A schoolground design with biodiversity as a stepping stone for creating an inspiring and affordancerich school environment
Playful nature: A schoolground design with biodiversity as a stepping stone for creating an inspiring and affordance-rich school environment
30 ECTS Master’s Thesis Landscape Architecture University of Copenhagen Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Section for Landscape Architecture and planning Amalie Sofie Lunde Nielsen, lfm891 Supervisors: Bettina Lamm Mona Chor Bjørn Submitted 20th of December, 2021
Abstract With half of the world’s population living in cities, the urban matrix has been expanding rapidly over the last decades. This anthropocentric development has not only been resulting in habitat loss and fragmentation worldwide but also in dissociation from nature and decline in knowledge of species and natural processes. This thesis has investigated how Mørkhøj Skole can transform into a high-quality habitat supporting urban biodiversity that simultaneously creates an inspiring and affordance-rich environment for children, bringing awareness to nature. Children have been proven to be especially important in terms of habitat conservation as exposure and obtaining knowledge about species in childhood are crucial for gaining interest for future protection. Therefore, this project seeks to design a biodiverse area with options for more human-nature interaction. The research was built on in-depth site analysis, a study of relevant literature on the subject, and conversations with experts and people with knowledge of the site. Based on the findings, three zones within the school ground were chosen and a design proposal for the spaces was shaped.
Content Research question 10 Intro 11 Methods 12 Introduction to the site 15 Context 16 Development 17 Gladsaxe’s Vision 20 Fragmentation of greenspaces 20 Mørkhøj District 22 Theory 29 Biodiversity and children 30 Importance of schoolground design 31 Preferences in spatiality 31 Design interventions for species 32 Why should we care for bats? 32 Foraging 33 Roosting 33 Commuting 34 Plants attracting bats 35 Management interventions 36 Cues to care theory 37 Analysis 39 Indoor/outdoor 40 Photo registration 42 Learning method at the school 44 Daily activities in the space 45 Spatiality 47 Activity types at site 49 Materials and colours 50 Vegetation and natural features 53 Vegetation complexity and management intensity 53 Blue spots 56 Existing habitat supporting qualities 57 Biodiversity-index scores 59 Partial conclusion 73 Challenges 74 Potentials 75 Focus zones 76 Strategy 79 Strategy of zone 11, 9 and 5 80 Detailed Habitat Strategy 82 Educational features 83 Design Proposal 85 Zone 11: The experimental habitat park 86 Zone 9 and 5: The school gardens 98 Principles for other zones 106 Discussion 108 Conclusion 109 References 110 Appendix booklet (Seperate papers) Herbarium 3 Biodiversity-index scheme 9
Research question As we are facing habitat loss and fragmentation worldwide (Grimm et al., 2016), the inclusion of habitat strategies in landscape architecture and urban planning is becoming increasingly important to mitigate the negative effects of urbanization. Nature has proven to be beneficial both for human health (Taylor and Hochuli, 2014; Ulrich, 1981) and for reducing the effects of climate change (Ossola et al 2015), and many studies have emphazied the importance of gaining knowledge and interest in nature at an early stage in life for being able to protect it further on (LindemannMatthies, 2005). The main goal of this thesis is therefore to investigate how the school ground of Mørkhøj Skole can be designed to benefit biodiversity without compromising the children’s needs in this space. The thesis therefore seeks to investigate the following: How can the green spaces of Mørkhøj Skole be transformed into high quality habitats, which support urban biodiversity and simultaneously create an inspiring and affordance rich environment for the children bringing awareness to nature.
Design main focus
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Learning Inspiration Playful
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Additional benefit
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Mitigations of habitat loss
Mitigate climate change
Intro Urbanization is a worldwide issue resulting in fragmentation and loss of habitats (Grimm et al., 2016). Landcover has been radically changed over the last century due to urban development (Grimm et al., 2016). Today more than 50 % of people live in cities and the percentage is predicted to rise further (Grimm et al., 2016). Urbanization has, together with agriculture, resulted in a loss of 100 million hectares of forest worldwide over the last two decades (United Nation, 2021). The many large, impermeable surfaces and barriers in the urban matrix results in small islands of green patches which is affecting some species negatively (Casalegno et al., 2017). Urbanization also has indirect consequences such as anthropogenic noise, artificial light, pollution (Casalegno et al., 2017) and higher air and surface temperatures (Grimm et al., 2016). This especially affects sensitive species, whereas some generalist species are favored and even benefitting from the urban environment, as they are able move, find shelter and forage in the urban matrix (Casalegno et al., 2017) and are free from natural enemies (Grimm et al., 2016). These species are also referred to as urban adapters. The urban environment is therefore favoring some species and, by that, decreasing species diversity. Because of this negative development, one of the United Nations Sustainable development goals is to “halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss” (United Nation, sdgs 15, 2021). Increasing biodiversity will also mitigate consequenses of global warming. It is widely known that green areas have positive impact on hydrology as it infiltrates stormwater and thus minimize flooding (Ossola et al 2015), which will be an increasing problem in the future. Research has shown that especially green areas with high complexity vegetation will absorb the majority of rainfall events without generating runoff water, whereas green areas with low complexity vegetation, such as cut lawns, will still generate some runoff water (Ossola et al 2015). High complexity vegetation is likewise one of the important factors when designing for biodiversity (Threlfall et al., 2017). Low complexity vegetation is defined by Ossala et al (2015) by being regularly mown and not having any understory of either shrubs, small trees, woody debris or litter accumulation. Therefore working with creating suitable habitats has been
a pivotal point in this thesis. Mørkhøj Skole has been chosen as the case area, as it is currently worn, outdated and as the neighborhood is currently lacking green spaces. This project has investigated how quality habitats can be an integrated part of a new design of the school ground that could still function as an educational space, and an area of inspiration and play but also have a positive influence on the children’s physical and mental health (Taylor and hochuli, 2014). Bats have been chosen as a tool to choose suitable landscape features that can function as habitats as these mammals are regarded as excellent bio-indicators (Casalegno et al., 2017 ; Bat conservation trust 2012). To obtain the best possible design for achieving both a quality habitat and an affordance rich environment in this semi urban neighborhood, scientific papers on the subject have been used together with an in depth analysis of the space. This includes collection of plant material from all shrub and tree species on the site into a herbarium and scoring the school ground with the Biodiversity Index. This scheme examines how habitat supporting an area is. It includes not only the vegetation but also other important attributes such as terrain, water features, human disturbance, light pollution and green connectivity. As urban sensitive bat species need trees to roost in (Bat conservation trust 2012), an analysis of existing trees has been made using the AHA Method. This method is based on Sörensson M. article (2008) “AHA - a simple method for evaluating conservation priorities of trees in South Swedish parks and urban areas from an entomo-saproxylic viewpoint”. In this project, the method is used to find trees with suitable cracks and cavities potentially supporting bats and insects. Further spatial analysis has been made observing the current vegetation complexity and management intensity, daily use of the space, the flow around the school, current activity types, materials and colors and lastly the relationship between indoor and outdoor. Conversations with experts and people with relevant knowledge on the case area has additionally been used as a method to get an in-depth understanding of the subject and the case area. In the end, the gained knowledge has been collected into a strategy for the school ground with a design of three zones and with suggestions for further development of the other zones.
Methods Context analysis
Site analysis
Reports such as Gladsaxe architecture policy, Vores grønne Gladsaxe and the Programme for the new design on Ilbjerg allé have been studied to gain knowledge on the local environment. This includes information on Gladsaxe’s vision, green areas, architecture, population and upcoming strategies that could influence the school environment. The development of Mørkhøj and the school ground have additionally been examined by viewing present and historical maps. Data from various sources has been used including Gladsaxe webmap (Historical; 1956, 1958 and present conditions; orthophoto) and Kortforsyningen (Historical; Lavemålebordblade and present conditions; Geodanmark). Present orthophotos have been used together with a walk in the neighborhood to research the district of Mørkhøj. Observations of architecture, materials, scale, and types of green spaces have been done on a neighbourhood level. Knowledge on the quality of existing habitats, on the municipality scale, has been gained by using Miljø-Gis’ Biodiversity map from 2021.
An analysis of the site has been a large and important part of the thesis. The site has been visited eight times in total at different hours of the day in intervals from either 10-12.30 and 13-15.30, including both weekday and weekend visits and the use has been compared. Additionally, the site was visited once in the evening to observe the use at dark and to get a clear picture of the site’s exposure to artificial light. Observations in day hours include: What part of the schoolyard is used, when it is used, how the schoolyard is used and who the dominant users are. Registrations of the flow around the school, existing play equipment, vegetation, materials and colours have additionally been done at site. Here tools such as photo registration and hand drawings have been applied. Drawings of dimensional accuracy have additionally been used to understand the spatial conditions. Likewise, maps and orthophotos have been applied at this scale as a tool to understand future climate scenarios, existing paths, the spatial relation between inside and outside, together with the site’s relation to its context. Data from Miljø-Gis (Climate adaptation map) has been used to find blue spots in extreme rain events.
Literature and lectures To gain theoretical knowledge on the theme, relevant scientific papers have been selected by using search engines such as The National Library (REX) together with literature and lectures from previously attended courses, and subject specific webpages (Bat conservation trust, United nations, Lepidopterologist Forening). Literature and lectures from previously attended courses include Biodiversity in Urban Nature 2020 and Health design 2021. Themes of collected literature cover: How to increase biodiversity in general, elements supporting bats habitats, human health and nature, and the relationship between children and biodiversity. Search keywords on REX: Biodiversity* schoolyard*, Petra Lindemann-Matties, Nassauer, Cues to care, affordances, Island biogeography theory
Vegetation analysis Plant material from the site has been collected into a herbarium of all tree and shrub species on site. The plant material has been identified and divided into different zones. Of each zone the diversity and amount of native/non-native species is registered. The vegetation complexity and management intensity at the school has been mapped based on own observations from site visits together with orthophotos. Knowledge about the quality of the trees and conservation priority is achieved by using the AHA-analysis on medium-sized to big trees. Tree species suitable as bat roosts based on theory are mapped together with trees attracting bat forage to give a more correct picture of conservation status
as species, in general, are not included in the AHA-analysis.
and administration were done continuously through email.
The Biodiversity index-scheme is used to evaluate the environment in relation to the amount of habitat supporting features the landscape affords. The scheme was filled within three site visits. It consists of 111 questions divided into 11 categories including themes, such as: Water availability, terrain, hiding and forage opportunities, plant diversity, and negative anthropogenic factors, such as impermeable surface, lamp posts, noise and short cut grass. Each of the zones (0-11) has been scored with the index and mapped in relation to how well they support habitats. Finally, photo registrations and drawings have been used as a tool to analyse and visualise qualities and weaknesses in relation to habitat supporting elements.
Visits to other sites working with integrating biodiversity in landscape architecture have been used as a method to gain inspiration for the design proposal. Lastly, measurements of varying sized paths have been a tool to understand the different spatial experiences and to help the final decision making.
Informal interviews and reference sites Four interviews were held. All of the interviews were informal, with no premade questions, and resembled casual conversations. A meeting with bat expert, Inger Kærgaard, was held on the 25th of October 2021. Here possibilities of creating a bat habitat at the specific site were discussed. A phone interview was made with a nature science teacher at Mørkhøj Skole on the 22th of september 2021 to understand the current use of the outdoor space in relation to education. A phone conversation with Katrine Andersen from Gladsaxe municipality, working with the transformation of Ilbjerg Allé, was additionally made on 15th of October 2021, to gain knowledge on the new development of the area. Participation in Mørkhøj Festival and here conversation with the citizen group Vores Mørkhøj in August have also been used as a method to understand the ongoing and future initiatives of the neighbourhood together with information on the inhabitants wishes for the area. Correspondence with the school principal
The Site
Context Mørkhøj Skole is a public school housing around 450 students. It is situated in Gladsaxe municipality, which is adjacent to Copenhagen. The case area is located in the district of Mørkhøj, which is a suburban area. The area is a mix of single-family homes, social housing and light industry.
Lyngby-Taarbæk Furesø
Herlev Mørkhøj
School building in modernistic style. Designed by architect Vilhelm Lauritzen 1954
Mørkhøj Skole
Topographical map 1901-1933
Development Through the nineteenth century there were no main thoroughfares leading through Mørkhøj, making the area very isolated. This meant that the district had very little contact with others, and the inhabitants were very much self-sufficient. This resulted in a district where city development was absent for many years (Mørkhøj Kirke ¶ Mørkhøjs historie). As seen in the previous map, Mørkhøj does not see the same development as Copenhagen and the surrounding districts. But around the 1930s city planners and architects saw new opportunities in the undeveloped area of Mørkhøj and new modern buildings started to pop-up in the area. Today, Mørkhøj is therefore dominated by many modern and social building blocks especially from the 1950s. Architects, such as Vilhem Lauritzen, designed many of the buildings in Gladsaxe including Mørkhøj School (Gladsaxe ¶ Glimt af Mørkhøj Bys historie). In 1954, the new school of Mørkhøj was built but already a few years later it was expanded. Architect Vilhelm Lauritzen was known for his functionalist style. Even
though the school today seems worn, it was a very modern aula school of its time. Today, the modernistic approach in general can seem outdated and out of human scale with its straight lines and large, mowed lawns (Corbusier 1943). Even though Vilhelm Lauritzen was very engaged in the modernistic debate in relation to buildings and city planning, the buildings he created were always very humane and democratic (Arkitekturpolitik, Gladsaxe, 2021). This is expressed by the scale of the school building, which is in only one floor with many direct accesses to the outside, with large windows for good lighting, and with many details. The values of Vilhelm Lautitzen was to create functional architecture that improves quality of human lives with the best possible solutions for the location and its users (Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects, online 2021). It is clear that a focus on choosing good materials and having a lot of green around the building was important when designing Mørkhøj skole. The school is not a listed building but it is categorised as preservation worthy (Gladsaxe municipality, spatial map).
Development of Mørkhøj
600 m
After 1930s development of the area took off. The new school of Mørkhøj is build next to the bare fields with a lot of open space and air.
600 m
New modern social housing is created beside the school. Mørkhøj is now a densely build district. The school area is marked with yellow.
The building typology has changed over time as extensions of the school building have been made at different decades. The building now creates a more divided school ground with sharp borders between an inner and outer schoolyard than in the original design. The design of the landscape was originally very modernistic in its style but a large part of the original design have been changed since then. There are some remains from the original landscape, though, such as the football field encircled by tree rows, the characteristic beech hedges in the inner schoolyard, and other mowed lawns and hedges, which is a typical feature of the time.
1960s 2000s
1958 (Close) 1:1500 The building is encircled by the landscape creating a strong connection between the indoor and outdoors. Many changes of the landscape have been made since the original design.
100 m
The vegetation features still present at site today are marked with dashed line. Extension of the school building is likewise marked with solid line.
Gladsaxe’s Vision
Fragmentation of green spaces
Gladsaxe has a strong green profile and is advertised as a progressive sustainable city. They are working determinedly with the UN’s sustainable development goals, among these to halt biodiversity loss (Vores grønne gladsaxe, 2018). Regarding the report Vores Grønne Gladsaxe (2018), a part of the municipality’s vision is for all to have proximity to biological diversity and opportunities for versatile recreational experiences.
Looking at the map, it is evident that the green spaces are highly fragmented, which have a negative impact on species richness (Beninde et al 2015). There are almost no nature areas near Mørkhøj Skole, and many of the green spaces seem poorly connected. Corridors are extremely important as they can connect habitat patches. This is in spite of the fact that the landscape connectivity is often overestimated looking at maps due to its measurement in 2D (Casalegno et al. 2017). Many species do not move in 2D but in one or more strata of the vegetation (Casalegno et al. 2017). Likewise important barriers, such as buildings, can be overlooked, especially for matrix sensitive species (Casalegno et al. 2017). Matrix sensitive species are animals, who are negatively affected by urbanisation. This could, for example, be mammals as they move through the landscape on the surface, whereas less sensitive species, in relation to barriers, could be birds, bats and winged insects that can move from place to place in the air (Lecture, MJJ, 2020).
In general Gladsaxe has many nature opportunities with its more than 110 lakes and ponds. These wet areas accommodate rare animals and vegetation, such as orchids and species on the Habitat directives appendix IV list (Vores grønne gladsaxe, 2018). This includes amphibians as Rana arvalis (Spidssnudet frø) and Triturus cristatus (Stor vandsalamander) (Miljø-gis, Biodiversity map 2021, observations). The following map shows the green spaces in the municipality and their Bioscore. Warmer colours equals high priority areas as they are well-functioning habitats or potential habitats for red listed species (Miljø-gis, Biodiversity map 2021, Bioscore). Habitats for bats have been observed and reported in the municipality. These areas are marked on the map. It is important to underline, though, that these species are mobile mammals and can be found in many places, especially as the near surroundings are villa gardens (pers.com. I. Kærgaard, 25/10/21). Even though Gladsaxe offer many opportunities for nature experiences, a research showed that the inhabitants lacked more green spaces with a “wild character” followed by more visible water features and variation in greenspaces (Vores grønne gladsaxe, 2018). Near Mørkhøj Skole there are no high priority nature areas. In a workshop, made by Gladsaxe municipality, the inhabitants of Mørkhøj specifically wished for more trees, biodiversity and water near the school area (Program, Gladsaxe, 2021). This information goes well with the aim of this thesis aiming at creating biodiverse areas.
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Figure: Vores Grønne Gladsaxe. Chart shows what the inhabitants of Gladsaxe believes will make the green spaces of the municipality more appealing. More “wild nature” is scoring highest.
It is found that Mørkhøj is the area in the municipality with the longest distance to nature areas (Vores Grønne Gladsaxe, 2018), which goes against the municipality’s vision. Therefore working with creating more green areas and connecting them in Mørkhøj is important. Even though the district of Mørkhøj has only few nature areas, it is still important to underline that there are other green areas in the surroundings that can function as green corridors. As Gladsaxe is a suburban area dominated by villas, it is greener than it appears on the map, but of course the quality and suitability as corridors and habitats can be hard to control when dealing with private gardens. As the island biogeography hypothesis explain, large islands with sufficient connectivity have a greater probability of gaining high species diversity than small islands far away from each other (McArthur & Wilson, 1967). The importance of green corridors, together with increasing area size and its positive effect on urban biodiversity, is also explained in an article by Beninde et al (2015). Therefore, creating as large as possible green spaces placed as close as possible to each other, and with green corridors, is essential to minimize biodiversity loss in the future cities. In most situation, this is difficult to achieve in urban areas due to space limitations. When size is not possible, the next best is connectivity and habitat quality (Lecture, MMJ, 2020). This thesis therefore focusses on the creation of a new quality habitat that is well connected within the case area, and which can hopefully function as a stepping stone to surrounding greenspaces in the future, when more projects with nature in focus have been established.
Bioscore Map 1:25000
Observations of bats
Bagsværd lake
Gammelmose Old moor Observations of bats
Smør- og fedtmosen Moor
Observations of bats Observations of Rana arvalis
Mørkhøj skole 400 m
Høje gladsaxe park
Gyngemosen Park with dams
Figure: Vores Grønne Gladsaxe. Chart shows what the inhabitants of Gladsaxe believes will make the green spaces of the municipality more appealing. More “wild nature” is scoring highest.
Utterslev mose Moor
Observations of bats
The district of Mørkhøj 1:15000
Højegladsaxe park
Torvegården Housing Gyngemosen
Kagså park Mørkhøj Skole
Pileparken Housing
Mørkhøj district
Diagram: Green areas including gardens
Mørkhøj has had problems with social unbalance. Social housing blocks, such as Pileparken and Torvegården, houses vulnerable families (Program, Gladsaxe 2021). Therefore there is a focus today on creating a positive development by creating an attractive environment in the district, and new strategies for the area are to be implemented (Program, Gladsaxe 2021). The green areas diagram visualises the green infrastructure with all green areas included (no differentiation between type, accessibility or quality). The diagram gives a different picture of how green the district is compared to the previous Bioscore map. The football field at the school property appears as a quite large green space in the district and the surrounding villa gardens as important green corridors. 22
Cultural Architecture
Torveparken Housing
Mørkhøj Church Mørkhøj Skole
Gyngemosen Housing
Old tv-building
Høje Gladsaxe Housing
The district is dominated by modern architecture from different times. This includes large areas of similar row-houses and higher housing blocks. The old DR building is a characteristic landmark of the area as it is very dominant with its seven floors. Red brick buildings and bungalow villas are also characteristic for the area, which are typically build in cheap recycled bricks from demolished buildings in Copenhagen inner city (Program, Gladsaxe 2021). The new architecture policy of Gladsaxe from 2021 has grand goals for the municipality. This includes focus on developing a city for humans by raising life quality, improving health and creating spaces rewarding the senses and that invites to be used (Arkitekturpolitik, Gladsaxe 2021).
Natural environment Landscapes
Kagså park
Torvegården Housing The Football field
Høje Gladsaxe park Gyngemosen
As most of the district was designed in a time where modernistic planning was the goal, this can also be seen on the public- and semi-public green spaces. The landscape surrounding many of the housing blocks are characterised by large patches of mowed lawns with sharp edges. The big lawns do not support biodiversity, and future planning should take this into consideration. There are some green areas with natural appearance: Parts of høje Gladsaxe park, Gyngemosen and Kagsåparken all have beautiful landscapes with high natural quality. They have slopes, water features and open wild growing grass fields. Inspiration from these areas could be incorporated into the future design creating a natural coherency in the neighbourhood.
Kagså park
Ring 3
Torvegården Housing
Football field
2. 1.
300 m
Near surroundings 1:4000 Green infrastructure including villa gardens
Case-area New strategies Nature strategies and climate adaptation projects Path connections from school
Near surroundings Apart from getting new and biodiverse green spaces in Mørkhøj, the inhabitants furthermore desire new meeting points, better walking paths and new activities that the local community can gather around (Interviews made by Vores Mørkhøj). In particular, the youth of Mørkhøj seeks new meeting points where they can be together. Some of the new, important strategies of Mørkhøj are marked on the previous map (1., 2., 3., 4.). The new interventions are important in relation to understanding the success criteria and importance of the new design. As increasing biodiversity is now an important aspect of many projects in Gladsaxe, it will benefit this project by creating stepping stones for species. The new meeting point at Ilbjerg Allé will bring more life to the area, thus the activity level at the school ground will most likely additionally rise further on. Therefore, creating a good school environment will be important not only for the students but on a local scale, and some of the locals’ desires could be achieved here.
New strategies near the school: 1. New music and culture house One of the new initiatives is a new music and culture house at Blaagaard seminar (Program, Gladsaxe 2021). 2. New meeting point This design is located on Ilbjerg Allé right in front of the school. The design strategy for the new meeting point is to close the street from traffic. New pavings, wild meadow vegetation and a profile playground will be created at the site. Biodiversity is integrated in the design, but the main focus is the social aspect (pers.com. K., Andersen, 15/10/21). 3. Climate adaptation project A new climate adaptation project with Kagså Parken is also planned. It is a SUD project with a special focus on biodiversity, as the park is designated as an ecological corridor. Focus on terrain variation in the design will result in variation of biotopes (pers.com. T. Gybeck, 11/10/21). 4. Strategy for biological diversity in Copenhagen As Mørkhøj is adjacent to Copenhagen, nearby areas within the Copenhagen municipality strategy for biological diversity is likewise pointed out. Both of areas Utterslev Mose and Vestvolden are a part of their strategy (Københavns Kommune, 2011).
Ilbjerg Allé New meeting point
Mørkhøj Skole
New meeting point - Ilbjerg Allé Temporary plan by Gladsaxe Municipality
Biodiversity and children It is important to be exposed to nature and be able to identify species at an early stage of life in order to be interested in protecting it further on (LindemannMatthies, 2005). This was found in a study by Lindemann-Matthies (2005), where the more wild plants and animals the children found in their local environment and could name, the higher was their appreciation of the species and their conservation value. The study also showed that exotic animals and decorative garden plants were the most appreciated by the children before they gained knowledge on local species during the study. It also showed that, in general both adults and children are more interested in animals than plants. Small animals, such as invertebrates and arthropods, were seen as less attractive, and it was found that people in general cared more about the conservation of big animals (LindemannMatthies, 2005). Due to the raising urbanization, protecting species is more important than ever (Grimm et al., 2016). At the same time, several studies show that childrens plant identification skills on local organisms is low (Lindemann-Matthies, 2005; Balmford et al., 2002). A large research study showed that less than 14 % of the children could name “(...) eight native wildflowers, five native butterflies and five migrating and non-migrating bird species” and 20 % could not mention any at all (Lindemann-Matthies 2005). Another study by Balmford et al (2002) assessed 109 school children from age 4-11 similarly to identify ten common local
species and additionally to identify ten pokémon “species”. Here results showed that the children generally knew more about pokémons than local species. The study on the other hand also showed that children can learn advanced taxonomy, why children’s ability to gain knowledge about local species is just about exposure and inspiration in the subject (Balmford et al. 2002). Children are an especially important target group for learning about species and the conservation of them, as they are especially interested in living organisms, and as their perception and values of species can still be changed (Lindemann-Matthies 2005). By adding more species richness and diversity in the children’s everyday environment and by encouraging teachers to use the environment in their education, it could thus increase their joy and awareness of these species. A study showed that seventh graders, who took part in excursions to a forest and observed animals and plants, gained more knowledge than students who just had theoretical classroom instruction in the same topic (Lindemann-Matthies, 2005). Therefore this project seeks to increase species richness and diversity in the semi-urban environment that the school is set in, but also to engage the children and teachers to use the outdoor space in their education as much as possible, so the children will grow up to become aware citizens with a higher willingness to protect not only big exotic mammals but also native insects and “weeds”.
Importance of school ground design As children spend most of their daily life at the school proporty, the environment is highly important. Creating a more species rich and natural outdoor environment will not only benefit future conservation of species and mitigate global warming, but it will also benefit the mental- and physical health of the children (Taylor and Hochuli, 2014). An article by Taylor and Hochuli (2014) argues that human wellbeing is directly linked to the presence of nature. This is due to different factors: Both because of natures ability to decrease level of pollution and heat. But also because greenspace encourage physical activity (Taylor and Hochuli, 2014), which is widely known to decrease stress hormones and in general benefit mental health (Ulrich, 1981). One of the main elements in Roger S. Ulrich’s theory of stress reduction (1981) is natural distractions. Here it is argued that being in nature is one of the best possible distractions together with art, music and animals (Ulrich, 1981). Taylor and Hochuli (2014) additionally argues that children, who played in green surroundings, had more creative play and better concentration (Taylor and Hochuli, 2014) and that playing in nature even can help children with concentration disorders such as ADHD (Taylor et al., 2001). The benefits of increasing green, and especially of wild character, in the schoolyard are therefore diverse (Taylor and Hochuli, 2014; Ulrich, 1981). Another important aspect about play environment is to design an affordance rich environment (Lecture, Refshauge 9/3/2021). The affordance theory is about how an individual percieve the surroundings and
what they invites us to do (Heft, 1988). Affordances can be objects that are siton-able, climb-on-able, jump-up-on-able, grasp-able, hide-behind-able, moveable etc (Heft, 1988) or new textures or activites.
Preferences in spatiality The age-span of the school children are from 6-16 and they therefore have very different needs in an outdoor space. A commonality is that they all use the proporty for education, thus a school ground should afford this at all levels. Another commonality is that all people have a need, depending on their mental stage, for refuge (Cooper & Sachs 2014). Jay Appleton’s Prospect-Refuge theory refers back to our evolutionary needs for safety (Cooper & Sachs 2014). In this theory, it is believed that our preferences in landscapes derive from what originally was needed for our survival (Cooper & Sachs 2014). As hunter-gatherers we needed shelter, food, water, light and air to feel safe in the environment, and landscapes with a good overview, prospect, from a safe point, refuge, was thus prefered (Cooper & Sachs 2014). Especially vulnerable children need more refuge (Cooper & Sachs 2014). As a teenager exploring and finding spaces of your own with no supervision of adults is mostly prefered in green spaces, as in this age you can easily feel controlled and criticised (Mäkinen & Tyrväinen 2008). This highlights the need for smaller and more private rooms, and designing for a variation in spatiality is therefore important to take into consideration.
Design interventions for species As designing for biodiversity is a wide design criteria, landscape features suitable for bats has been used as a tool for designing habitats. These species has been chosen, as they consist of a quarter of the world’s mammals, and as they are all protected species on the habitat directive appendix IV list (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). As bats also often are regarded as pests and, for some, associated with horror and diseases, getting more knowledge about them could change this perception of them. Bats are long living and social mammals (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). They are also extremely sensitive to the urban environment, and a study by Russoa & Ancillottoa (2014) have concluded that bat activity declines as the urban density increases. As the case area is set in a suburban area, and therefore not highly dense, the presence of bats is very plausible (pers.com. I. Kærgaard, 25/10/21), and improving habitat quality could attract them even more. Bats use the landscape intensely for foraging, commuting and roosting (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). The site therefore both needs good roosting opportunities, connected landscapes, clean water to drink and a lot of insects to prey on. If the insect population is out of balance, bats will suffer as all species in Europe are insectivores (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). Bats are therefore regarded as very good bioindicators as they are an indicator of a healthy environment (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). If bats are present, the area will be suitable as habitats for other wildlife as well (Bat conservation trust, 2012). Bats also offer many ecosystem services, and in Europe they function as pest controllers as they can eat about 25 to 50 % of their body mass of bugs (Russoa & Ancillottoa 2015). Bats have faced a huge decline in the last century (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). In
- Why should we care for bats? Denmark there exist around thirteen different species, where the most common ones are Serotine bat, Soprano pipistrelle, Parti-coloured bat and Daubenton’s bat (Naturstyrelsen 30/11/2021). There is still a lot more research to be done in relation to bats, and in Denmark the total population is still unknown (pers.com. I. Kærgaard, 25/10/21). The main problems for bats in the urban environment is low water availability (Russo & Ancillotto, 2015), artificial light (LED light), traffic noise, fragmentation of habitat and felling of old trees (pers.com. I. Kærgaard, 25/10/21). When designing for bats, a lot of the elements needed is something that could be used for teaching as well. The students already look for insects and plants in class (pers.com. L., Vang 22/9/21), and designing for bats would increase abundance and diversity of plant and insect species. Creating new water elements is also something that could be used for educational purposes, and the new habitats for bats could, even though they are only active at night, function as an important lesson as just their presence could seem exciting to the children and bring awareness to this protected group of mammals, and in the long run this might help the conservation of bats. Some bats are urban adapters, and some are more sensitive to light pollution, roosting options and distance between needed landscape features (Lecture, Into bats, 2021). As this project seeks to create the best possible habitats for all bats, the design should minimise these barriers and provide different options for roosting. Following pages will dig into important aspects of designing suitable habitat for bats: Foraging, roosting and commuting together with management of green spaces.
Need a change of perception
Diagram: Why bats? 25 % of all mammals
Protected species as indicators of healthy environment Regarded as pests
Decline in population
Habitat useable for educational purposes 32
Need to know nature to protect nature
Foraging As bats are insectivores, designing to increase insect abundance, and especially of nocturnal flying insects, is extremely important (Bat Conservation trust 2012). Therefore more and dense understory has to be added to the area, as this has shown greater abundance of insects, as they are herbivores feeding on plants (Threlfall et al. 2017). Another important aspect when choosing vegetation is to choose native plants, as insects are adapted to eating native vegetation (Threlfall et al. 2017). Also Burghardt & Tallamy (2013) underlines the importance of native species. Their article is focused on comparing arthropods herbivores on native and non-native plant species, respectively. One of their main results was that native vegetation supported a larger amount and more diverse communities of herbivorous arthropods. In a report by the Bat Conservation Trust (2012) important elements for attracting nocturnal flying insects have been described. Here having open areas such as flowering meadows with a mix of flowering plants, vegetables and choosing flowers that vary in colour, fragrance, shape and flowerings season is important for creating suitable habitats. Another aspect in relation to increased abundance of prey is establishing ponds and wet areas. The ponds should be as large as possible (Bat Conservation Trust 2012) but even small ponds are beneficial (pers.com. I. Kærgaard, 25/10/21). Ponds should preferably contain areas of shallow and deeper water. Some areas should be shaded and trees should be nearby for roosting. The Bat Conservation Trust (2012) describes that it should be located within 40 meters from connecting landscape features, and artificial light should be avoided next to wet areas, as many of the bats associated with water avoid light. Trees supporting good foraging opportunities are oak, willow, birch, beech, ash and elm (Bat Conservation Trust 2012).
Roosting Roosts are where bats get shelter, hibernate and rest. Thus they need different types of roosts in relation to function, social level, time of day and season. Bats are loyal to their roosts and move between them (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). When designing for bats, different sized roosting sites should be provided. To get a breeding colony, a lot of trees and big
areas are needed but attracting solitary males is more likely at smaller scales (pers.com. I. Kærgaard, 25/10/21). In the report by Bat Conservation Trust (2012) it was found that 90 % of all bats are found within 440 meters of forest patches and that these forest patches could be quite small. Therefore, keeping as many trees as possible will enhance the chance of succeeding designing for bats. Roost trees are usually older veteran trees but can also be younger ones with suitable cracks, holes, dense climbing vegetation or cavities (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). As the case area is 67 years of age, the original trees should be kept at site as they could be potential roosting trees. In general, all trees should be kept, as they can develop into future roosting trees. Trees should have a buffer zone of shrubs and trees of a minimum of 1,5 times the canopy diameter around it. For the best possible habitat, these areas should be left undisturbed, aging (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). As for the water ponds, artificial light should be avoided near potential roosting trees (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). Light should in general be pointing down, and turning light off, when no humans are around, could be a solution (pers.com. I. Kærgaard, 25/10/21 ; Stone et al 2015). New technology has created long waved red light that has proven to be safe to light sensitive bats (article, Michael d’Estries 17/04/2020). These types of lights could therefore be chosen. In generel embrasing the dark night skies could be a design choice as more than 80% of all people worldwide live under lightpolluted skies, and in Europe even 88 % does not experience natural darkness (Falchi et al 2016). Even though bats natural roosts are in cliffs, caves and trees, some bats can also roost in buildings and other artificial structures, such as tunnels and bridges (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). It is important to highlight, though, that not all species can adapt to these urban features, and that it will favor generalists, whereas specialist species may not adapt at all (Russo & Ancillotto, 2015). Therefore, creating as suitable natural habitats as possible will benefit a wider range of species. Bat boxes could also be incorporated to the design functioning as roosts (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). At Damhusengen school, which is situated in similar context, bat boxes have been placed and monitored, and many bat species have been observed (pers.com. 33
I. Kærgaard, 25/10/21). Good roost trees are species such as oak, ash and beech (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). It is important to underline, though, that all trees could be potential roosts if they have suitable cavities or holes (pers.com. I. Kærgaard, 25/10/21).
Commuting Another important aspect when designing for bat habitats is the green connection between roosting and foraging sites (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). Commuting in a fragmented landscape can be supported by woodland edges, tree rows, hedges and waterways (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). The green corridors should contain different layers of vegetation with variation of plant species, including species with berries, flowers and nuts blooming at different times, under the tree crowns as this will support many different habitats and provide food for bats as well (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). The hedges should be as tall
Diagram: Essential landscape design elements for shaping a bat habitat
and dense as possible, and gaps of ten meters or more on corridors should be avoided as some bats are very sensitive to this. The commuting routes should be unlit as much as possible (Bat Conservation Trust 2012). The diagram below show landscape features that is needed to support bats. Using vegetation to support diversity and richness of invertabrates is the most important aspect of designing for the chosen species. Reasons for implementation of landscape features together with management interventions on the school should be communicated to students and the community in generel.
Native Ponds
gi n ra
ti n os
Deadwood & veteran trees
ut i mm
Buffer zone
Green corridors Buildings
Artificial light
Plants attracting bats Following species are suitable for attracting bats based on theory. They are recomented by the Bat Conservation Trust (2012), Lepidopterologisk Forening & Per Stadel (lecture 17/9/2020). Vegetation in the design proposal should include species from this list. Good roost potential for bats: Fagus sylvatica, beech Fraxinus excelsior, common ash Quercus petraea, sessile oak Quercus robur, common oak
Flowers attracting adult moths: Flowering trees: Salix, Tilia, Prunus
Moth caterpillars host plants: Trees: Salix spp., willow species Malus spp., apple species Populus spp., poplar species Prunus avium, wild cherry Prunus domestica, common plum (Not native) Prunus spinosa, blackthorn Quercus petraea, sessile oak Quercus robur, common oak Sambucus nigra, elder Sorbus aucuparia, rowan Tilia spp., lime Fagus sylvatica, beech Fraxinus excelsior, common ash Acer campestre, Field maple Betula pendula, Silver birch Carpinus betulus, Hornbeam Corylus avellana, Hazel Herbaceous vegetation: Saxifraga oppositifolia, saxifrage Achillea millefolium, yarrow Ajuga reptans, bugle Centaurea jacea, knapweed Vicia cracca, bird vetch Poaceae species Daucus carota, wild carrot
Herbaceous vegetation: Myosotis spp., forget-me-not species Origanum vulgare, marjoram Primula veris, cowslip Scabiosa columbaria, small scabious Silene dioica, Red campion Thymus serpyllum, creeping thyme Trifolium spp., clover species Valeriana spp., valerian species Achillea millefolium, yarrow Ajuga reptans, bugle Anthyllis vulneraria, kidney vetch Cardamine pratensis, cuckoo-flower Centaurea jacea, knapweed Daucus carota, wild carrot Eupatorium cannabinum, hemp agrimony (hjortetrøst) Dianthus spp., pinks Lotus corniculatus, bird’s foot trefoll Vicia cracca, bird vetch Climbers: Clematis vitalba, old man’s beard (Not native) Hedera helix, ivy Lonicera periclymenum, honeysuckle Attracting sap sucking insects: Herbaceous vegetation: Daucus carota, wild carrot
Climbers: Hedera Helix, ivy
Shrubs: Crataegus monogyna, hawthorn
Shrubs: Viburnum opulus Crataegus monogyna, hawthorn Ribes spp., currant Rosa canini, dog rose Rubus spp., brambles
Trees: Acer platanoides. norway maple Salix spp., willow species
Vicia cracca
Anthyllis vulneraria
Achillea millefolium Centaurea jacea
Lotus corniculatus
Silene dioica
Management interventions When designing for more biodiversity, management and maintenance should be considered. It is well known that disorders such as uncut grass, leaving deadwood and leaf litter are beneficial for increasing species richness and diversity (Kraus et al, 2016; Lecture w. Iben M. Thomsen 2020; Lerman et al 2018). This is because wild growing grass can function as overwintering habitats and floral resources with nectar availability (Lerman et al 2018). Deadwood can function as microhabitats for invertebrates and bats as they offer nesting opportunities with a variation in temperature, humidity and size and can provide water availability in cracks (Bat conservation trust 2012; Kraus et al, 2016). Terrain elevation can additionally function as microhabitats as they offer different inflow of light and moisture (Ejrnæs, 2020). Flowering meadows are both, if native, supporting various arthropod species (Threlfall et al. 2017) and appreciated by humans because of their colourful aesthetics. To achieve these forb communities, the best suggested method is broadcasting native seed mix from Danish seed sources without the use of any topsoil, as the nutrients would favor few common species and thus result in lower species diversity (Miljøstyrelsen, 2020). Broadcasting of seed is also suggested by Anderson and Minor (2020) as a method for establishing native vegetation. This should be done by hand as evenly as possible into turned over and weeded soil. This is suggested as it is a low-cost and easy to use method that resulted in the highest plant diversity compared to the other methods studied (Anderson and Minor, 2020). Even though management should be minimal, some are required to keep open spots. If no maintenance is carried out, natural succession will turn areas into dense forest (Bjørn et al, 2016).
In Threlfall et al’s study (2017) it is argued that different strata levels, and especially understorey volume, are important for arthropod species together with open meadow vegetation according to the Bat Conservation Trust (2012). Therefore areas turning into dense forest will hinder suitable habitats. On the opposite, woodlands are especially important to bats, therefore letting some areas turning in to dense forest would be benificial in this case. In nature, grazers can keep areas open, but as green spaces in cities are too small, grazers are often not a solution, and humans thus have to interfere with wild areas in order to keep them biodiverse (Per Stadel, lecture 2020). The management needed involves making rotational interventions in smaller patches on the site, eg. by cutting, mowing and rotating soil. These disturbances should be done at different times, creating a habitat mosaic of different points of succession (Mathey and Rink, 2010). Manual hay harvesting two times a year could be a good management solution as it removes hay, and therefore nutrients (Miljøstyrelsen, 2021), as it cuts the plant without damaging them and as it creates an opportunity for connecting with nature and for learning about species and biological processes (Vild med vilje, 2012). Another solution could be humans functioning as herbivores. This includes trampling, making disorders and removal of undesired plants (As invasive and exotic species). These methods are time consuming, though, but they could be incorporated into the educational program of the school, activating the children in nature management. Management of the hedge rows at the site should preferably be done only every third year with a rotational approach to protect some overwintering invertebrates on site (Bat Conservation Trust 2014).
Cues to care theory The need for disorders when designing for biodiversity can go against our cultural perception of an aesthetic green space as what is good may not look good and vice versa (Nassauer, 1995). Today, parks and green areas are heavily maintained and if not, areas may look unsafe, disgusting and uncomfortable by the users (Farahani & Maller 2019). In the urban environment, green spaces with high human interference are expected, or else it could be perceived as messy, weedy or defaulted, as neglected or abandoned land. Even areas with high ecological functions, can be misunderstood and in a worst case be destroyed, simply because people do not know about its importance (Nassauer, 1995). Changing people’s perception, about what nature in cities and suburban areas should be, are therefore essential. Communication
< 3 years
about the importance of messy landscapes, disorders and natural processes should be given in an early stage of life, as the perception of what nature looks like can still be changed. Another solution is to create a landscape that looks intentional (Nassauer, 1995). In Joan Nassauers theory cues to care (1995) it is described that signs of human intention is necessary if an area need to be accepted to the wider public (Nassauer, 1995). Therefore these rather unfamiliar, “messy” landscapes features should be enclosed by orderly frames (Nassauer, 1995). This could include designated and well maintained paths, no trash, colorful flowers and urban equipment with architectural details combined with biodiverse areas of deadwood and uncut grass (Nassauer, 1995).
3-10 years
10-50 years
> 50 years
Succession of vegetation. Early to mid stages of succession is most biodiverse according to Mathey and Rink (2010)
Annual species Open and fragmentated
Ruderal species Closing vegetation cover
Persistent species Tall forbs, bushes and single groves
Dense forest Typical species such as betula, salix, robinia
Of Mørkhøj Skole
Mørkhøj Skole
l al
o Fo
a ly
h sc
gr ou nd
Indoor/outdoor The building of Mørkhøj Skole has many direct accesses to the outside (See following diagram), which creates good opportunities for using the outdoor space throughout the day. The building is one floor but has spacious parts with high ceilings. The building encloses a part of the schoolyard creating a very private area, and in contrast, a very public feeling on the outside of the building. The outer schoolyard is also used by locals walking their dog or just passing by, as there are not many other small paths for walking in the near surroundings. The paths in the school area are currently straight and wide. Only a few of them are meandering
Cross section of inner schoolyard - Zone 0 1:500
A 40
and inviting for exploration. These are all set in dense vegetation and are mostly spontaneously formed by children’s play (See diagram). Future designs should create more adventurous paths of this character. As seen on cross section AB, the inner schoolyard is very big and consists of only asphalt surface and big cut beech hedges. There is a terrain elevation from east to west (where west is lowest). The indoor is divided in age with the youngest most west and the oldest furthest east. The school is worn and is lacking renovation. The area has throughout the analysis been divided into 12 zones (See figure above).
Diagram: Indoor/outdoor
Paved football field
Ilbjerg Allé project area
B 41
Photo registration A walk through Mørkhøj Skole
Entrance to schoolyard
Zone 0
Entrance to building
Zone 2
Zone 0
Zone 0 42
Zone 0 - Used by smaller children
Zone 2
Zone 5
Zone 6 Paved football field
Passage to parking lot
Zone 9
Zone 9
The paved football field
The paved football field
School building
Zone 11
Zone 11
The large football field
The large footballfield 43
Learning method and education The learning method at the school is mixed with traditional class-room reading and more problem solving lessons, where the children have to find solutions together in groups. In general, the school also put high emphasis on creative subjects such as music, art and crafts as well as on sports. At the afterschool center (SFO) they also teach the children to make food together. In an interview with one of the nature science teachers at Mørkhøj Skole (pers. com. L., Vang 22/9/21), it was pointed out that they are very interested in adding more biodiversity to the site. It was also explained that they are aiming to become a green flagged school. The Green Flag, Green School is an environmental educational program for schools with sustainable development in focus. The green flag gives the school a visible green profile (Grøn Skole, 1/11/2021). The goal of the program is for the students to gain more knowledge about nature and environment, so they will protect it further on. The program is a part of Friluftsrådet, the Biology Union, Geography Union & Ministry of Education and Research. The program consist of 7 steps (Grøn Skole, 2021):
1) Setting up a Green committee 2) Creating a Green vision 3) Green revision (Revisiting goals every year) 4) Making a Green action plan 5) Green actions and evaluation 6) Green education 7) Communication of achievements
The goal of this thesis therefore goes well with the wishes of the school. Especially in relation to creating the frame for green education (point 6). Currently, the school uses the outside area for teaching but would like to use it a lot more (pers. com. L., Vang 22/9/21). At the moment, the small children use it for collecting leaves and insects in different bushes and naming them. The older children collect fruits and analyse them in microscopes (pers.com. L., Vang 22/9/21). They have also made some experiments with wilder areas set aside. These areas are un-mowed and spread with a seed mix to attract butterflies. Sadly, the wrong seed mix with exotic species has been chosen and it is therefore not that beneficial in relation to increasing biodiversity. More knowledge on the subject is therefore needed at the school. Lastly, Mørkhøj Skole is also working with themes such as the future food production (pers. com. L., Vang 22/9/21). Figure: 7 steps of Grøn Skole. From Grønskole webpage
Daily activities in the space The inner schoolyard has, according to observations, the highest activity level. It is mostly large groups using the space for ball-games. These activities are mainly dominated by boys. The large football field (zone 11) on the outer school ground has a high activity level during lunch break. In summertime, it is used after school hours by the small football club FC Bella. The football field is additionally used for the annual neighbourhood festival and does therefore function as a gathering point for the local community once a year. The outer school ground is furthermore used by locals passing by or walking their dogs. Otherwise the space outside the enclosed schoolyard seems less in use and mostly by children
in smaller groups. In general, the oldest students was not observed as much in the outdoor space compared to the younger and medium aged children. The paved football field next to the parking lot (zone 9), takes up a lot of space and no activity has been observed there. The future design should thus increase the activity level of the outer schoolyard. As the large football field (zone 11) is used by almost all users, this area should especially be enhanced by creating a new recreational space, not only for the school children but also for the local community.
Diagram: Daily activity divided into groups
Teenagers Teenagers
Dog walkers
FC Bella
Local community
Diagram: Daily activity levels
Paved football field
Larger circles indicates higher use. 46
Parking lot
Spatiality The school ground is generally very open with many areas of prospect. The diagram below visualises the areas of prospect and of refuge. At Mørkhøj Skole the areas with the most refuge are the areas with wild growing vegetation. Here it creates a more protected sense of space with a feeling of security and privacy. These rooms might attract children with a higher need for restoration including vulnerable children (Cooper & Sachs 2014), or teenagers needing spaces of their own (Mäkinen & Tyrvänen, 2008). Currently there is more prospect than refuge at the site and the large prospect areas,
such as the large football field (zone 11) could afford some smaller rooms sheltered by dense vegetation in the future design. This would benefit the children, and at the same time, benefit biodiversity as sheltered zones are also preferred by mammal and arthropods species, including bats (pers.com. I. Kærgaard, 25/10/21). A conflict could be designing spaces for children and biodiversity at the same spot. Therefore active zones with children playing wildly, such as zone 0, should still be kept, and areas designed for bats should be placed at more quiet zones, such as the outer school ground.
Diagram: Spatiality, Prospect/refuge 47
Diagram: Activity types at site 1:1200
Eat and rest Movement coordination and climbing Balancing Running and riding games Construction and transformation play Social playscapes and participation 48
Activity types at site To have a well functioning playscape is important for children’s social, physical and mental health and development, and will influence their well-being and self-esteem (Copenhagen Municipality, Play area design guidelines 2019). At the moment, the inner schoolyard has a lot of activities and the outer school ground mainly has ball-games and some sitting opportunities. A lot of the benches in the area are worn and in some areas even broken. As seen on the activity diagram, the yellow activity types, which are Running and riding games, are currently the most dominant. Especially in the outer school ground, there are often no other activity types present near this activity, as for example options for sitting or gathering for those not wanting to participate physically in ballgame activities. Similar to the observations on site, research has found a difference between the use of outdoor space in relation to girls and boys. Even though it can seem generalising, boys
do, in these studies, prefer areas with sports games whereas girls were more attracted to areas, where they could gather, socialise and walk (Mäkinen & Tyrväinen 2008). According to the same study, the girls valued being in beautiful, peaceful and quiet surroundings higher than the boys. Therefore the future design could incorporate more options for walking in pleasant and inspiring surroundings to create a variated school ground suitable for a wider group of people. The different zones in the school can also be regarded as active and passive zones. The inner schoolyard is very active, together with the big football field, whereas the outer schoolyard is more passive. This passive zone is not necessarily a bad thing, as it is more quiet. The future design should still keep a balance between this quietness and a new activity layer.
Diagram: Distribution of different activity-types
Eat and rest
Movement coordination and climbing
Running and riding games equipment Social playscapes and participation
Construction and transformation play
Areas for running and riding games should be minimized. This analysis is made with inspiration from the play area assessment tool (Copenhagen Municipality, Play area design guidelines 2019). All the
different types of social playscapes are occurring spontaneously and are all set in dense vegetation functioning as dens. This highlights the importance of vegetation and its many possibilities.
Materials & Colours At first glance, the dominating materials at the case-area are undoubtedly red bricks, mowed grass and asphalt. But also other materials are present, such as wood, hardplast, stones, metal, rubber, glass, bare soil and other vegetation types. In addition to mowed grass, this includes cut bushes,
rows of trees and few areas of spontanous flowering vegetation. All these textures are important in relation to how the area appears visually, but also tactilely. Many of the materials at the site is worn and need renovation.
Colours The use of materials also decides the colour scale of the area. The colors at the site are overall dull and consist of many shades of gray, brown and orange. Bringing more colours and new textures into the future project could create a more inspiring and playful school ground.
Vegetation & Natural features Vegetation complexity & management intensity Bats are extremely dependent on the environment, including landscape features attracting forage, roosting opportunities and green connectivity (Bat Conservation trust 2012). To achieve high insect richness and diversity, it includes designing complex native vegetation in more layers and low management intensity. The vegetation is therefore an important element and has been analysed carefully. A herbarium with collection of plant material from all trees and shrubs, divided into different zones, from the site has been made to get an indepth understanding of the current diversity and percentage of native and non-native species (See appendix). Due to seasonality and time limits, registration of groundcover (Grass and forbs) was, unfortunately, not possible.
The following diagram shows the current vegetation at the school area. The vegetation is divided in relation to how many layers it consists of, and if it is maintained or more wildly growing. The diagram also highlights the connectivity, or lack of connectivity, of the zones. Again, it is important to stress that some species move in certain vegetation layers, why the connectivity of the green space might be overestimated looking at the map (Casalegno et al. 2017). As bats move in a certain height, the tree and shrub layers should be improved regarding connectivity. In general, the area lacks more crown cover, as much of the vegetation on site is hedges and cut grass. The vegetation is in small patches and planted in straight lines. This creates hard edges, which is not good for biodiversity in an urban environment (Lecture, MJJ, 2020). The football field has great potential due to its size to support habitats and should be included in the design strategy. In the strategy, more complex vegetation in layers should be enhanced together with bigger patch size, connectivity and meandering edges to create less and soft ones beneficial for biodiversity.
Diagram: Vegetation complexity & management intensity, 1:1200
1. 3.
Diagram: Current vegetation layers and maintenance scenarios at site. Dominating scenarios at site are number 2 and 4 (See previous diagram for location) 1.
Wild growing vegetation - Shrubs Only one zone at the site has this character (See diagram). It is characterised by a variation in shrub species and height and is only slightly maintained. This dense shrub layer supports biodiversity (Threlfall et al 2017) and the wild growing vegetation likewise increases the spatial experience as they have more affordances. They can be both be used for hiding games, refuge or as dens.
2. Maintained area - Cut grass These scenarios have very low complexity vegetation. It consists of mowed lawn and rows of trees. This is not habitat supporting and does not bring many affordances. This scenario is very dominant at the site.
3. Wild growing vegetation – Multi layered This scenario is present at three spots at the site. The complex vegetation structure is important for increasing species diversity (Threlfall et al 2017). Trees are likewise important as bat roosts (Bat conservation trust 2012) and therefore this scenario should be increased in the future design.
4. Maintained - Cut hedges This scenario consists of cut grass and cut hedges. The dense hedges can function as habitat for species, but the natural experience is low.
Blue spots In Gladsaxe they have a goal of stormwater protecting the area by infiltrating as much as possible on the surface (pers.com. K., Andersen 15/10/21). At the same time, the surface of the mid to west part of Mørkhøj district is defined as “unfit for infiltration” (Gladsaxe, map) and will therefore generate a lot of blue-spots in heavy rain events. Areas affected during heavy precipitation events at the school can be seen below. Especially areas in the inner schoolyard, such as zone 10, 3, 2, 0, but also zones at the outer school ground, such as 6, 7, and 5, are affected. Green surfaces are not considered on this map. Vegetation, and especially complex vegetation, can help infiltrate storm water and thereby mitigate floods (Ossola et al 2015). As more extreme stormwater events are predicted to be a rising problem in the future due to climate change (DMI, 2018), this has to be taken into consideration in this thesis, as many
of the zones have large areas of paved surface and a problem with blue-spots. Local surface stormwater management can also be beneficial for biodiversity and especially in relation to bats (Bat conservation trust 2012). Creating ponds (or temporary ponds), also called BioSuds, could be taken into consideration in the design of the area. The Suds could also function as a teaching element in relation to sustainable development and climate adaption. There is a conflict, though, with having water bodies at schools as it can be regarded as a safety issue. As the water would only be temporary, shallow and possibly covered with vegetation securing a quick infiltration, it might not be a big problem, though. Other projects with Suds at schools have been made successfully (CIRIA, 2020), by having clear communication to the children about safety (CIRIA, 2020).
6. 5.
80 m Bluespot map visualising case area during extreme percipitation event (100 mm). Data from Miljø-GIS’ climate adaption map (2016). Zones 0-11 are marked.
Diagram: Habitat supporting qualities 1:1200
Big trees attracting (Adult moths/flies and caterpillars)
Missing bufferzone 57
Existing habitat supporting qualities; important trees & terrain As bats are highly dependent on trees for roosting (Bat conservation trust 2012), an analysis of medium to big sized trees have been made using the AHA method. At the site, the trees are generally small with little conservation concern. It is important though, to preserve all trees as they eventually will grow to become important veteran trees (Bat conservation trust 2012). At the habitat supporting qualities diagram, important trees in class I, II and III are marked. The oak trees along the football field (zone 11) have a preservation value and have to be protected in relation to the local development plan (Program, Gladsaxe 2021). There are not many of the tree species suggested by the Bat Conservation Trust (2012) as roosting trees at the site. Therefore, new trees suited for bats should be planted. The trees ideally need buffer vegetation of 1,5 times the crown cover. As seen on the diagram, many of the most suitable trees do not have this buffer vegetation. It is important to stress that the
AHA analysis does not take plant species into account. Many of the trees scoring high on the AHA-analysis are robinia trees that are not native. It does not support many arthropod species but if it has suitable cracks or cavities, it can still be a suitable roosting tree (pers.com. I. Kærgaard, 25/10/2021). Future trees planted at the site should be suitable as roosts or for attracting prey. Areas with natural terrain variations have likewise been marked on the diagram, as this is also an important element when designing for more insects. There are currently very few areas with slopes and other terrain variations. Modifying the terrain could create variation in microhabitats and could additionally steer and control rain water. Another benefit of creating slopes is that it can bring new affordances such as children exploring their body’s capabilities by running up and down (Copenhagen Municipality, Play area design guidelines 2019) or for sledging in the winter.
Biodiversity Index zones As a synthesis of previous analysis in relation to natural features, all zones have been analyzed in relation to how habitat supporting they are. This is done by using the Biodiversity Index. The result of the index together with the previous analysis have resulted in a final score of each zone’s biodiversity level. Terrain variations, current water features, amount of paved surface, signs of arthropods, vegetation diversity, signs of mammals and birds etc. are all elements included in this analysis (See appendix with BUN-index). The scores of the different zones are highlighted on the following diagram. The amount of native species and species
diversity are likewise marked on the map, as they are important factors when designing for insects, and therefore for bats in particular. Generally speaking, all zones have no water availability, a lot of paved surfaces, flat terrain, low connectivity and not many areas of multi-story vegetation. There is a variation in species richness and amount of native vegetation depending on the zone: Some zones score low, whereas some quite high. All these aspects are important and need to be enhanced in the new design. The results of the analysis are used to get a picture of what zones need improvements in relation to increasing biodiversity. In what follows is a description of each zone and its habitat supporting qualities.
Diagram: Biodiversity Index levels 1:1200
Species diversity High
% = Native species
Medium Biodiversity Index Low 59
BUN-index results 0. BUN-zone: Asphalt dominated inner schoolyard This zone is predominated by asphalt. The vegetation is extremely scarce. It contains two cut beech hedges and one solitary acer tree. It has the lowest BUN-score, but does score some points. This is mainly due to lichens and signs of arthropods on human artifacts such as bricks. It can be argued if this method is right for this room, as it is a bit surprising it even scores points, when it is not a green area. This zone can be viewed as a barrier, in relation to biodiversity, for the other zones. Greening with complex vegetation and with variation in species could be a solution for creating green corridors.
Paved surface
Score: 11 Low
Entrance to schoolyard
1. BUN-zone: Entrance grass-dominated area This zone is a green island with no direct connection to other green areas. It does have one interesting area bioversity wise, and that is the vacant terrace. Because of lack of maintenance, spontaneous vegetation is blooming, thus creating a relatively high species richness. Otherwise this zone is dominated by mowed grass and only one area with multi story vegetation (See photo). There is a row of trees, which are all acer except for one quercus. The root system of the trees have been damaged by the paving too close to the stem. The impermeable surface covers more than 20 %, which lowers the score of the area. This zone is a part of the future project of Ilbjerg Allé where areas of wild meadow vegetation will be incorporated. Score: 28 Low
Microhabitats in cracks
Cut lawn
Not enought root space
Paved surface
Spiderweb and holes
Beech hedges
Paved surface
Lichens on human artifacts
Shrub layer Vacant
Flat terrain and cut lawn
Lichens on bricks
Spontanous flowering vegetation 61
2. BUN-zone: Circle-shaped activity room Because of buildings functioning as barriers together with zone 0, this zone is an isolated green island. The terrain is very flat with no slopes suitable as microhabitats, and in general this zone scores low in plant diversity. It is dominated by cut grass, beech hedges and areas of impermeable surface. There are only two trees, one acer and a non-native robinia tree. Shrub layer Score: 20
Paved surface
3. BUN-zone: Straight shaped room Like most of the zones, this green space is an isolated island with no connection to green corridors and with zone 0 functioning as a barrier. This zone has more elevation, e.g a hill in the east. On the hill small signs of natural succession are found and patches of bare soil are showing, which can function as microhabitats. There are trees and shrub species supplying berries and nuts, but only a few of them. The old native acer tree have loose bark, cavities and a shallow root system, which likewise creates hiding places for animals. It is also covered by lichens and moss. Buffer vegetation around this tree could be beneficial for bats but construction near the tree has to be made in right distance from it, as the root system is very wide and shallow; damaging it could be fatal for the tree. Score: 31 Low
Shrub layer
Self-seeded trees
The only edible species
Ribes Cut grass Large patch of bare soil
21,5 m 21 m
Patches of bare soil
20,5 m Less management
Cut lawn
Flowering vegetation 63
4. BUN-zone: Bike parking behind school This zone has a more natural appearance and is more undisturbed by children. It has a slope with vegetation cover on the northern side and patches of bare soil. The vegetation on the hill is cut grass and there is a lack of flowering herbaceous vegetation for pollinators. Behind the hill, there is a forest-like vegetation cover. It has layers of both overstory and midstory and a high species richness. A lot of the trees are native. Some deadwood and stems have been left at the site, and trees with cavities and forks creates a variety of microhabitats with variation in humidity and temperature suitable for different insects. It does not have as much of an island effect compared to some of the other zones, as it does not have major barriers between this space and adjacent green spaces. Protection and expansion of area together with improving ground layer should be consideret in the future design. Low
Patces of bare soil
Ant holes
Score: 41
5. BUN-zone: Nature playground
Crown cover
This room also has a more natural appearance and deadwood is an integrated part of the design. The area has many hiding and foraging places for animals, as it have steeper terrain differences, patches of bare soil, layers of vegetation, dense shrubs, vegetation with both edible berries and nuts, as well as sun-exposed areas. There are signs of natural succession as many new trees are sprouting, as for example oak and hazel. A minus of the area is the registeret non-native and even invasive species, such as goldenrots, Solidago. Two fungi species are found in this zone, which is a good sign in relation to biodiversity. As zone 4, it does not have much of an island effect compared to other zones, as it does not have major barriers between adjacent green spaces. An even better connection would still be very beneficial. On a re-visit to the site, the old dead-wood had been removed and some of the vegetation had been cleared which reduces habitat supporting qualities. The management approach should therefore be changed. Score: 42
Dense Shrub layer
Leaf-Litter Integrated deadwood at playground
Loose bark & cracks Microhabitats
Group of large trees
Tree fork
Multistory vegetation
20 m
Crataegus with smaller cracks
19,5 m
Bare soil Spontanous forest
Crown cover
Wild growing vegetation
Shrub layer
20,5 m
Integration of deadwood in design 20,0 m
Bare soil
6. BUN-zone: The passage and theater This room is situated between BUN-zone 5 and 4 but does not share the same natural qualities. Instead, the area have small patches of bushes and trees. It is dominated by an impermeable surface. Due to lack of management, spontaneous vegetation have grown between the seats of the amphitheatre, resulting in flowering plants attracting pollinators. The root system of the Robinia tree have clearly been damaged, and one fungi species, fairy inkcap, is found on the roots. This is a sign of dead roots, as this fungi species only eat deadwood. As there are many people passing the tree during the day, this tree should be looked after, as it could become a risk tree. The zone does have groups of old fraxinus and prunus species in the border of the property of the school, but otherwise this zone is dominated by cut beech and ligustrum hedges.
Ligustrum vulgare hedges
Score: 25 Low
Spontaneous vegetation
7. BUN-zone: Kitchen garden & nature experiment This zone is in general the one with the most monocultural vegetation composition. It consists of cut grass, straight beech hedges and non-native robinia trees. The dense beech hedges could support hiding opportunities for birds or insects. Plant boxes with kitchen plants have been arranged, but spontaneous flowering vegetation have spread in them, which is the most biodiverse spot, as many of the species are native and there are patches of bare soil for organisms to hide. Species with berries and nuts should be planted to enhance foraginging opportunities.
Cut beech hedges
Score: 27
No meandering edges Plantboxes with spontanous vegetation
Fairy inkcap, fungus
Paved surface. Damaged roots =
Robinia tree with fungi species
Pollinators attracted to spontaneous vegetation Old Robinia
Self-seeded Robinia
Grass Monocultures
8. BUN-zone: Non functional space This zone is characterised by its very traditional appearance with straight shapes, cut grass and small trees and shrubs planted directly in the grass with no midstorey under them. There is one steep south facing slope leading into the building and therefore shaded by the building. A densely vegetated plant bed with Stephanandra with no access is undisturbed, which is good habitat-wise. Some branches have been left in the plant bed creating microhabitats. There is no sign of natural succession and no flowering plants at summer and autumn, only at spring season.
Cut grass
Score: 25
22,5 m Low
22 m
9. BUN-zone: Parking lot Zone 9 is, like zone 0, dominated by its paved surface. Both the parking lot, the pedestrian walk and the football field are paved. It has some areas with vegetation, such as areas of cut grass, row of acer trees, hedera helix ground cover and a tree row of malus baccata, but the zone is scoring low. At the edge of zone 9 there is an area of vegetation left on its own with no disturbance. This part of the zone is scoring high (30 points), as there are many berries available, high species diversity, terrain variations, natural succession, branches left at site and minimal disturbance. All features that are not present at the rest of the zone. Adding these features to all of the zone together with minimizing paved areas, where possible, could therefore create a more habitat supporting environment.
Paved football field Acer trees
Parking lot
Score: 17 (35) Low
Paved surface
Acer trees
No meandering edges Acer trees Undisturbed dense shrubs Monoculture
Paved Football field
Slopes Lichens Wildgrowing vegetation in edge of parking lot
Area left on its own 69
10. BUN-zone: Small children playground Zone 10 consists of only four different species but it has a high percentage of native species and therefore scores relatively high. It consists of species such as prunus avium, which provides food for animals. In general the zone is very scarce in vegetation but it also has areas of bare soil, and gravel is used instead of asphalt, which is better in relation to biodiversity. The area has two larger trees and some smaller ones. Some has cavities, moss, lichens and bird nests. More variation of species and ground cover vegetation should be enhanced. Score: 31
Bench too close to trunk
11. BUN-zone: Football field This zone is heavily dominated by cut grass. The grass area is very large and there is a tree row of quercus along the path with understory vegetation. In the edge of the zone, there is a more wild growing area with a more species rich and diverse tree composition. In this area there are also some terrain differences. This part of the zone therefore scores high (37 points). The rest of the zone scores very low. The row of oak trees have high value for many arthropod and mammal species, as it is native, provides nuts and is a good roost tree. In general, this zone has a high number of native species, but as there is very little diversity, it still scores low. Working with improving species and terrain variation, together with improving shrub and crown cover in all of the zone, would be beneficial biodiversity wise. Score: 17 (37) Low
Different vegetation layers
A belt of wild-growing vegetation
Minimal shrub cover Gravel
Small prunus row
Minimal herb cover Old prunus tree with cavaties and bird nest
Row of oak trees
Football field No crown cover or shrub layer
No soft edges No terrain differences creating microhabitats Football field
No variations
Cut grass desert
Partial conclusion
Challenges Biodiversity
• Paved surface, cut grass and cut hedges (vegetation scenario 2 & 4) is dominating the area. The site needs more complex vegetation • The vegetation at the site is highly maintained. Different management strategy is needed • It consists of too few trees, especially ones suitable for roosting, and a lack of buffer vegetation. Therefore, new suitable trees should be planted • Vegetation attracting forage is currently missing • The vegetation edges are straight and in general in small patches. More meandering edges and greater patch size will benefit biodiversity • Too many non-native species, such as the many robinia trees, are planted at the site. New planted vegetation should be native • The vegetation connectivity within the area is generally poor • The terrain is currently very flat. Slopes in the terrain would create new microhabitats • Area consists of no water features, at the same time, the area has problems with blue spots in heavy stormwater events. Especially in the inner schoolyard. Green surfaces with high complexity vegetation and terrain modifications could mitigate this • The site in general needs more microhabitats
• The inner schoolyard has a high activity level throughout the day but not so much in the outer school ground • The activities, especially in the outer school ground, are dominated by ball-games • The large football field is a meeting point at lunch time but has only one function. There are no options for sitting or doing other activities • There is a lack of opportunities for interesting walking paths, and areas for social gathering and hanging out • The school ground is too open with minimal refuge, especially at the football field (zone 11), smaller rooms are needed • Colours of the area are very dull and monotone. Bringing more colours to the site could create a more fun and inspiring environment • Mørkhøj Skole is worn and there is a lack of maintenance of equipment and materials. Benches and tables are worn and even broken
oject balanc
Human perspective
On natures terms
Diagram: Designing for humans and biodiversity can be challenging. The design should obtain a balance
Potentials Biodiversity
• It would both benefit species conservation and children’s health if biodiversity is incorporated into the design as they will be surrounded by it during most of their daily life • Gladsaxe municipality has a green profile and is already creating new biodiverse areas that in the long run can function as corridors • The school area could be a part of a green belt from Kagsåparken to Gyngemosen • The many villa gardens surrounding the site can function as green corridors for bats. Succeeding in attracting bats to use the area is therefore likely. • Mørkhøj is currently less green than surrounding districts and is lacking areas to use by the public. Therefore, creating new green area in the neighborhood is relevant • The citizens would like to get more wild, biodiverse areas and more trees • The modernistic planning approach, that is characteristic of the area, does not currently support biodiversity but the large lawns have potential due to their size • The football field at Mørkhøj Skole is quite large and therefore has potential for biodiversity and recreation • Mørkhøj Skole already consists of few patches of high biodiversity such as spontaneous forest and wild growing grass. Further development of this is needed • The site consists of interesting, informal paths that should be kept and incorporated into future design • The site is already relatively dark at night. The dark nights should be embraced by using as little and undisturbing artificial light as possible for bats
• The new meeting point at Ilbjerg allé will be created next to the school which will naturally result in a higher activity level at the school ground; thus, improvement of the site is relevant at a neighborhood scale • The school has many direct accesses from the building to green space. Therefore, the outdoor space has great potential to be used more for educational purposes • The school wants to become a Green Flag School, this includes having outdoor teaching about nature and sustainability which goes well with the aim of this thesis
Education Nature for humans’ sake Physical and mental experiences
Climate mitigation
Nature for nature’s sake
Creation of habitats supporting species
Suitable landscape features Quiet Minimal human disturbance No artificial light
Focus zones This project will focus on the design of zone 9 and 11 and partly of zone 5. Zone 9 and 11 are chosen as they are both dominated by football activity and therefore lack new and more inclusive activities. Zone 9 currently has a low activity level during the day thus the area has potential to gain new affordances. The whole school ground is missing areas of refuge but particularly zone 11 is extremely open and there is minimal space of refuge. The new design should therefore create new, smaller and sheltered rooms creating a balance between prospect and refuge. As the outer schoolyard is currently quieter, the new activities should still give space for this, as it would also benefit biodiversity. The outer schoolyard is additionally used by the local community for walking from A to B. Improving these zones would therefore be beneficial on a local scale. As the whole school ground is worn and dull the design should additionally create a more appealing environment.
Regarding habitat supporting features both zone 9 and 11 are scoring low in the biodiversity-index and have low plant species diversity. Zone 9 also has a low amount of native species and a high amount of paved surface. In general, both zones score low as they do not offer sufficient microhabitats (slopes, deadwood, stones or long grass), are too highly maintained, and do not have enough crown- and shrub cover suitable for bats and insects. At the same time, both zones are quite large and have potential to be well connected which has great benefits in relation to increasing biodiversity. Zone 5 is currently scoring high in the Biodiversity-index, as it has a play area with integrated deadwood, complex vegetation and high species diversity. It also has an area of spontaneous forest at the edge of the zone. This zone is integrated in the design to strengthen the connectivity. Strategies and ideas of further development of the other zones are likewise suggested in the following pages.
New green commuting route The existing vegetation in zone 4 and 6 can function as a corridor of the new habitats of zone 11, 5 & 9.
School enclosed by nature
zone 11
Connectivity between habitats
zone 4
zone 6 Existing
zone 5
zone 9 New
Species commuting route
Strategy of zone 9, 5 & 11 • Create a human-nature gradient: Give space for nature on nature’s terms • Create landscape features supporting bats • Change current management strategy • Create better possibility for outdoor teaching • Bring new affordances to the zones and minimize existing dominant ones • Add new paths, that invite the school and local community to explore and get close to nature • Create a more colourful and aesthetically appealing environment
On nature’s terms
Human perspective
New paths: New activity layer and affordances for the school and local community
Educational features: Outdoor classroom zones and study-elements
Areas of low/ rotational management: Leaving deadwood, Unmowed grass. Rotational execution with different succession stages. Protection from artificial light
New habitat supporting features: Vegetation and terrain modifications
Mørkhøj Skole
Detailed Habitat strategy
Create better foraging opportunities for bats: - Suitable species based on theory - Complex vegetation (Multi-layered) - Microhabitats: Slopes, small water features, open meadow vegetation, stones, increased shrub layer and deadwood - Create a habitat mosaic with variations
Supply potential roosts: - Protect all trees and plant new - Create buffer vegetation around potential roosts
Expand green cover
Create quiet zones with shelter from wind
Minimal management at chosen spots
Enhance green connections
Minimize artificial light and use smart technology: Place no artificial light at roosts sites and connecting routes
Areas of low disturbances: Areas with designated paths
Involvement of children: Create ownership and awareness - Building bat boxes and insect hotels - Seeding of meadow vegetation - Growing vegetables - Communication about plant- and management choices - Outdoor education
Educational features
Studying species Higher plant- and insect diversity
Seeding together
Studying climate-adaption Temporary water features
Food production Ownership and awareness
Hay harvesting together
Outdoor classrooms Quiet zones for education at day time 83
Design Proposal
Zone 11
The Experimental Habitat Park A
Slopes Type A Succession stage 4
Forest Closed landscape
Meadow vegetation Quercus spp
Type B
Fraxinus spp Corylus spp
Deadwood Crataegus laevigata
Sambucus nigra
Tables Classroom Bonfire site
Potential roosts 11-person football field Designated paths
Narrow walking paths
Temporary water 7-person football field Succession stage 3
Temporary water Type C Expansion of existing edge forest Seating in refuge
Stones Main path
lé rg al
New entrance Stones
Hill with Seating steps
• Reduction and relocation of football field closer to school • New entrance from Ilbjerg allé creating better flow • New vegetation mosaic with different nature experiences (Meadow, forest and shrubs) • New designated paths • Adding of custom made benches • Teaching room and bonfire place • Elevations in terrain creating microhabitats and small SUDS • Leaving deadwood and branches • Adding stones • Disturbances at different spots at different time scales • Colorful flowering vegetation
tree row
Walking in hilly terrain
Cut robust grass Succession stage 1-2
Open landscape
Custom made furnitures (Cues to care)
Possibility for 3-person football field
Deadwood Legend
cus trees Existing quer
Existing trees New trees Shrubs Meadow vegetation Cut grass
Mørkhøj Skole
Existing trees and shrubs 87
Vision In the future, this zone will be a local bio-hotspot. Therefore, the design interventions in this zone are on nature’s terms. The area consists of both closed forest vegetation in the late successional stage with small niches for refuge, and an open meadow landscape in the first successional stages with a prospect across the site. The management on the site is one of the key interventions. Natural succession will transform the space through decades. Different zones have different management time scales. The area will therefore eventually have dense forest for bats and other species to roost in and open meadows with plenty of insects for foraging. The new meadow will bring colours to the site making the area more appealing. Suitable microhabitats will be present, and water will be temporarily collected during heavy stormwater events in the slightly modified terrain. The different vegetation stages will together with the other landscape features create a habitat-mosaic and therefore attract different species.
6. 5.
A quiet and sheltered educational spot is designed so the children can get close to nature and get practical knowledge about species identification, climate adaptation, nature management, vegetation stages and biodiversity. The small niche will be sheltered from wind which will both be beneficial for humans, arthropods and mammal species. The zone will be a breathing place not only for the students but also for the locals taking a stroll or a run, and for the parents watching a football game in a natural environment. In the night the zone will become completely dark bringing calmness and quietness to the home of the bats and other species. The new landscape design and the slightly minimized football field will give space for new affordances such as new textures to touch, flowers to smell and will add a new activity layer such as walking opportunities, benches and a bonfire place for gathering together with the new sheltered teaching room. The design will additionally create new spatiality with a variation in sheltered and open zones. Due to the natural processes the proposal will be more experimental and less designed. Yearly monitoring and communication to the school and the public are therefore important elements.
On nature’s terms
Human perspective
Process diagram Zone 11
in Seeding of native flower mix suitable for bats together at designated areas
Intervention Co-creation with students
Intervention Professionals
Terrain modification: Slopes and depressions
Seeding & planting of native trees, shrubs & flowers Placement of benches & transcans
New pathway of gravel and New entrance from Ilbjerg cut-grass allé created 88
Communication of management strategy. E.g unmowed grass, leaving deadwood and branches, vegetation succession. Communication of reasons why.
Maintenance: Manual hay harvesting of meadow twice a year together. Gaining practical knowledge about plants, biology, natural processes etc.
Change of management: Leave designated grass areas uncut
Maintenance: Removal of unwanted species (Invasive/non native), thinning of forest and shrub areas, leaving brances/deadwood
Placement of fieldstones (Kampesten)
Following process of natural succesion: Annual species. Reusing hay at vegetable garden at zone 9 The outdoor classroom is ready to use
Monitoring of vegetation development and natural succession. Secure establishing of wanted species
Reference photos New affordances: Education, gathering, walking through different vegetation types, observing, running Microhabitats: Slopes, depressions, deadwood, stones attracting prey
Relaxation and bonfire area. Photo: Lersøparken schoolgarden, 2021, ASLN
Tree zone: Late successional stage. Potential roosting area for bats Shrub zone: Successional stage 3. Creating shelter and new rooms. Vegetation attracting prey Football field and multilayered vegetation structure. Photo: Damhusengen, 2021, ASLN
Meadow zone: Early successional stage. Open landscape with a view. Nature grass with colourful forbs. Vegetation attracting prey Reduction and movement of football field: Giving space for new affordances and closer to school building
Deadwood and fungi. Photo: 2021, ASLN
Following process of natural succesion: Perennials and shrubs species Students communicates habitat supporting interventions to the local community
Maintenance routines continued every year. Disturbances of shrub area prevent evolving to forest
The site becomes more and more biodiverse: Children learning about plants, bats, insects, nature conservation, natural processes
Veteran trees carefully protected. More bats moving in to new suitable roosts
The children have grown up and are aware citizen with a strong relation to nature and are willing to protect it The locals have a new bio-hotspot park
Custommade benches with clear sign of human interference. Photo: London, Pinterest
Dead trees and torsoes left at site as microhabitats
Curving paths for exploration. Photo: Sankt Kjeldsplads, 2021, ASLN 89
Cross section 1:100 Mature trees
Exploring *
Walking *
A Meadow
Roosting trees
Designated paths
Complex vegetaion with native shrubs
Bat habitat Toolbox Forage Slopes
Temporary water
Native shrubs
Open meadow
Designated paths
Observing and gathering * Playing * Running *
B Slopes
Cut robust grass
Football field
* Affordances
Roosts Mature trees
÷ Artificial light
Bat boxes
Vegetation type - Meadow
Vegetation type - Shrubs
The zone consists of two types of grass. Areas of cut robust grass (Near the football field) and areas of nature grass. The nature grass consists of high and coarse natural grasses with a mix of forbs. The forbs should be of >50 % of the vegetation and 30 % of these should include the species suggested for attracting bat prey. This includes:
Regarding succession theory an area will turn into bushes naturally after 10-50 years. Therefore there will be minimal maintenance of the shrub area. The vegetation will eventually have a wild growing character as a thicket. Few shrub species suitable for attracting prey are planted out and will hopefully spread some seeds to the rest of the area. This includes species such as: Crataegus monogyna, ribes spp., Rosa canina, corylus avellana and sambucus nigra. Rubur species are also beneficial for moth caterpillars, based on theory, but as they are already present at the site (see herbarium) and spreading fast they should not be planted. Rosa canina, ribes and sambucus nigra are also observed in the area and are therefore able to grow in the soil. To get a slightly faster result a few of these species should still be planted out. One of the demands of the maintenance is to always have a vegetation clearance zone at pathways in the width of the path times 280 cm in the height. Removal of exotic, invasive and fastly spreading species should be done to keep a variation in species composition.
Main forb vegetation cover, Type A: Achillea millefolium Silene dioica Centaurea jacea Daucus carota To obtain variation, and as the forb species has different growth habits, following species are spread at dry and sunny patches, and more moist areas (See plan): Dry areas in shorter grass, Type B (south facing hills): Anthyllis vulneraria Thymus serpyllum Lotus corniculatus Ajuga reptans Saxifraga granulata Moist areas in shorter (depressions): Cardamine pratensis Vicia cracca Myosotis scorpioides
Management strategies and demands of grasstype are based on Kvalitetsbeskrivelser for drift af grønne områder (Kjøller et al., 2015) and includes cutting of grass 1-2 times yearly in the period from June to October. On the hill-tops, where the chosen forbs are sensitive to long grass, the grass should be cut four times a year. The method in this project include cutting by manual hay harvesting and removal of material to avoid nutrient overload. Monitoring should be done every year to ensure that the vegetation still consists of >50 % of forbs and that 30 % of the especially important species attracting bat prey are still present. The seeds should be collected from local and near nature areas. 30 % of Forbs - Main vegetation cover:
Vegetation type - Trees As with the shrubs a few trees suitable as roosts and for attracting prey are planted out. Otherwise, the vegetation will develop on its own. Planted species includes fraxinus, quercus, prunus avium and salix species. The goal is for these species to spread their seeds to the rest of the area together with other self-seeding species. Maintenance is the same as for shrubs.
Forb species attracting prey 1:50
30 % of Forbs suitable on hills:
600 cm 500 cm
30 % of Forbs suitable in depressions:
500 cm 300 cm
300 cm
100 cm Type A 92
Type B
Type C
Vegetation change over time 1:300 Diagrammatic illustration of the vegetation development. Existing trees
After 1 year Shrub- and trees planted out but still small. Meadow layer estrablished.
C New small paths Future forest vegetation
New main path Future Shrub vegetation
New small paths Open meadow vegetation
Existing trees
After 15 years Forest- and shrub layer slowly developing. Shrub area maintained preventing it turning into forest. Meadow vegetation more dense and higher. Deadwood left at site.
C New small paths Closed forest vegetation
New main path Shrub vegetation
New small paths Open meadow vegetation
Existing trees
After 50 years
The area consists of both closed forest with suitable roosts, and shrub- and meadow vegetation supporting forage. The area now additionally consists of different spatial and natural experiences.
C New small paths Closed forest vegetation
New main path Shrub vegetation
New small paths Open meadow vegetation 93
Path connection 1:1500 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Existing paths
New walking loop
New entrance
Narrow detours for exploring
Existing path connection
Path size variations 1:75 Path sizes changing experience. Small paths for exploration and getting on close hold with nature.
Type 1
Slightly raised gravel path Size: 2 m wide
Type 2
Slightly raised gravel path Size: 1,5 m wide
Type 3
Cut grass paths for exploration Size: 0,7 m wide
Integrated deadwood
Nature grass with >50 % forbs
Forest patch
Small paths for exploration
New main path 97
Zone 9 and 5
The School Gardens 1:250
Rain water collection & compost
Meadow-Type C
Vegetable gardens
New curving pathsh
x Depression
Temporary water
Existing play area
Compost existing shrubs
Preserving existing forest patch
Prunus avium Existing play PLAY ZONE area
e el
Existing shrubs A
Preserving existing play area & shrubs
x Existing “forest” & x path
Fraxinus Bordur sten
x x
Salix Batbox
Removal of existing paving
Meadow - Type A
s g stone Steppin d o o w d - Dea
Ma Fruit tree Malus
Program • Removal of paved surface and fence at unused football field • Extension of green cover by planting complex vegetation with native species • Extension of existing wild growing vegetation • Shrubs and meadow species attracting prey • Planting of new potential roost trees • Small temporary water ponds in depressions and rainwater collecting tanks for gardening, attracting prey • Sheltered space with minimal wind and light suitable as a teaching room at day and bat habitat at night. Placed close to the natural science classrooms • New horticulture area adding a new activity • Microhabitats: Deadwood, small slopes, uncut grass, stones • New management strategy • New curving paths for exploration • Paved paths and flowering colorful vegetation as a “cure-to-care”
Shrubs Meadow vegetation Cut grass Existing wild growing grass Existing path Suitable for: Bat roosts Adult moths Caterpillar moths
Science classrooms
Tables for gathering Sambucus nigra
Existing trees New trees
Compost & water collection
Vegetable gardens
Shrubs ing shelter
Quercus Populus
Lonicera periclymenum Prunus domestica
QUIET ZONE Flower bed: 70 % forbs
Insect hotel
alus es
Meadow - Type B
Clematis vitalba
Bordur stones
lopes Small s
Cut grass
Classroom Shelter and tables
Meadow - Type A
growing g wild Existin
Flower bed: 70 % forbs
Batbox Salix
Bat box in trees. Roost until trees grow mature
Meadow - Type B Existing shrubs, grass and sprouts in edge kept: Hazel, rowan, rubus (moth caterpillar host plants). See all existing shrub and tree sprout species in herbarium
Vision The currently paved and not habitat supporting football field will become a green oasis. Since the space is not in use, the area has great potential to support habitats and education better. The asphalt cover and fences will be removed and substituted with vegetation cover. Complex vegetation with both tree cover, shrub, wild growing herbaceous cover, together with areas of cut-grass will be added to the site. School gardens will be arranged to the space and fit into the Green Flag, Green School program. Here the children will have their own gardens and nurture their own vegetables which they will feel ownership towards. By that, they will gain knowledge about food production, plant morphology, natural processes, seasonal changes, and plant identification. The plants, together with deadwood, stones and terrain elevations, will additionally attract insects and eventually, also bats. Sheltering vegetation will create small rooms with minimal wind. As the space is close to the natural science classrooms, it will be easy to use the space for education. Tables, together with a sun and rain cover, will make the area suitable for outdoor teaching in all seasons. A workshop in woodwork class should be hosted where the children can create suitable bat boxes and insect hotels and place them in the zone. Future education and observation of bats at the site should be done bringing awareness to these important but threatened species. The garden could be visited by whole local community as many are already walking by. The zone will thereby have many new affordances. Finally, the zone will become more inviting and appealing due to the colourful forbs and trees. New curving paths are designed, some made of cut grass and some of bordure stones.
6. 5.
Natural science classrooms
On nature’s terms
Human perspective
This zone will be more designed and with a more human perspective compared to zone 11. Here there will be a higher concentration of people, crops for food production and the area will be more affected by nearby artificial lights. All trees and shrubs will be planted out and therefore be less experimental. Process diagram Zone 9 and 5
Intervention Co-creation with students
Intervention Professionals
Communication of new management strategy. E.g unmowed grass, leaving deadwood and branches, vegetation succession
Children start seeding own vegetables
Terrain Paving of paths modification: (Bordursten) Slopes and depressions
Planting of first trees & shrubs
Removal of asphalt and fence
Placement of fieldstones (Kampesten)
Maintenance: Removal of unwanted species (Invasive/ non native), leaving brances/deadwood, hay harvesting twice a year
Seeding of grass and forb cover
1 100
Arranging schoolgardens Placement, size, and soil preperation
Creating opening to zone 5
Bat box & insect hotel building workshop and placement The outdoor classroom is used
Further design development and renovation of rest of schoolyard
Reference photos New affordances: Education, gathering, paths for exploration, observing, running, hiding
Sheltered outdoor classroom. Schoolgardens, 2021, ASLN
Photo: Lersøparken,
Microhabitats: Slopes, depressions, deadwood, stones attracting prey. One area of water collection Tree zone: Complex, multilayered vegetation. Potential roosting trees for Stepping stones in vegetation. Photo: Troels Heien
Shrub zone: Creating shelter and new rooms. Vegetation attracting prey
Meadow zone: Nature grass with colourful forbs. Vegetation attracting prey
Removal of existing: Asphalt, fence, Some of beech hedge
Paving with bordure stones. Photo: Sandstone Natursten
Vegetable garden is a part of school rutine: Children enjoying self produced food and it is used for math-, natural scienceand artclasses etc.
The site becomes more and more biodiverse: Children learning about plants, bats, insects, nature conservation, natural processes
The children has grown up and are aware citizen with a strong relation to nature and are willing to protect it
Maintenance routines continued every year
Veteran trees carefully protected. More bats moving in to new suitable roosts
Dead trees left at site as microhabitats
Vegetable school gardens. Photo: Lersøparken, 2021, ASLN
50 101
Vegetation type - Meadow, shrubs & trees The same forb composition and shrubs as for zone 11 are used in this zone (See previous description at page 92). A difference is, that this zone is more planned. This especially applies to the trees since in this zone they all are planted out (See plan). Patches of higher percentage of forbs are present at this zone. Here, 70%
of the meadow vegetation should be forbs to bring a colorful aesthetics to the environment (See plan). The chosen trees are all based on theory of species suitable for attracting bat prey or as roosts. Management interventions are the same as previous zone.
Cross section 1:175
Quercus spp.
Salix spp. Fraxinus spp.
New path
Stepping stones of deadwood
Vegetable garden
Deadwood and slopes
Suitable roost trees & bat box
Existing play area
Bat habitat Toolbox Forage Slopes
Temporary water
Native shrubs
Open meadow
Designated paths
Suitable roost trees Fraxinus spp.
Corylus spp.
Outdoor classroom
Meadow vegetation with 70 % forbs
Room-creating vegetation
and depression for temporary water
Meadow vegetation
Existing long grass
Roosts Mature trees
÷ Artificial light
Bat boxes
New affordances of the zone Adding of Microhabitats
Integrated deadwood: Jumping, running, balancing
Slopes: Stimulation of vestibular senses
Vegetable Gardens
New ways of being together
Maintaining nature: Learning about nature, its processes and species
Increasing vegetation cover and layer
New walking experiences
Shrubs creating spatiallity: Hiding, running around
Outdoor classrooms
Gathering in larger groups
Co-creation: Seeding, building, food-production. outdoor education
New colours The forb vegetation not only attracts bat prey but also bring new textures, smells and colours to the site
Colour examples of forb vegetation attracting prey
Principles of other zones
11. On natures terms
Human perspective
6. 5.
Strategy The change of management should be done at designated spots in all zones. This includes rotational and less management: Less frequently mowing, areas of wild growing flower meadows and leaving disorders such as branches, deadwood and stones as it will result in more microhabitats and raising nectar availability which will attract more insects. Zones with low biodiversity-index scores such as zone 6, 2, 8, 7, 10 and 3 should be prioritized in this order. Zone 6 is especially important as it can function as a corridor between zone 5, 9 and 11 which are the new design intervention areas. Already biodiverse areas such as zone 4 should be preserved and expanded.
All trees should be kept. In case of risk trees: As much of the torso should be kept and the rest left at site to decay (Lecture, IMT 2020). All vegetation chosen in the future should be native with a variation of the species from the theory section. Lamps should be avoided where possible with light pointing down. A general renovation of the inner schoolyard is needed with new tables, paving, benches and other worn equipment. A clearer boundary between active and relaxation zones should be made.
Reference photos Torsoes as a microhabitat for fungi and arthropod species. Photo: Lersøparken, 2021, ASLN
Wildgrowing grass with flowers. Photo: Vild med vilje, Gladsaxe
Stones, patches of bare soil, slopes and wild growing forbs creating microhabitats. Photo: Ørsted Skærbæk, Vild med vilje
Strategy of other zones Interventions suggestions Zone 3: Planting of new trees to increase crown-cover. Design smaller rooms for refuge (creates a quite zone)
Zone 4: Preserve existing forest and shrub vegetation. Leave deadwood. Improve herbaceous cover. Zone 10: Increase species richness by planting of new shrubs and adding herbaceous surface cover. More complex vegetation structure next to prunus trees. Removal of bench around prunus tree. Instead;uncut grass
Zone 2: Small modification of terrain. Planting of new trees increasing crown cover and raising diversity. Move existing activities to zone 0 (creates a quiet zone)
Zone 6: Remove parts of paved surface. Add more complex vegetation including uncut grass, more wildgrowing shrubs and plant more trees
Zone 0: General renovation. Design for more variation in activities (Less ball-games). New paving, new benches, adding new color and textures
New management strategy: Less frequently mowing of grass, leaving branches and deadwood Planting of new vegetation Renovation and new design
Zone 7: Parts of the cut grass-cover should be left wildgrowing improving herbaceous cover. New native shrubs with a wild character could be planted next to Robinia tree functioning as buffer vegetation and increasing species diversity. Gentle slopes Zone 8: Improvement of herbaceous cover by chosing areas of not cutting grass
Bat habitat Toolbox Forage Slopes Temporary water
Roosts Deadwood
Native shrubs
Open meadow Designated paths
Mature trees
÷ Artificial Bat boxes light
Discussion In this thesis, it has been studied how biodiversity can be used as a tool at Mørkhøj Skole to create an inspirational, fun and affordance rich outdoor space and, at the same time, mitigate the habitat loss we are experiencing today due to increasing urbanization (Grimm et al., 2016). Different methods have been used to achieve this design proposal. These include plant collection of shrub and tree species at the site. As the study was carried out in the late summer and fall, a data collection of the herbaceous ground cover was not possible, and this could be a weakness of the project as herbaceous vegetation is important in relation to designing for more insects and therefore forage for bats. Not having enough information about the herbaceous vegetation could additionally result in lower scores in the Biodiversity Index as important information, such as nectar availability, can be overlooked. In general, using the Biodiversity Index as a tool for measuring biodiversity has some weaknesses. This is due to the fact that it only gives a “snapshot” of the current state. Quantity is not included either. Some areas could have many native trees and some only one, but they would still end up with the same score. A further development of this project should therefore include more data on the herbaceous cover, and the biodiversity index scoring of the areas should be made during all seasons. Preferably, measurements with the index should be modified to take quantity into consideration. The index is meant to be used in relation to green areas. Dividing the school ground into different zones resulted in some zones covered completely by asphalt (Zone 0). Zone 0 still scores points even though the vegetation is extremely sparse. If quantity was considered, this zone would have scores even lower compared to other zones. It would therefore have given a more correct picture of the biodiversity level if quantity was considered when comparing the different zones with each other. Another uncertainty of the analysis is the observations of daily use. Even though site visits have been made at different times and days, it is again still a snapshot of the use, and the area could be used differently at different times of the year. More observation could be necessary to give an even more precise picture of the use through the different seasons of the year. The AHA method has been used to analyze the trees. This method can be misleading as species are not considered. In this thesis, the AHA method indicated, that the robinia 108
trees are very conservation worthy. However, robinia trees would not be beneficial in relation to bat roosts or insect forage, regarding theory, as it is not native. It can be debated, though, how important it is that the trees are native. It takes many years to grow large trees, and having mature trees developing suitable cracks over time might be the most important regardless of species in relation to bat roosts (pers. com. I. Kærgaard, 25/10/2021) and as micro habitats for insects (Kraus et al, 2016). Regarding the final design proposal, choosing bats as a tool for achieving a biodiverse area might have some prejudices for some people because bats are often associated with horror and disease. Hopefully, the design proposal together with further communication can reduce this negative perception of bats. Further work could include monitoring the presence of bats now and after interventions. From conversation with Inger Kærgaard (25/10/2021), their presence would be most likely already, but due to season, monitoring of bats was not possible. Achieving more biodiverse green spaces in cities can be difficult due to limited space. Large areas are needed to really make a difference for rare and urban sensitive species (Beninde et al., 2015). Even though the largest possible areas are chosen in this design, it might still not be large enough. The connectivity might not be good enough either, as it would depend on habitat qualities of private gardens. Similar projects should be done in multiple places nearby to make sufficient connectivity. Therefore, an important condition for success would be that also the surrounding landscape supported habitats. Villa gardens have great potential if they create suitable “Habitat gardens” (Bat Conservation Trust 2014). This would need a lot of communication. Even if the new interventions might not be perfect in relation to mitigating habitat loss, it would still create more nature-citizen interaction and thereby bring awareness to nature, which could help nature conservation in the future. Working with nature’s processes will take decades. In the first years of establishment, the design could therefore seem poor, especially in relation to forest and shrub areas, which are important elements in creating the new spatiality. The forb vegetation will be established faster. Therefore, the flower meadows, new paving and terrain
modifications are important as the results of these interventions can be seen relatively fast. Establishing plants at schools can in general be difficult due to wear. Designated paths, where some are elevated, together with areas with no disturbance in the beginning could be the solution. People’s perception of this type of landscape design might not fit with their ideas about the classical aesthetic garden design. Therefore, communication about what is characterizing a good habitat needs to be provided. Another important aspect is the maintenance of the area, which should prevent dense forestation and ensure wellkept school gardens. Therefore, maintenance should be a part of the educational program of the school throughout the year. This puts a lot of pressure on the school, and they therefore have to be serious about their goal to become a Green Flagged school. Due to time limitations, design of the whole area was not possible in this thesis. Further design of the rest of the school area is needed, both in relation to increasing biodiversity, but also in relation to an overall renovation of the area as it is very worn. This includes new outdoor equipment, new paving and making the zone types clearer: Some zones for activities and some zones for relaxation.
Conclusion Designing for biodiversity is more important than ever. Children are an essential part of nature protection in the future as their perception of species and relationship to nature can still be affected. Simple interventions, such as less and rotational management (Mathey and Rink, 2010 ; Bat conservation trust, 2012), leaving disorders (Kraus et al., 2016; Lecture w. I., M., Thomsen 2020; Lerman et al., 2018), choosing native vegetation (Threlfall et al., 2017), small modifications in the terrain creating temporary ponds (Bat conservation trust, 2012), minimizing artificial light (Stone et al., 2015) and avoiding tree felling (Bat conservation trust, 2012) are valuable for many species, including protected ones such as bats. Additionally, some of the interventions are economically beneficial. The outdoor space at Mørkhøj Skole is an example of typical modernistic landscape architecture. The school area is scoring very low biodiversity wise, and it mostly consists of very maintained vegetation,
such as cut hedges and grass. The resulting lack of multistory vegetation, microhabitats and species diversity does not support habitats in general. Therefore, using previously mentioned tools to increase habitat quality is suggested. It is important though, that there are still signs of human interference as this will give a “cue to care” (Nassauer 1995). Otherwise, the outdoor space might seem messy or even disgusting for some (Farahani & Maller 2019). Therefore, communicating the reasons behind the design decisions to the school and local community is essential. Zone 11, 9 and 5 were chosen as focus areas because they are currently very monocultural, both in relation to activities and vegetation. Moreover, there is a potential of expanding the existing green corridor on the edge of the school ground, as the focus zones are connected with zones 6 and 4. The focus zones are relatively large which is required when designing habitats. The strategy of the design is to have a human-nature gradient. Suitable habitats with foraging and roosting are provided to attract bats, and the further away from the inner schoolyard you get, the more habitat supporting the area becomes. The habitat layer will not only benefit bat and insect species but also raise physical and mental health of the students and bring new affordances. Last mentioned include new textures (such as different path materials), new colors, and a new activity layer, including walking- and sitting opportunities, outdoor classrooms, school gardens, and gathering points. An important aspect of the design is to introduce new classrooms and teaching elements: These elements include: observing new species, sustainable food production, climate adaptation, studying natural processes, understanding nature management, and building bat boxes and insect hotels together. The new outdoor space would facilitate sustainable development fitting with the Green Flag, Green School program. Additionally, the new design will create possibilities for stimulation of the senses with new smells from the flowers, edible vegetables, and also stimulation of vestibular sense by running in the modified terrain. The area will become a more aesthetic environment with flowering meadows and vegetation, creating new rooms with both prospect and refuge, together with smaller paths for exploration and getting close to nature. Finally, Mørkhøj is currently lacking green spaces, especially of more wild and natural character; therefore, due to their location, the focus zones have potential to be used also on a local scale. 109
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Webpages • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Gladsaxe Municipality, Fremtidens skole. Visited October 2021: https://gladsaxe.dk/fremtidens-skole/hvadgoer-vi/hvad-er-fremtidens-skole Grøn skole. Visited October 2021: https://groenskole.dk/om-groen-skole. Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects. Visited december 2021 : https://www.vla.dk/en/about/ Naturstyrelsen. Visited november 2021: https://naturstyrelsen.dk/naturoplevelser/jagt/flagermus-i-huset/ flagermusenes-biologi/ United Nations. Sustainable development goals. Visited December 2021: https://sdgs.un.org/goals Michael d’Estries, “Bat friendly light”, Treehugger: Visited October 2021:. https://www.treehugger.com/ worlds-first-bat-friendly-town-turns-night-red-4868381 Mørkhøj Kirke. Visited October 2021 https://www.moerkhoej-kirke.dk/om-kirken/moerkhoejs-historie Gladsaxe Municipality. Visited October 2021 https://gladsaxe.dk/Files//Files/SKOHR-DIA-BYS/Byarkiv/Vandreture/Paa_sporet_af_det_nye_Morkhoj.pdf Miljø- og fødevareministeriet naturstyrelsen - Plantevalg. Visited October 2021:: https://plantevalg. dk/SpeciesProfile.aspx?species=2&zoneId=6&jordbundstype=2&purpose=2&location=(538074,6227230)&wind=1&frost=1&referer=/SpeciesProfile.aspx Den danske Rødliste, Aarhus Universitet. Visited December 2021: https://ecos.au.dk/forskningraadgivning/ temasider/redlistframe/soeg-en-art Samvirke: https://samvirke.dk/artikler/moerket-er-en-sjaelden-gaest-og-derfor-har-biodiversiteten-detsvaert Bat conservation trust, Artifical light. Visited October 2021: https://cdn.bats.org.uk/uploads/pdf/Resources/ilp-guidance-note-8-bats-and-artificial-lighting-compressed.pdf?v=1542109349 Plantevalg. November 2021: https://plantevalg.dk/SpeciesProfile.aspx?zoneId=10&jordbundstype=1&purpose=2&location=(718064%2c6181556) Miljø styrelsen, “Tænk før du sår”. Visited November 2021: https://mst.dk/media/190999/inspirationsark-taenk-foer-du-saar.pdf Gladsaxe Municipality, “Glimt af Mørkhøj”. Visited September 2021: https://gladsaxe.dk/kommunen/gladsaxe-byarkiv/undervisning/glimt-af-moerkhoej-bys-historie Vild med vilje, Høslet. Visited November 2021: https://www.vildmedvilje.dk/hoeslet-i-valbyparken/ 111
• •
Vores Mørkhøj Visited October 2021: https://firstagenda-4.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws. com/794ee2fb-2a7e-4f8c-a90f-da24bfbeea78?X-Amz-Expires=300&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20 filename%20%3D%22document.pdf%22%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27document.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIJGTA5G4BPAFBBVQ/20211218/euwest-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20211218T152739Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=ad72f5e6de439a16e481e24e61d8e6822afb9c49879364aadb8bef38558af261 Mørkhøj Skole. Visited September 2021: https://morkhoj-skole.aula.dk/om-skolen/beskrivelse-af-skolen DMI “Fremtidens Klima”. Visited December 2021: https://www.dmi.dk/klima/temaforside-fremtidens-klima/
Lectures • • • • • •
Anne Dahl Refshauge 9/3/2021 “Designing children’s outdoor environments in the city”. Univesity of Copenhagen Iben M. Thomsen 15/9/2020 “Hazard trees and enhancing fungal diversity”. Univesity of Copenhagen Per Stadel 17/9/2020 “Insects in the urban environment”. Univesity of Copenhagen Mona Chor Bjørn 3/9/2020: “Bun H index background, results and recommendations”. Univesity of Copenhagen Mathias Just Justesen 22/9/2020 “Connectivity and fragmentation”, University of Copenhagen Inger kærgaard 2021: “Intro Bats”, University of Copenhagen
Conversations Inger Kærgaard (25/10/2021). Bat expert. Meeting Katrine Andersen (15/10/21). Landskabsarkitekt, Gladsaxe Kommune. Phone conversation Kontoret, Mørkhøj Skole. E-mail correspondence Louise Vang (22/9/21). Naturvejleder, Mørkhøj Skole. Phone conversation Tine Sand Gybeck (11/10/21). Landskabsarkitekt, Gladsaxe Kommune. E-mail correspondence
Map data • • • • • •
Miljø-Gis, Biodiversity 2021: https://miljoegis.mim.dk/cbkort?profile=miljoegis-plangroendk Gladsaxe advanced web map: https://webkort.gladsaxe.dk/spatialmap?profile=borger_avanceret Miljø-gis, Climate adaption: https://www.klimatilpasning.dk/vaerktoejer/oversvoemmelseskort/se-oversvoemmelseskortet/ Kortforsyningen, Geodanmark and historical map (Lavemålebordsblade): https://download.kortforsyningen.dk/ Geus, soil map: https://data.geus.dk/geusmap/?lang=da&mapname=denmark#baslay=baseMapDa&optlay=&extent=715 701.4535100847,6179478.186578697,719256.1751997808,6181363.855350027&layers=jordartskort_25000 New meeting point - Ilbjerg allé: Design from K. Andersen, Gladsaxe Municipality
Pictures • • • • • •
Wild growing grass and stones: https://www.kab-bolig.dk/vildmedvilje Bordure Stones example: https://sandstone.dk/produkt/bordursten/ https://sandstone.dk/produkt/bordursten/ Reference photo, bench example: https://www.pinterest.dk/pin/564920347017742550/ Historic picture of the school: https://billeder.gladsaxe.dk/byarkiv/catalog/Gladsaxe%20Byarkiv/r/12834/ viewmode=infoview/qsr=m%C3%B8rkh%C3%B8j%20skole Historic picture of the school: https://billeder.gladsaxe.dk/byarkiv/catalog/Gladsaxe%20Byarkiv/r/12827/ viewmode=infoview/qsr=m%C3%B8rkh%C3%B8j%20skole Reference photo, Aksøgade: https://ugeavisen.dk/oesterbro/artikel/fremtidens-g%C3%A5rdhave-i-ask%C3%B8gade#slide0
Appendix booklet
Herbarium This herbarium is created to get an understanding of the species diversity and amount of native species of each zone. The list consists of all trees and shrubs. Herbaceous layer is not included due to seasonal reasons. The most dominating
cover is grass. If zones contain dominant species, they are marked to get a correct picture of diversity. Species with minimal presence are usually self-seeding species.
Zone one - Entrance green space Eg, Quercus spp.
Dronningebusk, Kolkwitzia amabilis
Hassel, Corylus avellana
Forsythia Forsythia x intermedia
Malus spp.
Minimal presence
Small tree
Dobbelt tjek om i dette rum?
Small tree
Native to DK Blomme, Prunus domestica
Minimal presence
Native to DK
Native to DK
Native to DK
Spidsløn, Acer platanoides
85 % Native Species diversity: 7
Minimal presence
Dominant species (4 trees)
Native to DK
Native to DK
Zone two - Circle room Eg, Quercus spp.
Mirabel, Prunus ceracifera
Minimal presence
Native to DK
Robinie, Robinia pseudoacacie
67 % Native Species diversity: 6 Percieved: 3
Minimal presence
Bøg, Fagus sylvatica
Dominant species
Native to DK
Spidsløn, Acer platanoides
Big tree
Native to DK
Alm. hyld, Sambucus nigra
Minimal presence
Native to DK
Zone three - Straight shaped room Ribes alpinum
Hvidtjørn, Crataegus spp.
Semi dominant
Semi dominant
Native to DK
Liguster, Ligustrum vulgare
Humle, Humulus lupulus
Robinie, Robinia pseudoacacie
Minimal presence
Spidsløn, Acer platanoides
One tree only
Native to DK
Bøg, Fagus sylvatica
Dominant species
Native to DK
Hunde-rose, Rosa canini
63 % Native Species diversity: 8
Minimal presence
Minimal presence
Native to DK
Minimal presence
Native to DK
Zone four - Behind school Liguster, Ligustrum vulgare
Hunde-rose, Rosa canini
Hvidtjørn, Crataegus spp. Rød-Eg, Q. rubra
70 % Native Diversity: 13 Variation in species. No dominant species
Native to DK
Eg, Quercus spp.
Elm, Ulmus spp.
Native to DK
Native to DK
Alm. skovranke, Clematis vitalba
Native to DK Spidsløn, Acer platanoides
Bøg, Fagus sylvatica
Ask, Fraxinus spp.
Native to DK
Native to DK
Snebær, Symphoricarpos albus
Hyld, Sambucus nigra
Rød kornel, Cornus sanguinea
Native to DK
Native to DK
Native to DK
Zone five - Playground Hvidtjørn, Crataegus spp.
Robinie, Robinia pseudoacacie
Syren, Syringa vulgaris
Native to DK Baccharis sarothroides
Kristtorn, Ilex aquifolium
Hassel, Corylus spp.
Rød dværg mispel, Cotoneaster scandinavicus
Native to DK
Native to DK
Hyld, Sambucus nigra
Rød kornel, Cornus sanguinea
Native to DK
Native to DK
Ask, Fraxinus spp.
Native to DK
Alm. hæg, Prunus padus
Native to DK
Eg, Quercus spp.
75 % Native Species diversity: 12 Variation of species
Native to DK
Native to DK
Zone six - Theater & passing by room Ask, Fraxinus spp.
Big tree
Native to DK Hvidtjørn, Crataegus spp.
Minimal presence
Native to DK
Liguster, Ligustrum vulgare
Robinie, Robinia pseudoacacie
Vedbend, Hedera helix
Big tree
Dominant species
Dominant species
Native to DK
Elm, Ulmus spp.
Bøg, Fagus sylvatica
Paradis æble, Malus spp.
Two small trees
Minimal presence
Dominant species
Native to DK
Native to DK
Hunde-rose, Rosa canini
Minimal presence
Native to DK Blomme, Prunus domestica
Minimal presence
Zone six - Theater & passing by room - continued Humle, Humulus lupulus
Bæræble, Malus baccata
58,3 % Native Diversity: 12 Hedera helix, ligustrum, fagus are dominant species
Minimal presence
Native to DK
Small tree
Zone seven - Canteen outdoor space Vedbend, Hedera helix
Robinie, Robinia pseudoacacie
Bøg, Fagus sylvatica
Tretorn, Gleditsia triacanthos
33,33 % Native Species diversity: 3 (One removed by school)
Dominant species
Native to DK
Dominant species
Dominant species
Native to DK
Zone eight - Formal space Syren, Syringa vulgaris
Minimal presence
Native to DK Skovranke, Clematis vitalba
Spidsløn, Acer platanoides
Dominant species (12 trees) es) Native to DK
Bærmispel, Amelanchier lamarckii
Ask, Fraxinus spp.
Small tree
Native to DK
Fjeldribs, Ribes alpinum
Stephanandra spp.
Species diversity: 7 43 % Native
Minimal presence
Dominant species
Zone nine -Parking lot, wild growing area Thuja, Thuja occidentalis
Hindbær, Rubus idaeus
Native to DK Hassel, Corylus avellana
Elm, Ulmus spp.
Ask, Fraxinus spp.
Native to DK
Alm. røn, Sorbus aucuparia
Native to DK
Liguster, Ligustrum vulgare
Brombær, Rubus
75 % Native Species diversity: 8 No dominant species
Native to DK
Native to DK
Native to DK
Parking lot - rest Liguster, Ligustrum vulgare
Vedbend, Hedera helix
Snebær, Symphoricarpos albus
Bæræble, Malus baccata
Dominant species
Dominant species
Native to DK
Spidsløn, Acer platanoides
Kristtorn, I. aquifolium
Minimal presence
Elm, Ulmus spp.
Minimal presence
Native to DK
Alm. Gedeblad, L. periclymenum
62,5 % Native Species diversity: 8 Perceived diversity: 4
Dominant species
Native to DK
Minimal presence
Minimal presence
Native to DK
Native to DK
Zone ten - Small children’s playzone Vedbend, Hedera helix
Blomme, Prunus domestica
Fuglekirsebær, Prunus avium
Hunde-rose, Rosa canini
75 % Native Species diversity: 4 Percieved: 2
Dominant species
Big tree
Dominant species (7 trees)
Minimal presence
Native to DK
Native to DK
Native to DK
Zone eleven - Football field Alm. hæg, Prunus padus
Hindbær, Rubus idaeus
Native to DK
Native to DK
Snebær, Symphoricarpos albus
Vedbend, Hedera helix
Native to DK
Hunde-rose, Rosa canini
Brombær, Rubus
Native to DK
Native to DK
Seljrerøn, Sorbus intermedia
Native to DK
Forsythia Forsythia x intermedia
Liguster, Ligustrum vulgare
Ribes Alpinum
Humle, Humulus lupulus
Alm.røn, Sorbus aucuparia
Native to DK
Native to DK
Taks, Taxus baccata
Elm, Ulmus
Native to DK
Alm. hyld, Sambucus nigra
Native to DK
Fuglekirsebær, Prunus avium
Eg, Quercus spp.
Native to DK
Native to DK
Hvidtjørn, Crataegus spp.
Native to DK
Native to DK
Spidsløn, Acer platanoides
Native to DK
Navr, Acer campestre
Native to DK
(85) 75 % Native Species diversity: 20
Biodiversity-index Following is the scheme used for the biodiversity-analysis and the scores of each zone.
Urban Habitat Index
Zones at Mørkhøj Skole
Urban green space: 1. Area Park >10 ha
(4,2 ha with buildings total area of school ground)
No major barriers (large building in/or roads through area) Access to green/brown/blue corridors (more than 5m wide) Adjacent to the sea
Adjacent to other green area(s) (closer than 200m; connectivity)
4 (connected to other green areas within the site) (400-500 m to Utterslev Mose)
Soft transition zones between park and surroundings; hedgerow 2. Water
No water bodies present at the school ground
Open (or potential for temporary) stream/ditch/canal (linear)
Meandering (or potential for temporary) stream
Signs of water flow (e.g. fountain, running stream/lotic system)
Sign of temporary pond/water body (of any size)
Potential for temporarily flooded, grassed area (observe terrain)
Overgrown swamp/swamp-like area
Permanent lake, pond > 100 m2 (i.e. score both if > 100 m2)
Permanent lake, pond < 100 m2
Large stones in lake/pond/stream
Fallen trees/wood/snag in pond/lake/stream
Potential for shaded and/or sun-exposed water surface
Soft/natural transition-zone (margin) between land and water
Mud, or signs thereof
Reeds/aquatic plants in transition zone
> 5 aquatic plant species
Substrate of water body visible in places, i.e. varied depth
Trees/shrubs adjacent to/overhanging water
3. Terrain Steep terrain difference (>33%) in places
3, 4, 5, 8,9 , 10, (11)
Smooth rolling terrain (with subtle depressions, i.e. not completely flat)
Slope/bank facing south with herb layer (but not short mown grass) Slope/bank facing south (as before) with pathces of bare soil
Bare soil and/or gravel >10m2 (can be pedestrian paths)
2, 6, 5, 10
Bare soil and/or gravel >2m2 (undisturbed)
1, 3,4, 5, 7,
Large stones > 0.5 m in length/diameter
Elevated terrain (e.g. slope) with vegetation cover on northern side
4, 5,
4. Level of continuity Some evidence of consistent management >50 years Brownfield/wasteland with frequent disturbance (1-20y)
1,3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9,10, 11 1
5. Hiding and foraging places for animals Overstorey crown cover (>5% of the park)
1,3, 4, 5, 6, 8,10, 11
Understorey (i.e. midstorey) cover (>5% of the park)
1, 2,3,4, 5, 6, 7,8,(11)
Multilayered stand-structure (3 or more vegetation layers/storeys)
Sun exposed areas (no shade)
1, 2, 3,4,5, 6,7,0,8, 9, 10, 11
Shaded areas (i.e. always and/or sometimes shaded)
1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6,7, 8,0, 9, 10, 11
Dense shrubs and undergrowth
1,2,3,4, 5, 6,7,8,9, 11
0, 6,3, 4,5,7, 8, 9, 11
Soft transition zones between habitats within park
Climbing vines in trees
9, 6,
Plant species with edible berries or nuts
2, 3, 4,5,6,8,(9), 10, 11
Different plant species with berries or nuts
4,5, 9, 10, (11)
Woodchips, bark, sawdust layers/mounds on ground Decomposing vegetation in heaps
Dry stonewall(s) i.e. without mortar (signs of degradation if with mortar)
1, 3, 5, 10
Mound of stones, gravel, or sand
3, 10
Smaller earth mounds/heaps
Bird box(es)
Insect hotel(s) Bat box(es) Holes (<5 cm Ø) in bare soil/substrate (e.g. mouse/ant holes, etc.)
2, 4,5, 6,7,10
6. Plant diversity > 5 different native tree species
4, 5, 6,(11)
> 15 different tree species
> 10 decidous(broad leaved) tree species
> 3 conifer tree species > 5 shrub species
4, 5, (9), (11)
> 5 native annuals and/or perennial herb species (herbaceous storey)
1, 2, 3, 4, 6,7,(9)
> 10 annuals and/or perennials herb species
1, 3, 7, (9)
Spontaneous (weedy-type) vegetation
1, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,(9), 10
7. Trees and deadwood Big trees ( > 70 cm diameter at breast height, i.e. dbh)
3, 4,10
Big trees ( > 50 cm dbh)
1,2, 6, 7, 8, 10 11
Medium sized trees (10 trees > 30 cm dbh)
4, (11)
Trees in groups/clusters
1, 4, 5, 6,8,10,(11)
Large singular trees
3, 7, 10
Understorey of trees
2, 4, 5, 11, 6,7,
Trees with cavities/holes/cracks
1, 2, 3, 4,5,7, 8,10 (11), 6,
Trees with loose bark
1, 2, 3,4, 7, 10, 11
Deadwood > 70 cm in diameter, (standing/lying)
Deadwood > 50 cm in diameter, (standing/lying); could be branches
Deadwood, > 30 cm in diameter (standing/lying); could be branches
8. Animal diversity > 5 different bird species
4, 5, (9), (11),
Birds of prey (including birds which fish) Mammals (not dogs) Amphibians or reptiles > 20 arthropod species > 8 arthropod species
(9), (11)
Animal noises, i.e. animal sounds contributing to soundscape
4, 5, (9), 10, (11), 6,
9. Biological interactions / human recreation Fungi on trees, or substrate
1. 5, (9)
> 4 different fungi species observed Lichens on trees/stones
0,1, 3, 4, 7,8,9, 10, 11
Mosses on trees/stone
1,3, 4, 5, 8, 10, (11), 6,
Lichens/moss on man-made structures
1,3, 0,7, 8,9
Signs of natural succession/regeneration/seed setting Pollinating insects and flowering plants Signs of herbivory, i.e. leaves with holes/bite marks Spiders and/or spiderwebs
2, 3, 4, 5, 7, (9), 10, (11) 3, 5, 7, (9), 10(11) 1, 2, 4,5, 7,8, 9, 10, 11 1, 2, 4, 5, 7,(9), 10, (11)
People running/walking/riding on allocated paths
4, 5, 6,8,
People sitting on lawn area; not disrupting "wilder areas" 10. Maintenance/management Garbage removal facilities Both long and short (cut) grass/herb vegetation
3, 5, (9)
Pile(s) of branches
5, (9)
Grazing animals (or signs thereof, e.g. fences) Tree stumps (assume for a purpose)
Piles/layers of litterfall/leaves left to decay (perhaps from last year)
Sign of integrating deadwood in park design
5, (9)
Wilder areas set aside, i.e. minimal maintenance
(9), (11), 7,
11. Lack of potential negative impacts (score if there is no presence/sign) Bird feeders or sign of bird feeding
0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,6,
Cats or signs of cats (sorry, cats aren't so good for birds, small mammals)
0,1,9, 10, 11
Dogs running wildly off-leash (with foaming mouths)
0,1, 2, 3, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11
Impermeable pavement covering more than 20% of area
3, 8,11
1 invasive plant species
0, 2, 8, 10
> 3 invasive plant species
0, 1, 4,5, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 6,
fInvasive animal species
0, 1, 5, 8,9,
> 3 invasive animal species
0, 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Many (open to interpretation) lamp posts (for night light)
Lamp posts lighting large trees all night
4, 5, 7,
Noise (loud and regular); i.e score if "loud" road noise is absent Potential for salted paths (i.e. paved paths throughout)
Grassed areas predominantly cut short
Score: Zone 0 = 11 Zone 1 = 28 Zone 2 = 20 Zone 3 = 31 Zone 4 = 41 Zone 5 = 42
Zone 6 = 25 Zone 7 = 27 Zone 8 = 25 Zone 9 = 17 (35) Zone 10 = 31 Zone 11 = 17 (37)