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MATH 533 Full Course-Latest 2017 November
Question MATH533 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November dq 1 WEEK 1: STUDY AND SAMPLE DESIGN 22 unread replies.1414 replies. A company makes men's button-up dress shirts and is considering changes to its design. How might the company go about finding a good sample of individuals? These decisions would include method of sampling, location of sampling, population to consider, and number in sample, in addition to any other considerations. dq 2 WEEK 1: GRAPHING DATA 33 unread replies.66 replies. For this discussion, you will use VoiceThread technology. Under the Introduction and Resources area there is a link to VoiceThread that includes videos on how to use this technology. For this discussion, first find or create a data set. Then, create a graph from those data. Your post should be a VoiceThread that explains how you created the graph and why you selected the graph that you did. In your responses to other students, discuss the type of data as well as what other graphs could be completed with those data and while VoiceThread technology does not need to be used in the replies, but you are always welcome to use it! MATH533 Week 2 Discussion Latest 2017 November WEEK 2: CHANGING PROBABILITIES INTO CONDITIONAL PROBABILITIES 77 unread replies.3030 replies. Describe a situation where you see probabilities or might see probabilities. Then present this probability as a conditional probability. In response, other students can make assumptions about the conditional probability table that could accompany such a situation and pose a question for a specific probability. Finally, a third student can show the work of solving the probability. Your first post should start a new probability discussion only! MATH533 Week 3 Discussion Latest 2017 November WEEK 3: DETERMINING A NORMAL DISTRIBUTION
55 unread replies.2525 replies. When trying to determine probabilities, one must first assess whether the variable would have a normal distribution. Using the tools from this course, what are some methods that could be used to determine whether a variable has a normal distribution? MATH533 Week 4 Discussion Latest 2017 November WEEK 4: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS IN BUSINESS 44 unread replies.1818 replies. Consider when businesses might use confidence intervals to estimate values, such as in sales projections, marketing results, and so forth. Describe a business decision that could be helped with confidence intervals. Be specific! Then create a problem with numbers from which another student could calculate a confidence interval and make a decision. MATH533 Week 5 Discussion Latest 2017 November WEEK 5: HYPOTHESIS TESTING 99 unread replies.2525 replies. For this discussion, create and post a 1-2 minute VoiceThread describing a real-world example of when a hypothesis test could be used. Your VoiceThread should also include a numerical example for another student to work through in their response. The example can use real data or data that you make up such as values for the mean, standard deviation, and sample size. In your responses to other students, show the work and describe any Excel formulas you use to solve that hypothesis example. VoiceThread technology does not need to be used in the replies, but you are always welcome to use it! MATH533 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November dq 1 WEEK 6: REGRESSION ANALYSIS 44 unread replies.2121 replies. Suppose you are given data from a survey showing the IQ of each person interviewed and the IQ of his or her mother. That is all the information that you have. Your boss has asked you to put together a report showing the relationship between these two variables. What could you present, and why? dq 2 WEEK 6: PREPARING FOR FINAL 22 unread replies.1212 replies. For this discussion, you will use VoiceThread technology. Under Course Home there is a link to VoiceThread that includes videos on how to use this technology. Work together as a group of three or four to create ideas for organizing and preparing for the final exam. Consider ideas for how to organize notes, review topics, and what problems to do in order to prepare. In a 1-2 minute VoiceThread, include a screen shot of the discussion that shows the participants as well as a presentation of the ideas created by the group. The group VoiceThread will count as a first post for each participant in the group. In your individual responses to other groups, discuss why you might follow those suggestions or what tweaks you might make to the ideas to suit your learning style.VoiceThread technology does not need to be used in the replies, but you are always welcome to use it!
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MATH533 Week 7 Discussion Latest 2017 November WEEK 7: MULTIPLE REGRESSION VARIABLES 22 unread replies.1919 replies. Research has found that completing an ethical course in school or business significantly predicts more ethical behavior. In addition to how many ethical courses were taken, the study also included the independent variables of gender, age, and certain personality characteristics. Ethical behavior was based on answers to next steps based on vignettes that did not have an obvious ethical outcome. How might this study be improved, and what other variables could be considered? Noel, C. Z. J., & Hathorn, L. G. (2014). Teaching ethics makes a difference. Journal of Academic and Business Ethics, 8. Retrieved from http://www.aabri.com/manuscripts/131661.pdf
MATH533 Week 2 Course Project Part A Latest 2017 November Part A: Exploratory Data Analysis
Open the files for the course project and the data set.
For each of the five variables, process, organize, present and summarize the data. Analyze each variable by itself using graphical and numerical techniques of summarization. Use Excel as much as possible, explaining what the results reveal. Some of the following graphs may be helpful: stem-leaf diagram, frequency/relative frequency table, histogram, boxplot, dotplot, pie chart, bar graph. Caution: not all of these are appropriate for each of these variables, nor are they all necessary. More is not necessarily better.In addition be sure to find the appropriate measures of central tendency, the measures of dispersion, and the shapes of the distributions (for the quantitative variables) for the above data. Where appropriate, use the five number summary (the Min, Q1, Median, Q3, Max). Once again, use Excel as appropriate, and explain what the results mean.
Analyze the connections or relationships between the variables. There are ten possible pairings of two variables. Use graphical as well as numerical summary measures. Explain the results of the analysis. Be sure to consider all 10 pairings. Some variables show clear relationships, while others do not.
Report Requirements
From the variable analysis above, provide the analysis and interpretation for three individual variables.This would include no more than 1 graph for each, one or two measures of central tendency and variability (as appropriate), the shapes of the distributions for quantitative variables, and two or three sentences of interpretation.
For the 10 pairings, identify and report only on three of the pairings, again using graphical and numerical summary (as appropriate), with interpretations. Please note
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that at least one pairing must include a qualitative variable and at least one pairing must not include a qualitative variable.
Prepare the report in Microsoft Word, integrating graphs and tables with text explanations and interpretations.Be sure to include graphical and numerical back up for the explanations and interpretations.Be selective in what is included in the report to meet the requirements of the report without extraneous information.
All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy.
Project Part A report is due by the end of Week 2.
Project Part A is worth 100 total points. See grading rubric below.
Submission: The report, including all relevant graphs and numerical analysis along with interpretations
Format for report: 1. Brief Introduction 2. Discuss 1st individual variable, using graphical, numerical summary and interpretation 3. Discuss 2nd individual variable, using graphical, numerical summary and interpretation 4. Discuss 3rd individual variable, using graphical, numerical summary and interpretation 5. Discuss 1st pairing of variables, using graphical, numerical summary and interpretation 6. Discuss 2nd pairing of variables, using graphical, numerical summary and interpretation 7. Discuss 3rd pairing of variables, using graphical, numerical summary and interpretation 8. Conclusion
MATH533 Week 6 Course Project Part B Latest 2017 November Part B: Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals Complete the following four hypotheses, using ? = 0.05 for each. 1. Mean sales per week exceeds 41.5 per salesperson 2. Proportion receiving online training is less than 55% 3. Mean calls made among those with no training is less than 145 4. Mean time per call is greater than 15 minutes 1. Using the same data set from part A, perform the hypothesis test for each speculation in order to see if there is evidence to support the manager's belief. Use the Seven Elements of a Test of Hypothesis from Section 7.1 of your text book, as well as the p-value calculation from Section 7.3, and explain your conclusion in simple terms.
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2. Compute 99% confidence intervals for each of the variables described in a.-d., and interpret these intervals. 3. Write a report about the results, distilling down the results in a way that would be understandable to someone who does not know statistics. Clear explanations and interpretations are critical. 4. All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy. 5. Project Part B report is due by the end of Week 6. 6. Project Part B is worth 100 total points. See grading rubric below.
Format for report: 1. Summary Report (about one paragraph on each of the speculations a.- d.) 2. Appendix with the calculations of the Seven Elements of a Test of Hypothesis, the pvalues, and the confidence intervals. Include the Excel formulas used in the calculations.
MATH533 Week 7 Course Project Part C Latest 2017 November Part C: Regression and Correlation Analysis Use the dependent variable (labeled Y) and oneof the independent variables (labeled X1, X2, and X3) in the data file. Select and use one independent variable throughout this analysis. Use Excel to perform the regression and correlation analysis to answer the following. 1. Generate a scatterplot for the specified dependent variable (Y) and the selected independent variable (X), including the graph of the "best fit" line. Interpret. 2. Determine the equation of the "best fit" line, which describes the relationship between the dependent variable and the selected independent variable. 3. Determine the coefficient of correlation. Interpret. 4. Determine the coefficient of determination. Interpret. 5. Test the utility of this regression model, represented by a hypothesis test of b=0 using ? =0.10. Interpret results, including the p-value. 6. Based on the findings in steps 1-5, analyze the ability of the independent variable to predict the dependent variable? 7. Compute the confidence interval for b, using a 95% confidence level. Interpret this interval. 8. Compute the 99% confidence interval for the dependent variable, for a selected value of the independent variable. Each student can choose a value to use for the independent variable (use same value in the next step).Interpret this interval. 9. Using the same chosen value for part (8), estimate the 99% prediction interval for the dependent variable.Interpret this interval.
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10. What can be said about the value of the dependent variable for values of the independent variable that are outside the range of the sample values? Explain. 11. All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy. 12. Project Part C report is due by the end of Week 7. 13. Project Part C is worth 100 total points. See grading rubric below. Summarize your results from Steps 1–10 in a 3-page report. The report should explain and interpret the results in ways that are understandable to someone who does not know statistics. Submission: The summary report and all of the work done in 1–10 (Excel output and interpretations) as an appendix
Format for report: 1. Summary Report 2. Steps 1-10 addressed with appropriate output, graphs and interpretations. Be sure to number each step 1-10.
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