INNOVATION AND INDUSTRIAL ARCHITECTURE Rethinking Creativity and Innovation in Industrial Design An [alternative] to the current model of industrial manufacturing Amal Haider
INNOVATION AND INDUSTRIAL ARCHITECTURE Rethinking Creativity and Innovation in Industrial Design
Table of Contents I. Introduction i. Project Typology: Architects, Waste, and Design ii. Methodology iii. History of Industrial Architecture iv. History of Waste Management v. Waste Hierarchy v. Objectives
1 2 3 5 10 11 14
II. Precedent Studies i. Case Study I: Kara/Novern Thermal Power Plant ii. Case Study II: CopenHill Waste-to-Energy Plant iii. Case Study III: New Lab, Research and Manufacturing Center iv: Case Study IV: Materialise v: Case Study V: Solus4 Marine Research Center
15 17 29 35 37 39
III. Site Analysis i. Site Selection and Analysis: Location ii. Background and Historical Development iii. Site-Project Relation iv: Site Surroundings Analysis: Weather, Wind, Waves v: Future of KIZAD: 2030 Vision vi: Conclusion
41 43 44 48 49 51 52
IV: Data Collection and Guidelines i. Program Functions and Parameters ii. Standards and Guidelines
54 55 57
V: Programming ii. Area Matrix iii. Proximity Matrix iv: Bubble Diagram
69 71 73 75
V: Conceptual Design i. Concept Diagrams ii. Site Plan iii. Conceptual Perspective iv. Design Sketches
77 79 81 83 85
VII: Appendix i. Survey and Results
88 89
VIII: References
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A well-designed built sustainable environment contributes to a host of environmental, economic and social benefits. Using the Waste-to-Product plant, this book aims to show the great value from industrial and infrastructure projects requires recondisderation of the role of design and architecture. This research is based on a number of key objectives, all designed together to work toward the main goal of introducing an alternative to the current model of industrial facilities. This book aims to strengthen the uderstanding of what is known and unknown about the role of design in Waste-to-Product facilities. Exploring to find out what the gaps are, why they are there, and how they can be addressed with design. The methodology take a hybrid approach to researchm consisting of three methods: qualitative, quantitative, and design. Qualitative methods allowed to identify the main keys to socio-economic enablers to a well-designed facility and to understand the main drivers through participation of the users.Quantitative methods enabled to understand the input and output mechanics of WtP facilities, and performance parameters in the facility through surveys and matrices. The research primarily focuses on: • Collecting data using case studies, books, and previous research studies on modern industrial buildings,marine centers, and the correlation between them (Manufacturing waste products from land and sea). • The use of Analysis from various aspects: i. Visual Analysis: Photographs, plans, sections, and schematic diagrams. ii. Textual Analysis: Expressing ideas, ask questions, and provide understandings. iii. Historical Analysis of the site and its surroundings. Following the development and maturity of the findings, the research is then used to design methods that help in developing and testing the proof of concept for prototypical design solutions and programmaric hybrids.
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Project Brief
The project was the result of a competition organized in 2008. The design is based on simple construction details combined with cutting edge manufacturingtechnology to produce the aluminium façade panels and clever processing and repetition. Due to its large scale, the incinerator is destined to become an outstanding structure in the wide and open landscape of the Roskilde area and represents a hypermodern and sustainable energy powe Close to the ground, the building reflects the angular plant, where waste will be turned into power. factory roofs of the immediate surroundings, and toward the top it culminates in a 97-meter-tall spire, creating a contemporary counterpoint to the steeples of the city’s historic cathedral.
匀椀琀攀 䄀渀愀氀礀猀椀猀
䤀渀昀爀愀猀琀爀甀挀琀甀爀攀 愀渀搀 唀琀椀氀椀琀椀攀猀 䌀漀渀琀爀漀氀
匀瀀攀挀椀昀椀挀 唀爀戀愀渀 䐀攀猀椀最渀 䜀甀椀搀攀氀椀渀攀猀 䤀渀琀爀漀搀甀挀琀椀漀渀
䜀攀渀攀爀愀氀 匀椀琀攀 䜀甀椀搀攀氀椀渀攀猀
Conceptual Diagrams The diagrams show a curved structure which represents the concept of the wave. The design of this project connects between the terrestrial world and the marine world. Hence, a double wave structure will represent the marine world as a conecting structure inbetween the columns of the waste management facility. The columns will be kept open to the eterior to represent the soul of ‘industrial’ architecture. wate a Since this project concerns recycling & reusing materials from both land & water, biodegradable recycled fabricated material (3D printed) will be used for the wave structure and implemented between rhe industrial elements.
Foam structure formation within building
ARCHITECTURE AND WASTE The Art of Industrial Buildings and Fabrication