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Alex Alexander
Alex is now credited as Certified as Safe, just one of two clinics in Merseyside awarded this recognition
Alex Alexander has become a household name in the world of medical aesthetics. From beginning her journey Alex has won multiple awards, two of which being “Best Aesthetics Practitioner” at the Liverpool Lifestyle awards. Throughout the pandemic Alex took her buisness to new realms by launching a clinic and trainjng academy. She has soon become the leading aesthetics nurse and training provider across the UK.
Alex has recently rebranded and launched her very own brand Lex Cosmetics (tm). With this she has built a stunning new clinic with expert facilities in Aintree. Since rebranding I was unsure of how it would go down with clients and students however it’s proved to be the best move I’ve ever made! My ideas to deliver standards of excellence have been put into practice and I’ve never been as busy as I am now! I have to display my gratitude to all the loyal clients and students who have followed me across Liverpool and the UK for their treatments and training. It gives me faith in myself that what I do is worth while and valuable. 2022 upto now has been amazing for me with so much more to come!
LEX Cosmetic Clinic, Unit 1, Wareing Road Liverpool, L9 7AU 07506578303 / 0151 351 6699 info@lex-cosmetics.com | www.lex-cosmetics.com