Simple Steps on How to Utilize Customer Feedback
In the previous article we discussed three very simple ways of collecting customer feedback. Once you have gathered that feedback, the question arises: what to do next? Proper analysis and utilization of data is the next and final step of this journey. It is all well and good while you are receiving positive feedback; everyone is satisfied with your service, and they do not expect you to make any major changes. However, there is always a high probability that you will be getting feedback from customers who might not be very happy with your service. Such feedback will help you evaluate what is going wrong and what steps can be taken to improve overall standard and quality. Deconstructing Criticism Criticism can be both positive and negative, depending entirely on the experience of the consumer and how they perceive service quality. There is no need to be discouraged about it and fear losing your customers. Instead you should treat all that data as a valuable resource and work towards improving your service and deliver better. It is best to know what the customer likes and dislikes so you can fix the loopholes and ensure quality customer service and experience in the future.
Tips on Managing and Utilizing Feedback
Understand the customer’s point of view Pay attention. Just accepting positive criticism is not enough. You need to pay attention to the criticism, and analyze where you are going wrong. It is only then that you will be able to overcome the problem and increase customer satisfaction. Be open. Always welcome positive criticism, and respect those who offer you some. You are not going to achieve perfection if you do not let your customers tell you which areas need improvement.
Evaluate Data After you have gathered all the positive criticism, sit down with your team, evaluate data and make a recovery plan. All your efforts will go down the drain if you do not make a plan to handle the problems highlighted by your customers.
Make Strategies Gather your frontline staff, and hold a discussion with them regarding the reservations of your customer. Ask your research team to produce a report of customer complains, highest re-occurring service failures and loopholes in service delivery that the customers are most disappointed by. Walk through how your team is delivering the service. Invest in your people, train them properly and make strategies for improving customer service. Feedback is sure to help you out in making strategies for the journey towards achieving customer satisfaction.