Col our sf orSt r uct ur esi nt heAot ear oaNewZeal andLandscape
Cod Cri b
Cri d o C
Leaf Cri b
Leaf Crib
Clova Bay holiday cottage development, pelorus sound.v colour schemes, 2006
Rock Crib
Clova Bay holiday cottage development, pelorus sound. colour schemes, 2006
trict Plan ent Zone Hurunui Dis ve Developm si en eh pr om Claverley C Rule B1.2.11 (d) Exterior
any of the comprised of
following mat
l be ructure shal building or st y an of e ac surf The exterior r; Natural timbe stone; Greywacke te; or Raw concre shall be no or any trim, C Group hues. ls al w , of ro 10 g the e 06, 08 and ure, includin Metal. ing or struct A Group, B Group or th ild bu a of e ge ac Colour Ran exterior surf plied to any , and of the BSS 5252 ity iv Any colour ap ct 37% refle lighter than
Claverley Comprehensive Development Zone 2008
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Lucas Asso
u l e se R l a n s A Zon P t r i c 0 - Lake t s i D tion 2
, . ished 37% re fin n 0 and a s e e c e D ACTIVITIES surfa betw t terior values of x heigh e e m h u y t t i m i e v . ax her ecti 21.1 PERMITTE eded he m ing w n refl ere t t is exce h build he roof, i w y , n h g nt S 1.1 A cluding t nts. ll hei wpoi A21. a vie terior wa in chme TIVITIE t a C m c o A r x f R e era etre seen araw ters: an be re the 5 m wing mat ka and T c OTHE t 5 . a e e th o to 22 ities Okar e foll or wh lding 22.2 Activ y bui tres and/ ons on th ints in the d n e l a l , o i e it gs po ontr cond 7.5 m uildin view C rae b ot exceed y impose ffects on a A212 m r e a nd m oes n isual ept fo ior. Exc tres but d control a ce their v ectivity: 1 . 2 . exter s u fl t e i d e h r e A22 ds 6 me t e r f r o s to e vel o eserv sed f exce il shall r f building — the le ish u n fi o c s d t n e eigh ity valu Cou ls an . tiv ateria • HReflec a of glass — the m reas. t e ace a * he ar treatmen ave. f r u s e e of . or ro • TSurfac th of any rior walls wall d e i t p x w u e f • he eak ight o to br • T he he features . g • TDesign n gutterin o h s i • in • F
rotorua lakes a zone, Planning regime from 1998
rotorua lakes a zone design guidelines 2002
idential 5, The Lakes.
Waimakariri Distict Plan, Res
for a special quality residential The Residential 5 Zone provides made water bodies. It manenvironment focused around controls in place in recognition is a zone that has restrictive ironment including habitat and of the qualities of the env re r bodies. It is a location whe wildlife values of those wate . amenity plantings are required extensive landscaping and A ue zone within the District. The Residential 5 Zone is a uniq nity will be created within ame of particular character and level this zone. trols on building design�
For Res 5, there are “strict con
Development Covenants: or cladding, gable-end, dormer (f) Use as any wall than timber, concrete trim of any material other ured plaster or any block, local stone or rough text ls which shall be combination of these materia or coloured earthy finished in their natural colours 40% reflectively. mid tones of between 12% and h for a roof including trim, whic (g) Use any materials ral hed in their natu shall not be painted or finis s of between 5% and tone dark colours and coloured 12% reflectivity.
The lakes Residential zone, Waimakariri, from 1997
Development of the lakes as a rural hamlet, since 1997
Peel F Colo orest Ha ll ur O ption s
Lucas Ass
Waitomo community Plans 1997
sumner concept plan 1995
sumner concept plan 1995
- Ste
Reefton Revival 1996
ot p s t h g i r b s ’ ast o c e h T n o Reeft
nt e m
p s a e
ca s d n
o s t c e
g n i d buil
n g i s de
lac p &
article by Lucas Associates - Environmental designbook 1993
upper waimakariri basin - landscape guidelines 1992 (Earl Bennett & Di Lucas)
CONCEPT LANDSCAPE GRASMERE STATION t Plan M ZONE e Developmen URBAN with Landscap in conjunction To be read
appear ilar houses, that a cluster of sim r the fo of is rt ne pa zo as n e urba onto the ground wn The intent of th do t dual ivi se d ind an landscape ar as a series of tucked into the are not to appe e the rc ey fo Th -in . re de all no sh ion ncept l Grasmere Stat The planting co duce the visua s with houses. tchment and re ca r ve Ri private section bss su o Ca tation of the divided into tw ban M Zone is indigenous vege prelopment. The Ur ve line on the Com de ed e th tch of ha e ct th th impa wi es are op wn Sl ho r (s pe r Slopes Slopes. The Up zones, the Uppe rd the wa and the Lower to ) an es Pl op t Sl en r m e Lowe hensive Develop e grove, with th e grove. south of the pin rth side of the pin no e th situated to the on in rra te ce rra te er more gentle riv earthy LS ish to be in dark BUILDING MATERIA profile for rooves. Surface fin ). ns ow br dre Corrugated browns, avoid • corrugated -greens, greys, , ey ish gr fin r ull (d ste rs pla colou r, rough ds to be: timbe Walls, gable en ne. sto • e ck wa poles. Wall ey visible piles or profile and/or gr oid av lid so pt ations to be ke nd level. • Found e down to grou ed or ials can continu er be timber - paint at to m es sh sa , es av as itr el ch ar minium or ste Window / door • be coloured alu n ca es sh Sa . . es unpainted e as per roov me colour rang r. alternative. Sa match roof colou to ish fin tail. ting etc, surface r surface or de ou rio te Sp ex y an to • es ish fin t igh br ht or • No lig to be 37%. um reflectivity Maxim
upper waimakariri basin - Grasmere
uthurs Pass
Memorial Seat, A
upper waimakariri basin - Authurs Pass
Basic Landscape is the Design Base of design for all The natural landscape should form the basis s and textures farm development. The patterns, shapes, colour the:for basis a form should ape landsc of the The size, shape, 1. Siting and design of buildings. structure (houses, materials and colours of of any and every the landscape and sheds, silos, tanks etc.) should all relate to each other. s, colours and tex2. Siting of any planting. The shape crop, amenity, tree r, shelte try, (fores s tures of all plant masse rk of cover. No river control etc.) should be part of a total netwo plant individual or isolated. should all re3. Siting of roading. Tracks, drives, lanes the land in of form the into fit and aries bound l late to natura possible. as ificant insign and l flowing curves to look as logica walls. Where pos4. Siting and design of fences and that occur there ials mater land; sible lines flowing with the styles). naturally or blend in; simple designs (not urban ape framework. All these elements should be part of a landsc bute to creating a They should look like they belong and contri more pleasant place to live, work and visit.
landscape guidelines for rural south canterbury 1981
resene range (2009) with 5 of the original 6 colorsteel colours of Lucas 1982
u Bridge