4 minute read
Darren Lawrenson
The Happiness of Pursuit
I am a business owner and director of Dasala Ltd a performance coaching and business consultancy business. I work across all sectors with a focus on leadership and senior management with a mind to always help individuals and teams to perform at their best. I speak across the UK and Europe as a keynote speaker to audiences of managers and leaders from business.
Happiness – If not now, When?
Ihave to admit to a certain addiction to self-help books, except I rarely get more than half way through before I say “ok, I get your message but you could have said it in half the time”. The goal of the author is to get me to read the book from cover-to-cover but that feels like is a real commitment to me, maybe something I’ll do on my holidays. It’s pretty straightforward really ... but for some reason I wasn’t committed enough to completing the simple task of reading a book through to the last page. It turns out that my goal and the author’s goal are different. I tend to highlight relevant points Eventually I worked out that my goal was to get the message from the book not just to get to the end of it, I had been confusing a task with a goal. We all have tasks at work and in our social lives that we have to commit to but there are some tasks that we just don’t have to do, we do it more out of habit. I have set myself a goal to have 2 hours per week to ride around my home town on my scooter. This isn’t new year’s resolution stuff, this is a plain and simple question that I asked myself “I love riding around on my scooter ... and the more aimless the journey the happier I am ... so how do I get more time to do it?”. Two things had to happen for this to work ... firstly I had create the time .... Secondly I had to make sure I do it, not just sit down and think about it or just talk about it. If you see me on the East Lancashire Road (or Route 66 as I like to call it) I’ll be the one grinning from earto-ear ... mostly because I’m enjoying the ride but also because I have set myself a goal and achieved it ... I know it’s only a tiny achievement but I’m the one with a smile on my face. Maybe life isn’t about the pursuit of happiness ... maybe we have it the wrong way around ... maybe life is about the happiness of pursuit. In such challenging times I feel is critical to find what makes you happy and create the time to enjoy that happiness. No guilt, no justification, just happiness. Pursue what makes you feel happy. Email at darren@dasala. co.uk or follow me on twitter @dasaladarren.
ENTERTAINMENT Lifestyle columnist and Liverpool Live Radio presenter CLAUDINE HOPE
After a full packed summer break, the children are back to school and finally there is a routine in place.
Whoo hooo!
Recently on Liverpool Live
Radio I had the pleasure of interviewing TV actress and national treasure, Su
I have to admit I felt a little starstruck as I was a huge fan of the 1980’s
BBC series Hi-De-Hi which Su starred in as the ditzy chalet girl Peggy
Ollerenshaw. If you haven’t seen Hi-Di-Hi you may have seen Su Pollard in one of the many stage plays, musicals, pantomimes or most recently in Celebrity
MasterChef 2021 where Su made the Semi- finals along with contestant
Happy Mondays star Bez.
Su told me about her exciting new one-woman hit play called
“Harpy ‘’ written by award 24 winning playwright Philip Meeks. The tour kicks off in Portsmouth on 28th September 2021 then moves around the country. To see Su Pollard play the outstanding role in “Harpy”, visit Su’s website www.supollard.com or check it out on ents24. com. I wish Su loads of luck in the finals of celebrity Masterchef and as we say in showbiz, “Break a leg” on tour. Not literally! A few weeks ago, I helped organise a 50th Golden Wedding anniversary for my partner’s parents. It was an amazing day and I had the pleasure of meeting a lovely lady called Christine who made the most adorable golden balloon arch for me. It set the scene for a perfect day and I wanted to thank Christine who is from Liverpool for helping to make the day special. Her company is Tillys Treats Balloons. Check her out on Instagram and Facebook. Look out for me in next month’s Lifestyle Magazine where I’ll have more juicy celeb gossip. Catch me on the Liverpool Live, Thursdays at 11am on Roy Basnett’s Mid Morning show and Sundays on The Boss Birds show from 5-6pm www. liverpoolliveradio.com Check me out on Instagram: claudine_hope_ Until Next Month babes!