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Horoscopes 6 6
Manish’s ZODIAC PREDICTIONS JULY 2020 someone you know could make your head spin. SAGITTARIUS (22 NOVEMBER -21 DECEMBER) You want to broaden your world, explore, learn more about other cultures, do some traveling, ARIES (21 MARCH–19 APRIL) LEO (23 JULY – 22 AUGUST) or pick up something new. You could be inspired to You’re expanding your view You would have greater make a transformation for of the world and exposing vitality and strength, want to the better. Dealings with joint yourself to new ways of living. put yourself out there in the finances, debts, loans, or You would feel more romantic, spotlight, crave attention, inheritances go smoother. You charming, and graceful. and feel more gregarious and want to connect with other You have more energy for warm. people in a deep, intimate way, shunning superficiality and desiring strong bonds. TAURUS (20 APRIL – 20 MAY) relationships, and want to spend time with people oneon-one. Friendships might be renewed or revitalized. CAPRICORN (22 DECEMBER – 19 JANUARY) You may have less opportunities to make money, or feel more strapped You may find your energy VIRGO (23 AUGUST – 22 financially. If you’re single, higher than usual, and SEPTEMBER) You come up with you’ll likely find that you have you have more vigour and your best ideas in a group, more opportunities for dating; enthusiasm. You have the and are more innovative with if you’re attached, you’ll feel opportunity to smooth your approaches and ideas. like amping up the romance. over troubled areas with You’ll be more engaging, You may become more siblings, acquaintances, and have more communications, interested in other cultures neighbours if necessary. The and have a lot on your mind. and cuisines. lines of communication open with a partner or lover. GEMINI (21 MAY – 20 JUNE) You’ll need both physical and mental outlets for all of this energy. AQUARIUS (20 JANUARY – 18 FEBRUARY) You will have a clearer idea of what you want Your self esteem in higher, LIBRA (23 SEPTEMBER – 22 from your life long-term, and and you want to improve your OCTOBER) You could have an you can make a solid, realistic security and increase your opportunity to forge better plan for yourself. Your energy worth. Dealings with your intimacy with loved ones. You increases, you feel more finances go smoother, and may feel you’re more curious enthusiastic and want to try you may get the opportunity about other ways of living, more new things, though you to make more money through and want to do some research may not stick with anything for a raise, new job, or side on other cultures. You could very long. business. CANCER (21 JUNE – 22 JULY) You’ll think more about how settle a debt, get a loan or inheritance, or figure out your joint finances. PISCES (19 FEBRUARY – 20 MARCH) This is an excellent period for research of a you can change yourself SCORPIO (23 OCTOBER – 21 financial or business strategy and your life, and it’s a NOVEMBER) You may want to and deserves special good month for planning try new things and explore attention. Friendships and changes. You’ll feel most like in a less serious, more group connections are lively yourself when you’re being curious way. There may be this month. You’ll likely have researching, exploring taboo romance that comes through more zeal and drive for your subjects. You won’t feel as friendships or social contacts. hobbies and just having more light-hearted or enthusiastic A sudden realization about of a good time. as usual. MANISH KUMAT ARORA • EMAIL: manish@manishastrologer.com 31
Mentor, matchmaker and TV host PAUL CARRICK BRUNSON talks to Lifestyle magazine.
The best selling author of It’s Complicated (But It Doesn’t Have to Be). A Modern
Guide to Finding and Keeping Love. IN AN INTERVIEW WITH AISUTIA CAPONE
WHO IS PAUL CARRICK advocate of the book “The simply, how much of it is
BRUNSON?? For those One Thing”. In the book is inspirational, how much people who may not know the notion that we can tap is aspirational and how you. I consider myself, into our greatness if we can much of it is essentially first and foremost to be a Husband, a father, a double down and focus on one thing. neutral and how much is negative. I believe that the brother, a cousin, an uncle and a friend to many. And I think that’s most important beyond any professional endeavours. Next I would say I’m a mentor, Following on from that WOULD BE YOU HAVE WORKED WITH SOME OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL BILLIONAIRES IN THE WORLD. HOW DO YOU DEVELOP OR MAINTAIN A MINDSET most successful people, are able to make the vast majority of the content they intake aspirational and inspirational. WHAT DRIVES YOU? My motivation has changed
HOW EASY WAS IT FOR HOW DOES SOMEONE know at one point it was
YOU TO TRANSITION FROM OBSCURITY TO THE HUGE SUCCESS CHANGE A NEGATIVE MINDSET TO A POSITIVE? It begins by about money, at one point it was about status, at one point it was about self and
YOU ARE TODAY? just analysing the content ego. But quite honestly
I think failing is an you currently intake. Your what drives me at this important lesson learned and I think something that every entrepreneur daily intake. It could be the people that you speak to on a daily basis, it point in my life is legacy you know that’s really what its about for me. Legacy or professional needs to could be the blogs that for me is not just what to know, is that, this whole you read, it could be the my children, or what I’m notion of “failing fast to succeed faster!” I think it’s important to try one thing, television that you listen to. It could be the music that you listen to. Whatever leaving to my family, to my friends, to my community, to my world. That legacy but try that one thing in the content is that you category is what drives me many ways. So, I’m a big intake, on a daily weekly or and that’s what keeps my 32 monthly basis. Ask yourself foot on the pedal.