Vol. 89 Issue 10

Page 1



March 28, 2019

Rethinking remedials

College removes developmental courses


Amarillo College is charting a new course in its approach to developmental education. Instead of taking remedial classes before beginning college-level studies, underprepared students will receive special assistance through concurrent classes, supplemental instruction or extra tutoring. What are now developmental courses will become co-requisite classes at the start of the fall 2019 semester. Classes such as intermediate algebra and basic reading and writing will now be fully integrated into college level courses such as college algebra and general psychology. Dr. Elizabeth Rodriguez, a psychology professor, has taught classes that use the co-requisite approach and says it has been wildly successful. “So, what happens is they take my book for my psychology

22.3% 9.5% 51.7%

of community college students enroll in remedial courses.

of those students finish remedial as well as college-level courses in two years.

of students originally enrolled in remedial courses graduate in three years.

Information courtesy of Complete College America

class and use it in the course, and they go through it and we teach them how to identify the main idea of the text, what is important to look for and how to comprehend what they read,” she said. Rodriguez also said that she has been teaching classes this way for a few years, even before this decision was made. “I’ve been teaching these classes for about seven years now and I can tell you that it really makes an impact on getting your degree faster,” she said.

Infographic by STEVI BRESHEARS | The Ranger

Dr. Edythe Carter, a math professor and dean of academic success, says there are many benefits that come from this change. “Students can start earning credits right away and with classes being integrated together, it’s like you get two for one, which saves money as well,” she said. Carter added that the courses could also benefit students who have graduated high school but didn’t go straight into college since they can serve as good

refreshers. Carter said that the math classes will be offered all year to further accelerate the process of attaining a degree. “The classes are eight weeks long and are offered in the fall and spring. We’ll also have them in the summer, but they will be six weeks instead of eight,” she said The change will mean that students who in the past would have had to take several semesters of developmental classes before beginning

academic credit classes will now start immediately in college-level classes in their majors. “I wish they would’ve done that when I was taking math,” said A.J. Ward, a social studies major. “I could have graduated by now.” The move to adopt this new approach began in 2017, when the Texas legislature passed a law requiring colleges to gradually increase the number of co-requisite classes. Similar changes in remedial education are taking place in other states. Rodriguez said in addition to saving money, this approach also boosts the self-esteem of students. “I see students in my psychology class who are in the co-requisite class and they are excited. Excited that they are learning and reading from a college course book just makes them feel like they are achieving something worthwhile,” she said. “Just to be a part of that and seeing them advance and grow is something really special.”

Construction underway 101 Reasons Week

Encouraging youth to vote

By MARISSA RIVERA Staff Reporter

Where is the best and biggest computer lab on the Washington Street Campus? Starting fall 2019, the answer to the question of “Where” will be “Ware.” Construction is underway on a new computer lab in the basement of the Ware Student Center. The total cost for this project is around $2.1 million, according to Steve Smith, vice president of business affairs. The money comes from the general budget and reserve funds and will pay for the remodeling of the basement along with new computers, software programs and furniture. The lab will house new Apple and Windows computers equipped with the appropriate programs for the classes at AC. “It is a pretty decent mix, with 20 to 30 macs and close to 40 to 100 window computers available down there,” Shane Hepler, chief information officer, said. Hepler was a part of the lab design process. He said the way the lab is designed will encourage students to collaborate. There will also be rooms for faculty to



Construction on the new computer lab is expected to be finished before the 2019 fall semester.

reserve for classes, changeable rooms for guest speakers or competitions and rooms for students to record videos with new equipment. “I think that Amarillo College is doing its best to maintain a very proactive and beneficial program,” Kendra Jenkins, a mass media major, said. Jenkins said she recalls numerous times she has been unable to complete audio editing projects because she arrived after the mass media labs had closed. “A 24/7 facility would benefit all of us because a lot of the editing programs we use are expensive and provided by AC, so we depend on the labs,” Jenkins said.


According to Smith, student usage of the new lab will determine the hours of operation. “It could be up to a 24-hour lab, but to start out it might close at 10 or 11 at night. If there is a lot of demand, we will extend it,” Smith said. Smith said he is looking into new student ID cards with magnetic strips to give students access to the lab after hours if AC decides to open the lab 24-hours. There will also be a lift available to give students with disabilities outside access to the labs through the side entrances. The lab could open up new student work opportunities, since students may be hired to staff the lab and help with computer equipment. www.acranger.com

Amarillo College is hosting a week-long event from March 25 – 29 called 101 Reasons Week. The event is meant to drive students to become more socially aware and active in their communities. Each day will have a different theme associated with it, for instance Tuesday was Engage an Issue Day where students gathered to play games and learn more about the issues found in communities around the city of Amarillo. Issues such as poverty, education, foster care and many others are featured at the event. Aaron Faver, a social science professor and event coordinator, said that he hopes to not only bring in the older age group but also young students to get involved. “We really need to have students get involved because this is their world and they will be the ones to make the changes in the future, they have the power,” he said. Faver also mentioned that the event will be having a voter registration drive to give students the opportunity to get registered for many

important elections and city proposals such as the upcoming Master Plan proposal. Angela Badillo, a social work major, said that she thinks it’s great to see something like this and that it is very much needed these days. “I am actually studying to be a social worker one day and just to have a chance to make an impact on someone is really special to me. Helping families, the needy, kids, I just think it’s good to help people and this is a way to make them see what is going on around them,” she said. Kevin Kite, an art major, said it was a good idea to have a voter registration drive at the school. “The way I see it now nobody has an excuse not to vote. I have kids and I am always telling them that they will be the ones to make the rules one day and this is exactly what I mean,” he said. The voter registration drive will be held on Thursday, March 28th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. out in the Oeschger Family Mall in front of the Ware Building and Palace Coffee and the week will wrap up with guest speaker, Dave Kelly, from noon to 2 p.m. in the Oak Room.

Twitter and Instagram: @acranger


2 | The Ranger March 28, 2019

What have you done to make this community a better place? “The only thing I can

probably think of is just interacting and being more friendly and social with people. Just trying my best to make people’s lives happier when I talk to them,"


General Studies

“I have volunteered at

the adoptive center at PetSmart with animals, and I go to events with the Hispanic Chambers of Commerce and autism,” Illustration by Katie Milburn The Ranger



“I’ve helped volunteer hours at the Amarillo SPCA and the Ronald McDonald House of Amarillo. I have also done a little volunteering at the Panhandle Humane Society, and I do continue to keep volunteering and see which areas need volunteering, or where they need it most,”


Be kind to each other


Kindness does not come with a price. Even a smile can make someone’s day go from a 1 to a 10 because they saw that you cared. Life is filled with moments of heartbreak and struggle. Most people are good at hiding their emotions and putting on a brave face. You cannot tell just by looking at people what they are struggling with in their personal lives. They may be struggling with an abusive parent, worrying about where they are going to find their next meal, how they are going to be able to pay for rent next month or even worrying about where they are

going to sleep that night. So often I have seen people want to degrade or abuse others physically, verbally or online. They may also do this as a result of not knowing how to deal with their own emotional problems or poor coping skills. We all should be trying to build each other up, this life is just too darn hard for us to be tearing each other down. There are also people who wrestle with self-esteem issues. We have social media that can constantly make us compare ourselves to other men and women. Giving one compliment cannot only make you feel like a better person but gives that person a boost for their own self-esteem. Random acts of kindness not only help others have a better day, but also help us see the positive qualities that we are surrounded by daily. Be a light in that person’s darkness. Smile, give a compliment, hold the door for the person behind you. There are so many ways to be kind. Go out and spread kindness all-around. Your kindness may even change that individual’s life forever.


Vote for your future

In general, young people seem to wildly underestimate their power. They don’t vote because they don’t think their voices will be heard. They don’t get involved because they don’t think it will have an impact. We, the Ranger Staff, feel that this is exactly why you should get involved. One of the things you hear most when elections roll around are the phrases, “My vote doesn’t matter,” or, “My vote won’t count for anything anyway.” The only way your vote won’t count is if you don’t cast it — and that’s on you. Local elections also tend to scare people off, people seem to think local elections don’t

any sort of idea, theory or suggestion that could make your community a better place, you owe it to yourself and the people around you to at least try to do something about it. The only way to keep your voice from being heard is to never speak up. If you really want to make a difference, you have to fight for what you believe in. If you don’t defend your beliefs and actions, who will? We have one shot at life on this one planet, and a wildly unpredictable future ahead of each of us. We have to make the best of the time we have. What better time to start than now?

The dangers of Chinese censorship


According to a national survey by Rasmussen Reports in 2017, 73 percent of Americans believed freedom of speech was worth dying for. Not all countries have the same fervor for this freedom as we do, but that doesn’t affect other people across the globe. Right? Wrong. Chinese censorship has “protected the image of its government” or censored

Get in touch with The Ranger Stevi Breshears

matter as much as national elections and therefore don’t pay attention to what’s going on. In reality, local elections are just as, if not more, important than national elections. Change has to start small, and that means paying attention to the details. Voting can prove to be incredibly important, but we can’t just rely on the officials we elect to create the world we want. We have to act. We often worry that we aren’t taken seriously, or that we can’t have a real, lasting impact on the world around us. Truthfully, now is the best time to act. The world is full of people making it worse, purposefully and accidentally. If you have

Claire Ekas


Design Manager



(806) 433-2682

(806) 223-3679





images and ideas from Winnie the Pooh to river crabs in an attempt to silence any who mock the Chinese president. Up until now, this issue impacted China alone but now it is reaching other countries. With the removal of the Taiwanese horror game “Devotion,” Chinese censorship has managed to tarnish the reputation of the company, Red Candle Games. After the discovery of a poster mocking the Chinese president, Red Candle Games eventually had to remove the game from Steam and issue a formal apology. By the time the apology was made, the review bombing had caused numerous negative ratings. Now, no one can buy the game, despite the offense being merely an accident. People and companies alike should not have to fear the wrath of the Chinese government,

and measures need to be taken in order to protect them. Companies should be free from the impact of censorship like this. While this may seem like an isolated incident for now, this censorship is just a window into a larger issue. Chinese censorship, as of 2016, was officially classified as a barrier to trade by the U.S. government. Companies that bear no ill will toward the Chinese government should not be punished for a mistake. Americans can aid and fund people who refer to themselves as “hacktivists” who work to beat the “Great Firewall of China.” By refusing to comply with laws that harm non-Chinese businesses and supporting groups fighting to end censorship, Americans can do their part to protect companies from being silenced.

Student Media exists to serve you — the students. The Ranger is an open forum where you can learn and talk about the things that matter to you. The Ranger staff urges you to get involved by submitting ideas, photos, writing, videos and telling us what you want covered. A public critique and meeting is open to the campus community on Fridays at 10:30 a.m. in PH 214 or you can reach us via email at therangereditor@gmail.com. The Ranger is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, College Media Association, Panhandle Press Association, Texas Intercollegiate Press Association and Texas Community College Journalism Association. For a complete staff listing, visit us at acranger.com. The Ranger is an independent student publication. Material published in The Ranger does not necessarily reflect the views of Amarillo College administrators or employees.


The Ranger | 3 March 28, 2019

Greece is the word By MEGAN MINSHEW Staff Reporter

Twenty-two students from Amarillo College visited Greece this past spring break. “We mostly toured archeological sites and went to a few museums,” Katie Milburn, an art major said. “The sites included the Acropolis (where the Parthenon sits), the temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion, Ancient Mycenae, Olympia and an optional excursion to ancient Corinth.” The travelers said that there were some places in Greece that took their breath away. “My favorite part of the trip was Acrocorinth,” Jordan Brooks, a photography major, said. “The scenery there is unlike anything I’d ever seen before. If you look

one way you see the Aegean Sea, if you look the other you see mountains and if you look another you see a city. It was like every landscape combined and it was truly breathtaking.” Many of the students had taken classes about the history and the significance of the places they explored during their trip. “My favorite part of the trip was when I would recognize certain monuments, like the Lion’s Gate at Ancient Mycenae or the Temple of Athena Parthenos on the Acropolis before the guide would even start talking. The previous semester I had to learn all about them for art history, so it was all still fresh in my mind,” Milburn said. “Students visited the Acropolis (which contains the

Temple of Athena Nike and the Parthenon) and the original site of the original Olympic Games,” said Courtney Milleson, a trip coordinator and speech communications professor. “In fact, we saw the actual location where each Olympic flame is lit. It was a great trip because I got to learn right alongside my students.” Students said this trip is something they will never forget. “I wanted to explore a part of Europe that not everyone gets to see. In addition I like art, history, Greek mythology and photogenic scenery so Greece seemed like an amazing opportunity. I truly am so glad I got this opportunity and I got some wonderful photos that I will cherish forever,” Brooks, said.



1 1) A tour of Delphi, which is where the Oracle sat and basically gave people super vague fortunes. 2) Is in the Delphi Museum, the sculpture is The Charioteer. 3) Is entering Acropolis in Athens. 4) Is in front of the Parthenon.

LITE Luncheon: tickets on sale Staff Reporter

Living Independently through Education (LITE) is an organization dedicated to students at Amarillo College with disabilities. The group has many fundraising events throughout the year, but their biggest event is the LITE Luncheon, an annual event held each spring at the Amarillo Civic Center. This year, the event will take place at 11:30 a.m. Friday, April 26, in the Grand Plaza. The luncheon is geared specifically to raise money for the sole purpose of providing scholarships for students with disabilities, said Kay Campbell, administrative assistant at the Amarillo College Foundation. The luncheon is a huge event and it takes many months and hours to prepare, Campbell said. When preparing for the luncheon, the organizers canvas Amarillo businesses to get donations that include monetary contributions and items such as jewelry, trips, art, services, gift certificates and food items. These articles are entered into a silent auction. There is also a raffle with tickets sold for $1 each or 6 for $5. This year, music will be

provided by the AC jazz chorale and the event will be catered by Feldman’s Diner, according to Danette White from disAbility Services. The program is always hosted by a local celebrity and includes personal accounts from past and current scholarship recipients. These students give an overview of their degree plans and the specific needs and accommodations that are necessary. They also share details about the hardships and struggles they have overcome on their path to achieving a higher education. Tickets are on sale now for $20 per person. Raffle tickets and event tickets may be purchased at the disAbility services office in the Student Service Center on the Washington Street Campus.


Leadership Speaker to share as part of 101 Reasons Week By MEGHAN HOLLAND Staff Reporter



Dave ‘Gonzo’ Kelly; a professional trainer, motivator and servant leader; will be speaking to Amarillo College students from noon to 2 p.m. Friday, March 29, in the Oak Room. He will be speaking about advocacy, activism and getting things done. His program is called “Be a Positive Force for Change as a Visionary Leader,” and it will help students become more engaged in changes on campus as well as changes within themselves, Kelly said. In order to develop effective leaders, a person should first know what a leader is, said Kelly. “A manager manages and deals with things. There are leadership skills in that, but a leader initiates things and rallies for a change,” said Kelly. “Leaders inspire and communicate.”

Ilse Perez, a sonography major, said she hopes to attend Kelly’s presentation. “Being a leader is not having people following you and you telling them what to do. Being a leader means you help people with any task they may have, setting an example and also following,” Perez said. Perez also said that leaders should constantly be learning because it will improve their abilities, help others and help themselves in the long run. According to Kelly, a leader should not try to do everything for themselves; responsibilities must be shared if other people are going to learn leadership skills. “If you’re asking, ‘What’s in it for me?’ you’re asking the wrong question.” A leader should consider other people when they take actions, he said. Kelly said that he loves working with students. It is one of his favorite things about his job: “to know that there are

students who are eager to learn about leadership and that they enjoy learning about it from me is exciting.” “I really hope that students will come out to the program next week,” said Kelly. “Students really have a great opportunity to have influence on their lives and the lives of others around them. The different ways that they can get involved really give them the change to influence the world around them.” He also said that he hopes students will have some fun and learn something along the way. Students may attend the presentation, which also includes lunch, free of charge. “I think having student leaders is critical,” Sami Landers, the co-adviser of Phi Theta Kappa, said. “Without student leaders, we couldn’t function, and the whole reason we are at Amarillo College, faculty and staff, is to develop our students as leaders.”


4 | The Ranger March 28, 2019

Millennials and Gen-Z: Generations that set trends By Faythe Reeves Staff Reporter

Accused by economic experts and business publications of killing industries from napkins and bar soap to starter homes and casual dining, young people in the millennial generation and generation Z have taken the blame for lost sales. In reality, the cause of sale declines lies more in the lack of money and the increase in technology, according to Amarillo College faculty members. Mark Nair, a business administration instructor, said that brick and mortar stores, or physical stores, are under tremendous pressure. However, unlike some economic experts, Nair said that he does not blame young people for this pressure. “Mainly, that pressure is because of their overhead, particularly their rent and the cost of running a physical place,” Nair said. Anna Jacobsen, a general studies major, said that she believes that physical stores are experiencing financial difficulties due to online stores. “People now struggle to start a shop because of the dying brick and mortar stores,” Jacobsen said. Dr. Elizabeth Rodriquez, a program coordinator for the psychology department, said that society in general, not millennials alone, has been causing the decrease in sales many physical stores are facing. She also said this is because of online stores being more popular. “It is so much easier to shop online, to get things sent to you and then just send it back,” Rodriquez said. Rodriquez also said that technology is the way society is going now. She does not approve of blaming it for the struggles industries are facing. “We developed it, saying that it will make things easier, but now we are blaming it because it’s making everything easier,” Rodriquez said. Student debt and flat wages are what Nair blames for the decline in sales. He said that young people do not have the financial capability to spend as much as previous generations have been able to. “When you look back at the financial crisis of 2008, that is going to be a little blip compared to the student debt crisis that’s about to happen,” Nair said. Nair said he believes that millennials and generation Z are acting rationally under the financial conditions they have been given. He also said that he does not believe millennials are acting maliciously toward the industries they are accused of killing. “They are not saying, ‘Ha-ha, we are going to destroy the napkin industry’ or, ‘We are going to destroy casual dining,’” Nair said. “I don’t think millennials are walking around and twirling wax mustaches. Instead they are just thinking, ‘How can I live the most effective life that gives me the happiest life with the little bit of money I have?’”


Communication changes with age By Jake Day

Staff Reporter

According to national surveys, members of older generations often see post-millennials and millennials as poor communicators. Some Amarillo College students and instructors, however, disagree with this common condemnation of young people’s communication skills. “Everything about communication has evolved so far that the way younger generations communicate isn’t bad, but it is different,” Courtney Milleson, an assistant professor of speech, said.

“Students now are bombarded with so many messages now, I think we have to be more selective of the messages we allow ourselves to hear.” Some students said their biggest problem is coping with distractions. “I wish I was better at talking while multitasking and vice versa,” Eric Gallegos, a criminal justice major, said. He said he sees himself as a decent communicator, but knows he has room to improve. Alexis Sopha, an environmental engineering major, said she often feels anxious when talking to people. “I just feel like I have to constantly have something to say,” Sopha said.

Other students said they experience similar anxiety. Ashley Benderman, an engineering major, said she does not consider herself a good communicator. “I usually try to avoid conversation,” Benderman said. “If I get too worried about how I’m sounding in a conversation, I’ll just stop talking.” Some instructors said that millennial communication problems stem from a need to re-evaluate their priorities. “We are so accessible now, 24/7, and that’s too much,” Jacqueline Llewellyn, a speech instructor, said. “It adds stress that is completely unnecessary to our lives. We can still be accessible without giving ourselves away all of the time.”


Youth give time instead of money By Faythe Reeves Staff Reporter

Instead of sending a large sum of money to a charity, millennials and generation Z students choose to give time by volunteering and participating in charitable events to see the impact they are making immediately. Activities and events paired with a small donation are what draw in most people from younger generations into giving to charity according to Corby Fails, the marketing manager at Panhandle PBS. She also said that while millennials and generation Zs give less from a financial standpoint, they do not hold back their money out of stinginess or a lack of caring about the needy and less fortunate. “Younger generations want to participate in philanthropy, they just don’t have the monetary funds to do so as older generations would,” Fails said. “They do want to invest their heart into it and just a little bit of money, so they’d rather participate in a small event where, for example, they donate $5 and go walk their dog for a mile.” T h o m a s Bales, a music composition major, said that he would rather do volunteer

work for charities so he can see the results of his efforts. He also said he likes to see the plans for where the money is going because some charities misuse their donations by giving too much money to the top executives or spending their donations on trivial things that do not truly help their cause. He said he is also wary of donation websites that could be a front for scams. “I don’t want a generic answer like, ‘Oh, it goes toward the cure for cancer.’ I want to know what group you’re paying to research it, how much of your income actually goes toward the cause and what your positive impacts have been,” Bales said. Sporadic, emotionally-charged giving is common among younger generations, according to Fails. Taylor Allen, a graphic design major, said that she is a sporadic giver because donating is not something she is confronted with daily. Although, she said she only gives if she is randomly shopping somewhere and the cashier asks if she wants to donate, she said she will give in the future. “Generosity is sometimes forgotten and most people, like myself, could use a friendly reminder of how fortunate we are and how important it is to keep giving,” Allen said. “It’s important to stay humble, but also to support what you believe in for the chance of making a difference.”

The Ranger | 5 March 28, 2019

Generation ‘voluntold’ By Carolina Barba Staff Reporter

Volunteering and civic engagement are declining among teenagers and young adults according to a study from the University of Maryland’s Do Good Institute. At Amarillo College, however, many students participate in volunteer work either on their own or for a class. “I usually only volunteer when it is assigned for a class, but I always try to help my community when I can,” Guadalupe Teposte, a pre-nursing major, said. “For example, I had to do community service for my psychology class at AC and I went to the Food Bank where they were so welcoming.” Teposte said she was grateful for the requirement. “Volunteering makes me feel like I’m making a difference in my community and this makes me feel good,” she said, adding she probably wouldn’t have made time for volunteering if it weren’t for class. “I try to volunteer on my own will, but I don’t as much as I would want to because of the amount of time I put into school and work,” she said. Preston Thipaphay, a premed major, said community engagement is a required part of his participation in the Presidential Scholars Honors Program. “Presidential Scholars requires us to participate in three out of some school

Young people drive ride-sharing trend By Marissa Rivera

Staff Reporter

“The average millennial will spend $323,190 on ride-sharing over the next 25 years,” according to the web survey and market research firm QuestionPro. Although services such as Uber and Lyft are less common in Amarillo than larger cities, many Amarillo College students said they are following the millennial ride-sharing trend. “I don’t use Uber often, but it is helpful and cheap,” Drake Hutton, a mass media major, said. According to Tom, a driver from AA Discount Taxi Service in Amarillo who declined to give his last name, Uber is destroying cab companies. He said using ride-sharing services is unsafe for passengers and taxis are safer since taxi drivers have to renew their license each y e a r

activities, which can be anywhere from community service, to a play performed at AC,” Thipaphay said. “They also help us get involved with the community and connect us to attend several volunteer opportunities.” Thipaphay said he has volunteered at places such as the Downtown Women’s Center Thrift Store and the Eveline Rivers Christmas Project. “I do it to get connected with the community and to help make a difference,” he said. Required volunteering is a good way to teach young people the importance of community engagement, according to Nancy Ramirez, a regular volunteer at Snak Pak for Kids. “It rarely comes from their own free will,” Ramirez said. When high school and college students volunteer for classes, the often discover that they enjoy participating in their community. “Back in high school I was involved in clubs where community service was a requirement. That is when and how I found out about the Eveline Rivers Christmas Project and ever since then I love to volunteer there when time allows me to,” Teposte said. AC Student Life provides a list of local community service opportunities and hosts regular volunteer events. To learn more, go to https:// www.actx.edu/studentlife/ volunteer-opportunities-andservice-learning.

and also go through an extensive background check. Adrian Padilla, an Amarillo Uber and Lyft driver, said there is no reason to worry more about safety when choosing Uber or Lyft instead of a taxi. “Both services do background checks and criminal background checks, and I think it is pretty safe. Of course, you can get sketchy drivers from Uber or a taxi,” Padilla said. Jesus Hernandez, an engineering major, agreed and said he doesn’t think there is anything to worry about in Amarillo regarding the driving services. “I think Uber and Lyft are great for a night out with your friends. It saves lives.”


6 | The Ranger March 28, 2019

Planning pays off for AC students By MARIA VALLES Staff Reporter

Registration for Amarillo College’s summer and fall classes opens April 8, and both students and staff members say educational planning helps people stay focused on their goals. “I believe educational planning is important," Josselyn Egbert, an AC graduate, said. "It helps have a clear end goal to your educational needs. It helps precisely pinpoint what

you want to get out of your education,” she said. As soon as students figure out what they want to do, they need to start planning. “Students should begin their educational planning junior year in high school because it benefits their future and gives a clear view of what is to come,” Chris Leanos, a general studies major, said. AC advisers help students stay on track as well as guide them through college. “We make sure students are in the right major and make sure they are investing their time in

the right thing,” Ruth De Anda, an academic adviser, said. “We talk to them about scheduling classes and transfer advising. We check with students who aren’t attending class or failing classes and see if we can help in any way,” she said. Egbert said she found the AC advisers helpful while she was in college. “The AC advisers were great in helping me stay on task to graduate on time by being able to plan my courses according to my degree plan and showing me alternative classes that could still count as

professor, has taught literature classes specializing in a wide variety of topics. “The last ones I did were a dystopian future and a semester of women writers," Dodson said. "I have also focused on biblical literature. It is just what ever someone wants to pick up and do,” she said. Dodson said that studying literature also helps students learn history. “I think reading fiction is one of the most enjoyable ways to read history, and one of the best ways to paint the picture of why we think like we do as a culture, where we came from or how this progressed.” Katie Phelan, a biology major, said she enjoyed her

class in American literature. “It related the stories to history and helped improve what I already knew, plus Dr. Dodson gives context and symbolism to better understand the story. She also encourages discussions and participation without judgement,” Phelan said. Studying literature teaches valuable life skills according to Dr. Dan Ferguson, an English professor. “A study of literature is often about empathizing with characters in the stories. Empathy is what makes us human. It’s what you hope your doctor and nurse will have when you see them for a frightening illness. It’s about human

part of my plan if others were unavailable. They were also great in my long-term planning for when I graduated AC and went on to WT. The transfer and transition were explained and their help in doing so was overall great on their part,” she said. Educational planning can be beneficial for students. “I started planning in high school by looking at colleges that interested me," Leanos said. "I wasn’t sure on what career path I wanted to take, but planning encouraged me to come to

school and get a degree.” There are tools and technologies that help students plan their classes. “We have a student planning module that can be accessed through AC Connect and gives students access to see it,” De Anda said. “We have access to mold it to what students are wanting to do. If students say they want to do every semester then that helps me plan out the classes every semester. The student planning is going to be the biggest point of reference while being here,” she said.

English faculty say get lit with literature

By ISABELLE LINK Staff Reporter

With fall and summer registration approaching, Amarillo College English faculty are urging students to choose a literature class. Professors say there is something for almost every interest available in these literature classes, including a new specialty course that focuses on theatre, such as Shakespearean plays. The core literature classes are British I/II, American, Non West-ern, World Literature I and Creative Writing. Dr. Mary Dodson, an English


connection. In the business world, you need to connect with your patrons,” he said. Ferguson also said that literature classes offer a different kind of environment than some other classes. “Think of it as going to a movie with your friends and then going for coffee afterward to talk about

the movie. We love this stuff, and our hope is always to share that joy with our students.” For students seeking to fulfill specific degree requirements, literature classes satisfy several general education categories. “They should transfer anywhere as part of the student’s core,” Ferguson said.

Taking advantage of tutoring services By MEGHAN HOLLAND Staff Reporter


AC's diversity committee hosted a free lunch and a panel discussion in honor of International Women's Day on March 21.

Panelists provide pointers By KYLE GRAHAM AND MARISSA RIVERA Staff Reporters

Providing information and inspiration were the goals of two recent panel discussions offered at Amarillo College. On March 21, the AC diversity committee celebrated International Women’s Day by hosting a lunch and panel discussion. Panelists Courtney Milleson, a speech professor; Dr. Elizabeth Rodriguez, a psychology professor; Ruth De Anda; an academic adviser and Angie Alvarez, another academic adviser, shared comments to inspire the audience. Women face numerous pressures according to De Anda. “It’s completely OK to take personal time for yourself,” she said. The speakers discussed their heroes. Alvarez’s hero was her

father. “My father was the one who taught me how to stand on my own, often raised me like a boy, but taught me that I don’t have to rely on any man to get things done,” she said. The speakers also spoke about the importance of defying stereotypes regarding gender roles. “A woman should not have to cook if she doesn’t want to, she shouldn’t have to put on makeup if she doesn’t want to," Milleson said. "People have the right to be whoever they want to be and be comfortable in their own skin.” On March 20, the Amarillo College Legal Society hosted a family law panel to address many issues that people in the AC community face. AC students asked questions and a panel of four attorneys shared their views on each situation. Family law is a legal practice area that focuses on issues involving family relationships,

such as adoption, divorce, child support and custody. When dealing with situations in this area, students should seek legal assistance rather than trying to handle cases on their own, Robin Malone, the coordinator of paralegal studies and AC Legal Clinic director, said. “The AC Legal Clinic assists students with, family law, landlord tenant matters, probate, estates and wills, expunctions/nondisclosures and general civil matters,” Malone said. “An attorney is trained to identify and address legal issues,” she said. We have two attorneys in the clinic, me and David Kemp, ready to assist students.” The AC Legal Clinic is located in the Byrd Business building on the Washington Street Campus. It is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday by appointment.

No appointment is necessary for students who seek help with study skills or specific classes. Amarillo College’s Ware Tutoring Center welcomes walk-ins and offers free tutoring for a wide variety of subjects. “Getting a tutoring session is really easy. Students can call and make an appointment, or they can just walk in, and that’s what most people do; they just walk in and ask for help,” Deanna Giasson, the peer tutoring supervisor, said. Saebryn Hanifin, a dental hygiene major, went to the Ware Tutoring Center to help her prepare for her anatomy and physiology exam after she was disappointed with her grade on the last test. “I just walked in and asked if I could do it right then,” she said. Hanifin said that they were kind and helped her figure out the best way to study for the test. Tutoring sessions are available for groups or individuals. “We help with everything from understanding what an assignment is and how they’re supposed to do it all the way to helping them write a professional email to their instructor to make sure they are getting their point across,” Giasson said. Joshua May, a biology major, has been to several of the tutoring facilities on campus. He said that he had a great experience at the Ware Tutoring Center. “I went for composition help to work on essays, and I thought they did fantastic. I just thought it was a great

experience every time I went, and I probably went six or seven times.” Tutors ensure that the student feels comfortable being there, said Giasson. “A lot of it is just being attentive. You don’t have to be uncomfortable coming to ask us a question. It’s not a stupid question; you just don’t know what you’re doing in that specific area, so we can help you,” she said. Many of the tutors use the Socratic Method to question students to see if they understand what is going on, said Giasson. She also said that the tutors strive to help students become more selfsufficient in their studying. “Don’t be embarrassed. There’s nothing wrong with not being sure about what you’re doing. We have all been there. There is nothing shameful about it. I think there has always been a big stigma against going to tutoring, but you’re utilizing the resources that you have to make sure you’re doing the best that you can,” said Giasson. The Ware Tutoring Center, located in Ware Student Commons, Room 113, is available to help students with any subject except for math and science. Other tutoring locations on the Washington Street Campus include the Math Outreach Center, the Science Tutoring and Success Center, the Writers’ Corner and the Reading and Writing Lab. There are also tutoring facilities on the West Campus, Hereford Campus and Moore County campus Online tutoring services are also available.


The Ranger | 7 March 28, 2019

Netflix series brings realistic twist to comics REVIEW By JAKE DAY Staff Reporter

Another super-powered team goes from the pages to the screen in Netflix’s adaptation of “The Umbrella Academy.” Former frontman for the band My Chemical Romance, Gerard Way, writes the comics and was the co-executive producer of the Netflix series. The team of X-Men-like teenagers grows into emotionally stunted adults with abilities that make it hard to live normal lives. The seven members of the academy face troubles specific to their powers. Things like communicating with the dead are hard when the dead are always talking. The show takes a realistic look at every scenario. No matter how bizarre. Fans of another show about what powers would be used in the real world will appreciate


an unofficial crossover character. Robert Sheehan played Nathan in “Misfits” and plays Number 3: Klaus in “The Umbrella Academy.” Both characters are able to communicate with the dead and have problems with self-control. They are also the source of a lot of the comic relief. Though all of the lead characters in “The Umbrella Academy” have humor and range, I

Avid fan compares two Titanic films REVIEW

By STEVEN OSBURN Staff Reporter

The sinking of the Titanic has been a subject of interest of mine ever since I was a small child. Watching James Cameron’s film haunted me and I had to learn more about this historic event. I learned that the Jack and Rose plot of the movie was entirely fictional, and most of the historical elements he added while shooting were cut from the film. This disappointed me, but I learned of another film from 1958 called “A Night to Remember.” Unlike Cameron’s “Titanic,” this film is based on survivor accounts, and shows different real life perspectives as the ship was sinking. Cameron’s “Titanic” is a visual masterpiece. To see accurate sets, period clothing, and some recreated paintings and photographs from the real ship is an absolute delight. The ship is real. When it sinks, it’s either a sinking model or the set is being lowered into a large pool of water. “A Night to Remember” doesn’t hold a candle visually. It is dated in terms of effects. “Titanic” wins this round How do the films work as recreations of the tragedy? Well, it depends. Is it more important that it looks right, or that the characters act right? “Titanic” looks as accurate as a sinking ship can. People panicking, the ship getting lower into the water,

the ship breaking in half and hundreds of people are left to freeze to death in the cold waters of the north Atlantic.. “A Night to Remember,” however, plays all sides. Where some characters got a small mention, or were deleted entirely in “Titanic,” they shine in “A Night to Remember.” Margaret Brown is one of the highlights of both films, but she is stronger in the 1958 film. Instead of being out for most of the sinking, she is seen taking action. She helps a woman into a boat, and demands to go back to save lives. Captain Smith, Bruce Ismay, Thomas Andrews all are better portrayed in “A Night to Remember” than in “Titanic.” In “A Night to Remember,” the Carpathia, the ship that picked up the survivors, is shown, as is the Californian, a nearby ship that heard the distress calls, saw the distress rockets and watched the ship sink, but did nothing that night. This film is the only Titanic movie to show these other ships’ perspective on the event. As far as “A Night to Remember” goes, it is absolutely packed with history, while “Titanic” is packed with teenage hormones and melodrama. On one hand, “Titanic” is the best visual representation of the ship sinking, and had a ton of heart put into the effects. But on the other hand, “A Night to Remember” is one of the best historical films ever made because of its accurate storytelling and countless cast of characters.

consider Sheehan an actor to watch out for. He is capable and can dive into the deep ends of both humor and drama. “Misfits” was a UK TV show about teens on community service for probation that get caught in a freak storm and get powers. The show focuses on what real teenagers would do with powers, as well as what happens when they make super-powered mistakes. This is a moderately new

sub-genre. It’s kind of a cult theme among film and TV shows because it makes sense. When every other big movie is about a superhuman or hero, the generic hero storylines are boring. I love that we’ve gotten to the point where we can explore the real world consequences of running around in tights or having abilities. The acting comes off as genuine and relatable. Each member deals with personal issues that real people go through. The separation of a mother from her child, a child told she was never more than ordinary, troubled minds and multiple insecurities are explored. Loss, bitterness, addiction, family but mainly loneliness. The reason Gerard Way wrote this series about a family was because of the strong ties that he had with My Chemical Romance. The band members were even represented in some of the characters of the show.

I very much appreciate the limited use of CGI for action. A lot of the show is actual props and lights. It helps to ground the realism even further. The powers do often have visual effects associated with them but they are kept subtle until they are needed to be increased visually due to the severity of the action. The producers clearly didn’t have the budget they wanted. Still, the effects were well done where they needed to be. Conceptually, the show can get pretty heavy. There is nonlinear time travel and more than a few mysteries to solve. It does require some attention, but I doubt anyone who makes it past the first episode will have a hard time finishing the series. Even though they didn’t have the budget and the quality effects they needed to pull everything off visually, the show rarely dipped in quality.


Tabletop strategy game recieves a massive facelift in newest edition REVIEW By KYLE GRAHAM Staff Reporter

For those who do not know, “Age of Sigmar” and “Warhammer 40,000 (40k)”, are tabletop miniature strategy games that are designed to be purely for fun or for fairly brutal competition. “Sigmar” received a massive facelift from its previous editions, different movement from blocked lines and ranks of soldiers to 40k’s style of open movement and different spell/melee mechanics. This is also changed when the eighth edition dropped onto the table. Games Workshop as a whole has completely changed their marketing strategy to get more people into the games by reviving old games, producing new models every month and opening up to licensing deals with other businesses to use their content. Set in the dark future of Humanity, The Imperium of Man is beset by war on all sides from ravenous Tyranid super predators, savage Orks, Eldar (space elves), futuristic Tau and the forces of Chaos. A side must be chosen. While the eighth edition has opened up more customizability to lists, it removed a mass of bad aspects from the previous edition. In previous editions, formations and destroyer weapons (Strength D) were an absolute nightmare and everyone, save for a couple

armies, had super heavy units that could decimate the game on their own. The formations gave certain play styles and massive amounts of a specific type of units (spam) a bonus for taking certain groups of units. This became problematic due to people finding loopholes to get free units or gain buffs that would be game breaking. The dreaded Strength D weapons had the power to wipe entire units off the board in one shot. Roll a six sided die, on a one, it misses, on a 2-5 the unit takes d3+1 wounds with no saves. Anything that was left had taken a moral check that was bound to fail due to rules. People stopped playing the game because people would take models with the destroyer weapons and then include them in a formation lists to buff them to the stratosphere for free rerolls. The game just kept getting increasingly boring and no longer fun for anyone not power-gaming. In the new edition, formations were completely removed and destroyer weapons got slapped with a nerf bat to be more like standard weapons, but with multiple shots and high armor piercing ability, however one shot only goes to one model, period. No more rolling wounds on the rest of the squad. Simple grunts actually stand a chance against a tank now. A wound or hit roll of a six will always hit or wound, unless a rule says otherwise.

This helps guarantee that everyone has a chance to fight or do something. There is not a completely useless unit now for the most part. The rules have become read and play style, making it simpler to jump in and figure out the mechanics. Start Collecting and KillTeam kits are massive money-saving boxes to help people start an army. The Tau Start Collecting box is now $95, but comes with a $50 pulse rifle/carbine/breacher team that can be made into two separate five person squads or one big squad with three different weapon configurations and many extra parts for kit-bashing or making other cool models. It also comes with a $75 box of crisis suits, eight gun/ shield/marker drones ($12 a pair) and a $15-$25 ethereal model that is now exclusive to that kit and come with the rules for the models. The game is an amazing experience and I highly encourage people to watch people play a couple of games either via YouTube or at a gaming store before jumping headfirst into the game. Starting an army should be solely what someone thinks looks the coolest out of the 25-28 factions that can be interwoven with one another. You are not restricted to only taking one particular faction. There are some rule benefits for taking certain factions together. Play with friends, have fun and view the rules as guidelines.


8 | The Ranger March 28, 2019


By Jake Day | Staff Reporter

It’s almost time for Vinylthon on Amarillo Morgan is offering 10 percent off to any AC College’s FM90. Five hours of music will be student with a college ID. played straight from vinyl records April 13. Vinylthon isn’t just about the vinyl itself This is the second time for FM90 to participate though. It’s also about the act of playing only in this event. The College Radio Foundation, vinyl live on air for hours on end and getting creators of College Radio Day and Vinylthon, students involved in the process. will be celebrating its fourth year for Vinylthon. The Foundation’s mission is, “to “It’s a great way to show our students how DJs promote and support noncommercial college use to do their shifts, having to change records radio stations and the students involved with every two and a half to three minutes,” Amy them, across the United States.” Presley, FM90 program director and co-host of Vinylthon, said. Presley said the event Thousands of colleges participate. Some celebrates the importance of records in the play music from vinyl for the full 24 hours, history of radio and shows students how the but with record stores being few and far medium has evolved. between, some stations find it difficult to have enough vinyl to play for long periods of time. During Vinylthon, AC students and employees Spinning Jenny’s House of Music record store are encouraged to bring in their own records in Shamrock, Texas, is working with FM90 to to play and share stories about their music. “I supply some of the vinyl. personally love all of the stories the students share about why records are important to “Vinyl doesn’t just sound better than other them,” Presley said. There are no limits to mediums,” Jenny Morgan, the owner of what kind of music students can bring to play Spinning Jenny’s, said. “Vinyl appeals to all as long as they avoid songs with explicit lyrics. the senses. Touch, smell, sight. I think it says something about the medium that it has This year will be the first time Vinylthon has begun to resurface.” Morgan said she loves stretched into two hours of the Body and Soul what she does, and has even gone out of state show that Saturday. Presley and Brian Frank, to purchase records so she can keep her store former FM90 program director and current stocked with a variety of genres and artists. PPBS content producer, will team up to spin Since Vinylthon is on Record Store Day, their favorite “old school jams.”

For more information check out kacvfm.org and collegeradio.org


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