Mercedes Benz Arena Magazine

Page 1

2014 NO.1

2014 No.1

主办 梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心 协办 Time Out Shanghai 出品人 麦一诺 副出品人 邵 菡 华 巍 总策划 姚蔚珺 策划执行 汤頔颖 王晨 朱慧懿 英文校对 木柯 摄影 丁振杰

Main Organizer Mercedes-Benz Arena In association with Time Out Shanghai Publisher Michael Craig Enoch Deputy Publishers Michelle Shao; David Hua Chief Planner Mercedes Yao Assistant Planners Emily Tang; Chen Wang; Giulia Zhu Proofreader Zach Mueller Photographer Kevin Ding

Publisher Kenneth Tan Editor Jake Newby Designers Ta Na; Li Wei Sales and Marketing Director Terry Meng Senior Project Manager Wallace Yang Enquiries; 159 0185 4217 梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心

For more information please follow our WeChat



Welcome to Mercedes-Benz Arena 2

梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心欢迎您 2

General Manager’s prologue 4

总经理致辞 4

Great Moments


Thank you for making 2013 wonderful! 6

因你而精彩 2013 6

Oct-Dec 2013 Main Stage Highlights 8

2013.10-12 主舞台活动精彩回顾 8

Star Interviews


Herbie Hancock 14

赫比·汉考克 14

America’s Got Talent 16

美国达人秀冠军 16

Cheer Chen 18

陈绮贞 18

Nile Rodgers 20

尼欧 罗杰斯 20

Upcoming Events


Events calendar 22

主场馆部分活动信息预告 22

Rolling Stones Shanghai 24

滚石乐队重回中国 24

At Your Service


VIP Suites 26

梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心贵宾包厢 26

Inside Scoop


Mercedes-Benz Arena’s fun-filled


extravaganza spreads Christmas cheer 28

尽在梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心 28

Memorable day at “UFO” Arena for migrant


school kids 32

美丽圣诞之旅 32


EXPO Area Guide 34

世博地图解读 34

WeChat Marketing: Engaging with our


customers in new ways 38

一个微信服务号的诞生 38



Return to Middle Earth 40

回归中世纪 40

Upcoming movies 41

最新上映的电影 41

MB Arena Magazine | 2-3

Welcome to Mercedes-Benz Arena 梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心欢迎您 Voted by POLLSTAR and the Stadium Business Awards as ‘International Venue of the Year’ two years running, the Mercedes-Benz Arena is Shanghai’s leading cultural and performance events space. The 18,000 seater multi-functional space is the largest arena in the city and has set a new standard in entertainment for Shanghai and China with a series of first class international headlining shows. In the past few months alone, the venue has played host to some of the biggest music and performance acts in the world with Metallica, Justin Bieber and Cirque du Soleil all presenting electrifying shows in the arena. This year, the Mercedes-Benz Arena will continue to see yet more big name shows from the likes of The Rolling Stones and André Rieu. But the Mercedes-Benz Arena is more than just an events venue. It is also a key lifestyle destination 365 days of the year with a string of renowned dining, shopping and leisure options available permanently on site. With its mix of world class events and leading lifestyle outlets, the Mercedes-Benz Arena is truly in a class of its own. Read on to discover more about Shanghai’s most exciting destination... 梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心作为上海最具活力的先锋娱乐地标,汇聚国内外最炙手可热的文化、演艺及体育盛事,沪上最大的 18000座多元演艺空间可实现舞台结构与活动形式的“百变转换”,成为目前中国乃至亚洲最具号召力和影响力的顶级演艺平台。 全方位运筹全球顶级现场演艺资源的同时,梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心携手众多领航商业伙伴,以创新运营模式精确实践世界级标准 场馆管理,并着力提供复合多元的一流场馆体验。 场馆内潮流精致的The Mixing Room & Muse首推“剧场+酒吧”式的混合性现场娱乐享受,是旨在营造前卫先锋音乐体验的 小型音乐专属空间。今年梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心以此作为孵化自营精品演出资源的试金之地。场馆在不断引进各类“首次”且“独 家”登陆中国的欧美重量级艺人倾力献演的同时,通过助力顶级音乐盛宴打造The Mixing Room & MUSE独一无二的风格标识。 凭借长期以来的卓越运营,梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心屡次获得海内外业界最高级别的专业认定。连续两年入围Stadium Business Awards以及POLLSTAR两大世界产业大奖“年度国际场馆”五强,成为迄今为止唯一亮度摘得至高提名殊荣的亚洲场馆, 以国际化一流综合演艺中心之姿树立了中国乃至亚洲场馆运营的行业标杆,续以成为引领世界现场娱乐、演出及体育的风向标。

刊首语 GM’s Prologue

Dear readers,


e are glad to bring you the first issue of Mercedes-Benz Arena Quarterly of the New Year. To Mercedes-Benz Arena the year 2013 was not only a year for continuing development but also a year of impressive breakthroughs. It was a year that brought new highs to Mercedes-Benz Arena in terms of the amount of events held in the main arena, overall event quality, and the diversity of feature performances. Metallica, Alicia Keys, and Justin Bieber all graced the stage in 2013 choosing to hold their China-debut performances at Mercedes-Benz Arena. Besides spectacular musical events, Mercedes-Benz Arena proved its versatility by also hosting a NBA basketball game, multiple ice skating performances, and musical theater shows. At the same time, The Mixing Room & MUSE solidified its positioning as the premier small-to-midsize multi-purpose venue in Shanghai. By hosting shows from famous jazz singers Tony Bennett, George Benson, and Herbie Hancock as well as the legendary guitarist Slash, The Mixing Room & MUSE made a large contribution to the rapidly developing performing arts scene of Shanghai. We would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation and gratitude for our Naming Rights partner Mercedes-Benz, all of our Founding Partners, and VIP Suite holders for their continued support and trust. Beginning in January 2014 we will happily welcome Heineken to our inner circle as the newest Founding Partner and exclusive beer supplier of Mercedes-Benz Arena. The arrival of 2014 means Mercedes-Benz Arena will once again set sail. We will continue to operate one of the world’s most renowned live performance venues, continue to bring fresh ideas to the Arena management industry, and continue to provide exceptional, unforgettable experiences to our customers. With high quality service and endless innovation as our standard, we will continue to provide extraordinary entertainment experiences for you in Shanghai.

Michael Craig Enoch General Manager of Mercedes-Benz Arena

MB Arena Magazine | 4-5




的一年。我们在全年演出场次上创下自商业运营以来的新高,主场馆的活动朝着规模化、 首屈一指性和日趋多元的方向拓展。金属乐队、艾丽西亚·凯斯以及贾斯汀·比伯的演唱会 均为初次登陆中国内地的绝对首演;而场馆也于今年完成了是囊括演唱会、篮球、马戏、 冰演、以及音乐剧在内的现场娱乐大满贯。 同时,我们在音乐俱乐部主办活动的运营中迈出了场馆角色定位的崭新一步。积极引进 三大爵士传奇和殿堂级摇滚人物SLASH等全球顶级艺人,为沪上小型演出市场孵化出更具 国际影响力的精品演艺资源。 感谢冠名商梅赛德斯-奔驰、所有场馆创始合作伙伴以及包厢客户一年以来给予我 们的支持与信任。新年伊始,我们亦迎来场馆全新战略合作伙伴—喜力啤酒


入。2014的到来意味着我们将重新启航,全方位运筹全球顶级文化演艺资源,精确化实践 世界级标准场馆管理,复合性提供多元丰富综合场馆体验,以创新模式和优质服务为您构 筑上海最绚丽的现场娱乐版图。

麦一诺 梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心总经理

精彩回顾 Great Moments

MB Arena Magazine | 6-7

精彩回顾 Great Moments



2 1 2013.10.5 贾斯汀·比伯2013“相 信”世界巡演-上海站 Justin Bieber: Believe Tour

3 2 2013.10.12 林俊杰-2013 时线Time Line 巡回演唱会 上海站 JJ: Time Line World Tour



凯乐斯乐队光荣战役全球巡回演唱会 The Killers: 2013 Concert Shanghai

MB Arena Magazine | 8-9


Recent Highlights



6 4


2013李宇春Why Me 演唱会上海站 Chris Lee: 2013 Why Me Concert




NBA 国际系列赛-上海赛 NBA Global Games Shanghai 2013

精彩回顾 Great moments


8 7 2013.11.20 艾丽西亚.凯斯“点亮世界” 全球巡演上海站 Alicia Keys: Set the World on Fire Tour



韩红我爱故我在2013上海演唱会 Han Hong: 2013 Shanghai Concert

MB Arena Magazine | 10-11


10 9 2013.11.15-17 2013冰上迪士尼 寻宝探险之旅 Disney on Ice – Treasure Trove

10 2013.12.14 2013 陈绮贞 时间的歌 巡回演唱会 上海站 Cheer Chen 2013 Shanghai Concert

精彩回顾 Great Moments


12 11 2013.12.21 热狗 2013 “我的时代” 圣诞狂欢派对 MC HotDog 2013 Christmas Party Concert

12 2013.12.23 2013明星闪耀圣诞夜 Super Starry Christmas

MB Arena Magazine | 12-13

13 13


梦圆东方.2013 东方卫视跨年盛典 2013 OTV New Year’s Eve Gala

深度报道 Star Interview

采访赫比汉考克 您了解中国吗?中国音乐中有什么是您特别感兴趣的? 亚洲音乐有一部分间接影响折我。主要是非美国的来源包括拉威尔, 斯特拉文斯基和电子乐作曲家像施托克豪森。但我以前表演的是莫扎 特和贝多芬的作品。关于亚洲音乐,我没觉察都有任何直接影响。我吸 收了印度,日本,巴厘岛和中国的元素,至于为什么我去吸取是因为我 很欣赏这些元素。在某种程度上我们是相通的。我认为印度节奏一直 深深的影响着我。我去过日本50次。中国音乐我没有听过太多,实质上 与亚洲相通是因为我的大半辈子是一个虔诚的佛教徒。 您的维基百科页面上显示,您以加州大学洛杉矶分校音乐教授的身 份加入了加利福尼亚大学。你有没有从如今音乐学生和他们的制作 的音乐中受到启发? 我觉得现如今世界已经不同,它是如何影响我这样的人,首先我们的 经历大不相同-我们看到婴儿使用鼠标和iPad,他们习惯了屏幕上的符 号。这是我需要从头开始学习的。这也花了我一段时间,因为我并不是

从四五岁就开始这么做了。但如将何影响现在的年轻人,这种意识可 以影响年轻人和他们的创作。我对这个现象很感兴趣。我在加州大学 洛杉矶分校的班级,我并没有发现到技术已经在他们的音乐上造成非 常明显的差异,但我鼓励他们去用自己经验去诠释科技如何改变日常 生活并影响他们所创造的音乐。 您有如此辉煌的职业生涯,很难让人想象你将在上海演出的曲目。 您能透露一些此次上海演出的细节嘛? 因为我有许多曲风,我们将尽全力使每个人都满意。我会表演我早 期的歌曲像是Maiden Voyage,之后Cantaloupe Island,以及一 小段Rockit,和Watermelon Man,但我会老曲新排。另一首我与 Headhunters乐队一起录制的“Actual proof”,这支乐队的指向是遥 不可及的,从时髦到非洲节奏再到更现代的方式。我弹钢琴,一些合 成器,5台iPad,一台iMac,不同的应用软件程序,不同的声音和一台 键盘吉他。

MB Arena Magazine | 14-15

Chameleon: The evergreen Herbie Hancock What do you know about China? Is there anything about Chinese music that you are particularly interested in? There have been some indirect Asian influences on my music. Primarily non-American sources include Ravel, Stravinsky and electronic comopsers like Stockhausen, but I also used to play Mozart and Beethoven. As far as Asian music is concerned, I’m not aware of any direct influences. I’ve absorbed Indian, Japanese, Balinese and Chinese, and the reason why I listen to something is because I want to hear it. I’m connecting with it in some way. I think Indian rhythms have been a real influence on me. I’ve been to Japan over 50 times. I haven’t heard a lot of Chinese music, but my more substantial Asian connection I have is that I’m a practicing Buddhist. You recently joined the University of California as a professor in the music department. Have you found anything inspiring about today’s music students and their music making? In many ways it’s a different world, and how this affects them as opposed to someone like me, Our experiences our quite different - we see babies using a mouse and iPads, they’re used to gestures on the screen. That’s something I had to learn from the beginning. I’ve been doing it for a while, but I wasn’t doing it at 4 or 5. But how that affects young people, this consciousness can affect young people and what they do. I’m very interested in that. The class that I have at UCLA, there’s no real obvious marked difference that I can hear technology has had in their music, but I encourage them to open up to translating their experience to how their daily lives are being shaped by technology into the music they create. With such a long and respected back catalogue, it must be hard picking a set list. How did you go about selecting songs for Shanghai? We always want to be trying our best to please everyone, because there are many styles to my records. There are songs from my early acoustic period, my song ‘Maiden Voyage’, then ‘Cantaloupe Island’, and a little taste of ‘Rockit’, and ‘Watermelon Man’, but new arrangements of my older pieces. Another song I recorded with the Headhunters band called ‘Actual Proof’. The direction of the band is real far reaching, from funky stuff to African rhythms to a more modern approach. I’m playing piano, a couple of synthesizers, five iPads, an iMac, software programs with different sounds and a keytar.

深度报道 Star Interview

MB Arena Magazine | 16-17

America’s Got Talent in Shanghai 美国达人秀冠军来袭 At the end of 2013, the Mercedes-Benz Arena provided a musical feast with Heart to Heart Shanghai’s “Save a Life: Battle of the Bands” presented by American Airlines. As part of this event, America’s Got Talent winners Michael Grimm and Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. made their China debut at the same time. As part of the event, a number of local and international students were also given the opportunity to play on stage, making their musical dream come true. The winner of the battle of the bands competition got the chance to receive direct guidance from Murphy Jr. and Grimm in addition to opening the evening’s concert. The total amount of money raised during the show was donated to fund heart surgery for Chinese children in need. The Mercedes-Benz Arena was proud to be involved with such an event and to support the great work being done by Heart to Heart as part of our

commitment to continually providing elite music experiences but also acting as a model for social responsibility and playing a key role in the local community. 梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心携手美国航空、心连心上海(Heart to Heart)献 上年末音乐盛会“一起用音乐拯救生命:国际学生乐队大赛暨两届美国 达人秀总冠军中国首演。上海的国际学生首次有幸登上格莱美巨星献演 过的世界级演艺舞台,用歌声放飞属于青春的飞扬理想。在本届大赛中 获得冠军的乐队更得到了美国达人秀2010年冠军麦克•格雷(Michael Grimm)及2011年冠军兰道•莫非(Landau Eugene Murphy Jr)的独家 音乐指导,并成为当晚“美国达人秀冠军双英演出”的暖场嘉宾。此次活 动中募集到的全部善款全数捐献给心连心慈善组织,救助无法支付高额 心脏矫正手术费的困难家庭。梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心用好音乐点燃正能 量激情的同时,更践行着上海首屈一指文化地标的社会责任。

深度报道 Star Interview

Timeless Cheer 现在的生活就是想去的远方 在华语流行音乐文艺小清新这条路上,没有人比陈绮贞——我们敬爱的陈老 师——走得更加从容而自信,睿智冷静,与世无争的气质,使她成为了人们在这个 标榜个性清高独立的时代所追求向往的标杆。文 王莫之、Linus、雷泽

In the hectic arena of modern pop, Taiwanese singer-songwriter Cheer Chen stands out for her ineffably calm persona. Affectionately known as ‘teacher Chen’, it is hard to find a more confident, intelligent performer with such a relaxed temperament, whether it be through her concerts (such as her recent show at Mercedes-Benz Arena) or through her records. Chen’s lyrics hover in the listener’s mind, with every note, every beat, tapping into a multitude of moods. In concert, she is equally captivating, with her light love songs and ballads backed up by a thoroughly charming personality. In an increasingly difficult record industry, where just a few percentage points is enough to crush a singer’s dream, many singers starting their career have resorted to shock tactics, but Chen has maintained her elegant style, keeping an independent minded attitude. Chen doesn’t spark arguments in the press or rely on salacious music videos to sell her records, rather she trusts in the sincerity of her music and the

belief that it will touch her audience thanks to its unshakeable honesty. Whether in Western or Chinese music, feeling is always the most important factor in a song. Chen’s music is derived from her own life experiences. She has been through her own troubles, like most people, but the way that she opens up about such issues in her music and talks about them through her lyrics with such a piercing honesty, means that there will always be a place in music for an artist such as Chen. 在华语流行音乐文艺小清新这条路上,没有人比陈绮贞——我们敬 爱的陈老师——走得更加从容而自信,睿智冷静,与世无争的气质, 使她成为了人们在这个标榜个性清高独立的时代所追求向往的标 杆。那些浅吟低唱的歌词和文字总是不停地盘旋在听者的脑海,反 复咀嚼每一个音符,每一声节拍,每一种心情。或许你以为已经足 够了解陈绮贞了,其实所有可笑的浮夸修饰都在削弱她音乐原本的 纯粹,我们早已经在她迂回婉转的歌声里找到了真正的独立音乐所 该拥有的语境。

MB Arena Magazine | 18-19

独立,是人生物质和精神成长历程中必定要迈过去的一道坎,但这与 选择做独立音乐却有很大不同,即便在全球唱片工业愈显疲乏的颓势之 下,想完全独立于成熟的唱片公司体系之外也不算是件轻而易举的事情。 陈绮贞说自己热爱摇滚乐,她热爱张楚,她热爱 何勇,她也热爱窦唯,这一点也许并不假,而她只是 没有用歇斯底里的嘶吼来表达罢了。在越来越不景气

数的人一样对未来很迷茫,似乎走到了人生抉择的边界,这个时候《鱼》 就诞生了。鱼的记忆很短暂,每隔几分钟就是一个崭新的“人生”,如果能 像鱼一样,不用背负额外的包袱去生活,那果真就是自由了吗?曾经是一 个“钥匙儿童”的陈绮贞,小时候只能独自躺在院 子里满心羡慕地看着邻居家的孩子玩耍,慢慢地 这种童年的孤单造就了未来歌者的敏锐心思。 为了给出关于自由的答案,去年底陈绮贞和钟成 虎、陈建骐一起组成了实验电音团体THE VERSE, 用一首《52赫兹》来纪念这条因为寻觅不到伴侣 而成为全世界最寂寞的鲸鱼,同时也是献给所有 那些因为独特而孤单的人。 不敢断言《旅行的意义》让很多人产生了背 起包说走就走的勇气,但那些曾经在路上的人,很 多都听过这首旋律轻快的歌,就像玩Lomo 的那 一卦几乎无人不知陈绮贞一样——Lomo之所以能 够成为文艺附属品,多少是和陈绮贞的钟爱脱不了 干系的。其实在创作《旅行的意义》的时候,她还 并没有游历过很多地方,而是怀着一种憧憬、向往自由的心情写下的。我 们向往的地方在哪儿,我们心中的理想又是什么,相信很多人和陈绮贞 “现在的生活,就是 一样都还没有答案,也可能就像她自己所说的那样, 我想去的远方。”

那张唱片是我最原 始 最 单纯 的一段时期 的 记 录 ,我 满 意 当 时 的 纯 粹 ,不 满 意 的 是 音 乐 ,没 把 那 份 稚 嫩 表 达 好 ,这 事 当 年 都 没 做 好, 现在再做就更难了。

的实体唱片行业,区区几个百分点就足以压垮一个歌 手的梦想,很多当初和陈绮贞同期出道却主流得多的 艺人现如今早已不知所踪,而她还依旧保持一副优雅 的文艺做派,以一种思想独立的姿态信步穿行在这个 喧嚣浮华的世界里。她不会为了媒体的各种评论就跳 出来争辩什么,她也并不喜欢音乐作品里那种指代明 了的浅显表达,她写下音乐,只是留给听歌的人结合 当下各自的心境去体悟揣测。 无论是欧西还是华语音乐,感情永远是一首 歌最重要的因素,每个人都渴望在一片茫茫人海里 被那个万中选一的人更深刻地了解,但同时又能够 让很多人产生理解上的共鸣。 “你把我真实经历的生活用你的方式写了出 来”——这种从乐迷那里所得到的微妙认同,才是一个以创作为生的歌者 的最高追求。 在陈绮贞经历人生低潮、一个人独自奋斗的那段时间里,她像绝大多

深度报道 Star Interview

MB Arena Magazine | 20-21

Disco King: Nile Rodgers Oliver Keens discovers why the legendary Chic guitarist is the ultimate disco host

He knows how to make an entrance ‘We always do 'Everybody Dance' as our first song. It’s not a request – it’s a demand! Entrance songs are a big deal. I remember when I wrote 'I’m Coming Out' for Diana Ross – even though it was obviously paying homage to her gay following, I had to lie to her and say that it was written as her entrance song.’

blasphemous to me – I don’t want to compete with the artist. ‘After I worked on 'Like a Virgin', I didn’t perform it live because it wasn’t a classic yet. If the crowd starts singing ‘Get Lucky’, will I play along? Maybe...’ 他知道如何用一首歌打开局面 “我们一直以’Everybody Dance’作为我们的开场曲。它不是请求–而 是需求!第一首歌曲是很重要的。我记得当我为戴安娜罗斯创作’I’m Coming Out’的时候, 即使它明显呈现的是她的同性恋那面,我不得 不对她撒谎说是为她写的开场曲。”

He’s always remained steadfastly loyal to the disco cause, even during the dark days ‘My life changed when we started playing disco, but it changed even more when we became demonised. When the “disco sucks” movement started in America, people burnt our records and we were wiped off the map. But a year to the day after Chic’s last hit [‘Good Times’], the number one record was 'Another One Bites the Dust' by Queen – which sounded a hell of a lot like 'Good Times'.’ Disco is, in fact, his life ‘This is spiritual music for me. A couple of years ago, doctors told me I had cancer and that I should hope for the best. The only way I knew to make myself feel better was to play as many shows as I could. I thought to myself: The only thing I can do is play disco music, and play it aggressively.’

迪斯科是他的生命 “这是我心灵的音乐。几年前,医生说我得了癌症,我应该做好心理准 备。我知道让自己感觉的唯一方法尽可能多的演出。我对我自己说:我 能做的唯一的事就是演奏迪斯科音乐,玩命的表演。”

He’s a night owl ‘I only sleep about three hours a night, four hours tops. Five hours and I feel like Rip Van Winkle. I’ve been like this since I was a child – they thought something was wrong with me. After a series of tests, a doctor finally asked me how I felt. I said: “Great”. He said: “Okay, get outta here.” It means I have this inexhaustible supply of energy to devote to music.’

他是个夜猫子 “我每天只睡三个小时,至多四个小时。如果睡了五小时,我就感觉自 己是Rip Van Winkle。我从孩提时代开始就一直这样,有些人觉得我有 问题。经过一系列检查,医生最后问我感觉如何。我说:感觉不错。他 说: “好了,走吧。”这意味着我有取之不尽用之不竭的精力来投入到音 乐。”

He wants people to be dancing all night long in Shanghai ‘There used to be these contests during the Great Depression called “dance marathons”. That’s what [our shows are] like! Now, I’m sort of like a DJ, reading the crowd and picking songs from our set list. If people aren’t dancing, we’re not doing our job right.’ While he draws from everything he’s ever worked on for his live shows, he won’t necessarily play his Daft Punk collaboration ‘Get Lucky’ ‘I just don’t have enough time to play it! Do you realise how many songs I’ve worked on? I only play one song by Bowie, one song by Madonna – and we cut them short. It feels

他始终坚定不移地忠实于迪斯科曲风,即使在那些最黑暗的日子里 “我的生活从开始玩迪斯科而改变,但它彻底改变我生活的时候是我 入魔的时候。当“反迪斯科”运动在美国开展的时候,人们烧毁我们 的唱片,将我们从音乐的地图上抹去。但在Chic发布 最后一首上榜歌 曲‘Good Times’后的一年,旋律听上去和‘Good Times’一摸一样的 皇后乐队的’Another One Bites the Dust’重新上榜。

他希望上海整夜跳舞 在大萧条时代,有比赛被称为“舞蹈马拉松”。这就是我要的效果,我有 点像DJ,读懂人群并从我们的歌单中挑选对的歌曲。如果没有人跳舞, 那是我们的工作不到位。” 当他尝试在现场表演中加入从未试过的元素是,不要指望听到Daft Punk的 ‘Get Lucky’ 我只是没有足够的时间完成它!你知道我总过创作过多少首歌嘛?我 只为Bowie做过一首,为麦当娜做过一首,而且我们还将歌曲缩短。这 好像在亵渎我–我不想与艺术家相比。当我创作了’Like a Virgin’之 后,我从未现场表演过这首歌。因为它还不够经典。但如果观众们开始 哼唱‘Get Lucky’的话,说不定哦”

活动先知 Event Calendar

2014年1月-4月 精选活动预告


2014.2.14 丁当 “真爱好难得”旗 舰版情人节上海演唱会



詹姆斯.布特朗 2014 登峰捍月 上海演唱会 Jams Blunt Moon Landing 2014 World Tour Live in Shanghai

Della Ding Concert


2014.2.21 艾薇儿2014中国巡回演唱会上海站 The Avril Lavigne Tour Live in Shanghai 2014

MB Arena Magazine | 22-23

Upcoming Event Highlights January-April




2014.3.12 滚石乐队2014狂热世界巡演上海站 The Rolling Stones 14 On Fire Tour Shanghai

“Jeep之夜”-2014李宗盛“ 既然青春留不住”上海演唱会 Jonathan Lee Concert


2014.4.12 安德烈·里欧和他的 约翰·施特劳斯乐团上海音乐会 The ‘King of Waltz’ André Rieu

活动先知 Event Calendar

MB Arena Magazine | 24-25


The Rolling Stones return to Shanghai The Rolling Stones will play a one off show at the Shanghai Mercedes-Benz Arena on 12 March 2014 as part of their 14 ON FIRE tour presented by Prudential and Eastspring Investments. Priced at RMB 480/680/1280/1880/2880 and VIP Packages are available. Tickets are on sale now and can be booked via telephone hotline at 400 610 3721 (Chinese) and 021 5150 9199 (English), plus online at and

The Rolling Stones were recently crowned the ‘Best Live Band” at the NME Awards in London, and over the past 12 months have thrilled fans with the release of a groundbreaking new documentary, ‘Crossfire Hurricane’, a greatest hits collection, ‘GRRR!’, a massive US tour and a groundbreaking, back to back, sold out set of two historic Hyde Park concerts in the UK in front of 120,000, which are chronicled in a new concert film ‘Sweet Summer Sun – Hyde Park Live’.

The 14 ON FIRE tour will see Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood head back out on the road across Asia, Australia and New Zealand following a mammoth run of concerts in the U.S and the U.K in 2013, bringing their iconic music and groundbreaking stage shows to audiences around the globe. Mick Taylor, who was a member of the Rolling Stones from 1969-1974, will be a special guest for this tour.

“We are thrilled that The Rolling Stones will perform in Shanghai during their 14 ON FIRE tour” said Adam Wilkes, President of AEG Live Asia. “For music fans in China, seeing the legendary band that defined the rock genre is truly a once in a lifetime experience. The fans at this show will undoubtedly see history being made.”

The stage design for the Shanghai concert is based on the band’s ubiquitous tongue and lips logo, which extends out into the audience. Known for their ground-breaking sets and use of cutting-edge technology, the Stones’ set design will feature video screens and special effects that will enhance the high-octane experience of attending a live Stones’ show.

Barry Stowe, Chief Executive, Prudential Corporation Asia, said, “Prudential is pleased to present the Rolling Stones’ 2014 Asia Tour. The Rolling Stones is an iconic English band, and apart from sharing the same UK roots, both Prudential and the Rolling Stones enjoy long-lasting legacies in their own fields. We are delighted to support the concerts in Asia and look forward to a spectacular show from this legendary band.



石乐队(The Rolling Stones)近日宣布,乐队即将于2014年3



让米克·贾格尔(Mick Jagger)、基斯·理查德(Keith Richards)



、查理·沃茨(Charlie Watts) 及朗尼·伍德(Ronnie Wood)再








次“14 ON FIRE”巡演的特别环节,曾于1969至1974年间作为 滚石乐队成员之一的米克.泰勒(Mick Taylor),将为乐队的这个



与八年前相同的是他们依旧选择了春天、依旧选择了上海。八 年前,首次来到中国内地演出的滚石乐队创下了当时最高票价
















VIP Suites 华贵享受 梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心贵宾包厢

There are 82 luxury suites in Mercedes-Benz Arena specially designed to create the ultimate VIP experience for sports and live entertainment. Mercedes-Benz Arena has a wealth of experience delivering world-class hospitality, from offering the best seating views to top tier food and beverage options. Mercedes-Benz Arena will host a wealth of events annually appealing to every taste, and VIP suite. Owners will be prestigious hosts in their personal luxury space at this worldclass entertainment destination for each and every public event, extending their hospitality in a most unique way. Suite holder benefits: 1.Suite holders will have tickets to every publicly ticketed event in the arena, from NBA games to superstar concerts and family shows. This is an extraordinary opportunity to entertain clients, or to enjoy great live entertainment with family and friends. 2.Suite holders will have access to an exclusive VIP entrance to avoid lines. The VIP entrance is located on Level 1, on the South side. This entrance allows direct access to the VIP Lounge and Suites 21人包厢 Levels A&B. 3.Suite holders will have VIP parking( number of parking spaces depends on size of suite purchased). From the parking garage located on the B2 level, there is a private elevator located in the Southeast corner leading to the VIP entrance. 4.Suite holders will have access to the VIP Lounge in the Arena. 5.Delicious catering and a variety of beverages will be available in advance for suite holders to custom order their meals and drinks. For more information, please contact sales&marketing department: Phone:021-38996642 E-mail:

梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心拥有的82间豪华包厢只为至尊贵宾 专属打造,无论是观赏一场扣人心弦的体育赛事,亦或是激情澎 湃的现场演出,撼人心魄的绝佳全景尽收眼底。梅赛德斯-奔驰文 化中心拥有精明干练且经验丰富的专业服务团队,为包厢贵宾提 供世界一流的私人专属服务,配以相得益彰的美酒佳肴,无与伦 比的高层次感官享受,舍我其谁! 梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心每年将举行各类型精彩绝伦的顶尖 娱乐表演和体育赛事以满足不同族群的喜好。无论是商务活动、 还是轻松的朋友聚会,坐拥世界级娱乐中心豪华包厢,在这极具 品味和格调的专属空间内 盛情款待您的贵宾,共享 超级感官盛宴,真正体 验 登峰造极的愉悦享受。 包厢持有者专属权益: 包厢持有者将拥有在该场 馆内举行的各类赛事及娱 乐演出门票(特指各类公开 售票活动),包括NBA比赛, 超级巨星演唱会及亲子娱 乐演出等。包厢持有者可经 由位于一层南侧贵宾专属 通道直接进入贵宾俱乐部 及A、B专属包厢层。包厢持


有将拥有贵宾停车位(停 车位数目视订购包厢面积 而定)。贵宾停车位位于B2

层停车库东南侧,贵宾可使用专用电梯直达包厢楼层。 包厢持有者有权使用贵宾俱乐部。包厢持有者可从丰富精致 的单点菜谱和酒单中挑选最爱,更可依据自己的品味度身定制专 属菜单。 更多信息与咨询,请联系销售市场部: 服务热线:021-38996642 邮箱

MB Arena Magazine | 26-27

实时资讯 Inside Scoop

Mercedes-Benz Arena’s fun-filled extravaganza spreads Christmas cheer 热力狂欢圣诞季 尽在梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心 It’s late December 2013, and although there is a cold wind blowing in from the Huangpu River, the inside of the Mercedes- Benz Arena is glowing with warmth as 200 special guests attend an exclusive VIP appreciation event and Christmas party. Held ahead of Taiwanese hip-hop star MC Hotdog’s Shanghai Christmas concert sponsored by Coca-Cola, the event welcomes the guests of more than 70 VIP Suite holding and founding partner companies.

Opening the party Michael Craig Enoch, General Manager of Mercedes-Benz Arena, announced, “We’d like to extend a warm welcome to everyone for coming to tonight’s party and show. Our thanks go to Coca-Cola for sponsoring the MC Hotdog show and supporting our event. We hope that everyone enjoys a wonderful party, delicious food, as well as a great MC Hotdog concert. Finally, I want to say that we are the heartbeat of Shanghai. Cheers!”

As part of the event, the VIP Lounge was transformed into a winter wonderland, with sexy Santa girls and Coca-Cola’s trademark polar bears welcoming guests to Mercedes-Benz Arena. Inside, a host of audio-visual and culinary treats were waiting; from hip-hop dance routines and a special face painting area for kids, to a photo booth from Sharing Box and a mouth watering spread of treats by Le Royale Meridien Shanghai. Guests are also given the opportunity to win some fantastic prizes as part of an end of year raffle draw.

After the fun of the winter wonderland was over, the evening was crowned by a greatest hits performance from the always entertaining MC HotDog. A packed out crowd enjoyed old favorites and new hits as HotDog made sure it was truly night to remember. As the leading cultural entertainment center in Shanghai, Mercedes-Benz Arena aims to continually provide audiences with top level shows from international and domestic artists while cooperating with its founding partners to create a mutually beneficial platform for forward-looking brands. While hosting the hottest stars such as Han Hong, Andy Lau, Justin Bieber and Alicia Keys, Mercedes-Benz Arena has created a new model of live entertainment in Shanghai; something set to continue in 2014. 2013年12月21日晚6点多,寒意逼人, 黄浦江畔,上海的风尚文化地标梅赛德 斯-奔驰文化中心内却是热情撩人,场内 台湾MC HotDog热狗的圣诞狂欢派对 演唱会尚未暖场,场外一层VIP贵宾厅 的另一场别开生面的圣诞化妆派对已 经沸腾起来。这次由文化中心市场销 售部精心筹划的VIP贵宾答谢活动吸引 了文化中心创始合作伙伴以及70余家

MB Arena Magazine | 28-29

贵宾包厢企业的近200多名嘉宾及型男靓女济济一堂,共同见证这一温 馨的祈福降临到每个人的头上的美好夜晚。

心好礼,如光明莫斯利安提供的酸奶和皇家艾美提供的双人自助餐券 等……

当晚,VIP贵宾厅经全新打造后闪亮迎宾,每位置身其中的客人都仿佛来 到了美轮美奂的冰雪世界。活动伊始,梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心总经理麦 一诺先生(Michael Craig Enoch)致欢迎辞: “非常欢迎各位的热情莅 临,感谢可口可乐公司对此次活动的大力支持,希望在场的每一位都能 充分享受今晚的丰富活动和美食,以及随后的热狗演唱会……当然了, 最后我想说,我们是上海的心跳,干杯!”

而当晚这一切热力时刻都伴随着之后热狗的嘻哈说唱音乐会达到最后 的高潮,继12年上海圣诞派对演唱会之后,此次再度登上文化中心的舞 台。MC HotDog老歌新曲一起上,现场互动、合唱不断,用他独到的方 式引领所有人一同置身嗨翻天的氛围之中,而梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心为 所有嘉宾所极力呈现的狂欢圣诞夜也得到了完美的诠释。

随着活动拉开序幕,嘉宾们通过了一场拨动视觉、味觉和听觉的多重惊 喜体验的盛宴,全方位感受到了文化中心无时不刻不在传递的时尚风 情:五星餐饮供应商皇家艾美特供的美食令人食指大动;节奏强烈的各 式热歌配上热辣动感的圣诞女郎,更有嘻哈说唱的圣诞老人,让人忍俊 不禁;别出心裁的脸绘艺术和五彩缤纷的圣诞糖果让在场的孩子们大 呼过瘾;而场馆特别引进的即时照片打印及在线发布系统Sharing Box 则让场内所有的社交网络玩家们欢欣不已;抽奖活动更是配备了各种精

作为上海最富时代气质的文化标杆,无论是韩红的天籁之声、刘德华的 流行乐大戏,还是贾斯汀.比伯的动感舞曲,梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心始 终以引入海内外顶级演艺资源为立足点,将多元演艺、文化创新与品牌 提升整合式发展,独创了沪上现场娱乐的全新维度。同时,梅赛德斯-奔 驰文化中心在产业发展模式上的独到创新也堪称业界的卓越典范,其 知名创始合作伙伴的协力拓展以及别具一格的包厢观演模式,为文化中 心自身和赋有远见卓识的企业都提供了独具前瞻性的品牌塑造与双赢 的推广平台。

实时资讯 Inside Scoop

民工小学孩子们的 美丽圣诞之旅 通讯员:王晨 摄影:丁振杰

2013年12月24日,宁静晴好的圣诞前夜,位于世博园区世博大道上的梅 赛德斯-奔驰文化中心迎来了一批特别的客人——来自浦东新区川沙合 庆镇浦光民办小学的五年级三班师生一行50人,他们是一群上海建设者 们的后代,也是生活在这个城市边缘的孩子们。 虽然家境不宽裕,但是就像过节一样,小朋友们为自己精心挑选了最喜 欢的衣服。上午9点,小学生们和带队老师一起受到了文化中心领 导和员工的热情款待,中心的市场经理王晨首先带着孩子们 坐观光大巴游览了园区内世博期间留下的永久性建筑, 并如数家珍地一一作了介绍: “飞碟馆” (梅赛德斯-奔 驰文化中心)、中华艺术宫(原中国馆)、月亮船(原 沙特馆)、世博中心、世博公园,等等…… 一路上形 式各样、风格迥异的建筑令同学们惊讶连连、目不暇 接,感叹于世博园的壮观和大气。令大家印象最深刻 的当属梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心,王晨鼓励同学们充 分发挥想象力给场馆的外观起名字,于是下面踊跃发 言,有的说像贝壳,有的说像河蚌,而“飞碟”则获得了最 多的提名。 在结束了园区观光之后,大家径步来到了位于飞碟馆底层的VIP贵宾休息 室,这个平时演出日里用来接待各国嘉宾、政要和明星的贵宾厅已是装 扮一新,充满了温馨的节日气氛,打开大门迎接了小朋友们的到来。在这 里,学生们饶有兴趣地听了为大家精心准备的题为“追逐你的梦想”的世 博知识讲座。讲解人员从第一届伦敦举办的万国博览会中的水晶宫、和 巴黎世博会所建起的埃菲尔铁塔的由来引申开,提出了伟大的成就源于 大胆的梦想,2010年中国上海世博会所取得的巨大成就,正是源自中国 人民孜孜不倦地追求文明和富强的的中国梦。讲演还鼓励大家去大胆拥 有自己的梦想,并去努力计划和实施,同时还教会了大家一些切实可行的 规划方法。学生们听得津津有味,现场互动和提问不断,场面非常热烈。

随后,师生一行人有客服人员引导参观了场馆的内部设施,作为全球顶 级的娱乐、文化、体育及休闲一体化场馆,六层高的梅赛德斯-奔驰文化 中心拥有五个观众楼层、18,000个座位,配备了顶级音响及演出设施, 可承办国内外最大规模的室内表演活动及体育赛事。而同时可容纳800 名观众的音乐俱乐部更是开创上海“剧场+酒吧”的先锋营业模式。参观 中,同学们还看到了全上海最大的室内真冰溜冰场、全数字化管理的豪 华影城、以及约20,000平方米的商业休闲区,从购物到餐饮琳琅满 目,一应俱全,令大家眼花缭乱。来到位于六层可以饱览浦江 两岸及世博园区美景的户外观景环廊,不少同学更是兴奋 地奔跑起来。在六层海逸海鲜饭店用过丰盛的午餐后,下 午的活动内容更加精彩,中心安排小朋友们在世博国际 影城专场观看了最新的3D动画片《森林战士》,炫目的 荧幕特效,震撼的音响效果,还有引人入胜的故事情 节,令大家大呼过瘾…… 学生们在场馆一天的活动安排紧凑而已又内容充实,结 束之前更是收获了另外的惊喜——中心为大家悉心挑选的 每人一份精美的文具套装,更有光明莫斯利安独家赞助的每人 一箱莫斯利安高品质酸奶,这一切贴心的安排令在场的每位小朋友都 开心兴奋不已,在严寒的冬日里感受到了来自梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心的 暖心关爱。 对于在平安夜为浦光民办小学的民工儿女安排这样别开生面的活动,文 化中心的领导给予了大力的支持,市场销售总监姚蔚王君女士更是谈了自 己的看法: “梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心和我们的创始合作伙伴始终致力于 企业社会责任和领导力的建设及培养,能让社会弱势群体尤其是青少年 儿童感受到来自各界的关爱和支持,对他们的成长是至关重要的,而我 们责无旁贷。以后我们会把这样有意义的活动持续做下去,让更多的人 参与其中,帮助更多的孩子实现自己的中国梦。”

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Memorable day at “UFO” arena for migrant school students Written by Chen Wang. Photography by Kevin Ding

On Christmas Eve, Mercedes-Benz Arena warmly welcomed a group of very special guests to Mercedes-Benz Arena: 50 students and their teachers from Puguang Migrant Primary School in Heqing, Pudong. The school focuses on providing educational services to the children of migrant workers living and working in Shanghai, a section of the population which is often marginalised. The day began the young VIP guests being greeted by Mercedes-Benz Arena staff and Marketing Manager, Chen Wang, boarding the bus to guide the children on a tour of EXPO Park, the site of the 2010 World EXPO. Chen Wang introduced the children to the multi-national architectural styles on show passing a number of the former country pavilions from the EXPO. For most of the students, this was their first time to the site and the unusual nature of the architecture clearly left a deep impression upon them. A mixture of surprise and awe spread across their faces as they toured the artfully shaped buildings and pavilions. However jaws literally dropped when the children saw the Mercedes-Benz Arena. The landmark structure spiked the children’s imaginations with some likening it to a sea shell or a clam. When one child offered that the arena looked like a “UFO”, the suggestion was met with glee from the other children who agreed that it didn’t seem to be of this earth. After the bus tour, the students entered the “UFO” and were led to the Mercedes-Benz Arena VIP lounge where VIP guests and stars from all over the world are looked after during events held at the arena. Here the students were treated to a special presentation entitled “Chase Your Dream”. The students were first given a brief history of the World Expo, from the very first World Expo in London with its magnificent Crystal Palace to the World Expo in Paris and its beautiful La Tour Eiffel. The talk concluded by stating that “all great achievements are rooted in great dreams” and the children were encouraged to have their own big dreams and share thoughts on how they could be achieved. The Arena’s customer service staff then guided the group for a tour of the venue. Boasting an 18,000 seat multifunctional performance space, the Mercedes-Benz Arena is the city’s top facility for live entertainment, culture, sports, and leisure. Using the most cutting edge equipment available, the main arena can be partitioned and divided to host audiences of any size and easily satisfy any lighting, sound,

and seating arrangement requests. With a capacity of 800 seats, the Mixing Room & Muse is an intimate and private theatre/club designed with state of the art technology guaranteeing that every show delivers a unique experience to each guest. During the tour, the students also visited Mercedes-Benz Arena’s 20,000 square meter retail area which features Shanghai’s largest public ice skating rink, a 6-hall luxury digital cinema, interactive retail, and various cuisine and entertainment options. Walking along the outdoor ring viewing platform, the kids were given a free, 360 degree view across Shanghai from the former China Pavilion to the Lujiazui skyline and finally to the Lupu Bridge. After lunch, they were treated to a new 3D-cartoon movie at the 6th floor cinema. Before they left, each of the migrant school students were given a carefully chosen gift pack of stationery and box of highly nutritional yogurt provided by Momchilovtsi from Bright Diary. Mercedes-Benz Arena, widely known as the heartbeat of Shanghai for its top shows, is jointly operated by Shanghai’s Oriental Pearl Group and the AEG, a global leader in the live entertainment industry. Mercedes-Benz Arena has been continuously working with her founding partners on establishing leadership in the area of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities) in China. Director of Sales & Marketing, Ms. Mercedes Yao, explained the company’s initiative in supporting this migrant school student event, “we feel it is our responsibility to have more and more people join us for this kind of social activity, help children from urban disadvantaged groups to get involved in the community, and lead them to realize their China Dreams”.

辑 Promotion

EXPO Tour 世博地图解读 月亮船(原上海世博会沙特馆) Moon Boat (Saudi Pavilion of Shanghai Expo) 月亮船集艺术创意和高科技于一身,以别具匠心的“月亮船”造 型、夺人眼球的巨幕影院和震撼人心的展示效果,曾在世博会期间 接待游客438万人次,创下观众排队时间长达九小时的记录。 The Moon Boat integrates creative arts and high-tech facilities. The eye-catching IMAX theatre enabled the pavilion to host 4.38 million ‘passengers’ in total and hit a record of queuing time of up to 9 hours during the Expo.


“世博源”(原上海世博会世博轴) The River Mall (Expo Axis of Shanghai Expo) 世博源坐落于世博园区“一轴四馆”核心地块,总 建筑面积达33万平方米,有7、8号地铁便捷贯通, 世博源设计贯穿“水”元素,融合众多亮点景观, 打造成二街五区,是集零售、餐饮、娱乐、休闲、 文化、展示等功能于一体的超广域型购物中心。 The River Mall is located in the core region of the “Four Pavilions along the Central Axis” in Expo area, with a total construction area of 330,000 square meters. The “River Mall” is easily accessible from metro Lines 7 and Line 8.

5 新能源主题公园 Energy Park


新能源主题公园是中国第一个以低碳、环保理念建设 的主题公园。公园内众多娱乐项目。4D影院带您穿越未 来的上海,5D影院带给您前所未有的刺激感受,全长 1.5公里的国际级卡丁车赛道,尽情感受速度与激情。 The Energy Park is the first park with a low-carbon concept in China. There are many entertainment facilities, such as both 4D and 5D cinemas, and a 1.5 kilometer international standard karting track, where you can burn some rubber. 地址:上海市浦东新区塘子泾路191号 开放时间:周一至周日9:00-17:00(团队接待) 周六至周日9:00-17:00(散客接待) 公共交通:轨道交通7、8号线(耀华路站),公交1030路 Address: No.191, Tangzijing Rd., Pudong New Area, Shanghai Opening Hours: Sun. to Mon. 9:00-17:00 (for groups) Sat. & Sun. 9:00-17:00 (for independent tourists) Public Transport: Metro Line 7, 8 (Yaohua Rd. Station), Bus 1030

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世博公园 The Expo Park 世博公园总规划面积约23公顷,运用了“滩” “扇”两大独 特的设计构思,设置了和兴魅影,江畔塔影,扇林风廓,地 景建筑,近望彩虹, 飞弧桥,生态溪流,卢浦倒影,江滩杉 林等特色景点,引入先进的生态技术,强调人与环境的和 谐相处,生动地诠释了“城市,让生活更美好”的真谛。 The Expo Park, which has a planned area of 23 hectares, features ten scenic spots such as “Wind Gallery”, “Crane Wharf”, “Arched Bridge”, “Eco-stream”, “LuPu Reflection” and “Riverside Firs”. Advanced environmentally-friendly technology has been introduced to highlight the harmony between man and nature, and to interpret the EXPO’s theme of “Better City, Better Life”. 地址:上海市浦东新 区世博大道1700号 Address: No. 1700, Shibo Ave., Pudong New Area, Shanghai

梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心(原世博文化中心) Mercedes-Benz Arena (Culture Center of Shanghai Expo)


梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心是全球顶级的娱乐、文化、体育及 休闲圣殿。六层高的文化中心拥有五个观众楼层、18,000 个座位,配备顶级音响及演出设施,可承办国内外最大 规模的室内表演活动及体育赛事。同时可容纳800名观 众的音乐俱乐部开创上海“剧场+酒吧”先锋营业模式。 中心拥有全上海最大的室内真冰溜冰场、豪华影城和约 20,000平方米的商业休闲区,从购物到餐饮一应俱全。 Boasting an 18,000 seating multi-functional performance space, the Mercedes-Benz Arena is city’s top facility for entertainment, culture, sports, and leisure. The main arena can be partitioned to host any shows and satisfy any lighting, sound, and seating arrangement request. With a capacity of 800 seats, the Mixing Room & Muse is an intimate and private theatre/club. The arena also combines Shanghai’s largest public ice skating rink, a 6-hall luxury digital cinema, interactive retail facilities, and various cuisine and entertainment options. 地址:上海市浦东新区世博大道1200号 开放时间:每天上午10点至晚上10点 公共交通:轨道交通8号线(中华艺术宫站) 停车场:梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心的地下二层 Address: No. 1200, Shibo Ave., Pudong New Area, Shanghai. Opening Hours:10:00—22:00 Public Transport: Metro Line 8 (China Art Museum Station) Parking:Level B2 热线(Hotline):400-181-6688 官方微博(Microblog):@梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心 官方微信(WeChat):梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心

3 中华艺术宫(原上海世博会中国馆) China Art Museum, Shanghai (China Pavilion of Shanghai Expo) 中华艺术宫于2012年10月1日正式开馆。建筑面 积16万平方米,展示空间6.4万平方米。 China Art Museum, Shanghai first opened to the public on October 1, 2012 and has a total floor area of 160,000 square meters and an effective exhibition space of 64,000 square meters. The space currently displays 1,500 historical and contemporary art works.

辑 Promotion

EXPO Tour 世博地图解读 上海意大利中心(原上海世博会意大利馆) Shanghai Italian Center (Italian Pavilion of Shanghai Expo) “上海意大利中心”让国人不出国门就可以领略意大利文艺 复兴的艺术精华——米开朗基罗的大卫雕像;欣赏多款时 尚经典的法拉利车型——中国唯一的法拉利博物馆;体验原 汁原味的意大利设计精髓——“材料的真谛”主题展览。 Shanghai Italian Center enjoys a fantastic river landscape in a cozy urban oasis. The center features a number of event spaces suitable for hosting various types of show. www.italiancenter.cnv



飞行家主题园 The Aviator’s Park 全国首家航空文化主题园, 集中呈现航空科普、 轻型飞机展览、模飞中心、航空游戏、航模展厅、 航空服饰展、环幕影院、八一特技表演展等。 The Aviator’s Park,is the first park in China to be themed around aviation cultural communication. The park covers aviation science, light aircraft exhibitions, flight simulators, Interactive games, an aero-model collection, a military aviation showcase, theater and stunt flying introduction.


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16 上海世博会纪念展 (原上海世博会城市足迹馆) Commemoration Exhibition of Expo 2010 Shanghai China (Pavilion of Footprint of Shanghai Expo) 上海世博会纪念展带你回望百年梦想, 铭记十年努力,感怀八年筹办,重温184天 每一个成功、精彩、难忘的瞬间。 The Commemoration Exhibition will take you back to the ‘successful, splendid and unforgettable moments’ of the Shanghai Expo.

后滩公园 Houtan Park 后滩公园总规划面积为13.98公顷,是一个具有湿地保护、科普教育等功能的城市 公园。公园游览方式主要为步行游览。沿着水系上游路线可以陆续欣赏到:梯地禾 田带——老厂房改造而成的“空中花园”——眺望黄浦江两岸的“芦荻台”——水 上入口“水门码头”及服务性建筑——水系净化观赏亲水区“亲水平台”。 Houtan Park,,with a planned area of 13.98 hectares, is an urban park integrating wetland protection and science education. Along the upstream route there are such scenic spots as the area of terraces and paddy fields, the “Hanging Garden” transformed from an old factory, “Ludi Platform” to view the Huangpu River, and the riverside platform to view water purifying system. 地址:上海市浦东新区世博大道2200号 Address: No. 2200, Shibo Ave., Pudong New Area, Shanghai 公园开放时间(Opening Hours): 7:00-18:00 (具体视现场通知)

城市最佳实践区 Urban Best Practices Area 通过聚焦花园城市总部、文化创意食尚、特色主题零售、乐活展示中心、 世博创意秀场、零碳精品酒店、智慧体验市集、活力互动娱乐等“八大 业态”,UBPA旨在打造一个充满活力的复合街坊和彰显魅力的城市客 厅。UBPA是亚洲首个获得美国绿色建筑委员会Leed-ND铂金级预认证 的街区。目前入驻有提供地道法国产品的“法国生活艺术精品商店”、 “ 法国世纪厨神” 保罗-博古斯开设的“法国博古斯学院西餐厅”等。 By focusing on eight service forms - garden city headquarter, creative cuisine, thematic retails, LOHAS show center, World Expo fashion show creative space, zero carbon boutique hotel, experience-oriented market of wisdom and energetic interactive entertainment - UBPA is aimed at building a dynamic compound neighborhood, or a “living room” in the city. UBPA is the first LEED-ND platinum Pre-certified plan in Asia. So far, a number of stores and restaurants have opened, such as Boutique Un air de France à Shanghai and Restaurant Ecole Institut Paul Bocuse, but there are many more yet to come. 地址:东至南车站路和花园港路,西邻保屯路和望达路,南至苗江路,北至中山南路(上海市黄浦区) Address: East to Nanchezhan Rd., Huayuangang Rd., West to Baotun Rd., Wangda Rd., South to Miaojiang Rd., North to Zhongshan Rd. (S) (Huangpu District, Shanghai


辑 Promotion

数字媒体营销新视角 一个微信服务号的诞生 如何让一座每周都坐拥上万名观众的国际性场馆真正“活”起来,用数字社交的 方式与用户对话,同时给到其用户更多贴心智能服务,甚至在他们离开场馆之后 依然可以延续这种高粘性的互动,并促使分享给更多人,并再次来到场馆,带着 这个颇具挑战性的命题,我们开启了梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心微信公众账号。 微信5.0上线之后,对于每个企业而言,选择服务号 还是订阅号都是一个“艰难的决定”。订阅号更适 合推广,但局限多,服务号更偏向社交CRM,但每月 只有一次推送,大大弱化了它的推广力度。 梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心最终选择了微信公众账号服务号 代替之前的订阅号是一次富有创意的全新尝试,成为服务 号后虽然失去了每日推送的,但其“自定义”的底部菜单,以 及更为丰富的技术接口可以给到场馆更为广阔的发挥空间, 可以更为用心,真正地实现“内容营销” “自媒体”营销的推 广目的,同时也构建起场馆的社交CRM 系统,实现提升用 户体验,完成智能互动,走向大数据营销的最终目标。

When Wechat launched the 5.0 version, the main issue for merchants was to choose between two different account types: service or subscription. If a subscription account is more suitable for doing promotion, then service accounts are made for social CRM and push marketing activity. For many reasons, Mercedes-Benz Arena has chosen the public service account instead of subscription account including the ability to build a customized navigation menu with an interactive interface for users, push more accurate marketing messages, and create a comprehensive social CRM system. These technical functions will help realize the ultimate goal: enhance the user experience and leverage the “big data” e-marketing era.


“Never ending” digital concert

在增加用户粘度方面,梅赛德斯-奔 驰文化中心微信账号也进行了有趣 的尝试。 “精彩回顾“菜单也成场馆 独家内容的黄牌栏目。通过建立最 具影响力的群星数据库,收录50位 曾经在场馆开设个人演唱会的精彩 图文回顾,只需输入艺人的姓名,就 可以获得往期精彩回顾,随时随地 回忆曾经的动人瞬间,也可以和身边 的朋友进行分享。 该数据库也在不断扩充,同时会增 加除文字与图片之外的多媒体展示 方式,目标在于建立最全面的群星演 唱会数据库,成为“永不落幕”的数 字演唱会。

To satisfy fans interest, MercedesBenz Arena account has developed the “Stars” menu button which has become the Arena’s TOP section to provide exclusive and creative content to users: Type the name of the star and get access to previous concert photos and highlights. Easy to share with friends, fans and users can now remember the events all day every day, directly through their smartphone. The MB Arena events collection grows with each show making the MB Arena account a perfect “never ending” digital concert on WeChat.

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We Chat Marketing:

A New Channel for MB Arena Communications and Social CRM How to make an international arena with thousands of weekly customers more “interactive” and “attractive”? The WeChat public service platform offers a new solution which will bring everyone to the next level. Mercedes Benz Arena is now able to engage in online conversations with customers and audience members to provide them a tailor-made experience. We have built a platform to have 1-to-1 communication with fans increasing traffic and brand awareness. The WeChat project is a challenge that has great potential for enhancing the customer experienced if overcome. In 2014 we will start a new era of communication where customer engagement and interactivity are the leading focus. 演唱会版“疯狂猜图”

Top Game: “ Photo Guess”

梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心微信账号全新改 版后最具人气的一个栏目是富有创意的演 唱会版“疯狂猜图”,第一批关卡只有7张图 片,通过人数目前仅有400名,但是可以达 到微信日活跃互动的60%以上,许多狂热 用户纷纷在微博上求助,随着用户的自发 传播,又达到了增加新粉丝的推广目的。 接下来,将推出系列“疯狂猜图” “疯狂猜 歌”等生动有趣又能充分展现微信富媒体特 性的小游戏,并增设通关礼物回馈用户。

A much welcomed section of the Arena’s account is a musical version of the popular game “Photo Guess”. Version 1.0 has seven pictures and nearly 60% of our wechat users have already tried this game, shared the results on social media or requested help from friends, and helped to recruit new fans every day. The next step will be to create more customized interactive games on the WeChat mini site such as “Photo Guess” and “Song Guess”. Gifts from MB Arena Founding Partners will be available as prizes for winners of the game and frequent users.


Accurate Customer Service

微信独特的互动方式,可以让用户通 过输入关键词获得智能推送的客服信 息,如输入“地铁”可以获得地铁末班 车时刻表,输入“美食”可以获得场馆 各层的餐饮推荐,输入“电影”可以获 得最新电影排期。 智能化互动还可以结合赞助商的权益 实时进行创意性构建,如输入与赞助商 相关的关键词,即可参加相关活动,参 与全场互动等。

Wechat’s unique interactive platform provides users an easy way to get information about MB Arena facilities simply by typing keywords into the chat window or using the MB arena navigation menu. For example, type “subway” and you can receive times of the last subway trains. Input “food” and you can get food recommendations for each floor of the retail area. Input “movie” and you can receive information on upcoming movies and new releases. Partake in special events and activities sponsored by Arena Founding Partners when you type in keywords related to MB Arena sponsors and users will have the chance to win prizes and other gifts.

互动沟通引导出的CRM管理 预计在2月上线的第二期微信还将推出包括活动日历,现场时 刻,商家签到,积分抽奖,我的账户等全新功能,通过与用户 的互动, 【想去】和【签到】等用户的主动触发,获得用户的消 费目的与此时此刻的消费状态和地理位置,给到用户更有针 对性的服务,同时也通过积分奖励机制犒劳忠诚度高的粉丝, 以实现CRM中的忠诚度管理目的。 微信平台不仅会成为梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心与用户长期沟 通的平台,高效直接低成本的触达用户,并会通过互动功能增 加用户活跃度和用户粘度,通过产品逻辑来识别和分析用户, 以及个性化的富媒体内容展示,真正建立起属于文化中心的 活跃用户群体。

A New page in Social CRM The second development phase of the MB Arena WeChat function will create new interactive tools like a historical events calendar, MB Arena moments, retail stores check-ins, and a loyalty rewards program. Via the items [want to go] and [check-in], user can show their current position and consumption habits with the Arena to acquire fan loyalty points. With this information MB Arena will be able to leverage and provide better customized services to their fans and customers. WeChat platform will not only become a long-term communication platform for Mercedes-Benz Arena and its users but also a hi-tech platform to increase user activity and engagement helping MB Arena identify fans core behaviors and create a better overall experience.

本期电影 Cinema

Return to Middle Earth As the second instalment of Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit trilogy hits Chinese cinemas, Tom Huddlestone talks to star Martin Freeman This is the second of three films where you play Bilbo Baggins. How did you feel when you were first confirmed for the lead in The Hobbit? It was great, because first I could do it, then I couldn’t because of [BBC TV series] Sherlock, then Pete [Jackson] rearranged it. So yes, it was amazing. I couldn’t believe it, it was like my agent was taking the mick or something. He rang saying we had to let it go, then he rang saying it was back on. I’m still amazed that it really happened. But I know it really happened, because I’ve just been in New Zealand for 18 months.

good, because he was always there. With any good actor, you’re there when it’s on you and when it’s off you. It always baffles me when I hear that friends have been working with someone who virtually goes to sleep when they’re not doing their lines. But he’s always present and always giving everything, so it’s a lot easier. Acting is reacting, and it’s always easier to react when someone is doing a good job. And Andy was obviously doing a good job because he’s pretty darn good at Gollum. I wasn’t having to imagine Gollum, he was there! Albeit with a slightly different face, he is a bit better looking.

In the behind-the-scenes footage from the original films there’s Did you look at what Ian Holm had done in The Lord of the Rings a real sense of camaraderie. Did you get that same sense when for guidance? you were filming? I did. I used it as a sort of template of where Bilbo I’ve seen those DVD documentaries but I didn’t watch was going to be in 50 or 60 hobbit years. Just certain them thinking, this is how I should behave. Because gesticulations or patterns of speaking. You can’t be hamstrung by it, but I certainly looked at it. There aren’t of course that itself can be a kind of pressure, thinking have to enjoy it just as much as they did. We bigger films you didn’t get tattoos or anything, but we went for a lot of Were you encouraged to interpret Bilbo in your own than this great Japanese meals. We were a very different group way? than the original Fellowship. There were more of us, Definitely. Two weeks before we started shooting I had for a start. And a lot of us were older, we’re at different stages of lunch with Pete so we could talk about how I should play Bilbo. He life and we were quite respectful of the fact that if people want just said, Well, you’re Bilbo, that’s why I chose you. Whatever you space you give them space. So we weren’t The Monkees, but we do is going to be perfect, don’t worry. Neither Pete nor I ever said were pretty tight. No one punched anyone, no one really had a this is the definitive Bilbo. We wanted Bilbo to be 500 different falling out. Which when you consider it, all that testosterone, over colours, like all interesting people. 18 months, a lot of swords in hands, makes me very proud. The first scene you shot for the first film was the key ‘Riddles Is this the biggest project that you have been involved in? in the Dark’ section with Gollum. Was Andy Serkis helpful in I’ll never do a bigger film. There aren’t bigger films! This is the that process? biggest film. He didn’t offer any advice, but he was helpful just because he was

MB Arena Magazine | 40-41 你在得悉霍比特人由您指导是什么感受? 感觉很棒,首先我能做到,从前一部作品重新整理。是的,当时感觉很好。 我简直不敢相信,这就像我的经纪人在跟我开玩笑。他打电话说我们可能 失去了这次机会,然后他打电话我得到了这次机会。我很惊讶,真的发生 了。但我知道这真的发生了,因为我在新西兰的才18个月。

Upcoming movies 最新上映的电影

你觉得Ian Holm在指导的魔戒给读者印象是什么? 我看的。我把它作为一种模板,Bilbo的出现会在原作50或60个霍比特年 后,只是一些呈现方式的改变。虽然不能受制于它,但我一定会借鉴。 是否有人鼓励你以你自己的方式来诠释Bilbo? 是的。我们开始拍摄的两个星期前,我和皮特共进午餐并谈论如何诠释 Bilbo。他说,你就是Bilbo,这就是为什么我选择了你。你做什么都是完美 的,别担心。彼得和我都不会说那就完全是Bible。我们希望他拥有500种 不同的色彩,就好像所有的有意思的人那样。 您拍摄的第一个场景是有Gollum参演的‘Riddles in the Dark’。拍 摄过程中Andy Serkis有帮到您嘛? 他没有提供任何意见,但他是个好演员,因为他总是在该在的地方。任 何好的演员,都有很好的镜头感。这让我想起从朋友哪里听说拍摄时 一起工作的人当没有台词时在睡觉这类情况。但他总是在对的地方诠 释该出现的场景,所以合作起来非常同意。表演就像反应,当有人做的 很好的时候总是很顺畅且轻松的。安迪显然是在表现的很好因为他很 擅长扮演G ollu m。我不必想象 Gollum,Andy演绎的就是他! 尽管有脸稍微有些不同,他 反而更好看些。 在幕后 镜头中看到前一 部 电影的场景。当你拍摄的时 候感受是否一致?

对我而言没 有更大制作 的电影了

我见过那些DVD纪录片,但是 我没有看到他们的思维,这是 我应该做的。当然,本身就是 一种压力,想象你必须喜欢它 只是像他们一样。我们没有 纹身,但我们去吃了很多的 日本餐。我们是一个相比 原来的非常不同的组。一开 始我们有更多的人,而且很 多我们更年长写,我们在人 生有着不同的阶段,我们很 尊重事实,如果人们想要的 空间,你给他们空间。我们 不是The Monkees,但我们 都很紧密,没有人争吵或者 掉队。当你思考这一点,过 去的18个月,拥有很多剑在 手,让我感到非常自豪。 显 然 这 是 你 参 与了最 大 的项目。 我将不会参与一部更大 制作电影。对我而言没 有更大制作的电影了! 这 是最大最 宏 伟的电 影

2014.1.31 澳门风云 2014.2.5 冰雪奇缘 Frozen 2014.2.21 霍比特人2:史矛革之战 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

2014.2.28 机械战警 RoboCop 黄金时代 2014.3 2014.4.4 美国队长2 Captain America: The Winter Soldier

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