Tarkeep The Package You Keep

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TARKEEP The package you keep


TARKEEP The package you keep


TARKEEP THE Package you keep

Sustainable flower packaging capable of forming different structures through tessellated units to be used for creating artistic flower arrangements.

Figure 0.1 Tarkeep’s Package And Structural Flower Arrangement (Ebrahim, 2015).

Amal Attiya Ebrahim - 14137268 DES7055 - Personal Project Communication Birmingham City University MA Product Design 5th August 2015

Hard times will always reveal true friends, To Niina and Anna


Part 2

Executive Summary Tarkeep as a word means structural installation in Arabic, it is the state of making up or putting elements together. As a product, Tarkeep is sustainable packaging for transporting flowers capable of forming different structures through tessellated units to be used for creating artistic flower arrangements. This product is for artistic and creative consumers to engage in an artistic, interactive and creative flower arranging process in order to reduce cardboard packaging waste. This will be done through giving the package a second life to perform an important role as part of the flower arrangement structure.

Figure 0.2 Tarkeep’s Black Structure (Ebrahim, 2015).

6 10 22 30 38 46

TARKEEP TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep




6 8 9

1.1 Personal Project Research 1.2 Practice Strategy 1.3 Design Process

Design Development

10 14 18

2.1 2D Sketches 2.2 3D Models & Experimentation 2.3 Proof of Principles

Design Narrative

22 24 26 28 29

3.1 Context 3.2 Scenario of Use 3.3 Semantics 3.4 Aesthetics 3.5 Ergonomic Factors


30 34

4.1 Detailed Development 4.2 Material and Manufacturing

Market Study

38 40 42 44 45

5.1 Brand Issues 5.2 Market & Retailers 5.3 Innovation 5.4 Sustainable Issurs 5.5 Costing


46 47 48 51 53 56

6.1 Final Concept 6.2 Product Specifications 6.3 Project Evaluation Final Conclusion Bibliography Appendices

1.1 Personal Project Research Original research question, summary of key findings and defining the new concept.

Original Research Question

How can a range of cardboard postal packages aligned to the Post Office retail market support an ethical sustainable message and promote customers consciousness about their carbon footprint?

Background Over the last decade, cardboard became the most utilised material in the packaging industry due to its great features of strength, lightweight, recyclable and compostable. Therefore, cardboard plays a major role in sustainable design compared to other materials such as plastic, glass and metal, which are both costly to produce and too durable for regular mass produced packaging. However, cardboard creates a great environmental impact as a result of replacing indigenous trees to fast-growing trees for mass producing cardboard packaging. Cardboard is also recorded as the highest packaging waste in the UK because consumers deem cardboard as a recyclable material (Hucker, 2014). In addition, online purchasing and delivery services have grown massively in recent times, which increase the amount of packaging waste. Therefore, along with recycling, the design should consider reusing and reducing within the postal packaging design. These sustainable aspects are the main guidelines helps in influencing the design in terms of weight, shape and size in addition to determining the postal cost.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep


Redefining The Concept This project continues to support sustainable messages through pushing the capacity of packages natural cycles to become significantly more ecological. However, the design brief has been slightly adjusted to challenge the sustainability barrier and explore beyond the second life of objects. In order to reduce packaging waste, this project aimed at finding a strong motivation for users to be part of the sustainable package experience. Therefore, this project will explore how the package can be reconstructed in a playful yet artistic scenario with building block principles in order to create its second life usage. This will be done through a great range and expanded process of sketching, model making, experimenting and evaluating in order to take users needs into consideration.

Figure 1.1 ReBuild Concept Mood Board (Ebrahim, 2015).


1.2 Practice Strategy Project’s strategy, working method and personal time plan.

The design of the proposed concept will develop through sketches, 3D models and experimentation in order to define the design brief, create the final storyboard and test the concept with potential users. Further to this, the concept and design will be finalized to process model and packaging making, which will finally lead to movie making (Figure 1.2). In regard to market research, users often are unable to articulate their needs. Therefore in order to provide the best experience for users, this project will be evaluated through SWOT analysis, market observation, study trends and finally, cost consideration.

MAY JUNE 25th 1st




29th 6th

August 13th



5th Inspirational Images Library Research 2D Sketches 3D Models Further Models Packaging Design Story Board Material & Constructing Final Product Design Final Model Making Packaging Making Photo shooting Movie Making SWOT Analysis Market Trends Product Cost

FINAL SUBMISSION Figure 1.2 Personal Time Plan (Ebrahim, 2015).

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep






The package you keep


1.3 Design Process Project design methodology. Panarchy model and design through making.

Analyse Reflect


Def ine

second use



product link

PACKAGE first use

Reflect Define Reflect

Analyse Def ine




final design


Figure 1.3 Panarchy Design Process (Ebrahim, 2015).

Designing through making -relying on the process of making models- is the strategy of developing this concept in order to critically explore ideas, elaborate requirements and test functionality (Bunnell, 2000). In addition, Panarchy theory has been adapted to visualy explain the working process (Figure 1.3). This graph highlights the development of the project’s main aspects, which are the package and the structure through critical loop of defining, analysing, testing and reflecting. Both aspects will then meet at the key link of this product, which is the building units to define final brief and design. This will be done through following the principles of market research such as translating market requirements into form, transformation specifications into actual product and testing the product with potential users. These principles assist in creating a storyboard in order to test the concept in real context (Lidwell, Holden and Butler, 2003).


2.1 2D Sketches “Simple designs then encourage a deeper simplicity of life” (Adams, 2010).

Structure Generating ideas starts with exploring different structures, which lead to the fact that structural forms are combinations of mass, frame and shell structure. Figure 2.2 shows the structural form cycle, starting with abstracting 3D structures to 2D geometric patterns. From 2D patterns, a variety of single building units are created that will eventually form 3D structures again.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep

Figure 2.1 Structural Form’s Cycle (Ebrahim, 2015).

Figure 2.2 Closed Structures Exploration (Ebrahim, 2015).


Units Snowflakes are the natural inspiration to influence the single units design as shown in figure 2.3. A triangular shape is designed to allow the structure to spread into different directions.

Joints Figure 2.4 highlights a process of exploring the potential of slotting techniques for joining the units together. Figure 2.3 Exploring Different Structural Units (Ebrahim, 2015).

Figure 2.4 Joining Techniques (Ebrahim, 2015).


Tessellation It was important to develop the unit’s design in order for them to tessellate in the cardboard flat sheets with minimum amount of waste. Figure 2.6 shows the ideal unit design that is inspired from an existing geometric pattern.

Packaging Giving the package as well as structure specific function lead to exploring flower arrangements, packaging and delivering (Figure 2.5).

Figure 2.5 Units Tessellation and Flowers Structure (Ebrahim, 2015).

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep

Figure 2.6 Different Flower’s Packaging Ideas (Ebrahim, 2015).


Figure 2.7 Exploring Ikebana and Its Potentials (Ebrahim, 2015).

Ikebana Ikebana literally means ‘living flowers’, which is the art of Japanese flower arrangement, with formal display according to strict rules regard to balance, harmony, and form. This art of flower arraingment was a greate inspiration for Tarkeep to.

Figure 2.8 Testing Tarkeep with Ikebana’s Flower Arrangement (Ebrahim, 2015).


2.2 3D Experimentations “Its addictive, the more pieces you provide the bigger structure I can build� (Tedjakumala, 2015).

Figure 2.9 Units Design Development (Ebrahim, 2015).

Figure 2.10 A Selection of Structural Installations (Ebrahim, 2015).

The second use of the package is first to be studied, which is the structural and playfulness of the single units. Therefore, cardboard models have taken a great part of the thinking stage to inspire the design development.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep


After testing different possibilities of the second use of the package, the first use has then been considered, that lead to discovering that the perforation distance of the units is a major factor, where either a strong box is created but this creates difficulty in ‘popping out’ the units, or a weak box is created which allows ease in releasing the building units but easily damaged in transit.

Figure 2.12 Perferated Units Through Proposed Range of Packaging (Ebrahim, 2015).

Figure 2.11 Further Structural Installations Possibilities (Ebrahim, 2015).


Flower Arrangement After Defining the unit shape, the process developed to consider colour and size. It has been noted that when the structure is fully black, it creates a strong contrast between it and the flowers. This contrast affected through making the flower strong aesthetic and dominant the product. Therefore, creating bigger structure that flower arrangement takes not more than 20% of the structure has been considered. Kenzan which is a device used in flower arranging for fixing flowers in the container was the appropriate component for flower arranging experiment. However, it has been replaces by flower foam due to its heavy weight.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep

Figure 2.13 Applying Tarkeep as a Support Structure For Flowers (Ebrahim, 2015).


Different Flower Arrangement Possibilities

Figure 2.14 A Selection of Different Flower Arrangement Possibilities (Ebrahim, 2015).


2.3 Proof of Principles

Playfulness The first stage of the research involved the study of user behaviours and experiences whilst they were exploring the units. It was discovered that users became engrossed and extremely focussed when trying to create structures. It was noted that users would often use every last piece of the building units and some would even ask for more. This test proved the playfulness of the building principles as well as the engagement between users and the product (Figure 2.15).

Figure 2.15 Classmates Participating in Testing The Structure Playfulness (Ebrahim, 2015).

Figure 2.16 Ron Resch With His Structure. (Pinapardo, 2012).

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep

Figure 2.17 Green Laptop Desk Using Slotting Technique (Zdomo, 2012).

Figure 2.18 Origami Tessellations (Pinapardo, 2012).


Usability Due to the critical responses and cynicism this project received in regards to the tearing technique and pulling of the string through the perforations it was essential to test these elements to prove their efficacy. Sewn perforations were made on small cardboard sheets and were thoroughly tested to prove their validity (Figure 2.19). Many tests had to be made to ensure the required distance between the stitches in order to create both a strong package and easily releasable pieces.

Figure 2.19 Testing The Tearing Technique (Ebrahim, 2015).

Figure 2.20 Tear Open Strip From ColomPac (Dinkhauser, 2012).

Figure 2.21 Tear Opening Package Figure 2.22 Different Stitches Option (Datecpackaging, 2015). Distance (Ebrahim, 2015).


2.3 Proof of Principles

Practicality This product is strongly influenced by user experiences responses. Therefore, a collaboration opportunity was undertaken and a small package was designed for one of Annie Huang’s jewellery pieces and despatched to her customer. The aim of this test was to study user experience in addition to the capability of receiving the items safely and undamaged. In this instance, customer feedback was positive and the product was found to be deemed as sustainable, practical and sturdy.

Figure 2.23 Annie’s Jewellery Photomontage (Ebrahim, 2015).

Figure 2.24 Direct to Door Guaranteed Delivery (Hedua, 2015).

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep

Figure 2.25 Pillow Boxes (Etsy, n.d.).

Figure 2.26 Jewellery Subscription Box (Bullcitybaubles, 2015).


Stability Tarkeep has proven its sturdiness through extensive testing of varying structures, lengths and types of flowers. Not has it proved it is stable, but aesthetically the structure has emphasised the beauty of the flowers and flexibility when distributing the flowers.

Figure 2.27 Flowers Balancing (Ebrahim, 2015).

Figure 2.28 The Poetry of Ikebana (Econesting, 2015).


3.1 Context “Good design is making something memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful” (Rams, 2012).

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep




Thepackage packageyou youkeep keep The


TARKEEP The package you keep




A range of sustainable flower packaging capable of forming different structures through tessellated repeated units to be used and joined for supporting and creating artistic flower arrangements.


This product would be available through retail outlets or their online portal to be posted and delivered upon ordering. Tarkeep could be a desirable interior accessory to either domestic or working environment.


The target users for Tarkeep are consumers whom are artistic and creative and would be pleased to receive an artistic, self assembling flower arrangement that allows creative and unique flower arranging as opposed to a traditional and mainstream flower arrangement gift.


The prime purpose of this product is to reduce packaging waste. In addition, this product encourages users to engage in an artistic, interactive and creative flower arranging process. This would appeal to a person interested in arts and craft.


The package comes in the form of a rectangular prism and features perforated repeated 12-sided shapes. The shapes are released through the user pulling a string and the perforated shapes are separated from the package, ready for use.

Figure 3.1 Tarkeep In Domestic Environment (Ebrahim, 2015).


3.2 Scenarios of Use A storyboard of how users can be part of the product life cycle and a study of user experience.

Tarkeep is both an online service where users can make purchases via websites and mobile applications and branded flower packaging that can be supplied to florist wholesalers. With regards to flower delivery, to place an order, users will be asked to choose the flowers, quantity and location of delivery. The entire flower package will then be delivered to the home via a contracted flower delivery service. Upon delivery, the user will open the package to find the flowers along with an instruction leaflet. The leaflet will guide the user to unfold the package and start tearing the string to allow the release of the building units. The instructions will continue to explain how the units can be joined together to create an artistic structure for flower arranging. The user will then start to enjoy this engaging experience of creating their own structural, sustainable vase.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep


Figure 3.2 Tarkeep’s Scenario of Use (Nissinen, 2015).


3.3 Semantics “Simple things work better and simple solutions are often more sophisticated than complex ones” (Sherwood, 2015). Semantics is concerned with the relationship between product design and human experience, it tells something about itself, the person who owns and relates to its design and function (Demirbilek and Sener, 2003). This product represents a secret box that contains a precious item within its dramatic corners with black exterior. Its functional simplicity is fundamental to its construction, building and making and its design philosophy encourages users to create enormous structures through simple building blocks like LEGO. Parallel concepts contributed in defining this product’s emotive descriptors in order to avoid existing similarities and expand its potentials.

Sustainable, Repetitive, Collectable and Playful

Figure 3.3 Sustainable, Repetitive, Collectible and Playful Existing Concepts (Ebrahim, 2015).

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep


Flexible, Protective and Experimental

Figure 3.4 Flexible, Protective and Experimental Existing Concepts (Ebrahim, 2015).

Natural, Balance and Personalized

Figure 3.5 Natural, Balance, and Personalized Existing Concepts (Ebrahim, 2015).


3.4 Aesthetics “Good design is as little design as possible” (Rams, 2011)

In order to effectively communicate Tarkeep’s visual message, there has been considered a variety combination of design elements used according to design principles. This combination is used to attract attention, define identity and create its experimental story. The package been designed to be black, rigid with rough exterior to communicate the message of receiving secret box. The string however, is white in order to add an attractive geometric pattern on the package surface. (Figure 3.6). The beauty of this product is not limited to its aesthetics, but the combination between it and the nature of Ikebana’s motion, harmony and balance.

Figure 3.6 Tarkeep’s Black Package with White String (Ebrahim, 2015).

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep


3.5 Ergonomic Factors


3 Kg

7 Kg 10 Kg


10 Kg

5 Kg

20 Kg

10 Kg

25 Kg

15 Kg

7 Kg Sholder Height

13 Kg 16 Kg

Elbow Height Knuckle Height

7 Kg

13 Kg

3 Kg

7 Kg

20 Kg

10 Kg

10 Kg

5 Kg

Mid Lower Leg Height

Figure 3.7 Lifting And Lowering (hse.uk, n.d.).

The Health and Safety Executive’s manual specifies that there are no legal maximum weight limits for lifting at work (Manual handling at work, n.d.). Guidelines on safe weights for lifting have identified that weights need to be adjusted depending on how they are being lifted (Figure 4.1). According to this, the size and weight of containers that transport the boxes should not only adhere to recommended guidelines but also consider the worker’s ability to see adequately whilst carrying the boxes. Therefore, each transporting package should weigh between 10-20 kg, which means between 100-200 sheets per package can be carried at one time.


6.5 13 6.5 13 6.5

The Key details of the design 22.5


1.5 10.5





45.5 mm











Figure 4.1 Tarkeep’s Units Development (Ebrahim, 2015).

1.5 10.5

Building Units The single repetitive units are the main link between the package and the final structure. This unit has been studied in many aspects in order to define the appropriate size (Figure 4.1).


The mathematics of this shapes allows the structure to be formed in circular direction, this allows the structure to contain, support and balance the flowers when arranging (Figure 4.2).


22.5 1.5 10.5










TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep



45.5 mm

4.1 Detailed Development



The package you keep

Figure 4.2 Circular Structure (Ebrahim, 2015).


Figure 4.3 Tarkeep’s Perforations (Ebrahim, 2015).

Perforations Not only used for releasing the units, the perforations are also designed in order to provide pores for flowers to breath inside the package during transportation (Figure 4.3). Appendix B is a technical details showing the measurements of these perforations, these measurement has been selected to allow creating a strong box and ease with releasing the units at the same time.


4.1 Detailed Development The Key details of the design

Figure 4.4 Developing The Package (Ebrahim, 2015).

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep


Small Package 170 × 240 × 100 Contains 50 units

Units Per Package The project main product is the package and for this project three different sizes will be provided in order to fit all type and quantity of flowers. Each package will contain a different number of units. Therefore, the circular structure assisted in defining the number of the units, which will define the size of the package.

Medium Package 140 × 375 × 150 96 units Large Package 375 × 420 × 150 240 units

Packaging Design After defining the number of units in each package, the project processed designing the packages in terms of aesthetics, function, structure and way of assembly.

Structure It has been noted that the same structure and flower arrangement can be used from different angle. Figure 4.6 shows an experiment of taking photos for the same structure but different point of view.

Figure 4.5 Tarkeep Packaging Design (Ebrahim, 2015).

Figure 4.6 Different View Test (Ebrahim, 2015).


4.2 Material and Manufacturing Product’s manufacturing, production and material justification

Figure 4.7 Cardboard Packaging Manufacture (Fencorpackaging, 2013).

Cardboard For this project, it was decided that single walled E-Flute (2mm) corrugated cardboard was found to be the most appropriate material, as it is thin enough to allow detail whilst giving the necessary support to the structure. The flat corrugated sheets first go through semi-chemical coating machine to enable moisture protection when transported then to the printing machine. Following on from this, the layered cardboard sheets get fed in to the trimmer, this machine allows customized template to cut the package’s shape and its perforations by using die-cutter (Brown, 2014). This process allows precisely cut of 180 sheets per minute (Appendix A).

Figure 4.8 Rotary Die Round Mold for corrugated carton box (baolicartonmachinery, n.d.).

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep


Figure 4.9 Automatic Pattern Sewing Machine (Lee, 2014).

String Tarkeep’s stitches, which require the digital sewing technology, which allow automatic pattern sewing, is used later on to sew strong white polyester string withing the cardboard structure with wax finish. This material is selected to allow the thread to slip through the cardboard structure with little friction to provide a continued tearing technique for releasing the units without the need of cutting them out. Once finish, the flat cardboard sheets are stacked and ready to be transported to the shops in flat-packs to be manually folded at a later stage.

Figure 4.10 White Spun Polyster Overlocking Thread (Homeupholsterer, 2015).


4.2 Material and Manufacturing Product’s manufacturing, production and material justification

Moulded Pulp Manufacturing Process

Convex Mold Conveyor

Concave Mold Slurry Tank

Moulding Stage

Figure 4.11 Moulded Pulp Manufacturing Process (Tpmtech, 2007).

Thermo-Forming Stage 2

Moulding Movement Product Forming Movement

Containers Pulp moulded container will be provided inside the package to hold contain soil and water for the flowers. This material recyclable, durable and biodegradable in order to minimize waste and lowering production cost. In addition, their durable yet breathable feature allow air through to the soil to flowers roots for longer life (Tpmtech, 2007). Figure 4.10 shows Direct-Hot-Press technology that is usedin pulp moulded container manufacturing, which they can be automatically stacked to reduce transportation cost.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep



Thermo-Forming Stage 1



The package you keep

Figure 4.12 Pulp Container (Green house mega store, 2015).


Figure 4.13 Kenzan (The Ikebana Shop, 2013).

Floral Foam Figure 4.12 shows the device used in the Japanese art of flower arrangement ikebana for fixing the flowers in the container, which is made of stainless steel needles called ‘Kenzan’. However, its been realized a damage with the cardboard structure due to the Kenzan’s heavy weight. Therefore, a dry hard floral foam made of phenolic foam will replace the Kenzan for its lightweight that will reduce delivering cost and makes it easy to work with (McCann, Mulligan and Niles, 2004). The grey cylinder floral foam will be used through placing it inside the pulp container within the structure in order to hold and support the flowers when arranging.

Figure 4.14 Dry Foam Cylinder (Oasis floral, 2013).

Figure 4.15 Flower Foam Container (Ebrahim, 2015).


The package you keep

5.1 The Brand Which brand(s) are / might your project be associated with or appropriate for, and why?

TARKEEP The package you keep Figure 5.2 Tarkeep’s Logo (Ebrahim, 2015).

Due to the difficulties of finding an existing brand that follows the proposed values, mission and vision of the project, a new brand has been proposed for this project called “Tarkeep”.

Figure 5.1 Branded Tarkeep’s Package TARKEEP (Ebrahim, 2015).

The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep



TARKEEP The package you keep



The package you keep


Figure 5.3 Tarkeep’s Pattern (Ebrahim, 2015).

TARKEEP THE Package you keep

The brand name “Tarkeep” is an Arabic word meaning structural installation, which reflects the functionality of the product of being construct-able like a jigsaw puzzle. The reason for using an Arabic name is because unique names are easier to remember and drive curiosity to the meaning behind it. Therefore, the brand slogan “The Package You Keep” is a further explanation for the main purpose and idea behind this project, which rhymes with the brand name. In addition, the reason of using the unit shape as a logo is to create a strong yet simple idea of the product design and function. This will trigger curiosity to what this shape means and how is it related to the package (Appendix C).


Between innovation and sustainability, to reduce cardboard packaging waste by giving it an artistic reason to live longer.


Encourage people to participate in reducing the environmental impact of cardboard production and waste.


5.2 Market and retailers Tarkeep’s brand, market, retailers and partnership opportunities.

This product have a limited costumers and target a niche market due to its focusing on flower arrangement art. Therefore, when the product first to be introduced in the market, it will focus on social media and online portals. In addition, partnership opportunities are also considered with existing florist shops known with its high quality service, standards and sustainability such as Marks&Spencer and Bloom&Wild. Further to this, an independent retail shop will be considered for Tarkeep to provide the best service for their customers that fits the brand’s values.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep

Figure 5.4 Ikebana is an art of space (The Ikebana Shop, n.d.).


5.3 Innovation

Figure 5.5 Tarkeep’s Packages Range (Ebrahim, 2015).

Figure 5.6 Tearing Tarkeep’s String (Nissinen, 2015).

Nalewajek and Macik (2012) highlights that the market ecological awareness is not high in many places of the world. Promoting reuse of package often require additional effort, which generate higher production costs. In addition playfulness, collectable, personalized and flexible features, digital sewing used as a new technology in this product in order to create simple yet delight experience for the package second life. The artistic simplicity of the product creates the product innovation and new opportunities for emotional attachment and longer interaction between customers and the package through brand visual identity, this can lead to higher consumer loyalty and better attitudes toward the brand values.

Figure 5.7 Brand Emotional Attachment (Bright, 2015).


5.4 Standards Standards would effect the acceptance of the design.

Packaging and distribution of goods must follow specific standards related to its sustainability, which are reuse, reduce and recycle.

BS EN 13428:2004 Reduce Requirements specific to manufacturing and composition. The package should use the reduction and the minimization of dangerous substances as they may arise from waste management operations. BS EN 13429:2004 Reuse Reusing a used package is one of the recovery options within the overall life cycle of packaging in order to save resources and minimize waste. BS EN 13430:2004 Recycle Recycling a used package material is another recovery options in the post use strategy in order to save resources and minimize packaging waste.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep


5.5 Costing/ Profit Tarkeep’s production costs compared to other products

Defining the product cost not only depends on the manufacturing cost but on studying the market and on how much users intend to pay for flowers. Moreover, flower prices vary depending on the type and quantity of the flowers, which will determine the price of the package and delivery service. Therefore, it has been seen that on top of the price of the flowers, for a small package £3 will be added, £5 for the medium package and £7 for the large package. The total amount the customer will pay for the flowers, package and delivery service cost will vary between 20 to £40.

Figure 5.8 Tarkeep Package and Structure (Ebrahim, 2015).

Interfloea £60

marks 7 spenser £45

Bloom&wild £15

TArkeep £20 - Small package

interflora £30


5.6 sustainability issues Materials, Manufacture, Transportation, Recycling, Repair, Carbon Footprint etc.

Figure 5.9 Sustainable Lighting Fixture (Ebrahim, 2013).

In the manufacture no excessive chemicals are used in addition to the use of cardboard, which is a biodegradable product, hence its effect on the environment is reduced. Furthermore, the manufacturer will be bound legally to reducing the emissions, waste production and use of water and chemicals. The carbon footprint of the packaging is reduced considerably by practical, stackable form when it is delivered from the factory to the flower shop. This allows the transportation of several hundreds of the packages and delivers to several shops to be manually folded upon customers order. Tarkeep has been made to support sustainable issues and reduce cardboard packaging waste. Therefore, its been designed to support the package’s second life that can furthermore be reassembled several times and hence be used in different functions.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep

Figure 5.10 The Making of The Sustainable Lighting Fixture (Ebrahim, 2013).


6.7 Packaging and display Packaging the package for transportation

Although the main product of this project is a package, a big package is still used for transporting these packages in flat sheets. As highlighted earlier, the size and weight of the transporting packages are important to follow health and safety rules. Therefore, the small package will contain 200 sheets, medium package will contain 150 sheets and large package will contain 100 sheets (Figure 5.11). These specifications has been carefully selected in order to be easy to stack, carry and distribute. Moreover, the first interaction between the user and the product is through the package instructions band (Figure 5.12), its a strong paper placed around the package in order to protect it during shipping and prevent it from opening. This band is designed and branded to promote Tarkeep’s message and provide users with instructions of what is this product and how to use it (Appendix D).

Small Container 500 × 580 × 400 Contains 200 of Tarkeep’s flat-pack packages Medium Container 600 × 950 × 430 150 flat-pack packages Large Container 1000 × 1080 × 200 100 flat-pack packages

Figure 5.11 Tarkeep’s Transportation Packages (Ebrahim, 2015).

How Does It Work?


Unfold the package after removing the flowers. Pull the inner string to release the units then pop the units out.

Build TARKEEP The package you keep

Slot the units together, to create artistic structures for your flowers.


Place the flower's foam inside the container and enjoy arranging your flowers with the structure.

See what others have created and don't forget to share your own. www.tarkeep.com

Figure 5.12 Product’s Instruction Band (Ebrahim, 2015).


6.1 Final Concept ‘Tarkeep’ is a sustainable flower packaging capable of creating an experimental story through its firs and second usage. Through making artistic structural installations for flower arrangements, Tarkeep participate in reducing environmental impact of wasted packaging.

Figure 6.1 Tarkeep’s Linear Process TARKEEP (Ebrahim, 2015). The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep




Thepackage packageyou youkeep keep The


TARKEEP The package you keep



6.2 Product Specifications The PRoduct

Range of flower packaging Small Package 170 × 240 × 100mm Medium Package 140 × 375 × 150mm Large Package 375 × 420 × 150mm

Instructions Band

Package Bellyband 8mm Wide Includes logo, instructions, social media and brand value.


Repetitive Building Units Small Package 50 units Medium Package 96 Units Large Package 240 units


Components Available in the Package Flowers, moulded pulp container and floral foam.


Tearing Tearing technique used for releasing the building units.


The product is available in black. However, there is a room for future customising.


6.3 project evaluation Design reflect and defining the unique selling point as well as future considerations.

This project’s original agenda was to investigate the state of packaging production in the post office retail market and exploring its environmental impact. In addition, understanding the interactions between customers and product for an improved behaviour towards sustainable packaging through providing strong solutions for the package’s second life. The product is no longer considered as a post office service not package. However, it continued to be a delivery service with strong yet artistic and emotional second life’s solution. Creating structural installations for flowers not only for fun, but also relaxing and develop the sense of achievement, which reflects the benefits of flowers arrangements. Unique selling point Tarkeep’s unique selling point is encouraging users to participate in reducing packaging waste through the packages second life. This product also provides the opportunity to customize flower arrangement structures as users are mostly emotionally attached to their handiwork. In addition, Tarkeep’s is a collectable product that encourages users to make more purchasing to get more units that will allow bigger and more complex structures.

Design Philosophy Tarkeep reflects the simplicity yet deep meaning of flowers into the package design, which aims at leaving an evidence of feeling has been sent, a flower has been received and to measure the amount of love a person can hold for another.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep


Swot Analysis Strength Unique 3 dimensional unusual flower arrangement Interactive and easy to assemble Encourage creativity in playful activity Provide a space for self-expression through art Collectable units allows complex structures Reduce environmental impact through its second life. Weaknesses Cardboard is not a durable material. Users expect to pay less for cardboard products Flowers purchasing is usually occasional Difficult to move people away from the traditional arrangement Users needs to be careful with watering flowers Opportunity A room for wider applications like lighting fixtures and green wall Threat Water and humidity can damage the product and structure Many competitors in the market Product can be easily copied

Figure 6.2 Tarkeep Orange Flowers (Ebrahim, 2015).


Personal Project Review This project’s success have been build on the million failure experimentations, creating a packaging from thick corrugated cardboard was hard to manage with its measurements. In addition, laser cutter machine size also restricted the potential of this project. However, it was beneficial from learning experience to acknowledge errors and try to overcome them next time.

Future Consideration This product can be adapted and further developed to be applied in different functions for various target groups in the future with different ranges of cardboard packages. The ultimate vision of this project is to replace all cardboard packages such as post offices and supermarket’s packages to Tarkeep in order to reduce the environmental impact of packaging waste. Tarkeep can also be sold in flat cardboard sheets in art and craft shops in order to provide extra pieces for further structures. From marketing point of view, second life packaging should be adapted in wider range because of creating additional possibilities for consumers to interact with the brand or consider sustainability with all the package components not just the cardboard material.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep


Conclusion The concept of Tarkeep developed through trusting the journey, none of those final decision were considered at the early research stage. From a personal believe, the final outcome of the product and design brief has successfully achieved the project agenda and proved the validity of the proposed hypothesis by reducing cardboard packaging waste through providing playful yet artistic second life packaging. It has also been noted that Tarkeep is a high sellable product that can go through mass production in the future. However, more details development will be needed, especially with the tearing technique in order to provide the best experience for customers.

Figure 6.3 Tarkeep’s Package And Structural Flower Arrangement (Ebrahim, 2015).

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep


References Brown, T. (2014). How a cardboard box is made. [online] The Manufacturer. Available at: http://www.themanufacturer.com/articles/how-a-cardboard-box-is-made/ [Accessed 25 Jul. 2015]. Bunnell, K. (2000). Designing Through Making. The Design Journal: An International Journal for All Aspects of Design, [online] 3(3), pp.1-3. Available at: http://ezproxy.bcu. ac.uk:2159/doi/pdf/10.2752/146069200789390114 [Accessed 15 Jul. 2015]. Demirbilek, O. and Sener, B. (2003). Product design, semantics and emotional response. Ergonomics, [online] 46(13-14), pp.1346-1360. Available at: http://www.researchgate.net/ publication/9014108_Product_design_semantics_and_emotional_response [Accessed 19 Jul. 2015]. Hucker, R. (2014). Packaging (Paper & Board). United Kingdom: Key Note, pp.4, 44-45. Lidwell, W., Holden, K. and Butler, J. (2003). Universal principles of design. Gloucester, Mass.: Rockport. Lovell, S. (2011). Dieter Rams: As Little Design As Possible. London: Phaidon. Manual handling at work. (n.d.). 1st ed. [ebook] United Kingdom: Health and Safety Executive, p.8. Available at: http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg143.pdf [Accessed 10 Jul. 2015]. McCann, J., Mulligan, J. and Niles, B. (2004). A year full of flowers. [Emmaus, Pa.]: Rodale, p.36. McKinley, M. (2007). The psychology of collecting | The National Psychologist. [online] Nationalpsychologist.com. Available at: http://nationalpsychologist.com/2007/01/thepsychology-of-collecting/10904.html [Accessed 2 Aug. 2015]. Nalewajek, M. and Macik, R. (2012). Product Packaging Second Life. 1st ed. [ebook] Poland: Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference, pp.731-739. Available at: http://issbs.si/press/ISBN/978-961-6813-10-5/papers/ML12_139.pdf [Accessed 1 Aug. 2015]. Tpmtech, (2007). Pulp Molding machine. [online] Available at: http://www.tpmtech.com. tw/p3.html [Accessed 27 Jul. 2015].


References (Images)

Figure 0.1 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep’s Package With Structural Flower Arrangement [Photograph]. Figure 0.2 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep’s Black Structure [Photograph]. Figure 1.1 Ebrahim, A. (2015). ReBuild Concept Mood Board [Photomontage]. Figure 1.2 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Personal Time Plan [illustration].

Figure 2.17 Zdomo, (2012). Green Laptop Desk Using Slotting Technique. [image] Available at: http:// dontmesswithmama.com/kids-got-cabin-fever-try-these-5eco-friendly-toys-and-crafts/ [Accessed 25 May. 2015].

Figure 1.3 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Panarchy Design Process [illustration].

Figure 2.18 Pinapardo, (2012). Origami Tessellations. [image] Available at: http://pinapardo.com/tycho-hoursphotos-from-ron-resch-a-visionary/ [Accessed 20 May 2015].

Figure 2.1 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Structural Form’s Cycle [Sketch].

Figure 2.19 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Testing The Tearing Technique [Photograph].

Figure 2.2 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Closed Structures Explorations [Sketch].

Figure 2.20 Dinkhauser, (2012). Tear Open Strip From ColomPac. [image] Available at: http://www.dinkhauser.com/ en/media/products/colompac/colompac-r-cp-151-instantbottom-carton-with-colompac-r-self-sealing-and-tear-strips [Accessed 30 Jul 2015].

Figure 2.3 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Exploring Different Structural Units [Sketch]. Figure 2.4 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Joining Techniques [Sketch]. Figure 2.5 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Units Tessellation and Flowers Structure [Sketch]. Figure 2.6 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Different Flowers Packaging Ideas [Sketch]. Figure 2.7 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Exploring Ikebana and Its Potentials [Sketch]. Figure 2.8 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Testing Tarkeep with Ikebana’s Flower Arrangement [Sketch]. Figure 2.9 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Units Design Development [Photograph]. Figure 2.10 Ebrahim, A. (2015). A Selection of Structural Installation [Photograph].

Figure 2.21 Datecpackaging, (2012). Tear Opening Package Option. [image] Available at: http:// datecpackaging.com/sbbc.asp [Accessed 30 Jul 2015]. Figure 2.22 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Different Stitches Distance [Photomontage]. Figure 2.23 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Annie’s Jewellery Photomontage [Photomontage]. Figure 2.24 Hedua, (2015). Direct to Door Guaranteed Delivery. [image] Available at: http://hedua.com/ media-kit/direct-to-door/ [Accessed 30 Jul 2015]. Figure 2.25 Etsy, (n.d.). Pillow Boxes [image] Available at: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/123419723/pillow-boxeswith-tab-tuck-closure-10?ref=market [Accessed 31 Jul 2015].

Figure 2.11 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Further Structural Installations Possibility [Photograph].

Figure 2.26 Bullcitybaubles, (2015). Jewellery Subscription Box [image] Available at: http://www.bullcitybaubles.com/ pages/jewelry-subscription-box [Accessed 30 Jul 2015].

Figure 2.12 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Perferated Units Through Proposed Range of Packaging [Photograph].

Figure 2.27 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Flowers Balancing [Photomontage].

Figure 2.13 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Applying Tarkeep as a Support For Flowers [Photograph].

Figure 2.28 Econesting, (2015). The Poetry of Ikebana [image] Available at: http://www.econesting. com/2015/04/17/ikebana-video/ [Accessed 28 Jul 2015].

Figure 2.14 Ebrahim, A. (2015). A Selection of Different Flower Arangement Possibilities [Photograph]. Figure 2.15 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Classmates Participating in Testing The Structure Playfulness [Photograph]. TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep



Figure 2.16 Pinapardo, (2012). Ron Resch With His Structure. [image] Available at: http://pinapardo.com/tychohours-photos-from-ron-resch-a-visionary/ [Accessed 20 May 2015].



The package you keep

Figure 3.1 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep in Domestic Environment [Photogtaph]. Figure 3.2 Nissinen, N. (2015). Tarkeep’s Scenario of Use [Photogtaph]


Figure 3.3 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Sustainable, Repetitive, Collectible and Playful Existing Concepts [Photo Collage]. Figure 3.4 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Sustainable, Repetitive, Collectible and Playful Existing Concepts [Photo Collage].

Figure 4.13 The Ikebana Shop (2013). Kenzan [Image]. Available at: http://theikebanashop.com/blog/black-kenzan [Accessed 13 Jul 2015].

Figure 3.5 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Natural, Balance, and Personalized Existing Concepts [Photo Collage].

Figure 4.14 Oasis floral (2013). Dry Foam Cylinder [Image]. Available at: http://www.oasisfloral.co.uk/oasis-brand-floralfoam/dry-sec-foam/oasis-sec-dry-foam-cylinder [Accessed 2 Aug 2015].

Figure 3.6 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep’s Black Package with White String [Photograph].

Figure 4.15 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Flower Foam Container [Photograph].

Figure 3.7 hse.uk, (n.d.). Lifting And Lowering [image] Available at: http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg143.pdf [Accessed 10 Jul 2015].

Figure 5.1 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Branded Tarkeep’s Package [Photograph].

Figure 4.1 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep’s Units Development [illustration]. Figure 4.2 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Circular Structure [Photograph]. Figure 4.3 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep’s Perforations [Photograph]. Figure 4.4 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Developmening the Package [Sketch]. Figure 4.5 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep Packaging Design [illustration]. Figure 4.6 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Different View Test [Photograph]. Figure 4.7 Fencorpackaging. (2013). Cardboard Packaging Manufacture [Photograph]. [Image]. Available at: http://www. fencorpackaging.co.uk/ [Accessed 22 Jul 2015].

Figure 5.2 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep’s Logo [illustration]. Figure 5.3 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep’s Pattern [Photograph]. Figure 5.4 The Ikebana Shop (n.d.). Ikebana is an art of space. [Image]. Available at: http://theikebanashop.com/ [Accessed 13 Jul 2015]. Figure 5.5 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep’s Packages Range [Photograph]. Figure 5.6 Nissinen, N. (2015). Tearing Tarkeep’s String [Photograph]. Figure 5.7 Bright, J. (2015). Brand Emotional Attachment [image]. Available at: http://www.hellosoutherly.com/blog/ apple-music-conducted-by-emo-brand-strategy [Accessed 3 Aug 2015]. Figure 5.8 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep Package and Structure. [Photograph].

Figure 4.8 baolicartonmachinery (n.d.). Rotary Die Round Mold for corrugated carton box [Image]. Available at: http://baolicartonmachinery.en.alibaba.com/ product/1858243917-221777635/Rotary_Die_Round_Mold_ for_corrugated_carton_box.html [Accessed 24 Jul 2015].

Figure 5.9 Ebrahim, A. (2013). Sustaunable Lighting Fixture. [Photograph].

Figure 4.9 Lee (2014). Automatic Pattern Sewing Machine [Image]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=xB4RV7m68SU [Accessed 28 Jul 2015].

Figure 5.11 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep’s Transportation packages [illustration].

Figure 4.10 Homeupholsterer (2015). White Spun Polyster Overlocking Thread [Image]. Available at: http://www. homeupholsterer.com.au/index.php?route=product/ product&product_id=566 [Accessed 30 Jul 2015]. Figure 4.11 Tpmtech (2007). Moulded Pulp Manufacturing Process [Image]. Available at: http://www.tpmtech.com.tw/ p3.html [Accessed 30 Jul 2015]. Figure 4.12 Green house mega store (2015). Pulp Container [Image]. Available at: http://www. greenhousemegastore.com/product/western-pulp-largecontainers/paper-pots [Accessed 25 Jul 2015].

Figure 5.10 Ebrahim, A. (2013). The Making of The Sustaunable Lighting Fixture. [Photograph].

Figure 5.12 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Product’s Instruction Band [Photograph]. Figure 6.1 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep’s Linear Process [Photograph]. Figure 6.2 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep’s Orange Flowers [Photograph]. Figure 6.3 Ebrahim, A. (2015). Tarkeep’s Package With Structural Flower Arrangement [Photograph].


Appendix A Metro Box Limited, Corrugated Carton Manufacturers Suppliers of Packaging Materials

Craig Hill Metro Box Works Manager Corrugated cardboard packaging are cut by pressing machine works just like the jigsaw puzzle cutter because it is faster than the laser cutter§. However, printing on the cardboard should be before cutting. Moreover, depend on the size of the box but one A1 cardboard sheet is roughly enough for creating two boxes and the presser is capable of cutting 200 sheets in one hour, which means 400 box in one hour. The sheet used in the Annie’s jewellery piece package is E-Flute classification and semi chemical fluting, which offers high performance and excellent protection against moisture. Micro Flute however, preform higher strength as its compressed more and been under higher pressure. In order to be able to produce tube cardboard package with perforations, the perforations need to be made in flat cardboard sheet, and then be folded to form a tube. However, the folding might not be perfectly smooth and the perforation might crack when folding. Hill mentioned that FEFCO provide standard template for corrugated packaging and might have some information about tube packaging. He also pointed to Birmingham Mailing Cases that are specialized in cardboard tube cases.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep





The package you keep


Appendix B Small Package Template



Tarkeep Branding

The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep


TARKEEP The package you keep


TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep


This package is more than just a box. TARKEEP The package you keep

Tarkeep is a sustainable package capable of forming different structures through the tessellated units to be used for creating artistic flower arrangements. This package is made in order to reduce environmental impact of cardboard waste.

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep

TARKEEP The package you keep



The package you keep

Place the flower's foam inside the container and enjoy arranging your flowers with the structure.


Slot the units together, to create artistic structures for your flowers.


Unfold the package after removing the flowers. Pull the inner string to release the units then pop the units out.


How Does It Work?




The package you keep

Appendix C

Appendix D Instruction Band Layout, small and medium package

How Does It Work?


Unfold the package after removing the flowers. Pull the inner string to release the units then pop the units out.


Place the flower's foam inside the container and enjoy arranging your flowers with the structure.


This package is more than just a box.

Tarkeep is a sustainable package capable of forming different structures through the tessellated units to be used for creating artistic flower arrangements. This package is made in order to reduce environmental impact of cardboard waste.

See what others have created and don't forget to share your own.


See what others have created and don't forget to share your own.


Slot the units together, to create artistic structures for your flowers.


Amal Attiya Ebrahim Birmingham City University, UK 2015

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