Amana Life no 55

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Winter 2016 | Issue 55 Keeping you informed of Amana Living news, views and events.

New in-home services roll out The introduction of consumer-directed care has enabled Amana Living to offer some brand new services. Maria Davison (General Manager Home Care and Housing) introduces the roll-out. Consumer-directed care means home care clients have more control and choice over the services they receive and how they are delivered, and from February next year, they will have complete control. This means they will hold the Government contribution to their services, along with their own payments, in an account, and make up their own minds when and where to spend the money. The only restriction will be ensuring the services they purchase sit within guidelines set by the Government.

This has freed us up to offer a wider range of services in a more flexible way and to coordinate those services to meet the specific needs of each client, while also planning for their future. Overwhelmingly, clients want to stay at home for as long as possible, and working with each person to understand what’s important to them is the best way of achieving this. Over the next few months, in addition to our current suite of services, we will be rolling out a series of new ones, available to clients with surplus funds to spend. We will eventually be making these new services available on a fee-for-service basis, so keep an eye out for news about that. | 541 Hay Street, Subiaco WA 6008 | Phone: 1300 26 26 26

Thanks to our departing CEO Amana Living CEO Ray Glickman will step down next month to take up new challenges, following a highly successful and very exciting 12 years in the position. On page 3, we celebrate Ray’s achievements and welcome the new CEO Stephanie Buckland.

How to access inhome services You can purchase in-home services on a full fee-for-service basis. Depending on your needs and preferences, you may be eligible for a Government subsidy. The following information is also available on our website. Subsidised services fall into two categories: Home and Community Care and Packaged Care. Once you know what you are eligible for, or if you simply want to purchase services without applying for Government support, get in touch with us. Home and Community Care (HACC) Home and Community Care, known as HACC, is for those who only need assistance with everyday tasks like cleaning or gardening, preparing meals, showering and dressing, shopping and banking, or transport to appointments. They’re the sorts of things a family member or friend might help with occasionally. But if you need more regular, ongoing support, or don’t have those informal networks close to you,

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HACC might be for you. Begin by talking to us, or to the Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre on 1800 200 422. A Regional Assessment Team will then carry out an assessment and decide whether you are eligible for HACC services. Packaged Care Packaged Care is ideal for those who are likely to need more support as time goes by, which really applies to most people. Clients receiving HACC often move onto Packaged Care at some point in order to continue living at home for as long as possible. Eligibility for Packaged Care is determined by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). Your GP can refer you to an ACAT. An ACAT representative will then make a time to meet with you for a comprehensive assessment. This will determine the level of care you are eligible for. We can help you at every step of the process. Call us on 1300 26 26 26.

Spring cleaning for Packaged Care clients If you received Packaged Care, you can have your home spring cleaned and use your surplus funds to pay for it. Amana Living offers a spring clean of your whole house, with the option to add a detailed clean of selected areas. This is a new service for Amana Living clients receiving packaged care, and will soon be available more widely. As well as thoroughly cleaning your floors and surfaces, the spring clean includes light fittings, blinds, microwave ovens, kitchen, laundry and bathroom fittings and mirrors, and rotating/flipping your mattress. Optional detailed cleaning includes cupboards, bookcases, and bathroom tiles, grout and shower glass. We also have additional services, such as carpet or upholstery cleaning, oven cleaning and laundry. Call us on 1300 26 26 26 to discuss your requirements.

CEO hands over In August, Ray Glickman steps down as Amana Living CEO, following what Chairman Steve Scudamore has described as “an outstanding 12 years”. Ray drove the change in branding from Anglican Homes to Amana Living, and established our positioning as an organisation that helps older people to truly live the second half of life. This inspiration is underpinned by our award-winning Enrichment Program. Initiatives under his watch include our flagship Treendale village, refurbishment of our low cost housing, expansion into transition care, a major increase in home care services, substantial improvement in residential care performance, and establishment of the unique McCusker Nurse Service. In addition to his role as CEO, Ray is known within the aged care industry for his advocacy in reform and support for innovative thinking. He leaves us to establish his own consulting and advisory business and to take on nonexecutive director positions. Tourism WA chief Stephanie Buckland (below) has been appointed as the new CEO of Amana Living. She will take up the position on 1 August, and as there will be a handover period we expect a smooth transition of leadership. Stephanie’s appointment follows a rigorous national search process for a leader who can continue to grow the organisation within an increasingly competitive market. “Aged care, much like the tourism industry, is going through a period of growth. I am excited to be joining this very important industry and look forward to leading the team at Amana Living,” she said.

Ray’s retrospective on his 12 years CEO Ray Glickman reflects on his 12 years leading Amana Living through times of great change and challenge. After more than a decade with Amana Living, I feel as committed to the cause as the day I started. However, new challenges are calling me. Over the last 12 years, I would like to think we have improved the organisation that once was known as Anglican Homes, without compromising its core values. I was hired to help lead the organisation into a new era. The Board recognised that the times were changing with the baby boomer generation on the doorstep. It was clear that the future would bring with it consumers who wanted a greater say in how their services would be delivered, workers who wanted to participate rather be told what to do, and a far greater level of competition in the aged care sector. My colleagues and I have placed a strong emphasis on strategy (to drive positive change), customer focus (to deliver what our consumers want), performance measurement (to understand how good we are) and culture development (to create a great place to work). I would like to think that we have been successful across these various fronts. I will definitely miss Amana Living. It is a great organisation with a deep commitment to service, a passion for quality and a true team spirit from the Board and management and throughout our wonderful staff group.

I admit I had to have my arm twisted to join the aged sector. But I’m glad I did. I have enjoyed my associations with our residents and clients, particularly so at key events like the Residents’ and Clients’ Party and Project Picasso. Above all, the work has been varied, interesting and challenging. I have tried to lead the organisation with clarity, purpose and, importantly, a sense of fun. Aged care is rewarding but tough work. Not taking oneself too seriously and seeing the lighter side of things helps people remain buoyant so they can really make a difference and enjoy themselves. My opportunities to work with the broader aged care sector have been most rewarding. I have chaired the WA peak body and served on the national board. The collegiate approach across the notfor-profit aged care sector is fantastic. We are on the verge of an exciting and challenging time, characterised by consumer choice and market competition. I wish Amana Living all the best, confident that it is in good hands with our Board, our new CEO Stephanie Buckland, our brilliant Leadership Team and our wonderful staff. I am leaving a job I still love; however, I am called to take on some new challenges as an author, board director and management consultant in my own business, From Left Field. I am looking forward to that and to staying in touch with Amana Living and watching it go from strength to strength. | 3

Funding cuts aim at most vulnerable In its 2016/17 budget, the Federal Government announced a claw-back of more than $1.8 billion from the most vulnerable people in residential care over the next four years. CEO Ray Glickman explains the potential impact of the cuts. Severe funding cuts announced in the federal budget are focusing on people in residential care with Complex Health Care (CHC) needs: for example, those with chronic pain, degenerative disease, severe arthritis and complex wounds. This is being done through changes to the assessment tool used to calculate funding. In effect, it means that, from January 2017, the amount allocated to a newly assessed person with CHC needs will drop from $66+ per day to as little as $16 – a 75% drop. The impact on aged care The impact on aged care, and WA’s ageing population, is potentially quite serious. Care providers will be unable to deliver comprehensive complex health care without making substantial cuts elsewhere. Some may be unable to admit CHC people at all, and many may not be able to afford allied health led pain treatments. The impact on the hospital system Hospitals, already under strain, will be under pressure to admit an increasing number of older people with health conditions that can no longer be managed by aged care providers. At the

same time, providers may no longer be able to accept referrals from hospital of patients with CHC needs. The impact on Amana Living Amana Living is committed to maintaining a consistently high quality of care, so none of our residents will be adversely affected. Currently, we have the staffing and expertise to treat residents with CHC needs, and to keep many of them out of hospital. The impact will be felt if we have insufficient funds to provide care for those with CHC needs who want to come to us after the changes are implemented. In this case, we may not be able to accept them into our care, which could result in their admission to hospital instead.

New art program partnership We’re proud to announce that we will be partnering with the Black Swan Prize for Portraiture this year to expand our Project Picasso art program. Our annual Project Picasso art program was established for residents and club clients living with dementia. This year, all Amana Living residents, including those living in our villages, will have the opportunity to participate in a bigger art program with lots of exciting events happening. These will include portraiture workshops, an exhibition of selected artworks at the Perth Cultural Centre and guided tours of the Black Swan Prize exhibition. We’re very excited about this program and the opportunities it offers for new artistic experiences and exhibition of works. To accommodate this new program, we have rescheduled our annual Residents’ and Clients’ Party to take place in the autumn.

What can be done We are supporting the national industry campaign urging the Government to put the changes on hold until they have conducted an independent review of funding and the true cost of care. You can help by lobbying your local MP with the same demands. Without a reversal of this decision, there will be some tough decisions to make. However, I reiterate our commitment to our residents, whose care will not be affected.

Ray Glickman, CEO

Sign up for e-news Amana Life is now published as an email newsletter (e-news) as well as a printed version. As an environmentally conscious organisation, we want to encourage you to sign up for Amana Life e-news as an alternative to receiving the printed edition by mail. It’s a simple process. Go to the News and Publications section of our website – -

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and you’ll find a sign-up form there. Fill this in and submit. If you want to be removed from the distribution list for the printed edition, please send a request to We will continue to produce the printed version of Amana Life for those who prefer it.

Virtual support for people living with dementia

Amana Living village resident Joyce Todd and Clinical Nurse Consultant Sue Pettigrew try out the new eConnect system, which is now being rolled out to home care clients living with dementia.

In a national first, Amana Living has launched eConnect, a virtual support service for people living with dementia. Peter Mildenhall (General Manager Corporate Assets) explains how it works. Amana Living has partnered with Telstra Health to use its MyCareManager eHealth platform to deliver the new service, Amana Living eConnect. Video conferencing and telemonitoring allow more one-to-one support for our clients and their carers, whether that’s counselling, helping them to access services or managing their health. We will also use the portal to deliver regular information updates by our McCusker Nurses (dementia specialists) and to facilitate an informal network connecting carers to encourage sharing of experiences.

Amana Living is the first provider in the country to implement the service with people living with dementia, and the first to use all four elements of MyCareManager in aged care: Video conferencing This enables practitioners, such as GPs, Amana Living Home Care Coordinators, counsellors and McCusker Nurses, to participate in joint video calls with the client, carer and family members. Remote health monitoring (telehealth) Home care clients are provided with devices like glucometers, weight scales and blood pressure cuffs that send vital sign measurements directly to Amana Living staff. This helps staff to remotely monitor and manage chronic conditions.

Online portal The secure portal enables clients or their carers to be more involved in their own healthcare by giving them access to their health records, appointments, Consumer Directed Care budget and care plans. Integration with home care service Amana Living eConnect will integrate with ComCare, the mobile system currently used by our home care staff to access a client’s record. Linking this with telehealth monitoring means data is updated in real time, so staff can respond more quickly to changes in health needs. The new service is part of a wider program, which will eventually see all our home care clients able to use Amana Living eConnect in their own homes. | 5

Telstra WA Community Engagement Specialist Hannah Wells (in yellow) and Telstra Area General Manager Boyd Brown with Louise Molyneux (left) and Emily Scarff from Amana Living

Amana Living residents Sylvia Smith (left) Judy Lypka (left), Telstra Digital Ambassador and Gwen Foot Jodie Wootton (in blue) and Amana Living Enrichment Manager Emily Scarff (right)

Residents keen to go digital Karrinyup retirement village residents enjoyed a coaching session in June on using digital technology to explore, shop and connect.

The increasing number of older people jumping online shows that they’re keen to discover what technology can do and how it helps them to stay connected.”

Telstra and the Seniors Recreation Council of WA hosted the free coaching session to show seniors how easy it is to access information like transport schedules, order groceries online, and connect with family and friends using technology.

Participants learned more about Internet surfing, cyber safety, social media and smart phones. The event included small group sessions where participants had a go at using various devices and technology.

Among the participants were residents from Amana Living’s Moline Village in Karrinyup, who were bussed to Telstra’s head office for the session.

Telstra Business Development Specialist Hannah Wells said Telstra was very pleased to have the opportunity to partner with Amana Living to support residents in understanding digital technology and developing their skills and confidence.

“Many baby boomers are already right across technology, but there are still a lot of older people who remain sceptical or even fearful of it,” said CEO Ray Glickman. “We want our residents to get the most out of life, and engaging with different tools and media is something many of them enjoy.

“Seniors can benefit from being online and connected no matter where they live, how old they are and what interests they have,” she said.

Community backs mini golf Residents at our Kalgoorlie care centre, Edward Collick Home, have been enjoying their new mini golf course over the past few months, thanks to generous donations of funds and time by the local community. At the end of May, the wheelchair-accessible course was officially opened by John Bowler, Mayor of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, and Wendy Duncan MLA. The event was an opportunity to invite and thank the supporters who had made the new facility possible.

Centre Operations Manager Nicole Gardiner with residents John Maisey and Robert Cable at the opening

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Microfibre a first for residential care A new microfibre cleaning system at our residential and transition care centres has resulted in better quality cleaning and reduced water consumption. Greg Massam (General Manager Marketing and Commercial Services) outlines the benefits. The microfibre system is relatively new to aged care in WA, and Amana Living is the first to roll it out across all residential care centres. It represents best practice in the health industry, particularly within the acute sector.

When Jane Dacruz was creating the ‘frangipani’ mural (pictured here), she said the residents took an interest as soon as she began to add the bright colours. Then they started visiting her and chatting about the painting as it progressed.

The art of dementia Enriching the lives of people living with dementia is a vital part of what we do. At Kinross Care Centre, a recent project has transformed the living environment. The project began with the creation of an Enrichment Team, who were tasked with looking for ways to improve the residents’ living environment. The team decided to differentiate the centre’s three permanent care houses with feature walls and new names: Kookaburra House, Beach House and Frangipani House. They then put out a call for a volunteer to paint a themed mural on each feature wall.

the themes, bringing in new furniture, painting some of the old dining tables for use in the small sitting areas, and displaying photos and names of the residents at the house entrances. The results of the transformation have been quite marked. The whole site has a calm, settled feel to it, and the response from residents has been very positive. Some sat and watched the artist at work, and others have engaged with the themes by touching the murals and identifying with the house names.

Jane Dacruz, a part-time artist, generously volunteered her time to paint the murals. Jane worked with the staff to find sample imagery and colours to suit each house before starting work.

The bright colours of the feature walls provide something stimulating to engage people living with dementia, and both the brightness of the colours and the calmness of the environment are helping to reduce residents’ agitation and responsive behaviours.

The team then refreshed the interior design throughout the houses, replacing decorative items and pictures in line with

The themes and décor have also created a tool for conversation and reminiscence between staff, families and residents.

Microfibre achieves a cleaner environment for our residents because it removes dirt rather than moving it across a surface. Staff say they really like the new system: it enables them to clean much more quickly and removes the need to lift heavy buckets and wring mops. An added benefit is in water-saving. The microfibre flat mop system uses a maximum of 6 litres of water compared with a minimum of 20-30 litres using the old mop-and-bucket approach. As the system becomes embedded and carpets are replaced with vinyl, we expect to see water savings of 218,000 litres per year.

Amana Living Hospitality staff Pascal Tholasse and Shylesh Pillai with the new microfibre cleaning system | 7

The rhythm of life and human experience One of my favourite pieces of scripture is Ecclesiastes 3 (verses 1 to 8) which begins: ‘For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven ...’ It speaks of the rhythm of life, and the rhythm of human experience, which every generation, past, present and future, is able to relate to and connect to their experience of life. It speaks of the contrasting rhythm of life, the light and the darkness, the pain and the joy, the sowing and the reaping, the tears and the laughter. It is an individual experience, while also

being universal. It is individual because of the uniqueness of each person’s life. It is universal due to the shared nature of our experiences of life – experiences that enable us to gain glimmers of understanding, develop empathy towards one another, build connections and come together in community through our shared humanity.

bring with them their unique rhythm, drawing one another into the universal dance of life. It’s a dance that, at times, can be a gentle and slow waltz, and at other times an exuberant, fast-paced salsa. Whatever our experience, it is this connection that enables us to care for and be supportive and nurturing towards one another.

This is the reality, the earthiness of life, experienced to varying degrees by each of us – some more than others, some less than expected.

May the spirit of the creative God continue to draw you into the rhythm of life; may you dance with love and hope.

All within Amana Living – our residents, clients, staff, families and volunteers –

Revd Deborah Joyce, Senior Chaplain

We value our volunteers Our volunteers are vital in helping us enrich the lives of residents and clients. Some of them got together recently for morning tea at Zamia Cafe and a tour of Kings Park. The event was hosted by Amana Living to thank volunteers for their time and dedication.

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New look for staff

Brand new Amana Living uniforms are being rolled out now, creating a really strong brand image in all areas of direct care. Jenny Williams (General Manager Human Resources) explains why. The Amana Living uniform design dates back more than five years, and so it was time to refresh the look and update the technology in the fabric. This has resulted in uniforms that allow easier movement, are more comfortable and also look great. Additional pieces are available for warmth in winter, and for the first time we have also introduced corporate uniforms for our administration staff. The designs are in line with our refreshed branding and based on employees’ feedback regarding comfort and practicality. We also recognised the need for residents, clients and visitors to easily identify care and administration staff. Feedback from employees has been overwhelmingly positive. We think they look pretty smart!

New appointments Here are some of the new names you may come across in our care centres or home care service. We are delighted to welcome them all to the Amana Living team. Rosey Thompson has been welcomed to the Customer Service team as Care Assessor. Rosey will carry out preliminary ACFI assessments for new clients applying for permanent residential care and complete assessments of potential home care clients.

Follow us on Facebook

Our growing home care service team has welcomed Nichola Doyle as Home Care Coordinator and two new Resource Coordinators: Joseph Reale and Alexandra Pervan.

Our Facebook page began as a way to celebrate the great work done by our staff and provide a ‘feel’ for the way we enrich the lives of older Western Australians. It’s now become a key channel for us to spread heart-warming stories about living the second half of life. We invite you to follow our official page, which is identified by our logo as the profile picture. We love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to send us a message.

Hasan Shoeib has joined our residential care team as a Relief Service Manager to step into our care centres when managers are on leave or move on to another position. Hasan is currently managing Parry Care Centre in Lesmurdie. We now have a new Coordinator at Club Catherine King in Osborne Park. Jennifer Crossing recently took up the position following the departure of Alison Openshaw. And in our Bull Creek transition care centre, Judith Kyle-Gallagher has taken up the position of Social Worker – an essential role for people transitioning from hospital into residential care or back home. | 9

Staff profile Amanda Koekemoer, Carer, OTA and Admin Assistant Amanda has been a carer at Parry Care Centre in Lesmurdie for four years – a job she couldn’t imagine living without. She also works as a part-time occupational therapy assistant and provides holiday administration relief. We asked Amanda to tell us why she loves her job so much. Amanda, why did you choose to work in aged care? I had to give up my secretarial job due to problems with my eyes, so I was looking for something new that didn’t involve sitting at a computer. I love being with children and the elderly, and I’ve always had a special empathy with older people, so aged care was an obvious option. When I joined Parry, I thought ‘Wow, I’ve found my calling!’ How did you come to join Amana Living? I first worked for my Certificate III. Then one day I just happened to be walking down the road where Parry is situated and I knocked on the front door. There was a position available so I applied for it, and the manager who was there at the time was thrilled. She welcomed me with open arms! Since then, I’ve come to feel part of the Amana Living family – it has been wonderful!

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What’s the best part of your job? I was very fortunate to be selected to do a course on palliative care, and to be involved in setting up a palliative care team at the centre. This is by far my favourite part of the job. You feel a sense of presence, calmness and peacefulness during that last stage of life. It’s an honour to be there for someone at such a time. I would love to do this full time. What advice would you give to young people considering aged care as a career option? I see a lot of trainees and students come to Parry, and I’ve noticed that it’s those with real empathy who do well. I would say, remember that you’re doing a job for the residents, not for yourself or for money. This isn’t just a 7 to 3 job – care staff need to be generous with their time and not rush things. Respect is also vital. We are coming into the residents’ home, and it’s important to remember that. What will be the next step for you? To continue what I’m doing! I work for the love of it, and this job has become my life. I’m happy doing the OT and admin jobs too. In fact I’m very happy with my life as it is.

Amanda Koekemoer with resident Jane Farr.

Staff give back to residents Amana Living staff have hearts of gold. Many employees make regular donations from their pay towards the Staff Giving Fund, which is dedicated to projects that enrich the lives of residents and clients. At Hale Care Centre in Coolbellup, the fund has enabled Service Manager Freeman Figgins to turn a courtyard area into an attractive space that offers both sensory stimulation and a place to relax. The Waratah Courtyard has new outdoor furniture, a vertical garden and water-wall feature, potted fruit tree and herb garden, new planters and paving, ornaments, an upgraded fish pond/aquaponics tank and new reticulation.

Most of the new plants are rare or high conservation status native flora, sourced from “Friends of Kings Park” fundraisers. “People here have tons of good ideas for the project,” said Freeman. “Our maintenance staff are looking for a nice fountain that fits the area, and we recently put in herbs and climbers to add interest to a blank wall near the aquaponics tank. As the garden gets more established, we’ve had several staff and visitors, and even residents donating their own plants to the garden. It’s starting to look really nice.”

Thanks to our supporters We are extremely grateful to all those who have supported Amana Living through sponsorship, donations and bequests.

by the John and Beryl May Henderson Foundation, bequests and other kind donations.

In this issue of Amana Life, we make special mention of the Forbes family. In 2013, McCusker Nurse Karen Malone provided support for the family when their father, Keith, was living with Alzheimer’s Disease. After his recent passing, the family requested donations to be sent to the McCusker Nurse Service so that other families touched by dementia can benefit as they did. Our condolences and thanks go to the family. The McCusker Nurse Service was established with funding from the McCusker Charitable Foundation, and has been supported | 11

I would like to support Amana Living Please complete and return this form to: Amana Living Anglican Foundation, PO Box 933, Subiaco WA 6904. You are invited to make a donation to a particular Amana Living care centre, or a general donation to the Amana Living Anglican Foundation: Donation to (specify name of centre):______________________________________________________________ General donation to the Amana Living Anglican Foundation I would like to give the following amount:




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I would like to make a regular donation to the Amana Living Anglican Foundation to be drawn automatically from my credit card (until I choose to discontinue):



3 monthly

6 monthly

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Address________________________________________ __________________________ P/Code ______________

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Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible. Cheques should be made payable to the Amana Living Anglican Foundation.

Please contact me with information about how I can contribute time or expertise as a volunteer. Please send me information about helping Amana Living through a will or bequest. Please include me on the Amana Living Annual Report mailing list.


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