Rescue Restore Redecorate Gathering Guide

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Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Gathering

— guide —


Making something beautiful with your creativity and a handful of helpful products is rewarding. Making something beautiful alongside others is a gift. When you gather with your Hosts and customers, you are not simply completing an adorable DIY project. You are actually creating community. As a Maker, you will lead your workshop attendees in learning new DIY skills and forming new connections with each other. A Makers’ Studio is not just about the decor in our homes. It is about crafting a beautiful life together by making friends, growing in our creativity, and making an impact on the world. As you live out your mission of leading your community in cultivating the creativity they always dreamed of, you will begin to see why Creative Gatherings like this one are the heartbeat of A Makers’ Studio. The Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Gathering has the power to be yet another driving force in building your A Makers’ Studio business. This workshop allows your friends and family to get hands-on with A Makers’ Studio products, learn a valuable DIY skill, and build up the creative confidence to take on more projects. They will feel accomplished and excited to learn about what’s next… and you will get to guide them every step of the way.

Dearest Maker, As you well know by now, my mission is to empower you to make a difference in homes and hearts. We do this through DIY décor and that special kind of connection that only comes from creating alongside others. My heart’s desire is that you thrive as a Maker Boss. I want to see you empowered as a business owner and as a difference maker who helps other women become Maker Mentors. My hope is that our work together helps end human trafficking around the world. These are big goals. I know you have big goals of your own, too. You can count on me to be with you every step of the way. – XO, AMY

Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Gathering Overview .

This guide contains everything you need to successfully hold a Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Gathering. Inside, you will find step-by-step instructions, checklists, and scripts to support you as the leader of this event. Before we dive into the details, let’s take a moment to think about the event as a whole – How do you create the right atmosphere? How do you present the best products for your new, excited customers? We know you have many questions and ideas, so let’s take a look at the basics: Setting the atmosphere for your event will be important. Whether you are hosting or you are helping your Host create the event, you must think about how your attendees will experience your Creative Gathering. Make sure that your workshop is completely set up in the hour before the event. This leaves time for you to review your materials, chat with your Host, and greet early arrivals. Turn your presentation on and make sure your introductory slide is showing. Have upbeat music playing softly as everyone comes in. Greet them as you would a guest in your home. Introduce them to the Host and any helpers you might have assisting you at the workshop. Show them where they will be sitting and ask them to put on their name tag and apron. Suggest that they unpack their workshop materials and arrange their space. These activities will help them feel comfortable from the very beginning. Some attendees will need some help meeting each other. Your role as a Maker is to guide them in connecting with each other in addition to completing a project. You can invite them

to have a cup a coffee and pour it for them. Offer them some of the food your Host provided. As others arrive, introduce attendees to each other and help them start conversations. If you see someone is having difficulty socializing, be intentional about helping them mingle. Start promptly and introduce your Host and anyone else who may be assisting you during the workshop. As you begin to follow the timeline inside this guide, stay calm and enjoy the process. As your guests start creating, be sure to pause and encourage them. Touch their shoulder or hand and make eye contact. Tell them how great they are doing. Be honest and give them very specific direction. If they are successful, they will be interested in exploring more of what A Makers’ Studio has to offer. Be sure to take photos and even a few videos throughout the event. Don’t forget your group photo at the end of the workshop! Encourage your guests to take their own photos and videos to post on social media as well. Remember that sharing all of the tools and projects available to them is helpful and generous. You already know they are interested in pursuing their creativity because they are at your workshop. So don’t be afraid to advise them as to which products they should order when you hear their at-home DIY ideas. Also, boldly make a sales announcement! You will be offering special bundles that help them use their new DIY skills: The Tool Bundle is everything your workshop attendees need to beautifully refinish their own furniture at home. It comes with a paint roller and three covers, our Specialty Triangle Brush, and a FREE Specialty Square Brush for just $31. The Stain and Sealer Bundle offers special pricing on our beautiful Gel Stain that your customers can use to refinish their own thrift store finds. For just $52, they receive their choice of Gel Stain, Matte Sealer, and a FREE Specialty Wedge brush. Give them all the details about your upcoming workshops in case they want to attend. Show them some photos or examples of what they will learn to get them inspired. Try to get them to register and order their Workshop Kit for a future event before they leave. Remind them that workshops make great gifts and that you would be happy to teach their friend and family a new DIY skill!

Above all, enjoy making new friends, be your authentic self, and have fun!

Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Invitation Your event invitation sets the stage for the atmosphere you create at your Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Gathering. You can customize and email these invitations from your MakerOffice. You can also post your invitation on social media to generate interest in your event.

Caroline Henries

You’re invited to a ChalkArt Gathering! Debbie Crews

Please join me at 5:00PM on Jun 30, 2018 — FOR OUR —

Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Gathering! We’ll be gathering at 123 Main St. Memphis, TN 38112

Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Gathering in Detail

Now we will take a look at how to lead the Rescue Restore Redecorate Gathering step-by-step. You can see how long each step should take and what to say as you go along. When your invitee registers to attend your workshop and purchases their Workshop Kit, they will receive:

Furniture Cleaner 16 oz. Rescue Restore Paint 2” Wedge Brush Light Antiquing Wax

When your invitee RSVPs, be sure to send them the instructions on how to pick out the perfect door or drawer to refinish at this workshop. You will want to have two lint-free rags for each of your attendees and both flat head and Phillips head screwdrivers available for them to use when removing hardware. Place small bowls or glasses at each place for storing hardware.

1 Hour before the event

Prep your space. You will have a Google Slides presentation that corresponds to the timeline and script below. Simply switch slides when indicated to inspire your attendees with beautiful imagery and project possibilities. Begin the event with the first slide displayed showing the A Makers’ Studio logo.

15 Minutes before the event

Greet your guests. Greet your guests and show them where they can put their personal items and Workshop Kits. Show them the catalog and wish list you placed at their workspace. Explain that they can use the wish list to order products for future projects. Offer your guests refreshments and help them meet each other.

5 Minutes before the event

Thank your host. Introduce your Host and thank her for having you in her home.

15 Minutes Start the workshop promptly. Go to the next slide showing the Gathering title. Being the workshop promptly with a brief introduction: Thank you everyone for coming tonight. My name is _______. I am a Maker with A Makers Studio. We believe in Crafting a Beautiful Life. Creative Gatherings like this one are the heartbeat of how we live out our mission of empowering the modern creative woman to use her hands, heart, and head to unleash the creativity in herself and others. I want to welcome you to the Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Gathering, where you will learn how to use clean, paint, and antique your own furniture! I’m so excited about the valuable DIY skills you will gain by the end of our time together! Go to the next slide showing the Before & After slide. Since we will be creating together today, let’s quickly go around the room and introduce ourselves. Please tell us all your name and what brought you here today! When introductions are finished: This is a brief video about A Makers’ Studio and our founder, Amy Howard. She is a master artisan and the creator of the products we will be using tonight. As you watch, I am going to quickly iron your pillow sleeves to make it easier for you to work with them. Play the video on your next slide.

30 Minutes Follow along with Amy to refinish the pieces. Go to the next slide showing the Workshop Kit contents. If everyone will please take out your materials, we’ll get started!

Play the workshop video on your next slide. Now we can follow along with Amy Howard as rescue, restore, and redecorate together!

When the video ends, go to the Rescue Restore paint title slide. The Rescue Restore paint you’ve been using here is so amazing. You can see that it’s great for rescuing and restoring furniture. So let me ask you, can you guess how many TONS of furniture we throw away each year in the US? Allow one or two guests to make a guess. Go to the next slide showing Rescue Restore paint and A Makers’ Studio apron. We throw away 28 million tons of furniture every year! It’s hard for me to even imagine how much that is! That’s why we believe so much in the impact we can all make as creatives. Just think about it…. Rescue Restore paint does not have to be sealed and it has no VOCs. It’s even safe for children’s rooms and baby cribs. Smell it – isn’t it amazing? Let me inspire you about how you can use this product... Show your next Rescue Restore slide. So don’t throw away your old cocktail table – rescue and restore it! Show your next Rescue Restore slide. No sanding, priming or stripping. Just clean and paint. It’s seriously that easy. Show your next Rescue Restore slide. In fact, I have Amy’s new book, Rescue, Restore, Redecorate if you would like to order one tonight. It’s everything you need to know to refinish your furniture or find cool new pieces to restore! It’s such a valuable tool…. here, look through my personal copy. And just to let you know, it also makes a great gift for any creative people you know!

Show your next Rescue Restore slide. Look at this table that was repainted with Rescue Restore paint! Isn’t it beautiful? Show your next Rescue Restore slide. So many beautiful colors it’s hard to even choose one! Show the rest of the Rescue Restore paint slides to inspire them. Stop at the Bragging Rights slide.

5 Minutes Take photos. Let me take your photo with _________! That way you can both enjoy the bragging rights. Hold up your artwork and smile! I’ll post these on Facebook and tag you so you can show off your work. You’ll see them on Instagram too so be sure to follow me so I can tag you! Make sure to use our hashtags! Okay, now let’s take a group photo. I want to share with my friends how great you all did!

5 Minutes Share the Creative Gathering Specials. Go to your next slide showing the Creative Gathering specials title slide. Now I’d like to tell you about some of the products you can order tonight to do more projects like this at home or with your friends. These specials and the pricing are only good for this Gathering! Go to your next slide showing the paint roller. You can use your wish list to keep track of everything you want. Go to your next slide showing the Tool Bundle. The Tool Bundle comes with everything you need to beautifully refinish more of your own furniture at home. It comes with a paint roller with three covers, our Specialty Triangle Brush, and a FREE Specialty Square Brush for just $31. Imagine confidently walking into any thrift store or estate sale and knowing exactly what piece to pick up and transform completely.

Go to your next slide showing the Stain Bundle. The Stain Bundle I have tonight is special pricing on beautiful stains that you can use to refinish your thrift store finds to make them look rich and luxurious again. For just $52 you receive your choice of Gel Stain, Matte Sealer, and a FREE Specialty Wedge brush. Go to your next slide showing the gel stains. Look at what you can do with these gel stains! These thick, water-based stains provide an ideal application on vertical surfaces. The rich colors will allow your unfinished wood grain to come alive. It’s the perfect thing to “rejuvenate” tired old finishes! Go to your next slide showing the different stains. So hard to choose, right?!

5 Minutes Share how to participate in A Makers’ Studio. Go to your next slide showing the Host a Gathering title slide. While you look, I want to tell you a little bit more about A Makers’ Studio and how you can get involved, because it’s the reason we are all here.

Go through your Host and Maker Boss slides. I have a spend program, a save program, and an earn program. Let me help you plan your rescue project, and I’ll help you SPEND money. But if you’d like, I’ll help you plan your rescue project and help you SAVE money as one of my future Hosts! But, best yet, I will help you EARN money – let’s plan your next rescue project AND get you signed up as the newest Maker on my team. That’s the way to EARN money with your creativity! It only takes $49 to get started as a Maker like me. Once enrolled, you get access to live product trainings with Amy, business mentorship, and you get to hold Creative Gatherings like this one! So for the last few minutes as we wrap up, I’d like to know which of you want to schedule your own Creative Gatherings as Hosts – let’s get them on the calendar because you will earn free product and discounts just for hosting. I also want to answer your questions about becoming a Maker and get you enrolled if you’re ready!

10 Minutes Go to your next slide showing proud workshop attendees.

Q+A For the remainder of our time together, I’d like to answer all your questions and help you place your orders! I can help you figure out which products to get based on the projects you want to do! Go to your last slide showing the A Makers’ Studio logo as you take orders.

Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Love Letter As a Maker, you will continue cultivating connections after your workshop. Start by sending a loving follow-up email to your attendees from your MakerOffice. First, insert the group photo you took at the workshop. Then send an email like the one on the next page. You can personalize it and make your own!

Caroline Henries

From the bottom of my heart... Debbie Crews

I wanted to share this photo of all of you with your beautiful rescued and restored pieces! As I shared my stories and my creativity with you, you shared encouragement and love for one another. I got to see your faces light up with pride as you learned how to refinish almost anything in your house... or any thrift store find with promise. All you need is a vision to imagine all the possibilities! It was such a joy to see you work and leave inspired to work on some new things at home. I bet you are eagerly awaiting more from A Makers’ Studio! What a pleasure to teach such a kind and loving group of creative women. I am a better person for having been with all of you. Please send me pictures of the rest of your furniture piece that your door or drawer came from! I know several of you are interested in hosting a workshop and becoming Makers. I’m looking forward to speaking to you soon. Now, go unleash your creativity and enjoy the bragging rights!

Rescue, Restore, Redecorate At-A-Glance .

Here are the highlights of your workshop’s timeline. This is great for staying on track during your event!

1 Hour — Prep your space before the workshop begins and

make sure you have at least fifteen minutes of free time to chat with your Host.

15 Minutes — Greet your guests and help them socialize with each other.

5 Minutes — Introduce and thank your Host. 15 Minutes — Introduce yourself, the workshop, and play the A Makers’ Studio video.

45 Minutes — Complete the workshop alongside Amy using the pre-recorded video.

5 Minutes — Take photos with your guests and their completed projects.

15 Minutes — Share the Creative Gatherings Specials. 5 Minutes — Share the A Makers’ Studio opportunity with your guests.

10 Minutes — Take orders, schedule future workshops, make notes for following up, and answer your guests’ questions about products and becoming a Maker.

Make sure to follow up with your guests after the workshop and keep cultivating those connections. We know you can do it!

Making beautiful things alongside others is a gift. You have now given that gift to your friends and family‌. and their friends and family.

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