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Lavender festival

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The Lavender festival took place recently at Cyherbia Botanical Park. Where we explored the Lavender Gardens and provided a great selection of finger food!



Stefania Bongiovanni

Hi gorgeous, do you like when someone says they will meet you for a coffee tomorrow and then at the last minute they say they have to postpone or that something came up and they really cannot make it? I’m not referring to the unexpected inconvenience or binding commitment (family matters, work obligations, etc.) that lead them - despite their will - to miss an appointment. I’m talking about the serial fakes, those who always find something else better to do or who just wake up in the morning and decide that they don’t feel like meeting you for a coffee... Annoying, isn’t it? Well, apart from the obvious advice to let those people walk out of your life, the point here is another. This example gives me the pretext to shift the focus on you and allow you to see things from the perspective of self-development. Choose to be the one who always sets intentions and turns them into reality. Choose to be the one who starts a daily workout routine and does it. Choose to be the one who hits on “going” to the events on Facebook and shows up. Choose to be the one who respects nature and gives a good example. Focus your attention and your energy on fewer things and carry them out. Choose quality over quantity and be truthful to yourself. Keep your word. This is not just an act of kindness and respect towards the other people involved, it is also a demonstration to yourself that you know what you want and you have the determination to make it become a reality. Your actions, for good and for bad, say a lot about you. By declaring something and not sticking to it, you are basically telling the world and to your subconscious mind that you are not reliable. If you cry wolf... Well, you know the story... Prove them wrong, instead! Show to the world that you have a clear head and that you do what you say! Take action and then let the results speak for you. Because otherwise the next time you state or declare something, and you don’t accomplish it, after the tenth time people will think you are just talking nonsense. Because otherwise the next time you will do your affirmations, your subconscious mind won’t believe you ;-) and we want to manifest our best life, don’t we? (maybe next time let’s talk about affirmations, shall we?...) So now, gorgeous, just go out there and start living your best life!

Who am I? I’m an Italian living in Cyprus and loving it crazily. My name is Stefania Bongiovanni, some of you will know me as the founder of The Girlfriends’ Circle, but as well as the woman who believes in #sisterhood and in #womensupportwomen.


So many times when I approach businesses to help them grow, I get the response that they’re either too busy so “don’t need to advertise” or too quiet and will advertise when things pick up. If you’re busy you can’t be complacent and expect your customers to come back, you have to give them a reason to return. What if there’s a slump in the economy? Advertising brings you loyalty. And if you’re quiet then you need to advertise to ensure you’re the first choice for customers to come to. This is the thing about business. Consistent advertising ensures greater business success. End of. If it didn’t work you wouldn’t see repetition of adverts on the TV, radio and of course in magazines and newspapers. Think advertising doesn’t work ? Tell that to McDonalds, Coca Cola and the endless brands that are etched in your mind as ones to choose. Need new trainers? You’re bound to choose a brand like Under Armour or Nike or Adidas rather than an unbranded one. Why? Because advertising has persuaded you that these are the brands to trust for quality and delivering what they’re supposed to. One-off adverts don’t work, people need reminding. Advertising gives your business brand loyalty and promotes a positive image, giving you greater exposure for you to target your customers. You may have a restaurant that isn’t busy. But you need to advertise regardless, for when your potential customer is looking for somewhere to go out for dinner, you’ll be the first choice they remember. Advertising makes sure that the consumer knows that when they are in need, your business will be there to help them. A continuous amount of consumers visiting your business is the first step to increase your sales. The more consumers you have, the more business you will have. Advertising creates business now and in the future. And advertising encourages repeat business, for once you have got your customers, they’re bound to come back if you’re providing a great service and product. Ultimately, advertising makes your company money – It works. Advertising attracts customers to your business and increases your sales. When consumers see strong and positive advertisements they are more willing to buy and ready to choose your business. Invest in advertising for your business and you will watch it grow and succeed. Advertising is about creating the desire for your customers. Which is why people love Lifestyle! Talk to me about a bespoke advertising package to help grow your business. I can make you famous. Call 97827636.

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