Notorious Zines Case Study

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Case Study & Style Guide


get a snack-- this is gonna take a bit





Target Market


User Persona & Demographics

6 7










Information Architecture






Keywords & Tone of Voice




Style & Colors






CONCEPT Notorious is a zine intended to educate and entertain readers about the nightlife of different exotic locations around the world. Each issue will focus on a particular city and what it is “notorious� for: their infamous attractions, whether the reader views them as glamorous or controversial. Within large urban cities, there is a grunge and glittering scene that co-exist, ultimately creating a contrast of the beauty in each of them. The zine begins through the mind of the party tourist, or reader, displaying clean but visceral layouts as they begin their journey through the cities’ beautiful locations/topics. The visuals overlap throughout in various degrees, and begin to deteriorate as the tourist ultimately finds his/herself more drunk. Lines are blurred, inhibitions fade away, reason devolves, and ethics are challenged.


MARKET RESEARCH The desired target audience was Millennial males, aged anywhere from 18-34. The demographics such as education, martial status, and nationality could not be answered yet, and required more research.

Would a zine even be a relevant purchase for them? The answer was more yes, than no, considering the declining health of the magazine industry contrasted with the growing popularity of alternative publications such as fanzines and web-comics. Another challenge to overcome was to create a zine that would transcend the buying habits of my desired target. In a nutshell, they buy experiences—not things.


tar How How do do II market market aa product product to to people people who who currently currently reject reject materialism? materialism?


According to the VALS (Values, Attitudes, and Lifestyles) market segmentation, the archetype the research places the target audience into is the Experiencers. This consumer group typically have a motivation for: • • • • •

Self Expression Are the 1st into, and out of, a particular trend Are anti-mainstream Love physical activity and are sensation seeking See themselves as social, spontaneous, and have a heightened sense of visual stimulation

Based foundfacts these Based on on my theresearch, research,I these facts helpful as well.. were were helpful as well: • • • •


78% of millennials crave experiences Fear of Missing Out is magnified with social media Millennial males in particular identify with normal guys who are put in extreme or exaggerated situations Men take in sensory information unilaterally, while women take in sensory information globally


Interests • Pop-culture and •

Festivals, conce

artists/bands Very internet sa social media


• •

Likes having a g Likes trying new

• •

Traveling Likes meeting ne

target market


• •

18-34 millennial males Mostly white, but sales opportunity with African

• •

Americans and Hispanics Straight, and most likely single Upper to middle class income

• •

Most likely a university student with a part time job, or a young adult with a full-time job. If not a student, the target audience would have at least a bachelor’s degree.


ests op-culture and today’s trends

Activities • Constantly searching for the new “hot spot”

estivals, concerts, and emerging

• •

Seeks out opportunities to make memories Seeks out high-energy, thrilling activities like parasailing or partying on the beach

• •

“YOLO” mentality Liberal and progressive in political views Believes in open discussions about

Curating their own personal style, like tailoring their facial hair just right, buying new Nike’s, and working out

• •

controversial topics Values memories over “things” Believes in exploring out of one’s comfort zone

rtists/bands ery internet saavy and is often on

ocial media kes having a good time with friends

target persona

kes trying new experiences and places • aveling kes meeting new people, especially women

Concerned with appearance and what other people think

Name: Bryce

Location: City kid and loves it that way

Values • Getting the most out of every experience; the




• • • • • • • •

Job: Student, but works part-time as a local bar-back.

Family: Quirks: Parents still married; 1 older brother who has family of his own

Wants to feel like they have lived a full life, packed with crazy nights, laughter, and passion

• • • •

Likes to share Has a messy room Enjoys twisted/ dark humor Believes in recreational drug use Watches anime every now and then

Fun-loving/outgoing Life of the party Thrill-seeker Deep-thinker Likes art, music, fashion, and other luxuries Everyone’s bro Like empowered women Supportive of friends/family

Goals: • • • •

To see and visit as many places as possible. To collect as many experiences as he can to tell his grandchildren. To take advantage of every learning opportunity. Eventually start a family of his own.

Fears: • • • •

Starbuck’s running out of Pumpkin Spice Missing out Spiders Staying in one place his whole life

INSPIRATION The inspiration for Notorious was the driving force behind the conceptual vision. I always saw sexy, bright, mysterious photography. Notorious would soak up all this edgy, sickly sweet imagery and effects, and then package it into a unique experience for the viewer. Every spread is a new surprise, a new message. The most influential images were ones that depicted deep contrast, and made the viewer question what they were even seeing. In this inspirational stage, I analyzed what exactly made that photograph striking and interesting.

How could I manipulate the images to make my readers feel or think a certain way about the subject matter? Various websites were explored for the content, such as Tumblr, Facebook, Behance, Instagram, Designspiration, Pinterest, and even Deviantart.


FLATPLANS For the flatplans was used to better see the balance of type vs. image. Then, choosing the best thumbnails to take to the flat plan stage, and making 3-4 options for each article or main edit. The black and white flatplans signified a full bleed image that would overtake the whole spread. Later, this went an extra step and I laid out more refined flatplans as simple thumbnails. The best of the 3-4 options presented were then drawn out with all the other spreads. This way I could see the pacing and flow that I have chosen, and what needs to be improved upon.

INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE Information Architecture was extremely important in pulling off the conceptual effect of overlapping, devolving, and the dichotomy that exists between the tourist world my viewer comes for, and the raw culture my viewer stays for. Based on critique and research, it was decided Notorious in theory would be distributed nationally in the United States, but with emphasis on urban cities such as L.A. and Miami. The first two issues of the year would be Bangkok, Thailand and then Paris, France—making it a bi-yearly zine. Of course, due to its graphic nature, persons only 18+ could purchase. It would also make sense that Notorious could be purchased at around $12. Advertising would target places like Spencer’s Gifts, Urban Outfitters, and concert venues. Our competition would be Hustler magazine, Playboy magazine, Maxim magazine, College Humor, and underground erotic zines that are not advertised conventionally. Photography and content would be based completely on creative commons, attribution, and fans who could submit their experiences. The structure of the zine would be fluid and conducive to the content like a magazine, such as listing credits, a TOC, articles, features, and ads.



FRONT OF BOOK Letter from the Editor Table of Contents

FRONT OF BOOK Letter from the Editor Table of Contents

Treat Yo Self - Topic Article Pregrame - Topic Article

Treat Yo Self - Topic Article Pregrame - Topic Article

FEATURES Fortune Days Starring Roles

FEATURE Human After All

BODY Wine Me... - Topic Article TURNT - Topic Article Moondust - Advertisement FEATURES Starve the Ego, Feed the Soul Love You Long Time - Advertisement Vacancy END OF BOOK Credits

BODY Dine Me - Topic Article TURNT - Topic Article C’est Paris - Advertisement FEATURES Entrance The Green Faerie The Diamond Girls Curtain Call - Advertisement Wicked Games END OF BOOK Credits


Paris Franc


ice bars daft punk dans le noir


ars unk oir

BRAND EQUITY The masthead in comparison to the other elements in Notorious is minimal. It is applied as a color overlay over the cover image, and is displayed in Notorious’s main typeface Neutra. It should always appear in uppercase, and on the right edge of the cover. Notorious’s masthead speaks to its outrageous attitude, and ultimate glamorous appeal.


• • • • • • • •

Visceral Adventure Glamorous Duality Controversy Edgy Intoxicating Opulent

• • • • • •

Snarky Unapologetic Humorous Alluring Grungy Eccentric



STYLE Any and all rules are subject to change upon feeling and concept of Notorious as a whole. It should always be an experience for the reader. They should feel the emotion of the places/subject matter first, then they have the option to learn/read the content. Present the facts accurately, but keep in mind, that the readers probably wouldn’t be purchasing the zine for that. Lastly, everything in moderation. It is imperative to keep a constant tease, an allusion, a glimpse, not the whole spread-eagle. Notorious is about taste. Strippers too. But taste.


All for the colors, for the most part, come from the pink, red, blue, or violet spectrum. Almost all colors exist within Notorious due to the extensive photo treatments and manipulations.


MASTHEAD & TItles Masthead - Neutra Display, Titling at 100pt Set as vertical reading, and white text color at Soft Light. Titles - Neutra Display, Tiling from sizes 30 - 100pts. Use for Contents titles and Topic Articles always. Optional for advertisement and feature titles.

SPECIAL TITLES & QUOTES Special Titles - Neutra Text, Light SC Italic at anywhere from 20 - 50pts. Always use for Letter from the Editor. Quotes - Neutra Text, Light SC Italic at anywhere from 20 - 50pts. Use anytime the content calls for a pull out quote, or a song lyric.

Copy Neutra Text Book, at 8pts, 15pt leading, and Neutra Text Demi. Only use Demi in cases in which legibilty is compromised unintentionally. The contents is the only case in which one could see copy in uppercase.

captions Orator STD, 9pts to 20pts Use for taglines, captions, and special case call outs. If used as call out quote, there has to be at least an 18pt leading.

Page Numbers Neutra Text Book, Black, 70% opacity, any size





IMAGERY At this point and time, Notorious does not employ illustration. Photography is the star of the show, and photomanipulation is the lens in which the stories are told. Manipulation aids the reader in actually experiencing our subject matter, and how to perhaps differentiate issues within the zine. They’re loud, proud, and should be used purposefully, and not when in doubt. Let the feeling and inner concept within the issue lead the way, and where the viewer is in the journey of the zine. Notorious currently uses, but is not limited to, the following image edits: • • • • • • • • • •

Transparency Blends Color Overlays Masking and Clipping Masks Double Exposure Color Channels Liquify Motion Blur Distotion, Warps, and Glitches Noise and other textures Gradient Maps

If it keeps our viewer intrigued, horrified, or turned on, that’s what we’re all about. More often than not, we don’t put value on what we percieve of a thing— it’s more about what it feels like.


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