Tidewater Baptist
Craft Fair
Phone: (757) 545-7282, Email: craftfair@tidewaterbaptist.org, Info: www.tidewaterbaptist.org
Vendor Application * 2016 Event Location: Providence Baptist Church, 501 Providence Road, Chesapeake VA 23320
Event date: Saturday, October 22, 2016 9am-4pm. Terms and Conditions: No REFUNDS after October 17, 2016/ No Rain Date
A complete list of items intended for sale, sample pictures, or picture of your table/booth set-up from previous events is necessary for a vendor to be accepted. Spaces are rented on a first come, first serve basis. Setup begins at 7:00am on Saturday, October 22, 2016. Spaces will be indoors/NO CHANGING SPACES THE DAY OF. A Stand-By option will be offered for the late vendors. Application deadline- (received by the staff)- October 17th, 2016. Vendors are responsible for the setup and cleanup of their spaces. Volunteers will be available to offer help before and after the event. Spaces not occupied by 8am on set-up day may be filled with StandBy vendors with no refund. Any vendor arriving late, leaving before closing or breaking down during show hours may be refused entrance to future shows.
Renting fees: (Up to 2 chairs will be provided per space free of charge)
$30.00 for a SPACE with one 8’ table. $45.00 for a SPACE with two 6’ table. $50 for a 10x10 SPACE (limited spaces, bring own tables) Free Continental Breakfast will be provided for all vendors from 8:009:00 am in the Bake Sale area. $5.00 Lunch will be provided if requested. Lunch includes: Sandwich (chicken, ham, or no meat)/Fruit/Chips/Water bottle The items for sale should be appropriate in content and appearance. A Silent Auction will be held at the fair. Donations will be appreciated. Fill-out all the requested fields on the form and mail it with your payment. NO PROCESSING FEE FOR RETURNING VENDORS!
First Name_______________________________________ Last Name _______________________________________________ Business Name _____________________________________ Mailing Address________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ State ______________ ZIP Code ____________________________ Telephone: ____________________ Email address: (please print) _________________________________________________ RETURNING VENDOR
Yes _______ No ______
List your Items for sale: _________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Type of products: Fine Art /Graphics Handmade Jewelry Local Artist Crafts Sew/Quilt Wood Works Crochet Soaps Cosmetics Candles Bags/Purses Jams/Jellies Décor Miscellaneous
Silent Auction: As part of an additional fundraiser, we are asking each vendor to consider donating an item to be used in our Silent Auction at the Craft Fair. If you are interested in participating, please provide a description and dollar value of item to be donated. Funds raised from the Silent Auction will be utilized towards the Teen Missions. You can give the items to any of our volunteers after set-up. ______ Yes I will donate an item
Description of donation: ______________________________________________Value_____________
Fees included:
Additional requests/accommodation needs?
Space rental _____________ Lunch: Chicken ___Ham___ No meat___ Processing Fee $ 2.00 Total: _______________
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
I have read and understand the terms and conditions. In case of cancellation after October 17th, 2016 or no show – the fees are non- refundable. Mail completed application, all the supporting info, and your checks to: Tidewater Baptist Church, Attn.: Craft Fair 2016, 1316 Campostella Rd, Chesapeake VA 23320 RELEASE: As a vendor at Tidewater Baptist Craft Fair, held on October 22, 2016, I will not hold Tidewater Baptist Church or Providence Baptist Church legally responsible for loss, theft, accidents and/or damages that might occur to me, my support staff, my merchandise or my space. * Smoking is not permitted on site, nor is the use of aerosols or hazardous chemicals.
Applicant’s Signature
I found information about the Tidewater Baptist Craft Fair : Crafts
web site
Local signs
Newspaper Ad
Friend TBC website Other ____________________________
OFFICE USE ONLY Date received ___________ Paid amount________ Check#________ Lunch Ordered ___________Space assigned____ Stand-By________