Di Lucas, Landscape Architect, Lucas Associates Graphics by: Amanda Anthony, Landscape Architect, Lucas Associates
Neil Dawson “Nor-west Arch”
“Re-Gardening our City – RENEWING the World Model”
G O N D W A N A 200 million years ago
New Zealand separated 85 m i l l i o n y e a r s a g o
Source: In Search of Ancient New Zealand, p. 72
Source: A Continent on the Move, p. 80
C a n t e r b u r y Tr i a s s i c Fossils
Ginkgo fossil
eg Malvern Hills, Clent Hills, Clarence Valley
Liriodendron ancestor cycad
Source: Ian L. Daniel
Source: The Natural History of Canterbury, p.863
Source: The Natural History of Canterbury, p. 43 & 46
W A I T A H A 1 0 0 0
y e a r s
a g o
Source: Te Whakatau Kaupapa
Source: Te Whakatau Kaupapa
Little forest remains
1 8 5 0
Greatest Health for the Greatest Number
1850 A park greenbelt was to: •Improve the environment for the working class •Separate urban and rural •Control city expansion •Guard against & protect the natives •Transplant the British landscape
30m Avenues
U r b a n - A v e n u e - 4 0 m To w n B e l t - A v e n u e - R u r a l
Hagley Park lined with Oak trees
colonial park
natural island
Source: The Natural History of Canterbury, p
BEAUTIFYING the post-war flourish
BEAUTIFYING Home & Building in 1950 asked
“Is a Pacific Style emerging?”
The Nature of Place
N AT I V E P L A N T G U I D E S (1995)
C H R I S T C H U R C H ‟ S WAT E R WAY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMME • Protect natural areas
•Restore native habitat •Enhance ecosystems for birds, fish, lizards and insects
•Create green linkages or corridors •Restore waterways for people‟s enjoyment and sense of history
Source: Lucas Associates 1995
Source: Lucas Associates
Christchurch Ecosystems
Source: Lucas Associates 1995
Dry Plains
Wet Plains
Port Hills
Source: Lucas Associates 1995
„delight in diverse divaricatorsâ€&#x;
Source: Lucas Associates
Source: Christchurch City Council 1999
•Recognize that levees erupt in earthquakes and lateral spread occurs
Source: Christchurch City Council 1999
Commendable works
Source: Christchurch City Council 1999
Demonstrations are already available Source: Christchurch City Council 1999
Source: Christchurch City Council 1999
F E B R U A RY 2 2 , 2 0 11 , 1 2 : 5 2 P M
Ruauomoko God of Earthquakes
P O S T 2 0 11 Q U A K E N O W
Halswell River levees ripped after the February earthquake
Tjibaou Cultural Centre, New Caledonia
Structures expressing the nature and culture of place
Tjibaou Cultural Centre, New Caledonia
Ecology Industrial Park Plan, Japan This is an idea for an industrial park that has a sewage disposal plant as its primary fixture. The sewage disposal plant would be in the center buried under a mound and from, the surrounding area, resemble a small island within a pond. Self-contained developments reticulated
By: Nobuo Shurasuna
City of 1000 lakes vs City of 8000 springs Sister China
Like Wuhan, Christchurch has a high water table, resulting in many springs and waterways. Wuhan has many freshwater lakes. Christchurch has the sea coast. Waterways the springs, rivers, streams, wetlands, estuary and coast - form a natural landscape matrix and structure for this city.
Sister City : Wuhan, China
Reveal our wetlands for amenity, biodiversity & research as at Wuhan
Avon River The natural & heritage feature survives, but can the contributing springs be unearthed?
New Regent Street
Value spaces with heritage associations
'Caught in the Act of Losing You – „Sporadanthus Ferrugineus‟ Clock Tower, Christchurch re „remembering nature & culture through art‟
Sculpture by Neil Dawson
Sculpture by Colleen Priest
Flood Management Zone in C i t y P l a n ( 3 0 J a n u a r y 2 0 11 ) Avon & Heathcote River Blue-Greenway Pedestrian Corridor & Cycleway Potential •Address sea level rise •Re-mapping needed as land surfaces have dropped
Art work
Art work Promenade Allotments
Avon River corridor Source: Lucas Associates 2011
Flood Management Zone in City Plan January 30, 2011 Avon River Blue-Greenway Pedestrian Corridor & Cycleway
Neighbourhood Centre
Sustainable design & comprehensive planning needs to be implemented Source: Christchurch City Council, Sustainable Transport: Christchurch Perspective
Food cultivation
Solar panels within a green roof Rain garden
Green roof River garden Permeable paving Small trees
Green Wall Bioretention strips or stormwater planters Medium to large trees
Green Building Model Source: Lucas Associates 2011
‘Marokapara’ Green Roof (built 1998) example of a „green roof‟ in the city increasing local biodiversity while reducing water runoff
Wall greened with native climber
Source: Lucas Associates
Rain Gardens
Source: Lucas Associates
STUFF THE GRID! The draughty eastwest channels, that is, plant them up.
Bisect & intersect the grid to create f r i e n d l y, g r e e n l a n e spaces.
Greenspace around Christchurch
Potential for substantial greenways (eg. Hagley Park to estuary) More neighbourhood parks and green linkages Source: Christchurch City Council, Sustainable Transport: Christchurch Perspective, Tony Moore
Moa Reserve Central Christchurch
Community Park & Reserve
Packe Street community Garden, Christchurch Neighbourhood Park Wildness, informal play, flowers/food growing, performance, art & gatherings
City Mall
Now we have the revamped mall, but not the
Source: Christchurch City Council, Tony Moore
Transparent or translucent structure
Shops, cafes, markets & vegetation spaces under canopy
Retail & Entertainment Area Easily accessed by pedestrians & cycles, create city centre attractions & canopy a block or two Source: Lucas Associates 2011
A permanent canopy structure, Wait omo
Source: Architecture NZ Magazine 2011
Temporary canopy structure, Japan By: Nobuo Shurasuna
w w w . l u c a s - a s s o c i a t e s . c o . n z