Vol87 special edition

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New landscaping frames Ware Student Commons.

It’s over. Washington Street construction is complete

By JENNA GIBSON Ranger Reporter

After ten years, the construction on the Washington Campus has come to an end. The Ware Student Commons, formerly known as the Lynn Library, the second floor of the CUB and the mall area are now brand new and construction-free. What most students and faculty have viewed as a caution-taped obstacle on their way to class actually started as a bond project in December 2006. Bruce Cotgreave, director of the physical plant, has worked closely with these projects and has overseen the construction. “We, in the Physical Plant, have been working on bond projects for the past, almost, ten years,” said Cotgreave. “It has been a real joy to watch the transformation of our campuses into modern state-of-the-art facilities. Facilities that are attractive and meet the needs

of students and faculty. Areas that attract students but are conducive for study and interaction with other students.” The newly designed Ware Student Commons was named after the Ware family, who own Amarillo National Bank. The longtime benefactors of AC and the Amarillo community donated $1 million to help with this project. The Natalie Buckthal Tutoring Center within the Ware Student Commons was donated by the W.P. Buckthal family. It was named in honor of Natalie Buckthal, a longtime member of the AC faculty. Buckthal also served on the AC Foundation board. The newly reconstructed mall area between the College Union Building and Ware Student Commons has been named the Oeschger Family Mall thanks to a donation from Larry and Sharon Oeschger.

Sharon Oeschger served three terms on the AC Board of Regents and as a chair on the AC Foundation Board. “I think it looks amazing,” said Semet Sabri, a social work major. “It turned out really, really good.” “It looks a lot better. I like all the room that you can walk around in,” said, Evelynn Gleaves, a biology major. According to Cotgreave, all of these projects were completed on time and within budget. “Through the past 10 years we never missed a deadline. All classes started at the beginning of the semester according to schedule,” he said. “There was a great deal of scheduling involved to insure that buildings were vacated on time, that staff and faculty were relocated to temporary facilities that had appropriate internet and electrical systems that met the needs of students


Ware Student Commons walkway construction took an entire semester to complete.

and faculty,” said Cotgreave. One new edition to the Ware Student Commons is the Advocacy and Resource Center. Jordan Herrera, director of social services, manages the Center, which includes the adult students program, the AC food pantry and the AC clothing closet. “The opening of the Advocacy and Resource Center is very exciting because it will allow our students the opportunity to receive assistance in one centralized location,” Herrera said. “This

will save time because students will no longer have to walk from building to building to receive assistance,” she added. Cotgreave said that benches have been ordered for the mall area and should arrive near the end of September. A new tree and landscaping are already in place. Inside the Ware Student Commons, tables and chairs create gathering places for students. The goal is to createw an area for students to socialize, study or simply relax between classes.

And it’s just beginning... East Campus breaks ground on new buildings


Construction begins on East Campus, workers move dirt to prepare.


East Campus is growing thanks to donations from the Amarillo Area Fo u n d a t i o n a n d t h e

Amarillo Economic Development Corporation. The construction on the East Campus began July 11, 2016, said Megan Eikner, dean of technical education. The new additions will


include a new diesel bay for the Automotive Building as well as an airplane hangar. These additions will greatly improve the East Campus, according to Eikner. “It will also open doors to more


students, since we currently do not have enough room.” They are also planning to build a concrete taxiway and a helicopter pad. Terry Smith, aviation maintenance program coordinator and instructor, said the new additions will provide a safer learning area for students. With the new additions and increased room, Smith said he hopes to enroll veterans who can build upon their military pilot experience. “This will provide them with training for the things that they may or may not have done in the military,” said Smith, adding he is optimistic for the future of

the Technical Education Program. “Some of our politicians are starting to see how important the vocational and technical education program is. They are starting to push Technical Education.” Claudia Arnold, program adviser for East Campus said she is excited about the expansion. “We hope to see more aviation students and more diesel students to grow East Campus for the technical education we want to give to our community,” said Arnold. AC officials say they expect the construction to be completed by the fall of 2017.

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The Ranger

August 22, 2016

Stop and smell the new concrete The future has arrived.

From the ashes of the old world a civilization is.... REBORN!

What do you think of the new Ware Student Commons? “I think it looks really great. It makes it look really free, and clean and a lot more open. Even inside it looks a lot better.” Berkeley Voran fine art major

Chris Grepo graphic design major

“You had a whole bunch of rubbish going on left and right but since the construction is over, it’s much more professional … You can’t deny that AC knows how to take care of their students as well as their campus.”

“They worked all semester long—it was hot… it was cold… and they still got it done. I think it’s amazing.”

Semet Sabri social work major


I take if you’re happy campus construction is over.

Editorial cartoon by MIKA MALONE

EDITORIAL The pungent smell of tar wafting through the air… the earpiercing sounds of the pavement being torn up… the inconvenient detours and inaccessible routes… these familiarities are no more. The construction of the Washington Street Campus Mall and the Ware Student Commons have come to a close, bringing to an end nearly a decade of building and renovation on that campus. We, the Ranger Staff, would like to take the time to appreciate the new amenities and thank those who made them possible. What used to be dirt and ground-up pavement is now a thing of the past-- trees, benches, and fresh pavement have replaced the construction zone, making the center of campus both aesthetically pleasing and functional. The final Washington Street Campus projects were the second floor of the College Union Building, the Ware Student Commons and the Mall. Now every building on this campus (with the exception of the

Approach conflict with love In favor of firearms versus against them; Trump versus Clinton; logic versus morality… we live in a society where opposition is encouraged and prevalent. We have become caught up in making sure our beliefs on each issue are known, and there is nothing wrong with that--but as a society we have become too focused on the violence and chaos of society and the reasons behind them instead of promoting the idea of loving one another. We recognize that life is filled with chaos and unfortunate events and these things cannot be stopped with love, but we, The Ranger staff, would like to take the time to remind you of the importance of loving one another. Whether or not you are in support of firearms or completely against them; for Trump, Clinton or neither, it’s undeniable that we focus too much on opposing the other side, becoming consumed with hate and violence, screaming so our voices will be heard. We focus on the black and white sides of things both literally and

Surely this is the utopia of which mankind has alwys dreamed.

figuratively. South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philanthropist Nelson Mandela once said, “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” We live in a world that has become consumed with hate, opposing sides and the notion that this is how it should be. We are here to take a stand and change that belief. We must not sit idly and accept that our world is ruled by hate and violence. We must spread the importance of loving one another in spite of our differences. The more we love one another and preach tolerance and acceptance, the more our environment will become a kinder place filled with less panic and anxiety, with less aggression and desire to lash out at the opposing side. We encourage you to go out and spread kindness instead of abhorrence. Spread love.

- Serving Amarillo College since 1930 For a complete staff listing, please visit The Ranger online at www.acranger.com.

historic Ordway Hall) has been drastically renovated and new facilities have been built. The Ware Student Commons now houses services that offer students greater opportunities for success. Readily available on the beautifully reconstructed first floor are many conveniently located resources. From the student food pantry and clothing closet to the new tutoring center, everything has been redesigned around the goal of student success. The 2007 bond issue and a series of generous private donations have made the dramatic changes possible. Now the East Campus will is getting a new aviation hangar and an addition to the Transportation Center thanks to donations from the Harrington Foundation and the AEDC. Throughout our campuses, we as students have benefited from the support our community has provided Amarillo College. In turn, we will receive the education and training we need to give back to our community. The Ware Family, the W.P. Buckthal family and the Oeschger

family all made donations that transformed the heart of the Washington Street Campus and the voters that passed the 2007 bond issue gave us the numerous other changes we have seen throughout the years. Furthermore, along with the architects and contractors who have swarmed across our campuses, numerous AC employees have worked countless overtime hours painting, cleaning and installing wiring and technology to ensure our classrooms, labs and public spaces are ready to meet our needs. So as you admire the new facilities, take some time to read the names of the generous donors and appreciate their contributions. Stop and reflect on how fortunate we are to attend classes at AC. Finally, be sure to take care of our new facilities so they can serve students for many years. At first, you may not recognize the Washington Street Campus without the sound of jackhammers, the piles of dirt and the chicken wire fences… but you’ll get used to it. And, if you feel homesick for the construction, just head east.

A tradition continues

Adviser, mentor and friend, Mike Haynes is a man whose impact on Amarillo College is undeniable. Haynes was AC’s student media adviser and instructor. He retires this month after many years of service, but his contributions to Amarillo College, the Matney Mass Media Program and journalism education will continue. Haynes has been a remarkable student media adviser for various reasons, one being his patience and consistent passion for his students. While at AC (and Texas Tech before that), he often worked late hours to guarantee the newspaper staff made deadline--at least got close enough. Haynes always greeted students with a welcoming smile. He made it clear he wanted to know how he could best help those around him succeed. Haynes stayed calm despite the stress and conflict typiCOURTESY PHOTO cal of most newsrooms. He maintained Haynes helps proofread The Ranger with his sense of humor, dedication to the only moments to spare. First Amendment and his love of the AP Stylebook regardless of the various pres- est, humble and honorable man. He may sures that arose. Calmly, Haynes guided have retired, but his legacy and impact his students toward understanding and on AC will continue. We, The Ranger appreciating journalism; while at the same staff, cannot thank him enough. In the time allowing us to make editorial deci- words of The Beatles, “I don’t know why you say goodbye I say hello” because sions and learn from our mistakes. In addition to his genuine nature, Haynes’ helpful nature proves he will conHaynes has an extensive knowledge of tinue to lend a hand when needed. Thank The Beatles--which undoubtedly adds to you Mike, for everything. We love you. his wonderful authenticity. He is an hon- --The Ranger staff

Student Media exists to serve you--the students. The Ranger serves as an open forum where you can learn and talk about the things that matter to you. The Ranger staff urges you to get involed. Submit ideas, photos, writings and videos. Tell us what you want covered. A public critique and meeting session is open to the campus community at 10:30 a.m. Fridays in PH 214. Student Media outlets include The Ranger, The Ranger Online, AC Curremt, FM90 and our various web shows and podcasts including Badger B.S. and Screen Louder, along with a new web series that will debut this fall. You can reach us at acranger@actx.edu. We look forward to hearing from you--The Student Media Staff The Ranger is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, College Media Advisers, Panhandle Press Association, Texas

Intercollegiate Press Association and Texas Community College Journalism Association. In 1993, The Ranger was inducted into the national ACP Hall of Fame. The journalism program is nationally accredited by the Community College Journalism Association.

August 22, 2016

The Ranger


Student leaders reach new heights By STETSON SMITH Ranger Reporter

Amarillo College Student Government Association officers say this school year will be “super.” Following tradition, the SGA executive board members have chosen a theme symbolizing their plans for the year. This year SGA officers have chosen theme of “super heroes” with a quote “not just a team, but a family.” “Our super hero theme came up last minute,” said David Robles, SGA vice president. The E-board members were joking about a “Justice League” theme and wondered if there were any good quotes from the show. After a quick Google search, Robles found the quote, “That’s what we are, not a team, but a family” and adapted it to meet their needs. Robles said the theme relates to the students because, “SGA wants them to feel that they have a family outside of their family at home, and there are people here who want them to succeed.” He added, “We want everyone we encounter to succeed and be the best that they can, regardless if we know who you are.” Payton Nelson, an SGA officer, said the theme appeals to her because, “We

need to become more of a family around the college, not just in SGA but between all clubs and students.” She said the SGA plans to work to unite the clubs and organizations, noting, “I think we all need to be more involved, even at Badger Boot Camp. It needs to be all of our faces not just SGA.” Nelson went on to say that the clubs need to be better recognized so students may be more involved. “Just show up and get involved,” she said. SGA President Logan Nelson said the Student Government exists to boost involvement. “It’s to help students to get connected before moving on to something else. It’s there to find a support system and to have that support while here at AC.” “Like our slogan says, ‘not just a team, but a family,’ SGA is my family, we know each other, we talk about everything,” Nelson said. She encourages students to get involved in any club to “find your group, find where you fit in,” and noted that the SGA will sponsor fall semester events, including a “movie night” Aug. 25 by the Experimental Theater. Nelson said the SGA is ready to take off with a fresh team of officers who are excited about bringing together a super family that supports all students.


Student Government executive board members Steve Garcia, programming chair; Payton Nelson, community relations chair; David Robles, vice president; Alex Mariscal, historian; Jaciel Campos, treasurer, Barbra Walker, secretary; Taylor Rangel, publicity chair and Logan Nelson, president, rise to the top as they make plans to represent the student body during the upcoming school year.

After 87 years, AC goes smoke-free more put off by a cup full of dip spit left lying about than a cigarette butt,” Lovejoy said. “I see how the Put down those vape pens, ban will limit my chances to smoke cigarettes and tobacco, Amarillo and in turn will reduce how much I College is now smoke-free. As of smoke and maybe help me in quitMonday, Aug. 1, smoking is no ting,” he added. longer permitted on Amarillo ColJoseph Wyatt, AC web content lege campuses.The AC Board of producer said, “Some people will be Regents passed this ban Jan. 26 stunned to learn that a no-smoking after a proposal initiated by the policy is now in effect at AC, while Student Government Associaothers, even among the smokers, tion (SGA). All AC campuses are will simply take the news in stride.” entirely smoke-free, both indoors “I do smoke,” Wyatt said. “I do not and out. This prohibits the use of like it when my smoke annoys othall cigarettes, vapes and tobacco ers. I smoke where I believe others products on AC grounds, and smokCOURTESY PHOTO will be least or at least marginally ing is banned within 20 feet of any AC’s 1964 yearbook displays this photo captioned, “Darlene Hughes assists affected, but I understand also that building entrance. Andy Keller in lighting a cigarette.” the world is changing and it’s time According to the Board of that we do even more to respect Regents the policy states, “Smoking policy to everyone; however, he more of an issue than tobacco users the airspace of others; I’m OK with ing of any tobacco products and the does not expect to see any protesters. on campus. I have been in classes it....I’ll also quit hiking to the park use of electronic or vapor smoking “I suspect that I will be required to where they assume it is OK to use the minute the policy is rescinded,” devices are prohibited on all Amaaddress a few smoking issues in the these devices. Of course there will he added. Wyatt said he expects rillo College property and in buildupcoming semester but it definitely be people who get upset about the smokers will continue to find places ings and facilities on all campuses won’t be the most significant work ban. In today’s world everyone takes where smoking is permissible, which and locations, including parking that I do,” Austin said. “Frankly, I every rule as a personnel affront that is off AC property, adding, “Each areas, green spaces and walkways. think that most faculty and students we all must wail and moan about. It campus has its own geography. In The use of tobacco products which have forgotten about the change. comes down to the simple fact that it my case, should I choose to smoke are smokeless and vaporless is proSigns regarding the new policy are is a privilege to be here on campus,” -- and I probably will -- there is a hibited inside any College building. posted, so I expect that there will be Lovejoy said, adding he is interested city park just a stone’s throw to the This policy does not apply to East renewed interest in this topic. That to see how the ban will be enforced south of my office, so I predict that Campus Housing.” being said, I fully expect smokers to and hopes the AC Police department you will find me there every so often. Students and faculty have kept find the most convenient locations does not get “tied up” with it. “I do I do not expect to be alone because quiet about their thoughts on the where they are allowed to smoke and smoke cigarettes and cigars and I other smokers no doubt will find the ban so far, though that may change that, in some cases, they will stand have no problem with the ban. My park to be equally convenient.” come the beginning of fall semester. directly on the line,” he added. bad habits should not be the health Free smoking cessation classes Bob Austin, vice president of student David Lovejoy, a mass media burden of others. I do believe that with free nicotine replacement prodaffairs, said he thinks it will take a major, said he has heard little from the campus should be tobacco free ucts (patches, gum, lozenges) will be while to communicate the smokpeople about the ban. “Vaping is and not just smoke free. I am far available monthly. By JENNA GIBSON Ranger Reporter


Play to win The Ranger

August 22, 2016

How to succeed in college beyond rolling the dice By AUSTIN ULEN


Ranger Reporter

ollege is a game but it’s easier to win if you know the rules, tips and strategies. There is no reason to just role the dice and leave your future up to chance. When starting a college semester, there is no simple, easy-to-use, readily-available user handbook. College life can be hard but Amarillo College has many resources to help new students acclimate themselves to how things work around campus. Students can take some simple, yet very effective steps, to achieve their goals during a semester. “Sleep well and drink lots of water,” Driana Bramer, a theater major, said. Dehydration is an obstacle that's not always obvious but can be very detrimental.” These aren't just tips for school, but for life in general. For general health it's always a good idea to get the rest your body needs and to drink plenty of water. The next tip seems obvious, but it's surprising to know k h how many ma students d ffaill at this h simple sim lle task: tassk: go to class. Every instructor will affirm that this thiis is probably the most important component to succeeding in college. College isn't free. Students Stu udents shouldn't waste their time and money by not attending classes. Another obvious, yet often overlooked tip is to study. If a class is harder than expected it'ss even more important to study in order to succeed. succceed. “Make a study schedule,” Heather Hinkle, Hiinkle, a mass media major, said, “Figure out how hoow you learn: audibly, visually, hands-on, and attune atttune une your studying d to that.” h ” Finding a good parking spot on campus can F

be a reoccurring problem even if a student is on time. “To find a good parking space, get up to the campus around when classes get out, not when they're about to start,” said Hinkle. The trick is to show up early or be prepared for some extracurricular cardio getting to class. Communication is the mortar that holds together the bricks of success. As cliché as it sounds, it's true. Talking to instructors and letting them know about any problems or concerns that come up, preferably as far in advance as possible. Instructors w want ant to work with students to help them succeed in their college careers. Be polite when emailing your instructor. Use a professional tone and d correct spelling. A Also, lso, be sure to identify yourself yoourself clearly and tell the instr instructor ructor the name off your class l and d section. ti Overall, must find O ll students d m d what h works for them. If it's itt's studying every day, do that. If it's turning turn ning in work months in advance, do that. If it's it's waiting until the day it's due, do that. Each student has to evaluate his or her situation and an nd find a routine that's comfortable and works. There are many students, studeents, instructors, advisers and staff members who wh ho are willing to help any student who needss it at Amarillo College. Everyone is at AC to ssucceed ucceed and all the tools are available il bl to t have h a successful f l semester. t St Stop. Take a breath. Get help p if you need it. Succeed.

Six top tips:

r ng e Ra he

|T EK AS E IR C LA by n at io tr

Get involved

AC has more than 40 clubs based on interests and areas of study as well as the Student Government Association, which is a group of students elected by fellow students to represent the student body. To sign up go to the Student Life area in the College Union Building basement or call 806-371-5322. Clubs are also offered on other campuses, including West, Moore County and Hereford.


Get in shape p

Carter Fitness Center offers a variety of weightt training and cardio machines, as well as basketballl and volleyball courts and is free for all enrolled stu-dents. Washington and 24th Streets, Washington n Street Campus, 806-345-5515 Sign up for free intra-mural sports including flag football, basketball, vol-leyball, bubble soccer and more. Carter Fitness Cen-ter, 806-371-5382.

Get access to resources

The Advocacy and Resource Center (ARC) offers services including the Food Pantry, Clothing Closet, Adult Students Program and Social Services & Advocacy; Ware Student Commons, 806-371-5439 www.actx.edu/arc. The Student Counseling Center is opening soon in the Student Services Center, Rms 226, 236 and 237. The center will operate Monday through Friday, 12 PM – 5 PM and will provide free and confidential therapy for students. Contact Dr. Alan Kee, jakee@actx. edu for more information.


Get technology help

The Student Technology Help Center assists with how to use Blackboard, AC Connect, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, software installation, Wi-Fi connection, etc.. Ware Student Commons First Floor, 806-371-5992. The AC Bookstore Computer Service Center is a Fee-for-Service repair facilityy that offers out of warranty services for most notebooks, desktops, and mobile devices, Bookstore. College Union Building, 806-371-5304.

Get a job and cash

Career and Employment Services offers career assessment and planning, job search tutorials, resume reviews, labor market information and more as well as numerous workshops and instructions on how to apply for on-campus and off-campus jobs while enrolled as well as positions for graduates. Student Service Center, Room 130, 806-371-5147.

Ph ot o

Get free tutoring g

Tutors are available one-on-one, in labsettings and online for many courses. You can find help at the Natalie Buckthal Tutoring Center, Ware Student Commons, 806-271-5432; Math Outreach Center, Durrett Hall, Rm 104, 806-3715119; Science Enrichment Center, Warren Hall, Rm 110, 806-345-5536; Writers’ Corner, Ordway Hall, Rm 102, 806-345-5580; Online Tutoring, www.actx.edu/tutoring/online, 806-371-5432; West Campus Tutoring Outreach Center, Bldg. D.


The Ranger

August 22, 2016

Common reader unites campus

Encouraging notes from college employees are hidden within many copies of the book.

EMILY PRISK | The Ranger


Japanese American children pledge allegiance to the American flag in 1942 prior to internment.



A Japanese American posted this banner the day after the Pearl Harbor attack. Man looks out from behind barbed wire at Japanese internment camp.

Award-winning novel focuses on romance and racism By EMILY PRISK Ranger Reporter

An era of hatred and war; a love story reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet; a conflict about race and cultural identity … the 2016 Common Reader plunges students into the story of Chinese and Japanese immigrants living in Seattle in the 1940s. Common Reader Coordinator Courtney Milleson encourages students to explore the best-selling novel “Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet” by Jamie Ford. Reading the book will help students realize the importance of discussing difficult topics, such as racism and family arguments, said Milleson. “I want them to engage with conversations and understand that sometimes those

conversations aren’t fun to have and are uncomfortable, but they have a voice, and their voice needs to be heard.” The college uses the Common Reader to bridge the gap between students and faculty members, said Milleson. It is aimed especially toward incoming freshman, but also brings together the entire AC community. Several faculty members will incorporate the book into their classes. From analyzing the characters’ relationships to listening to the Seattle jazz music featured in the novel, professors will be using the book to engage students in critical thinking, said Milleson. “When cracking open your copy of the book, don’t be surprised if you find a few notes

written inside,” she said. As the first effort to making students feel a personal connection to the AC family, faculty members have signed various pages, many with encouraging notes. Incoming freshman should receive a copy of the book at Badger Bootcamp and New Student Orientation. Other students will be able to pick up Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet at the Ask AC counter on the Washington Street campus or from their instructors. Several Common Reader events will be held throughout the year, including a visual arts competition and an appearance by the author. Ford will be speaking about the novel at 7 EMILY PRISK | The Ranger p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13, in the Jade Napoles, an undeclared major, reads the 2016 Ordway Hall Auditorium. Common Reader.

August 22, 2016


The Ranger

June Jazz reaches overseas By JENNA GIBSON Ranger Reporter

June Jazz has been making a name for itself for the past 21 years, but it was not until this summer that these free outdoor concerts offered every Tuesday evening in June found new audiences. The performances aired live on AC’s radio station, FM90, 89.9 FM, and at kacvfm.org. Hundreds of audience members and their pets spread across campus with lawn chairs, picnics and blankets. June Jazz was created in 1995 by music professor, Jim Laughlin. “It’s a family-dominated crowd, and we see a lot of the same faces,” said Laughlin. “I think it’s safe to say that June Jazz has a loyal following that continues to grow. We find that gratifying, indeed.” Laughlin said the Tuesday-night audiences have increased in recent years to about 700 concert-goers a night. “June Jazz this year reached a larger audience with the live FM90 broadcast. Beginning in 1996, with a dozen or so in attendance, I never imagined fans would be listening live from London,” Laughlin said. “My cousin and her friends tuned in live from a pub in England, I am so grateful to FM90 and our new School of Creative Arts for making this happen,” he added. Jill Gibson, associate dean of the


About 700 people attended each of the four free jazz concerts this summer. Performers included Jim Laughlin, with Austin Brazille on June 7, The Martins on June 14, Polk Street Jazz on June 21 and Patrick Swindell on June 28.

School of Creative Arts, said she thinks the popularity and growth of June Jazz is a great example of the benefits the School of Creative Arts offers. The School was established in March to nurture interdisciplinary collaboration among the various artsrelated programs at AC. “FM90 is a great way to share

these very talented musicians with a far greater audience than can attend the Tuesday-night performances in person,” Gibson said. “It is also provides excellent opportunities for our students to help set up and broadcast live events tangible preparation for the jobs they plan to seek. We have a radio station

and we have a music department, so it’s a match made in heaven,” she added. Streaming the concerts online allowed June Jazz to reach an international audience, from Laughlin’s cousin in England to listeners in Germany who shared the link on Twitter, Gibson said.

Recording arts class strikes a chord By AUSTIN ULEN

Ranger Reporter


The arts always have been and will be important at Amarillo College. The fall semester of 2016 brings a new kid to the arts neighborhood:

the recording arts certificate. The new certificate falls under the mass media umbrella and covers everything from the fundamentals of cables and connections to acoustics and sound design. The curriculum also features training in the use of Avid Pro Tools, a high-end music composition and editing program. Scott Beckett is the man behind the new certificate. He is a professor of music and the recording arts and a band director, with extensive experience in sound engineering, mixing and recording. “There are two sides to what we’re doing here,” said Beckett. “There’s a continuing

Badger Planner 8/22 Fall Classes Begin 8/25 Movie Night - The Pit 8:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.

8/30 Club Fair - Clock Tower 8:30 p.m.-12:30 p.m.

9/1 Eh440 Accapella Group Badger Den-103 Noon -1:00 p.m.

9/5 Labor Day

College is closed

9/8 K-Love Poet Basement of CUB-006 Noon-1:00 p.m.

9/12-9/13/16 SGA Elections Clock Tower 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

9/22 Fall Fest - Clock Tower 11:00 a.m.-2:00p.m.

education side of it, which is just Pro Tools. There’s also the academic side where we do not just Pro Tools training, but we do everything from sources, to mics, cabling, connectors, how to set up systems, how to do live sound, how to do recording, how to mix and how to edit. It’s kind of like a practical recording arts program,” he said. The courses cover many aspects of the recording industry and offers chances to network with others in the industry, Beckett said. The goal is that when students complete the program they will have the experience in a real world setting

that allows them to be prepared for the real world of audio outside of AC’s walls. “The fabulous thing about this is that they get to do all of that in a confined time period so that when they get out into a studio, they’re ready to go,” Beckett said. Anyone interested in learning more about the program should contact Beckett at rsbeckett@actx.edu or speak to one of the AC counselors. Beckett said he has high hopes and expectations for the new certificate. With the vast knowledge and tools at hand, the success of the program is simply music in the making.

Youtuber makes his mark Ziggy’s Virtual Viewpoint

children in need. Markiplier is best known for games The time has come such as 5 Nights at to spotlight another Freddy’s, Amnesia: The crazy, unlifelike person Dark Descent, Happy in the virtual universe. Wheels and Surgeon This week, let’s look at Simulator 2013. He has Markiplier, a man who an overactive style-has had a lot happen in often yelling, screaming curses and even crying his life. Mark Edward during game play. Fischbach, known best He is also known by his online personality for his vlogs, which name, Markiplier, began address his supportive his YouTube community community and discuss shortly after his father inspirational topics and died from advanced- provide updates on his stage cancer. Markiplier trips and conventions. was also diagnosed with where he interacts with an appendicitis and a children and fans. Markiplier is tumorous growth on his adrenal gland, which someone who you impacted his intentions should watch if you are to become a biomedical seeking to figure out who you are or engineer. Instead, he picked discover your up a camera and started purpose in making videos of himself life. Just playing horror video watching games. He than began his videos to reach out to charities, a n d such as the Children’s Miracle Network and Extra Life, to support By CODY MCGEEHEE Ranger Reporter

learning more about his personal story shows that no matter what happens and no matter how dark it is you can always find the silver lining. So I urge everyone to take a moment and check out this YouTuber. He has many positive things to say that will make you look at your life differently and will bring you happiness. For more Ziggy’s Virtual Viewpoint, see The Ranger Online at www.acranger.com.


Mark Fischbach


The Ranger

August 22, 2016

Pokémon By SALVADOR GUTIERREZ REZ Ranger Reporter

Pokémon Go has taken oover parks, churches, malls… and Amarillo m College. Every day, C ggr groups of students and no n nonstudents of all ages meet me m ee at the Washington Street Str reee Campus to achieve the people have chased for goal p tth thousands h of years—to catch a Pokémon. Pokémon Go rolled out July 6, 2016, as an app for iPhone and Android devices. It gives users the opportunity to play the popular Nintendo franchise iin the real world and it has been a hit aan since si in the first day. The app pp has enjoyed record popularity and Apple po o recently revealed that re e the th h game has been the most downloaded app m oon the App Store-beating Twitter and be b

Photo Illustration by SALVADOR GUTIERREZ | The Ranger

to college Tinder on the first week released. Many AC students are regular Pokémon Go players. Maggie Tinoco, a mass media major, said she plays the game every two or three days. “I’ve caught around 35 Pokémon by now and I am really excited about the new updates,” Tinoco said. “I really like how this new game encourages people to go out and interact with other people while doing something funny.” Mimi Tayong is not an AC student but she comes to the Washington Street Campus every day hunting for Pokémon. “My husband and I come to AC since we found out there are more than 10 pokestops around campus. We used them to increase our level in the game, I am level 20 by now and he is level 25,” Tayong said. Aaron Hernandez, Tayong’s husband, said that they have made new friends since they started playing. “A lot of people come to AC around the same time every day. You can see the same guys and families walking around every day. They are like neighbors to me.” The Washington Street Campus

pokestops are located around the main buildings including the Amarillo Museum of Art, the Experimental Theatre and the Engineering Building. Players can battle users from different teams at gyms. One such gym is located in the center of campus, at the clock tower. Many students who have enjoyed the game over the summer say they won’t give up the pastime when fall classes start. Ashley Lucero, a nursing major who plays the game on a regular basis at AC, said “I like it. It gives me a place to go and hang out with my friends.” Lucero said she is not worried that Pokémon hunting will interfere with her school work. “Honestly, the pokestops around AC shouldn’t be considered a distraction. If you are there to learn, you are going to learn,” Lucero said. Pokémon fever should continue thanks to future updates already planned for the game. According to Pokémon Go developer, Niantic, players can look forward to the release of multiplayer mode and Pokémon trade on the next updates.

This map shows where all of the PokeStops are on campus.

Photo Illustration by SALVADOR GUTIERREZ | The Ranger

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