kindness, your community will attract even more people with those qualities.

Above all have fun! 29




Opportunity... we all have moments in our lives when we can seize the chance to change our course, to make a difference in others’ lives, to be creative with purpose and more intentional with our days. You have been given that moment right now.

What will you do with it?

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Create a flipbook
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