SuccessGuide Third Thirty day Goals

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A Maker’s SuccessGuide

— third thirty day goals —

Third 30 Day Goals Can you believe it? You’ve consistently completed the recommended activities over the past 60 days – congratulations! Your business should be going strong and growing even stronger!These business

behaviors have begun to turn into habits. These habits create momentum. In these last 30 days, you will work towards completing the foundation of your business. It is a foundation focused on momentum… and momentum creates success! You are quickly traveling down the road closer and closer to your dreams. You can truly imagine living the life you’ve always dreamed of, supported by a business you love. You are inspired to take your career to the next level, and that spirit of motivation is encouraging others to dream big and work hard, too! When you think back to where it all began, you remember wondering if something so rewarding could also be so fun. Now you can clearly see this business is both rewarding and fun. Your company and loved ones are SO PROUD of you and your progress! So keep up the good work as you complete your next month’s goals.







Income: $1000* *Earning calculations are approximate and based on the efforts of the Maker


Create Maker Projects Your goal this month is to create even more projects that help you learn additional features and benefits of the product line and its many applications. You should be feeling like a pro! And by continuing to create more pieces, you can better advise your customers on what to purchase for projects of their own! You are expanding your skillset as an artisan and a creative business owner! Here are a few tips for making the process fun and easy to share on social media:

• Take Before & After photos • Document the process as you go to share. Your social media followers are always inspired by what you’re doing so keep showing them!

Add to your portfolio of your projects, as well as those of your Hosts and customers and take it to your Creative Gatherings. This will give others ideas for the many things they can create!



Continue your weekly calls time with your Leader and your Makers. Strategizing with your Leader and helping your team members is an important habit to continue as a successful business owner.

• Speak with your Leader for 30 minutes each week • Reserve 10 minutes of your calls to talk about your growing business • Discuss your Makers and their progress • Share your weekly and monthly goals. Look back on your previous goals and keep track of what you have accomplished


Creative Gatherings are the heartbeat of your Maker business – you should always talk about them during your calls

• Until now, your new Makers have probably been talking to you for about 15 minutes during their calls. As their business grows have a list of questions ready • Discuss what is going well with the Creative Gatherings you and your team are hosting and brainstorm ways you be even more successful • Continue holding 20 minute calls with your Makers • Your new Makers may only talk to you for 15 minutes during their calls. As their business grows, you may need to change these calls to 20 minutes to make sure they are fully supported • Guide new Makers through their GreatStart and SuccessGuide activities • Help more seasoned Makers through any business challenges they may be experiencing • These Makers should be on their way to becoming Team Leaders themselves. They need you to discuss their progress in the company and plan alongside them • Make sure they are filling their calendars and keeping them full with business activities, following up with their Contact List, and booking Creative Gatherings • Make sure all Makers are focused on sponsoring new Makers and giving them the opportunity to craft a beautiful life alongside us • Celebrate their successes big and small!

• Celebrate their successes big and small! 5


Post on social media

Post at least ten times on Facebook each week

Post at least ten times on Instagram each week

• This is now an activity EVERY WEEK for the life of your business. When you post consistently and study the results, you will learn a lot about your followers. • You will discover what posts get more response from your followers. Post more of what they love! • You should always discuss with your Leaders and Makers what is working best for them and, if needed, implement those tactics for your own social media plan • Share a post about how your business is growing… your followers will enjoy celebrating with you! • Share some of your accomplishments as a creative, a business owner, and a leader in your community • Share your Makers’ accomplishments. This is a great way to celebrate their success! • Show photos of projects your attendees completed at your Creative Gatherings. This will show your followers how easy it is for them to be creative with you! 6

SHARE YOUR WHY. Always remember your followers will connect with your passion and purpose

• Use Before & After photos inside your MakerOffice • Continue to use A Makers’ Studio images as you share your enthusiasm about the business • SHARE YOUR WHY • Post about new products, colors, projects, and promotions! • Post photos of the different Workshop Kits your followers can purchase • Share A Makers’ Studio posts, Workshops, Facebook Live broadcasts, etc. • Advertise your upcoming personal Creative Gatherings • Always INVITE people to contact you! • Let people know you will be contacting them! • Share A Makers’ Studio posts, Workshops, Facebook Live broadcasts, etc. • Advertise your upcoming personal Creative Gatherings. We have graphics and imagery for you inside your MakerOffice • Always INVITE people to contact you! • Let people know you will reach out to them about events and opportunities



Challenge yourself to hold three Creative Gatherings hosted by YOU this month. It’s a great way to continue to introduce people you know to your new business! Schedule three personal events:

• One In-Person Creative Gathering in your home • Two Virtual Creative Gatherings • You’re halfway to your goal of six Creative Gatherings!



Reach out to 15 new people each week and share all the ways they can participate in A Makers’ Studio

Schedule eight new Creative Gatherings

Sponsor one new Maker

Make sure to do these activities three times a week, every week, during the times you choose to dedicate to your business:

Reach out FIVE NEW PEOPLE from your Contact List each time you are working on your business and tell them all about A Makers’ Studio.

• Invite each one to be a Host for a Creative Gathering • Have our exciting Reward & Redecorate Host Incentives ready to share with them • Connecting with 15 new people each week (five per office time) should lead you to booking 3-6 new events • Three Creative Gatherings scheduled IN THE CURRENT MONTH • Three Creative Gatherings for the upcoming month

Follow up with five people you’ve previously reached out to each time you are working on your business!


Reach back out to 3-5 people you previously committed to follow up with. There are many reasons you need to follow up:

• They wanted to view your website • They needed time to think about hosting a Creative Gathering • They had to check their schedule • This activity should provide 1-2 new event bookings for you • One for the current month • One for upcoming month Invite every person you connect with – whether new or previously contacted - to join you in the business:

• Share about the Makers on your Team to show

them how much fun the business can be! • Show them the generous benefits and rewards we offer • Share the Opportunity Webinar inside your MakerOffice • Share the Comp Plan Webinar inside your MakerOffice • Reaching out to 65 people each month should help you bring 1-2 new Makers onto your Team • You are growing your own Team and developing into a strong leader and talented creative • Congratulations! You are now a Three Star Team Leader. The next part of your journey will take you all the way to Journeyman Level of the Money MAKER Career Plan!


crafting a beautiful life


Next Steps Let’s pause for a bit and take in this moment… because

you’ve done it! You followed the GPS through your SuccessGuide and traveled down the road of your first 30, 60, and 90 days as a successful Maker. We couldn’t be more proud of you and the strong business habits you created these last 90 days. Your hard work will lead to a sustainable, growing business built upon a solid foundation. You probably experienced a detour or two. You can probably think back to a roadblock you had to work hard to overcome. We’re confident you reached your desired destination, but even if you didn’t get exactly where you planned to go, you’re likely very, very close. Remember where you were 90 days ago and compare it to where you are today. Congratulations are certainly in order for all the amazing progress you made! You are becoming known for helping people in your community find their creative side. You have stepped into a leadership role by helping others unleash their creativity and find financial freedom alongside you. You are an entrepreneur. A creator. A business owner. A leader. A difference Maker. You are a Maker!


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