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ECO house - innovation
Looking for the new sustainable house in
Cyprus? Take a look at Container House Cyprus.
Who are you?
Panayiotis Yiakoumi (Civil and structural Engineer) and Sofoklis Taliotis(Gas Engineer) founders of Container House Cyprus
What gave you the idea to offer this service?
Cyprus needed faster and more affordable solutions in building methods. Not only that, but this is more environmentally friendly than conventional methods. We were always intrigued by finding

solutions towards helping the environment. This motivation helped initiate this start-up.
How popular are they
In Cyprus the popularity is extremely low to nonexistent. In other countries such as the Netherlands, Australia, America, Canada and many more are using this method for a long time now giving solutions to high building costs.
Where do you get the containers from
The containers are bought from resellers in Cyprus that would otherwise scrap metal in a few years if no maintenance took place. By this we recycle and reuse with very good results.
Do you have a website
We don’t have a website yet but you can find us on Facebook: Container
House Cyprus Do you think this is the future of housing
We believe this is an excellent solution for high building costs while at the same time keeping the same luxury and law criteria. This definitely can be the ideal of future housing for everyone but this is surely a more cost efficient and more sustainable way of living than conventional buildings with the same quality.
Why choose Cyprus as a place to put them and can they be put anywhere?
They can be placed anywhere at any climate, extreme or not as long as they are designed and built up to building standards of that country. We are trying to introduce this in Cyprus in order to tackle high building and living costs and to start a new era of eco-friendly building housing.


LLC is a UK based holiday letting company attracting investment from Cyprus to the UK for the purpose of sourcing, acquiring, renovating, adapting property to create self service accommodation in the UK.
Why Cyprus.
One of the Directors is now based in Cyprus with great connections. Cyprus is geographically in Europe but strategically close to North Africa, Turkey, Syria and other Arab speaking nations and is currently attracting inward investment from China as well as the nations already mentioned.
LLC has connections with a publication that can serve to attract inward investment to the UK. In essence we can serve, develop, attract and close deals of inward investment to the UK.

Why UK.
Economically, socially and technically the world is changing rapidly and we believe investors will look to secure their futures by investing in a country that historically thrived under huge challenges, by way of example WW2, whilst at the same time supporting free markets. Though things change we believe a free market economy is a value that the British Economy will not suppress.
Given the government has left Europe as a trading bloc the government will seek to open up new markets from the Americas to Austral-Asia continents which will inevitably be good news for ports such as Liverpool, Hull & Southampton bringing inward jobs and investment. LLC will seek to capitalise on this opportunity.
The Pandemic could justifiably curb enthusiasm for overseas visits making holiday breaks in the UK more attractive.
Call +44 151 236 503 or Email Info@lifestylelivingcyprus.com

ARGOS ANIMAL SANCTUARY An interview with founder and director Stella Stylianou
The sanctuary provides a lifeline for unwanted animals. There are currently 49 cats and 57 dogs living at the home in Ormideia and while there is capacity for three times as many more, the owners cannot take in any more animals due to a lack of funding and volunteers. It costs 120,000 euros to run the sanctuary every year and is entirely funded by donations, mostly from abroad and topped up by the personal pensions of the volunteers.
Stella said, “It’s not just a matter of providing space for 150 animals, they have to be able to cohabit together, when we have 180 dogs we had to ensure they get on, if you ave 8 or 9 dogs in one space, they fought for the space and when they fight, they kill each other.
During Covid we has 2 charity shops which provides an income to help maintain the animals and also our vets bills which are 45,000 a year.
And we lost that income when we were completely 14

locked down for two months and we struggled. The government helped with food bills but if we have to go through something like that again we will be forced to close down completely.” Stella first came to Cyprus in 1982 and has spent almost 40 years devoting her life to looking after unwanted cats and dogs. She said she was shocked at the number of stray animals around and after

a number of years when she was more settled and owned a house she wanted to take further steps to help animals. She said, “In 2005 I realised I needed to set up an organisation to help animals and not just in my house, I had 10 dogs then. So I put an ad in the paper for animal lovers to come forward and help animals with the object of building a shelter to care for them. The response was fantastic and we
registered the company.” “I applied for land to the government and no one was interested but we now lease the land from the British Military. It’s all thanks to the First Lady of Cyprus, Fotini Papadopoulos, who I decided to approach, I wrote her a letter explaining what we wanted and she replied and called me in for a meeting. After talking to us she made a phone call to her minister and said she was going to send this woman to him and he had to find me a piece of land.” “The first thing we made was the cattery because I used of feed a lot of cats, up to 25 and from then on in 2008 we started with the dog rescue due to the large volume of dogs being abandoned and it went on from there. We build each piece slowly from donations.” These donations include two sisters from Canada who provided funds to build the offer, the electrify at the shelter is run entirely through solar power energy provided through Swiss donors. “It’s fantastic that there are those people around,“ said Stella, “because without them we would never have made it.” “It’s become tiring because it’s hard to see the condition of the animals left with us, so badly neglected and abused. They’re brought to us and we take them to the vet who says they can’t be helped and need to be put down. Why is that job given to us? It’s soul destroying. Very few municipalities in Cyprus take the responsibility of this, they do nothing. They don’t follow up with the owners and they don’t control reproduction. It’s not against the law to have an unsterilised dogs. Some people think it’s wrong to mess about with reproduction but I have spoken to the church and they have said that it’s not against their religion because the animals are controlled by humans and therefore you have to control their breeding as well. And actually it’s more humane for them. If you keep having babies all the time your bodies are a wreck.”
The Argos Animal Sanctuary desperately need volunteers to help walk the dogs especially as winter approaches. Other chores include cleaning the runs and supporting those who are here there all the time.
For more information about volunteering and donations please call 99 326045 or visit www.argossanctuary.com
Not only is Cyprus one of the safest places to be, it also happens to be the home of the Larnaca U3A.

The 6 current committee members of the U3A.
The Larnaca U3A is a non-profit organisation whose function is to provide and share among its members knowledge, skills, interests, hobbies, and crafts. Membership is multinational but the activities are given to English to persons who are retired. In normal times, members meet to enjoy a large array of social, physical and intellectual activities (www.U3Alarnaca.club for details). Ah, but you say, times are not normal, and we can no longer meet as we used to, stymied by the rules of social distancing and masking. But with a bit of patience during lockdown we managed to continue to offer many of its activities, albeit on a new or reduced scale. Sessions on music, opera and theatre were available for broadcast online. Absolutely wonderful, as you could munch popcorn while sitting around in dingy 16
Carol Anderson offering a departing gift to there former chair Margaret gross and former treasurer Rob Denny.

sweats (or pjs) and stringy hair. YouTube videos took the place of normal astronomy/cosmology sessions; bridge, chess, as well as French and Greek conversation continued but in online form. Meetings on Skype or Zoom became familiar. By June, cabin fever reached its peak and the first post-lockdown sessions commenced (with social distancing of course). The patchwork and quilting group dusted off their sewing machines, the art group picked up their paint and brushes, the French group again struggled to roll their Rs The big disappointment has been the cancellation of the summer and winter dinner dances. But hopefully this autumn we can look to organising smaller lunch and dinner outings. While we’re anxious to get back to normal life the Club has served to ease the anxiety and boredom of members during the pandemic and lockdown. As a toot to all U3A Larnaca members who weathered the storm with aplomb and courage, this article is dedicated to you and to all others who are looking for new adventures close to home.
For more details email carol.anderson65@ yahoo.com
The European be determined by when Commission the contracts are signed, has decided the however, the ultimate aim maritime passenger of the Shipping Deputy route between Cyprus Ministry is to launch the and Greece is a general route in May 2021. economic interest service under current EU rules and can thus be supported with state/ government funds. Apart from the annual amount of €6 million, which will be given as a state subsidy, the duration of the contract After months of will be for three years with discussions with the the possibility of renewal EU’s DG Competition, for another three. that started las year, the Shipping Deputy Ministry managed to secure approval for maximum state aid of €6 mlllion annually to reinstate The Cypriot government, together with the successful bidder, will agree on when the route will start operating. the Cyprus-Greece ferry Interested shipowners connection and charterers planning It was discontinued in 2000 after a sharp drop in the price of airline tickets, which made the line to submit a tender for this project should have a ship capable of carrying both passengers and freight. obsolete. More specifically, the Now the European Cyprus-Greece maritime Commission has given the green light for the establishment of a ferry link between Cyprus and Greece, paving the way for the launch of an open tendering process in the coming months. The exact date of the launch of the ferry link will connection will be conducted by the RoPax ferry that will carry passengers and their accompanying vehicles, as well as cargo. The ferry is expected to have a capacity for at least 200 passengers and cabins for 140 people and it should not take over 16 hours to make the trip. The route will connect Limassol or Larnaca port with the port of Piraeus with the possibility of an intermediate stop in a Greek island port on the way to Piraeus and vice versa. The itinerary will be conducted once a week in the summer months (May–September) and once in a fortnight during winter (October–April) and it is expected to enrich the available means of transport and create a new market segment for consumers/ travellers to and from Cyprus and Europe.

Cyprus is the safest them, keeping it safe for place in Europe everyone else here on with the lowest holiday as well,” coronavirus cases in Europe, said Tourism Minister Savvas Perdios. Cyprus is the only country where masks aren’t mandatory walking down He said that the virus was the street, making it an fully under control. “We attractive destination only have a small number where people can have a of cases on a daily basis, proper holiday as usual.. around two to three per 100,000 per day,” As UK tourists increase week-on-week, he “By testing before expects to see a rise in arrival, this has ensured bookings for October that no one coming in half-term and the is carrying the virus with winter months, where

the temperature still remains around 20C. He said Cyprus has great weather until January. “I hope people consider the island for the winter holidays.” The news portal reported that there were now just 15 countries which have no quarantine rules either on arrival or back in the UK for British travellers, including Cyprus.

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Want Cyprus to allow British tourists to take a coronavirus test 96 hours before arrival on the island instead of the current 72, which makes it harder for them to travel, say Cypriot hoteliers.
Thanos Michaelides, from the head of Paphos hoteliers said that a request has been sent to the health ministry and hoped it would be viewed positively. He said recent days have seen some movement from the
British market but there was a problem with testing as many could not get their test results within 72 hours, as Cyprus mandates for travellers from countries in category
Michaelides said a lot of
British tourists had missed flights to Cyprus, several by a matter of hours, because they did not receive their test results in time.
He said “Granting an additional 24 hours would be providing a boost since the UK was the only market, which could show improvement.
September and October are considered the last months of the summer season and losing them 20

would only widen the loss”. He added “It is a period where there is some interest from the British market, and it would be a shame to miss.” Occupancy in Paphos hotels this month has so far reached 20 per cent.”
There’s been a visa-free travel to the huge surge in wealthy Britons trying to secure a EU and citizenship to investors in local business or property. Cyprus passport, almost double “This isn’t about tourists. This is the UK high net worth community that the applications have a constant need from last year to travel to and spend according to significant time in the leading immigration companies. EU,” said Henley & Partners director Paddy Blewer. “ According to Reuters news, the number of British entrepreneurs looking to “buy” citizenship from countries offering visa-free access to the European Union has risen sharply, investment migration firms say, as prospects of a post-Brexit trade deal between Britain and the “This is investment migration as a volatility hedge and a component in a high net worth portfolio value defence strategy,” he said, adding that volumes of client engagement were higher now than immediately after the 2016 Brexit vote.” bloc darken. Interest in additional Investment immigration firm Astons said it had seen a 50 per cent t year-on-year increase in interest from clients seeking Cypriot citizenship. citizenships is rising even as the European Commission examines possible steps to curb EU states selling passports and visas to wealthy foreigners, due toconcerns it can help From January 2021 UK organised crime groups. passport-holders are likely to lose their rights to freedom of movement across the EU, causing a sharp rise in requests for advice on investment migration applications to Cyprus among other countries which offer a range of residency rights, Cypriot residency can be secured in two months with a €300,000 property purchase. Securing citizenship takes six months and requires a minimum property investment of €2 million. EU authorities are under pressure to clamp down on investment migration programmes by member states. Sven Giegold, a member of the European Parliament from Germany’s Green party, said these kind of citizenship sales “posed a serious threat to EU security and the fight against corruption” in the bloc. “EU passports and visas are not a commodity. Money must not be the criterion for citizenship and residence rights in the EU,” he said.

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Tom Hanks is truly a man for the ages, but at 64 years young, does he consider his best years behind him? Not a bit of it…
He’s the fourth “There’s that saying, ‘treat highest-grossing others as you want to be actor in Hollywood treated yourself’, and in but, for the most part, the current social and
Tom Hanks is referred political climates I don’t to as being the nicest think that’s ever been too. With his ‘aw shucks’ truer,” he begins. attitude, friendly laugh and habit of making ‘dad’ jokes – when asked to name something he didn’t know when he was 18, he chuckled: “I didn’t “We are in troubling times, but I’ve seen equally bad situations in the past and I’m sure we’ll come through it.” realise at 18 that girls At least professionally, the want to have sex too… I actor is in a good place. thought it was a total oneTrue, in approaching way street” – it’s easy to retirement age, it would forget he is essentially a be understandable if cinematic titan. Hanks decided to ease
For all his friendliness, however, Hanks is a consummate professional, and respect is a mainstay he has carried with him throughout his 40 years in the business. up on the high-octane blockbusters, but if his recent roles are anything to go by that looks unlikely. From reprising for the third time as historian extraordinaire Robert 26

Langdon in Dan Brown’s Inferno – the follow-up to The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons – to Clint Eastwood’s harrowing drama Sully, to the true story of press freedom in The Post, right through to the fourth instalment in the Toy Story saga, Hanks is still the leading man every studio wants, though these days it’s more ‘you’ve got to save the world’ rather than You’ve Got Mail. It seems this recent influx of work, and overall vigour for life, is down to Hanks being in the same position most fathers find themselves in eventually. “The kids are out of the house! All the kids are gone,” he laughs. “It’s
the greatest thing that has ever happened to Mr and Mrs Tom Hanks. Well, second greatest – after having the kids in the first place. But when they go, holy smoke it’s like you are dating again. It’s fantastic!” Born in Concord, California, to workingclass parents who divorced when he was four, Hanks’ childhood was, at best, an example of the freewheeling Sixties; at worst, unsettling and isolated. He was raised for the most part by his father, and had periods of no contact with his mother. By the age of 10, he’d lived in 10 homes in five cities. Hanks has long admitted that he wasn’t the popular kid at school, describing himself as ‘geeky’ and ‘painfully shy,’ but he found solace in acting class where he began his enduring fascination with all things theatrical. Given his incredible achievements – including winning two consecutive Best Actor Academy Awards for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump – it may come as a surprise that Hanks’ proudest career moment occurred before he’d even landed his first professional acting role. After graduating from California State University, he decided if he was to take acting seriously he ought to move to New York. So, with no real plan and a very big dream, the young actor, who had recently married his college sweetheart Samantha Lewes, set off to the east coast. “Individual jobs come and go, but I am proud that I had the courage to put the few possessions I had in the back of my car, and drive 2,000 miles away to only make 45 bucks a week,” he explains matter-offactly. “A lot of people would be afraid to do that. I was about to have a kid, which I found out about halfway through, which was extraordinary, but rather than the huge list of reasons not to do it, I had only one reason to do it, which is ‘it’s going to be fun’. And the idea that something is going to come out on the other side of it.” ”The lessons I learned from that first job are the lessons that I adhere to today, which is it is your responsibility as an actor to show up on time, to know the text and to have an original idea in your head. If I had not been so willing to just go off and have fun doing that at that time, then I wouldn’t be here right now.” While his gamble certainly paid off, and in 1984 Hanks would land the role that would make his name in the fantastical romantic comedy Splash, even now in 2020 he insists that in everything he does it is the investment of faith, effort and ambition that pays itself back. “It doesn’t matter if I’m turning up on set or tending to the weeds in the garden, I want to wake up every day feeling challenged, worthwhile and driven to succeed. Age fazes me in no way at all - it’s just a reference to how long I’ve been owning it,” he chuckles. Certainly, with some semblance of normality returning, postlockdown, there are further opportunities ahead to prove he still has the determination to make each new day interesting. War movie Greyhound saw Hanks return to ‘ship steering’ quality last revisited in the brilliant Captain Phillips; while post-apocalyptic thriller BIOS sees the actor embrace the darker side of his personality as Finch, the last man on Earth, who has no option, seemingly, but to come to terms with his own lonely mortality. In Hanks, it seems that this role model for every demographic is going to entertain us for quite a bit longer. 27
The environmental, health and ethical benefits of veganism are beyond doubt. But what if you feel a bit intimidated by the idea? Some experts offer their advice.
More people are going vegan. The environmental and ethical case for a diet free of all animal products, including meat, fish, dairy and eggs, is compelling. Research suggests that going vegan is the “single biggest way” to reduce your impact on the planet. And that is before you consider the the vegan social-media company Bosh!. “It’s about what’s right for you and what’s sustainable for your lifestyle.” Some experts suggest easing into veganism via a sightseeing tour of the world of vegetarianism, while others favour going cold tofu. ethical arguments against Katy Beskow, author eating industrially farmed of three bestselling animals, which have an cookbooks, suggests a appalling quality of life gradual approach. “The and are often pumped availability of vegan full of drugs that pose a products means you can risk to human health. do it so much more easily
But if you are a lifelong meat-eater, it is hard to know where to begin than before. My advice is to replace products in your diet with alternatives step by step, be it milk,
Should you go cold mayonnaise or yoghurt. turkey? That way, you won’t see a
“I don’t think there is difference.” a right answer about How do I deal with whether to do it negative responses from immediately or not,” says meat-loving family and
Henry Firth, one half of friends? 28

Kill the haters with kindness – and delicious food. “You can make your meat jokes or tell me I’m going to die, but I’m comfortable with my decision,” says the author Isa Chandra Moskowitz. “Treat people with kindness, even if they are being jerks. And cook for them – you get to show them how yummy things are. It’s a really nice gesture that stops people from being aggressive and helps them to see that the food is good.” Be empathic towards people expressing negative attitudes. “I can understand when people have some negativity towards veganism because I was in that position once. But it was just fear of the unknown and not being educated on the subject.”
Last October, English Cypriot Glen Kleathous saw an opportunity. “This area was a bit tired and rundown. Food places were serving reheated frozen tat.“ He explains, “I wanted to do something a bit more fresh and unusual.” The Forest Cafe just off Dhekelia Road, tucked between Ocean Basket and Vlachos Taverna expresses his viewpoint exactly. Breakfast, Brunch and Lunch begin with oldfashioned favourites like pancakes and traditional English breakfast - all with a twist. Then comes the surprise, there is a vegan version as well. Ask for a poached “egg yolk”, tofu scramble, or vegan seitan bacon. The menu explores other exotic and indulgent tastes too. After 1pm the Forest comes alive with “Honky”, it’s funky, original burgers and fusion flavours. “Super Natural” is The Forest’s vegetarian and vegan kitchen. Want to try some crispy, sweet and spicy wings? The Honky menu features chicken wings in a spicy
Owner Glen

Korean-inspired sauce. Super Natural serves a birdless version - made from scratch in their kitchen. My favourite was an Indian chicken masala kebab with masala spices and chicken and salt, served with a freshly made naan bread. You’ll find a vegan version on the Super Natural menu. They offer a full takeaway and home delivery service.
For the full menu go to @theforestBreakfastBrunchLunch on instagram or facebook.
We have posted the competition on our facebook page Like our page www.facebook.com/cyprusmagazine and share the post to 3 people and follow us on instagram @lifestylelivingcyprus We will select a winner at random who will be treated with a meal
Lifestyle magazine held its first informal free business networking event recently at Flames restaurant and bar in Ayia Napa. Further events are planned. Keep your eye on our Facebook page
Ayia Napa Suites hosted a Throwback Thursday Rooftop Party recently as part of a weekend long Ayia Napa Rocks festival. Social distancing and covid safety rules were adhered to.



86, Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue, Joanna Court, 2 nd Floor Larnaca: P.O.Box 42529, 6500 Larnaca, Cyprus 86, Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue, Tel.: 00357 24812222, Fax: 00357 24812244 Joanna Court, 2nd Floor E-mail: larnaca@kpst.com.cy PO Box 42529, 6500 Larnaca, Cyprus Tel: 00357 24812222, Fax: 00357 24812244 Email: larnaca@kpst.com.cy
58 Nikou Psara, 2 nd Floor P.O.Box 33175, 5311 Paralimni, Cyprus Paralimni: Tel.: 00357 23819500, Fax: 00357 23811501 58 Nikou Psara, 2nd Floor, PO Box 33175, 5311 Paralimni, Cyprus E-mail: paralimni@kpst.com.cy Tel: 00357 23819500, Fax: 00357 23811501 Email: paralimni@kpst.com.cy
‘MUSIC IS THE STRONGEST FORM OF MAGIC’! ...Marilyn Manson got that right! Music certainly creates some magical feelings within us...
It appears that online in Brighton. If you happen streaming is becoming across him, you can’t but more popular stop and listen to his foot with many artists stomping folk, blues and surrendering to this way rock sounds. I think he’s of performing. Around the just amazing and creates world venues have begun such feel good vibes. to stream to fans from the venues’ audience-less stage, as a way of saving their businesses......is this really the future of LIVE Check out his debut album ‘I SEE’ on www. camcole.com / FB: Cam Cole MUSIC... I hope not! One artist who continues to perform is CAM COLE, a one-man, self sufficient band who began by busking on the streets of London and is taking the music scene by storm. Cam Cole travels around in his van and regularly plays on the streets of the West End in London, in Camden and just recently Locally, and fortunately, small venues are now offering Acoustic nights. Popular bands such as FUSE and MINUS ONE are performing regularly at PATIO COCKTAIL BAR in Nicosia and ONTOUR and CASHIERS at Koursaros Music Bar in Protaras. If you fancy some Jazz or cool blues then check out Sarah’s Jazz Club in Nicosia, where small acoustic events are held in intimate and quaint surroundings, boasting the best of Music expert and Drew Andrea, who organises Cyprus Rocks, gives her insight into the music scene around Cyprus. If you want to be included email info@ lifestylelivingcyprus.com

Cypriot and International artists. FB: sarahsjazzclub
From Jazz to Metal..... and worth mentioning

is Superwoman Katerina

Xanthou of Cypriot metal band, RUSTX, who was honored, by being on the front cover of UNDERGROUND INVESTIGATION FANZINE! Well done Katerina!
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POWER OF MEDITATION With Ekaterina Sophia Why meditate? The in Larnaca answer is simpler than I t's human nature to evolve. You need the motivation of growth to you can imagine: You are primarily limited by your anxiety and lack of growth. If you remove the anxiety feel alive. When you are and expand your potential young you are motivated by expanding your mind to be grownup, to study, you become unlimited. to get a great job and If you are unlimited you start a family of your own. tap into your full potential.
The younger you are the Once again you are able greater you believe your to view the world from potential to be. Then child like prespective of slowly your ambition infinite potential. You shrinks, you are no longer see opportunity and you the astronaut, superhero have the courage to take or princess you were sure it. The knowledge you to become. Instead you have obtained becomes a are limited and boxed in source of wisdom to make every way. Your growth the most of what you have is boxed, your pathways and to avoid difficulties. are limited. Your mind Your life experience no is ridden with anxiety longer limits you, instead and your emotions are you know you have so suppressed. Much of the much yet to experience. time you are not living, Your clarity of vision, you are simply existing. stillness of mind and
You are not meeting a key balanced emotional state need, the most important opens infinite paths before part of human nature after you. Suddenly you start survival to grow and to to see the same situations evolve. from a new prospective.
The good news is, the is a solution is readily available and easily accessible! No, you don't need to give up your life and go to the Your new prespective opens new doors and tada, you are growing and evolving in a familiar setting in unfamiliar ways.
Himalayas to find yourself. Meditation is much like a
The solution is simple; reset button. When your meditate. divices are no longer 34 working properly the first thing you are guided to do is restart them. Meditation does the same to your mind. The deeply restful state you achive in meditation let's your mind reboot and return to the original state of childhood excitement. Stage by state you move away from just existing and start living. Traditional meditation is not always easy for a the busy western mind. I recommend starting with a guided meditation practice. Guided meditation much like hypnotherapy takes you on a journey. The journey is one of deep relaxation and self discovery. The combination of correct breathing, soothing music and visualisation creates a profound healing experience for both mind and body. Reset and restored you come back to life. You are able to see your experiences from a new prospective. Solutions flow naturally, relationships transform to be more heart centred and you experience greater levels of joy in your day to day life. This little practice can take you a long way to completely transforming yourself and your life. Change your mind to change your life by practicing daily meditation.

This is a time for streamlining your life, getting organized, and solving problems in practical ways. You benefit from a sense of stability as well as positive feedback from superiors. You are also more credible and reliable, which others appreciate. Romance blossoms nicely this month.
This is a time when you are more willing to take personal risks. There may be unexpected events that free you from confining situations or past conditioning patterns. You are more inspired this month, and your personality fairly bubbles with bursts of enthusiasm.
You would be able to bring more imagination to bear on your goals and ambitions now. It could be an excellent period promising much success in terms of love and relationships, provided you are willing to work on it. Long distance travel is also indicated with your beloved.
You are learning to rely on yourself and to take care of things that have undermined your confidence in yourself and in your life. You might find your ideals taking a more spiritual turn, thus involving you more in community and religious projects.
The urge for adventure and new experiences that introduce you to new cultures, beliefs, or feelings is likely very strong. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of your willingness to entertain the unusual and to think outside of the box.
SEPTEMBER) Sudden opportunities to expand your horizons, such as through travel, adventure, or learning can arise and jolt you out of your routine. Many of you will be strengthening relationships and, while it’s not necessarily easy going, you’ll reap the rewards later.
OCTOBER) Major changes in the structure of your close personal relationships, and in your attitude towards them, are in store. You are more able to get in touch with your subconscious mind, and confronting your fears can be quite pleasurable during this period.
NOVEMBER) This is a time for streamlining your life, getting organized, and solving problems in practical ways. Your deep awareness of keeping track of your health and taking better care of yourself and your own needs will help you harness some of your active energy.
-21 DECEMBER) This period can bring closure or reevaluation to issues you have been dealing with regarding learning, communication and personal projects. Love is working in your favor from but does encounter some questions. More opportunities for, and less restrictions on, leisure time are in store for you.
JANUARY) Your worldly goals may be watered down as you focus more on personal affairs. Some of you might be leaning towards a more spiritual, creative, or artistic career. Superficial areas of your life will be removed or transformed, and you are freer to express your authentic self.
FEBRUARY) Your long-term goals and wishes tend to be broad or ahead of the times just now. You may particularly enjoy dreaming up ideas for the future. You may discover new interests and desires that help you to rid yourself of attachments that no longer serve you well.
MARCH) Connections that further your career goals are made this month, and partnerships, social life, and career are all tied to one another. This is a favorable time for love and romance. You will develop new friendship which will be very rewarding and helpful. 37

Our dream was to one day create good service for tourists that would make their holidays here in Cyprus, even more special. This dream came true in 1989, where we established a small family business in Ayia Napa, a restaurant, as I (Theo) am a trained chef and my brother (Peter) is a trained waiter.

Since then we have tried our best to provide as much satisfaction as possible to our customers.
There’s a reason why Flames Restaurant is listed as one of Trip Avisor’s top ten restaurants in Ayia Napa. Dedicated to providing an excellent service, its winning mix of friendly staff, a great atmosphere and delicious food has delighted diners since it was established 1989.
If traditional Cypriot dishes are what your after, Flames is the place to go. You’ll find House Specialities, Steak, Grills, Fish, Pasta Vegan and Vegetarian Dishes on the Menu. Not to mention its fabulous Wine list and homemade desserts - all chosen to complement your meal perfectly.
T: 00357-23722774 - 00357-99637122 / 99523460 E: flames@cytanet.com.cy | www.flamesrestaurantandbar.com

Flames restaurant and bar flamesrestaurantandbar Flames Restaurant and Bar