Dirección General de Participación e Innovación Educativa
Identificación del material AICLE TÍTULO
I love animals
Conocimiento del Medio Natural, Social y Cultural
Tipos de animales y sus características básicas.
Secuencia didáctica que aborda el tópico de los animales. Inicialmente diferencia entre los seres vivos y no vivos y sus características. Se centra en los animales como seres vivos, los dos grandes grupos y sus subgrupos para reflexionar finalmente sobre la importancia de los animales.
Material gráfico en PDF
4º de Educación Primaria
Miguel Ángel Cabo Sánchez.
7-8 sesiones
- Aprender a aprender: los alumnos/as trabajan de forma autónoma en múltiples de las actividades a lo largo de la unidad. - Competencia lingüística: los alumnos/as interactúan de forma oral y escrita en diversas actividades. Se integran todas las destrezas en las tareas. - Competencia en el conocimiento e interacción con el mundo físico: Los alumnos/as interactúan con su entorno más cercano y valoran la importancia de los seres vivos (animales y plantas). - Competencia digital y tratamiento de la información: los alumnos/as hacen uso de las TIC para ampliar información en torno a los animales. - Competencia cultural y artística: Los alumnos/as realizan un proyecto sobre los animales usando la técnica del sombreado (luces y sombras) y describen un animal, finalmente lo presentan a sus compañeros/as. Fomento de la creatividad. - Autonomía e iniciativa personal: Los alumnos/as investigan y eligen el animal que deseen para llevar a cabo su proyecto.
Ampliar información a través de la página web:
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
Tabla de programación AICLE
1. Identificar y clasificar los animales en vertebrados e invertebrados. 2. Conocer y diferenciar las funciones vitales de los seres vivos. 3. Clasificar animales en herbívoros, carnívoros y omnívoros. 4. Conocer algunas de las características básicas de los diferentes grupos de animales. 5. Valorar la importancia de poseer un planeta limpio
- Los seres vivos: funciones vitales - Clasificación de animales - Animales vertebrados e invertebrados - Cuidado y respeto hacia los animales
Animales y subgrupos
- Clasificación de animales atendiendo a diferentes características - Comparar animales - Describir animales atendiendo a sus características principales - Elaborar diferentes medidas para cuidar y proteger a los animales
- Proyectos de sombras chinescas - Dibujos de animales
FUNCIONES: - Formular inventando (guessing) - Pedir material prestado - Describir formas y rasgos
ESTRUCTURAS: Animals eat… A lion eats… Most of mammals are viviparous. It is an insect Can eagles fly? Yes, they can
LÉXICO: Are born, grow up, reproduce, die, skeleton, vertebrat e, mammals, birds, fish, reptile, insects…
- Conocer las diferentes funciones vitales de los seres vivos - Diferenciar entre herbívoros, carnívoros y omnívoros - Conocer las características sobre los diferentes grupos de animales - Conocer, proponer y llevar a cabo medidas para proteger el planeta
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
1.- Have a look at these words and predict what this unit is about.
MAIN LANGUAGE Are born Birds Oviparous Grow up Fish Carnivore Reproduce Amphibians Herbivore Die Reptiles Omnivore Skeleton Arthropods Vertebrate Molluscs Invertebrate Worms
What are you going to study?
2.- Find the words. You can use your dictionary or a computer.
Read the following texts
1. Living Things. Both animals and plants are living things because they are born, grow up, reproduce and die. All living things perform all of these functions. A tiger, a deer, a cypress and a flower are all living things.
are born
grow up
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
2. Animals We can classify animals in different ways, depending on they way they are born, how they reproduce and what they eat.
Animals with bones and a spinal column are called vertebrates.
· We classify them according to their skeleton. - Animals with bones are called vertebrates. - Animals without bones are called invertebrates.
Animals without bones are called invertebrates.
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
We can also classify animals according to the way they reproduce. - Animals that are born from their mothers’ wombs are Viviparous. -Animals that are born from eggs are Oviparous.
Finally, there are three different groups that have to do with the way animals eat - Carnivores: they eat meat and other animals. - Herbivores: they eat grass and plants. - Omnivores: They eat both meat and plants.
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
We classify animals according to three characteristics: 1. The Skeleton: vertebrates have a skeleton, but invertebrates do not have a skeleton. 2. The way animals are born: viviparous animals are born from their mother´s womb, and oviparous animals are born from eggs. 3. The food they eat: some animals only eat plants (herbivores), others only eat meat (carnivores) and other animals eat both plants and meat (omnivores).  ACTIVITES
3.- Read and tick the true sentences.
Herbivores only eat meat. Molluscs are invertebrates. Viviparous animals are born from eggs. Lions are carnivores. Fish are born from eggs. Worms are vertebrates. Amphibians and mammals are vertebrates. Material AICLE. 4Âş de Primaria: I
love animals
4.- Are they herbivores, carnivores or omnivores?
5.- Complete this outline. Write examples and then explain it to your mates.
6.-Guessing game! Think of an animal. Don’t tell anyone. Take turns asking and answering question with a partner.
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
7.- Look, listen and number.
Read the following texts
3. Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Animals with bones are called vertebrates. Animals without bones are called invertebrates. Some examples of vertebrates are: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. Invertebrates include: arthropods, molluscs and worms.
4. Vertebrates 4.1. Mammals - Most mammals are viviparous, they are born from their mothers´womb. - They have hair on their skin. - They breathe with lungs. - They can walk and run, and some of them like dolphins can swim, even fly. - They can be carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. For example: dolphins, tigers…
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
4.2. Birds - They are born from eggs, they lay eggs. - They have feathers on their bodies. - They breathe with lungs. - They have wings, so that they can fly. - Birds are usually herbivores, but there are some that are omnivores. For example: seagulls, eagles, owls…
4.3. Fish - They are viviparous and they also lay eggs. - They have scales on their bodies. - They live in water. - They breathe with gills. - Sharks, sardines and trout are all fish.
4.4. Reptiles - They are oviparous and lay eggs. - They have scales. - They breathe with lungs. - They live on land and in water. - Snakes, crocodiles and lizards are reptiles.
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
4.5. Amphibians - They are born from eggs and also lay eggs. - They have wet skin. - They breathe with lungs as adults and with gills when they are babies. - They live both in water and on land. - Frogs and salamanders are amphibians.
- Preserve animals’ natural habitats - Recycle paper to prevent deforestation, and plant new trees in communities - Don’t pollute water with trash or toxic waste - Plant trees
- Don’t hunt animals
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
5. Invertebrates
5.1. Arthropods - Most of them are insects. - They are oviparous and they lay eggs. - Their bodies have three parts: head, thorax and abdomen. - They have six legs. - Some of them have wings. - All insects are arthropods.
5.2. Mollusc - They have a soft body and a hard shell. - Some of them live on land and others live in water. - Octopi, crabs, snails and clams are molluscs.
5.3. Worms - They have a thin, soft body with no legs. - They crawl. - Some worms live in water, and others live on land.
Material AICLE. 4Âş de Primaria: I
love animals
There are two main groups of animals: vertebrates and invertebrates. 1. Vertebrates have a spinal column and bones. We have five different groups of vertebrates: mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians. 2. Invertebrates do not have a skeleton or spinal column. We have three main groups of invertebrates: arthropods, mollusc and worms.
ACTIVITES 8.- Read and write the correct group.
· They are invertebrates, they have a soft and thin body, they can crawl. ________________ · They usually live on land, they breathe with lungs, they have hair on their bodies, they are viviparous and they can be carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. ________________ · They are invertebrates, they have six legs, their bodies are divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen, many of them have wings and can fly. ________________ · They are born from eggs, so they are viviparous. They also lay eggs, they have wet skin and they live both in water and on land. ________________
9.- Colour the animals and complete the chart.
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
Material AICLE. 4ยบ de Primaria: I
love animals
10.- Match.
· Some reptiles and worms can do it. · They are arthropods and have six legs. · They have a spinal column and bones. · Their bodies are soft and thin. · They are vertebrates and have scales. · Animals which are born from their mothers´wombs.
11.- Draw and describe the animal.
· worms · vertebrates · viviparous · insects · reptiles · crawl
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
12.- Classify.
VM: vertebrate-mammal VB: vertebrate-bird VF: vertebrate-fish VR: vertebrate-reptile VA: vertebrate-amphibian
IA: invertebrate-arthropod IM: invertebrate-mollusc IW: invertebrate-worm
13.- Read the paragraph. Then, choose one animal and write your own paragraph! Draw or stick a photo of the animal in the box.
Elephants live in warm habitats. They are vertebrates; they are mammals. Elephants are viviparous because they are born from their mothers’ wombs. They are also herbivores because they eat only plants. They can walk and run. They have big ears and a long trunk.
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
14.- Write vertebrate or invertebrate under each animal.
Choose two animals and write about them. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 15.- Look at the animals. Complete these sentences. Eagles can fly ____________________ swim ____________________ walk and run ____________________ jump ____________________ climb ____________________ crawl
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
16.- Write three questions, then ask a classmate your questions. Look at the example. Can eagles fly? Yes, they can. ______________________________? Yes, they can
______________________________? Yes, they can ______________________________? No, they can’t 17.- Listen and group the animals. 1. _____________________ 2. _____________________ 3. _____________________ 4. _____________________ 5. _____________________
18.- Label the parts of the insect.
19.- Dictation. Listen and write what you hear. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
20.- Match the pictures with the words. Write sentences.
seagull rabbit sardine parrot snake
Lions live on land
__________________________________ Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I love animals
21.- Bingo. Stick three names, listen to the teacher and complete the chart.
22.- Sing this song. Vertebrates, vertebrates are five groups, are five groups, they are our friends they are our friends take care of them. Mammals, birds mammals, birds, fish and reptiles fish and reptiles, don’t forget the amphibians don’t forget the amphibians learn by heart. Snails and spiders snails and spiders beetles and crabs beetles and crabs living in the soil living in the soil invertebrates invertebrates!! Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
23.- Solve this crossword puzzle
Read the sentences and write the answers
Across 1. Animals that eat both meat and plants. 3. Animals that eat meat and other animals. 4. Animals that eat grass and plants. 7. Animals with a soft body and a hard shell. 8. They breathe with lungs as adults and with gills when are babies. 11. Animals which are born from their mothers´womb. 12. The large group of arthropods. 13. Animals with bones. 15. A thing that we can do to protect the destruction of forests. 16. A reptile which starts with the letter “s”. Down 2. Animals that are born from eggs 5. All vertebrates have some of them. 6. Group of vertebrates that have hair, breathe with lungs and where most of them can walk and run. 9. Animals without bones. 10. Fish have them on their bodies. 14. A seagull belongs to this group. Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals
24.- Make a poster and explain it to the rest of the class. 1. Choose an animal that you like. 2. Find photos on the internet, magazines, etc.. 3. Paste the picture on card. 4. Write information about it. 5. Tell your classmates about your animal.
TIGER My animal is vertebrate and mammal. It is viviparous and carnivore. They eat meat. They usually live in warm habitats and it can run very fast but it can´t fly. It is very dangerous !
25.- What can you do? Cross x
Hello!! My friends!! Read and tick.
SELF-ASSESSMENT Read and write a cross I recognise words and expressions related to animals and plants I can read texts about animals and plants and understand the important information I can talk about some of the characteristics of animals and plants I can talk to my classmates about animals and plants I can write sentences and do projects about the most important characteristics of living things
Material AICLE. 4º de Primaria: I
love animals