Hidden Treasures Standards Manual

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ics and G Com am es G



Table of Contents Brand Message....................................... 5 Logotypes.............................................. 6

Primary Mark.....................................................8–9 Secondary Marks........................................... 10–11 Useage............................................................12–13 Inappropriate Use................................................ 14

Identity System................................... 17

Graphic Elements................................................ 18 Primary and Secondary Color Palettes.............. 19 Typefaces.......................................................20–21

Business System.................................. 23

Business Card......................................................24 Letterhead...........................................................25 Envelope..............................................................26

Applications........................................ 29


Signage................................................................33 Additional Applications.................................34–35 3


Brand Message Hidden Treasures is a specialty comics and games store located in downtown San Luis Obispo. They sell a variety of merchandise including vintage and contemporary comic books, games, collectibles, and movies. They receive new comics every Wednesday and hold gaming socials almost everyday. Their objective is to create a fun and inviting environment for all of our customers. The concept behind the identity system of Hidden Treasures was to create a feeling of comfort and emphasize the uniqueness of our customers’ hobbies. The reason why I wanted to create a feeling of comfort is because loving comics and games can be considered a social stigma. They want their customers to know that they support their passion and that everybody else who comes to the store feels the same way. I decided to continue the sea theme of the previous identity system so that their loyal customers would still have some a familiar feeling with the new redesign. The purpose of this manual is to ensure proper usage of Hidden Treasure’s logotypes and identity system in order to have a consistent look. 5


Logotypes 7

Logotypes—Primary Mark

Primary Mark: Full Color The primary mark for Hidden Treasures consists of a light house symbol with the word mark underneath. The primary mark in full color should be used as frequently as possible when the logo is required. 8

ics and G Com am es G


Logotypes—Primary Mark

mics and G Co am es G

a lore

mics and G Co am es G

a lore

Primary Mark: 1 Color + Reversed Out The primary mark in one color should be used when it would be difficult to see the logo in full color. The reversed out mark should be used for applications with dark backgrounds and there would not be enough contrast with the 1 color logo.

mics and G Co am

es G

a l or e

mics and G Co am

es G

a l or e

For both the 1 color and reversed out logo, be sure to only use colors from the primary and secondary color palette and keep in mind high contrast between the logo and the background. 9

Logotypes—Secondary Marks

Secondary Mark

Secondary Marks: Full Color The secondary marks should be used when there is not sufficient enough vertical space for the logo and a horizontal orientation is needed. The word mark is used when the light house icon is no longer identifiable or unreadable. 10

Word Mark

Logotypes—Secondary Marks

Secondary Marks: 1 Color + Reversed Out The secondary marks in one color should be used when it would be difficult to see the logo in full color. The reversed out marks should be used for applications with dark backgrounds and there would not be enough contrast with the 1 color logo. For both the 1 color and reversed out logo, be sure to only use colors from the primary and secondary color palette and keep in mind high contrast between the logo and the background. 11


Primary Mark ics and G Com am es G



Secondary Mark


Usage: Minimum Sizes for All Marks The minimum size for all marks (primary and secondary) is 1 inch wide to ensure legibility of the logo.


Word Mark



ics and G Com am es G


Secondary Mark

Primary Mark

Usage: Safe Space for All Marks Safe space for all marks is necessary to prevent crowding of the logo. At any size, the logo should have a space surrounding it on all sides, equal to the size of the “T” in “Treasures” of the logo. Word Mark


Logotype—Inappropriate Usage

Inappropriate Usage of Marks 1. Do not stretch or skew the logo in a way that would disrupt the original proportions.

mics and G Co am es G alore


mics and G Co am es G


a lore

a lore

2. Do not move the light house icon or the tag line from their original position. 3. Do not add any gradients to the logo.

mics and G Co am es G

mics and G Co am es G



a lore

4. Do not use colors outside of the primary and secondary color palette. 5. Do not add an outline or stroke to the logo. 6. Do not change the ratio or proportions of any element of the logo.

mics and G Co am es G



a lore

mics and G Co am


es G

a l or e



Identity System 17

Identity System—Graphic Elements

Graphic Element The graphic element is the light house icon from the logo. The graphic element can be used with or without the light beams. Only colors from the primary and secondary color palette are permitted in the graphic element.


Identity System—Primary and Secondary Color Palettes


Teal Spot: Pantone Solid Uncoated 2223 U RGB: 62 125 145 CMYK: 78 40 33 4 HEX #: 3E7D93

Gold Spot: Pantone Solid Uncoated 7562 U RGB: 196 154 108 CMYK: 25 40 65 0 HEX #: C49A6C

Brown Spot: Pantone Solid Uncoated 4625 U RGB: 117 76 41 CMYK: 40 65 90 35 HEX #: 764D29


Primary Color Palette The primary color palette consists of colors from the primary full color logo. Use Teal for most headers and Brown for body text

Secondary Color Palette Light Teal Spot: Pantone Solid Uncoated 2220 U RGB: 75 156 175 CMYK: 70 24 27 0 HEX #: 4B9CAF

Peach Spot: Pantone Solid Uncoated 2309 U RGB: 239 214 194 CMYK: 3 15 22 0 HEX #: EFD6C2

Sunshine Spot: Pantone Solid Uncoated 129 U RGB: 251 176 64 CMYK: 0 35 85 0 HEX #: FBB040

The secondary color palette does not consist of colors from the primary full color logo, but they are used to extend the color palette and provide more variety of colors. May be used in any application for Hidden Treasures.


Identity System—Typefaces

Bitter Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Bitter Italics ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()

Typefaces: Bitter Primarily used for headers and for emphasis. Also used when a serif typeface is preferred.


Bitter Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Bitter Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()

Identity System—Typefaces

Avenir Book ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Avenir Book Oblique ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Avenir Heavy ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Avenir Heavy Oblique ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()

Typefaces: Avenir Primarily used for body text and whenever a sans serif typeface is preferred.



Business System 23

Business System—Business Card

Business Card The business card is 2" x 3.5". The front of the card contains the primary mark logo and the back contains the contact information. The typeface for the contact information is Bitter; bold for the name and website, italics for the title, and regular for the email, phone number, and address. The name is always in Light Teal, the contact information is always in white, while the background color varies depending on employee position. 24

Business System—Letterhead

Letterhead The primary mark logo is centered, half an inch away from the top of the paper. About another half an inch below the logo you begin the address block. Afterwards, one hard return between the address block and date, two hard returns between the date and greeting, one hard return between the greeting and body text and between body paragraphs. One hard return between the last body text and “Sincerely”, five hard returns for space for your signature, and lastly your name. The letter is written in Avenir, book, 9pt black font size, 13pt leading, and left aligned. The footer contains the address, phone number, website, and email for Hidden Treasures. The footer is in Bitter, the address is bold in Teal, phone number and email is in Gold, the website is in bold and Brown.


Business System—Envelope

Envelope The top left corner of the front of the evelope contains the full color word mark logo. The back envelope flap is in Peach with the light house graphic, and the address and website underneath.




Applications 29


Website 30


Website 31

Applications—Mobile Site

Mobile Site 32

Applications—Outdoor Signage

Outdoor Store Signage 33

Applications—Additional Applications

Shopping Bag & Stickers


Applications—Additional Applications

T-Shirts 35

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