City Commission Meeting June 20, 2017
South Federal
Ind. Craf
HOB Downtown
BBB Cultural
North Federal
Cultural District Overlay Zone CDRV 17-001
Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Purpose & intent Defined area Conflict Uses Modified building/site regulations Accessory structures Building design Parking Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
Contents 1. Purpose & intent 2. Defined area 3. Conflict 4. Uses 5. Modified building/site regulations 6. Accessory structures 7. Building design 8. Parking 9. Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
a. Provide for a mix of selected uses and activities b. Encourage the location of specialty retail, artist related uses and entertainment establishments c. Initiate implementation of CRA d. pride in the City's architectural, historical, and cultural heritage; e. Ensure that redevelopment within this area, regardless of underlying zoning district, will maintain an appropriate development scale f. Improve overall livability 7
Contents 1. Purpose & intent 2. Defined area 3. Conflict 4. Uses 5. Modified building/site regulations 6. Accessory structures 7. Building design 8. Parking 9. Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
Regulations are geographically specific to the vision and goals of the cultural district. Overlay regulations are in addition to other code requirements and when in conflict take precedence.
Contents 1. Purpose & intent 2. Defined area 3. Conflict 4. Uses 5. Modified building/site regulations 6. Accessory structures 7. Building design 8. Parking 9. Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
Prohibits uses that are not clearly in line with the specific vision of the Cultural district.
Contents 1. Purpose & intent 2. Defined area 3. Conflict 4. Uses 5. Modified building/site regulations 6. Accessory structures 7. Building design 8. Parking 9. Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
Lot area Lot frontage Pedestrian Zone Build to lines Building frontage Scale / Heights Setbacks Public space
Pedestrian Zone
8’ Sidewalk
8’ Active Area
18’ 6”
Pedestrian Zone
Scale / Heights
Max height is a factor of zoning districts. Overlay adds a cap of 35’ on Ocean Ave & SE 2nd Ave frontages.
Maximum height consistent for 30’
35’ Maximum along Ocean & SE 2nd Ave.
Per Zoning District
Contents 1. Purpose & intent 2. Defined area 3. Conflict 4. Uses 5. Modified building/site regulations 6. Accessory structures 7. Building design 8. Parking 9. Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
Adapted Fence regulations that promote pedestrian activity. Adapted sign regulations that promote the pedestrian scale. Prohibits: Freestanding signs, roof mounted signs, any signs above 35 feet, animated, or moving signs. 15
Contents 1. Purpose & intent 2. Defined area 3. Conflict 4. Uses 5. Modified building/site regulations 6. Accessory structures 7. Building design 8. Parking 9. Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
Coastal Village Architecture
Derived from Key West Vernacular and Bungalow styles Components: hip and/or gable roof, rectilinear forms with stepbacks, porches, and building articulation 16
Coastal Village Architecture Delray Beach, FL
Coastal Village Architecture
Lake Worth, FL
Coastal Village Architecture
Abacoa Jupiter, FL
Contents 1. Purpose & intent 2. Defined area 3. Conflict 4. Uses 5. Modified building/site regulations 6. Accessory structures 7. Building design 8. Parking 9. Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
Already Existing: Screen off-street parking areas from abutting rights-of-way and locate buildings along front and side corner property lines. Required spaces may be reduced by up to fifty percent (50%) for new developments (excluding residential projects). 20
Boynton Beach Boulevard Overlay Zone CDRV 17-002
Contents 1. Purpose & intent 2. Defined area 3. Conflict 4. Uses 5. Modified building/site regulations 6. Accessory structures 7. Building design 8. Parking 9. Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
The western area is to act as a welcoming and attractive entry to the City, while the eastern area is to act as the entry to the City’s Downtown
Encourage the location of restaurant, retail, office, and entertainment establishments, along with pedestrian-friendly improvements that would complement and support the Downtown
Incentivize land assembly
Contents 1. Purpose & intent 2. Defined area 3. Conflict 4. Uses 5. Modified building/site regulations 6. Accessory structures 7. Building design 8. Parking 9. Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
Regulations are geographically specific to the vision and goals of the cultural district. Overlay regulations are in addition to other code requirements and when in conflict take precedence. Prohibits uses that are not clearly in line with the specific vision of the Boynton Beach Blvd. District. Screening and placements of drivethroughs Adapted Fence regulations that promote pedestrian activity. 24
Contents 1. Purpose & intent 2. Defined area 3. Conflict 4. Uses 5. Modified building/site regulations 6. Accessory structures 7. Building design 8. Parking 9. Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
Lot area Lot frontage Pedestrian Zone Build to lines Building frontage Scale / Heights: Max height is a factor of zoning districts. Overlay adds a cap of 45’ on Boynton Beach Blvd frontages. Setbacks Public space
Contents 1. Purpose & intent 2. Defined area 3. Conflict 4. Uses 5. Modified building/site regulations 6. Accessory structures 7. Building design 8. Parking 9. Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
Building orientation Fenestration requirements Wall articulation
Contents 1. Purpose & intent 2. Defined area 3. Conflict 4. Uses 5. Modified building/site regulations 6. Accessory structures 7. Building design 8. Parking 9. Signage and Exterior Lighting Standards.
Screen off-street parking areas from abutting rights-of-way and locate buildings along front and side corner property lines.
Adapted sign regulations that promote the pedestrian scale. Adapted sign regulations to limits placements and size of monument signs. 27
Questions? 561.742.6372 Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director Amanda Bassiely, Senior Planner- Urban Designer
Additions • Interim Standard: – A limit for additions for existing structures based on square footages. – A limit for renovations of existing structures based on cost.