Vol 90 Special Edition

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August 22, 2019

Sparks fly in the lab as the workers finish up the project. Soon, Badgers will be able to use the lab to enrich their learning experience.


Welcome to the lab down under...ground Where badgers can dig right into school work


Amarillo College will have

a new computer lab placed under the Ware Student Commons. The lab, deemed the Underground, will be host to classrooms, collaborative spaces for students to study and of course computers. Becky Burton, dean of academic outreach and support, says that while the Underground may not be open 24/7 right away

it will feature extended hours to accommodate students who may not have access to internet or computers at home. “That was the whole emphasis on this project,” Burton said. “If you get here early in the morning you will see some students in they’re cars or sitting on a bench to get access to wi-fi and during the winter that gets really cold.” There will be many different amenities for student to take advantage of in the new computer lab. Shane Hepler,

chief information officer, says there will be something everyone will be comfortable using in the Underground and a few extra things to be excited about as well. “We’ll have computers that run on both Mac and Windows software,” Hepler said. “There will even be a kitchen area for you to heat up your lunch and classrooms that professors can book for classes when they need to do research and such.” Burton says that one of the most exciting additions being brought with the Underground

one include renovations to the Student Services Center, which will be broken up into sections so as not to completely disrupt operations. Another project is Russell Hall, which will also be used to house some services displaced by the renovations. Recently, the board of regents agreed to move renovations of the Carter Fitness Center from phase three to phase one. Renovations to the CFC include updates to the air conditioning, locker rooms, restrooms and showers.

building,” Smith said.

Ten years of updates, renovations underway By LAUREN EBBEN Senior Reporter

Amarillo College officials have rolled out the timeline for phase one of the master plan for renovations. The master plan is a collection of projects and initiatives for all seven AC campuses identified throughout a yearlong planning process. There are three phases of the master plan to be completed over a 10-year period. Phase one began this past June and will finish at the end of 2022. There are a total of 26 projects in phase one, spanning the Downtown, East, West and Washington Street campuses of the college. Some of the longer projects will take about two years to complete. Despite the number of renovations, students and staff “won’t feel a whole lot of it,” according to Vice President of Business Affairs, Steven Smith, who created the timeline for phase one. “Most of the construction is inside already existing buildings. What they will feel is the services that may have been offered in those buildings being somewhere else,” Smith said. Major projects in phase

Another project in need of a new space is the Innovation Hub at the Downtown Campus. The innovation hub is a collaborative work space for students, community members, businesses and entrepreneurs to use to develop innovative ideas for any field. Each of the 26 projects consists of at least four phases: an architect and procurement phase, a design phase, a bid phase and a construction phase. Some projects, such as the Innovation Hub and the updates to the Student Services Center, will also include an additional move-in phase. Most projects are grouped together for contractors to bid on easily. For example, HVAC replacements on East, West and Washington Street Campus will be done by one contractor. “As a public entity, we can’t go pick a contractor,” Smith said. “We have to take bids and project proposals, and then make those decisions because we want everyone to have the same opportunities to bid on the work.”

Road and parking lotrelated projects were planned for summer when enrollment is lower. “We try to plan projects when it’s the easiest,” Smith said. “We’ll look at things as we go along.” While most of these projects are renovations to current buildings, one project will require a completely new building. A first responders training facility, designed for police, fire and EMT training programs, will be located on East Campus, where a condemned building currently stands. “We’ll remove that building and Continue reading on we’ll build a whole new page 3



are two media rooms. “We’ll basically have plug and play,” she said. “Students or faculty can use the equipment we have and just plug in a flash drive or their phone and play music, videos, PowerPoints. The rooms will also have video cameras so you can record yourself.” Dmitri Wells, a computer science major, says he’s excited to get a look at the Underground and to use the new software. “I want to see those media rooms. They sound cool,” he said. “The extended hours will be nice too

because you can’t always go to the library to use the computers there,” Wells added. Burton also says that with all the new technologies going into the Underground, the technology support center will also be relocating to the basement. “We actually hope to use some students to help in this facility,” she said. “So, it brings a lot more than just computers and classrooms, it can also be a potential job and a great way to get your foot in the door.”


President Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart presents the new bus route.

Program offers free rides


Amarillo College, Amarillo City Transit and Amarillo National Bank are teaming up to bring free transportation to AC campuses. As of Aug. 15, students, faculty and staff have free access to all of the Amarillo bus routes throughout the 2019-2020 school year. The project started with a $25,000 donation from Amarillo National Bank, allowing riders accessibility from 6:20 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Saturday. “Transportation is one of the biggest barriers to completing a degree,” Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart, AC president, said. “Once we realized that, and the city had need for more riders, our partners helped us find a solution that wasn’t overly

expensive,” he said, adding that the project has the potential to go beyond this school year if students take advantage of the free rides. “We are committed to working together with different community partners to help individuals reach their higher education, which translates to higher skilled jobs, wages and local economy,” said Elaine Hayes, Amarillo city council member, during a news conference held Aug. 12 to announce the collaboration. According to Lowery-Hart, nearly 15 percent of the AC student population is currently without a reliable ride to class. He said he hopes this initiative will increase accessibility for students and staff while also increasing ridership for the Amarillo public bus system. For information on bus routes, times and stops, go to amarillo.gov or call 806-3783000.

Twitter and Instagram: @acranger

2 | The Ranger August 22, 2019

Letter from the Editor


Success Tips From The Ranger Staff New semesters can be nerve wracking leading to rollercoaster-like experiences. Luckily members of "The Ranger" staff are giving their advice when it comes to conquering college. Find the rest of the staff tips at acranger.com

“In any field the hardest part is getting your foot in the door. Sometimes it just means being in the right place at the right time, so say yes to every opportunity and be willing to work when no one else wants to.” JILLIAN JOHNSON

Mortuary Science

The world of college slowly approaches and a whirlwind of activities trail behind. I am Jillian Johnson, an incoming freshman and graduate of Tascosa High School in Amarillo. In high school I was always fond of journalism as I was involved all four years. Being best friends with a journal growing up and having a curious mind have driven me to pursue the path I lead today. Amarillo College itself is a blessing because I was able to earn the ACE scholarship to have my back financially while I study to my heart’s content. My graduating class was one of the last to receive ACE. I am excited to now call myself a proud AC Badger, for this moment has been a long time coming. Senior year of high school was difficult for me because I was no longer living with my parents due to family turmoil. I often stressed about money and grades, which is an awful mix. I have grown tremendously in the last year. I now own a comfy apartment with my pets and boyfriend, who is also attending AC. We will grow together and aim to walk the stage again. This semester, I begin my role as editor-in-chief of the student newspaper, “The Ranger,” as well as my course of study in mortuary sciences. I have always been intrigued by anatomical sciences, as well as the brain and how it works. Becoming a certified embalmer and funeral director will give me the opportunity to serve a purpose to humanity. I can connect with the many people in the family of just one deceased person. I can help them understand that death is the most peaceful transition one’s mind can experience. The mind is very complex and I want ensure everyone is calm in the event of death. I am looking forward to being part of the Amarillo College experience as well as making sure all students receive the latest news from around our campuses. Feel free to contact my staff or me for any opportunities that may arise.


“Get a day-timer and carry it everywhere. If the syllabus has dates in it on when test, essays or what have you are due, just copy them into your planner all at once on the first day and then you can keep up - even if it is accidental.” ISABELLE LINK Mass Media

“Time management is key, never be afraid to keep a planner or journal.”


“Introduce yourself to your professors. Most of the professors at AC are down-to-earth people who are excited about the subject they teach. So if you’re struggling in their class, they’re usually more willing to help out a student that’s shown an interest in their class.” SHAWN MCCREA General Studies

“It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you’re doing it as your true self and with your true self in mind. Otherwise, what’s the point?” LOGAN CANADA Mass Media

"Some classes only use the access code rather than the whole book. Double-check with your professor before you buy any materials."


General Studies

“Small goals can add up to even bigger ones.”


“Stay motivated, never miss classes, and don’t forget to ask questions.”


Get in touch with us Page Editors VOLUME 90 | SPECIAL EDITION

August 22, 2019

For a complete staff listing, please visit The Ranger online at www.acranger.com therangereditor@gmail.com Twitter @acranger Instagram @acranger Facebook @acrangerpaper

Editor-in-Chief Jillian Johnson Page Two Nathaniel Montoya Page Three Jessika Fulton Page Four Faythe Reeves

Page Five Faythe Reeves Page Six Caylee Hanna Page Seven Isabelle Link Page Eight Shawn McCrea

Student Media exists to serve you — the students. The Ranger is an open forum where you can learn and talk about the things that matter to you. The Ranger staff urges you to get involved by submitting ideas, photos, writing, videos and telling us what you want covered. A public critique and meeting is open to the campus community on Fridays at 10:30 a.m. in PH 214 or you can reach us via email at therangereditor@gmail.com. The Ranger is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, College Media Association, Panhandle Press Association, Texas Intercollegiate Press Association and Texas Community College Journalism Association. For a complete staff listing, visit us at acranger.com. The Ranger is an independent student publication. Material published in The Ranger does not necessarily reflect the views of Amarillo College administrators or employees.


The Ranger | 3 August 22, 2019

Students say sayonara with AC By LAUREN EBBEN Senior Reporter

As a new semester begins, some students at Amarillo College will be preparing for more than just a new round of classes. Several travel abroad opportunities have students and faculty alike excited for the coming year. Sheila Barton, a Spanish instructor, will lead a group of students on a trip to Costa Rica during fall break. While there, the group will stay overnight in eight different places and participate in activities such as hiking, kayaking, snorkeling, and whitewater rafting “To be more prepared for adulthood, you need to be more in touch with foreign places,” Barton said. “Students need to be more aware of what’s out there.” For Daniela Macias, a business administration/accounting major, Costa Rica will be the farthest she has ever traveled from home. Macias said she’s both nervous and excited for a different environment. “I am hoping to get a break from all the stress that comes with being a college student, and most importantly learn a new culture,” she said.

Presidential scholars visit Peru during spring 2019.

Next spring break, Courtney Milleson, an assistant professor in speech communication, is sponsoring a trip to Germany where faculty and students will be visiting Berlin and Hamburg. This will be Milleson’s third study abroad trip with AC. SHe went to Paris in 2018 and Greece in spring 2019. “When helping students study abroad, my main goal is learning. I know our students are curious and eager to learn,

Local contractors to renovate college Continued from page one Taking bids adds about two months to the projects and is a lot more involved than just contacting companies directly, according to Smith. “Amarillo has a lot of really good contractors and we’ll evaluate each of their applications and whether they’re qualified to do the job and whether they have good pricing for the college and make those decisions when we hire them,” Smith said. In May, the $89.206 million bond was passed by the citizens of Amarillo to help fund the projects within master plan. There will be three to four bond issuances over the next ten years, depending on when projects fall.

On Aug. 13, the first bond was issued at roughly $31 million dollars. The next issuance will not occur until 2023. Smith said the renovations could cause some issues. “We just need everyone to understand that we know that there will be some inconveniences,” he said. “We’re going to do our best to make sure that everyone knows when we’ve moved a service, where it’s at and how to find it so that people can locate the things they need to do.” He added that college officials want to “make sure that everything is done as efficiently and as cost effectively as we possibly can so that the projects are finished and people are able to utilize it and enjoy it as soon as possible.”

Board reaches settlement with former professor over threatenned lawsuit By LAUREN EBBEN Senior Reporter

On Aug. 6, at their monthly meeting, the board of regents voted to approve a $40,000 settlement reached with Dr. Brian Farmer, a former AC employee who threatened to sue the college in connection with his separation of employment. Farmer agreed to the settlement terms. Farmer, a former social sciences professor, was separated from the college in spring 2018. He later threatened litigation against the college in response. The college then reached a settlement agreement with Farmer “to eliminate the uncertainties and expense of litigation,” officials said in a statement.


“The settlement agreement provided that Dr. Farmer would be paid $40,000. In exchange, he would release the college from all potential claims, whatever they might be, in connection with his separation of employment,” said Executive Vice President and General Counsel Mark White. According to White, the board found, “It would be a lot cheaper to pay the $40,000 than to engage in the litigation.”

but sometimes a four-walled classroom just doesn’t cut through the noise of real-life,” Milleson said. Additionally, the Presidential Scholars will be traveling to Poland during spring break with honors students from West Texas A&M University. This will mark the first collaborative trip between the AC Scholars and the WTAMU Honors program. “It’s a unique networking


opportunity for AC to share with WT,” Lesley Ingham, chair of the honors program at AC, said. While in Poland, the students will spend their time in the medieval city of Kraków, and visit places such as Auschwitz and Birkenau. “I’m looking forward to seeing history come alive,” Ingham said. “To be in a space that has so much pain and history reminds you to be the best human being,

and I hope the students learn that.” Other travel opportunities include a trip to London, England and Edinburg, Scotland in summer 2020, led by Sue Grady, a professor of physical therapy. Also, during fall break 2020, professors Dr. Claudie Biggers and Dr. Asanga Ranasinghe are heading to Vietnam.. For most students who travel abroad, the experience is “unforgettable,” according to Madi Nation, a recent AC graduate who went to Paris last spring. “The study abroad trip is a perfect chance for a student to practice some independence and learn things like how to get a passport, how to exchange currency, and how to get around a new city using resources like buses, the metro, or even walking,” Nation said. Students who are interested in traveling abroad to Costa Rica this fall should visit www. efcst.com/2156484XA for more information. Those interested in traveling to Germany in the spring can contact Courtney Milleson at courtney@ amarillocollege.com, or the Honor’s Program at honors@ actx.edu.

Master plan gets student perspective By LAUREN EBBEN Senior Reporter

Two officers for the Student Government Association are giving a voice to students as the next phases of Amarillo College’s master plan are put into place. SGA President, Hector Casanova, a business major and SGA Chair of Club Relations Nazario Maestas, a business major, are both part of a master plan implementation committee designed to hold the college “accountable for making sure everyone is involved in the process,” said AC President, Russell Lowery-Hart. “We have a master plan implementation committee that represents all parts of the college,

that make sure that we’re being transparent, that we’re being communicative, that everyone has a voice,” Lowery-Hart said. Roughly 15 people are on the committee, ranging from board of regents members to students. “Our role was to give a student perspective and a student idea on what the master plan had to offer,” Maestas said of SGA’s involvement. “So we kind of gave the idea or gave our thoughts of students on how that could help, how that wouldn’t help, or what would actually benefit students more compared to what would kind of just take up space and money,” said Maestas. So far, the implementation committee has worked on prioritizing projects for the

master plan, determining which projects are “more important and should be taken care of versus what could be put off until later,” according to Maestas. “What we kind of did was we talked about funding and distribution throughout all campuses, so Washington Campus, West Campus, East Campus and looked over things that we thought either needed to be more developed on or needed more repairs or things like that,” Maestas said. Maestas said he is glad to have the chance to serve on this committee. “I feel like it’s a good position because Amarillo College is for the students. Everything that we’re doing is to help and benefit the students.”

Mead recipent goes ‘big’ for students Biggers strives to make STEM fun for all

By AUSTIN ASHBY Staff Reporter

The Mead Award for Faculty Excellence was awarded to two people this year. One of the two is biology professor Claudie Biggers. “She is always ready to try something new and innovative which makes it fun working here and fun for the students,” Gerek Burford, STEM research center director, said. Along with being a biology professor, Biggers is also the project director of the Hispanic-Serving Instituton STEM grant. “A lot of what we focus on is how to get the students out of their seats doing new projects and not just listening to a lecture,” Burford said. This drive to find new ways to present topics and ideas comes from something Biggers was seeing in her field of work. “I am in the STEM field where classes should be fun and engaging, but through the

years, instructors have replaced the participatory component with seated lectures,” Biggers said. “I try to get the students out of their seats with themebased learning experiences that answer research driven questions.” Biggers added that everyone has different learning styles and it is important to build meaningful relationships with your coworkers and students. She said that it is the only way to help students succeed. “It is such a huge honor to be identified as the Mead Award winner because it is an award chosen by my peers and my students,” Biggers said. “The award validates the importance of serving students beyond the classroom.” Biggers has helped with many projects, such as the National Science Foundation grant and the grant for the STEM Research Center. “That was a real challenging project,” Teresa Clemons, senior director of grants, said “It took almost a year of planning before

we went to submit it.” Clemons went on to say that after putting together the winning proposal, Biggers also headed up the team to help design the greenhouses with experts’ input. She also said that even when the team was stressed out, Biggers would always find a way to make everyone smile. Biggers’s drive to connect with her students extends outside the classroom and even outside the city, as shown when she traveled with Clemons to Gaston College in North Carolina to work with the faculty and staff on a grant. “She made a connection with everyone,” Clemons said. “She wants to make learning a wonderful experience and light a fire under her students to want to know more, do more, explore and research.” The second 2019 Mead recipient, Jessica Hill, instructor and director of the medical assisting program, will be profiled in the next issue of The Ranger.


4 | The Ranger August 22, 2019

Letter from the AC president


RUSSELL LOWERY-HART Hello AC Badgers, This fall marks the 90th year for Amarillo College. As students, you will be writing our history as a college. The first 90 years were defined by great faculty, staff and strong community support. You will be the class that defines the next 90 years for the college. With your dedication to education, you will not only change Amarillo College, but the Texas Panhandle as well. To be the class that actually helps AC set the state and national standards for student success and completion, there are three things you must do. These three things define the successful student at Amarillo College. Get involved. Students that get involved in at least one student organization are almost always successful. Whether it’s our esports or intramural teams, student government or an interest group, your involvement predicts your success. Use the free tutoring services. Students who earn a certificate or degree almost ALWAYS use our tutoring centers. Free to you, tutoring is available in any subject you need. Ask for help. The most successful students know that when they need help, AC employees are here to assist them. No matter the question, concern or need, having the courage to ask for help means you have the courage to be successful. Thank you for being a part of the AC family. We are proud of you and look forward to celebrating your success as we celebrate the college’s 90th year. Go badgers! Much love, Russell


The Ranger | 5 August 22, 2019

Letter from the SGA president


Hello everyone and welcome to the 2019-2020 academic year, my name is Hector Casanova and I have the privilege to serve as your Student Government Association president. This will be my second year at AC where I am majoring in business administration. My goal is to continue to work hard and transfer to Texas A&M with a focus in management. I can’t express enough how excited I am about how much I look forward to serving as Student Government president this year. Attending a community college is something you should make the most of, but some students view AC as an extension of high school. Students tend to arrive only for classes and leave as soon as they can, and this idea of a come-and-go culture can be a self-fulling concept. It doesn’t have to be that way. Going to AC should be more than just attending class and heading home—it’s about being a part of your college, making the best of your resources and above all enjoying your time here. Student Government is here to help. Student Government aims to improve students’ experience at AC by serving as a bridge between the students and the college. We host entertainment,


community service and educational events that are all based on the input of students and the changes they would like to see. We welcome student involvement and participation, as there are always new perspectives to drive conversation all while providing a platform for members to form active leadership roles. The process of reaching out in a completely new setting can be daunting, but I cannot overstress the importance of getting involved. Campus involvement is the extra step that transfer schools and employers look for, and it can have a positive impact on your academics. I highly encourage you to make the dive and get involved in campus events and any organization — you won’t regret it. Over the summer, I have been learning and working to grow into an SGA president that will best serve the SGA team, the students and the college administration. This opportunity is a blessing and I am grateful and eager to start the academic year. I wish you the best in all your personal and academic endeavors and have a blessed year. Your SGA President, Hector Casanova

6 | The Ranger August 22, 2019


Students, professors share what concerns them most


Business Administration

“What bothers me that professors do is when they go too fast on a subject, or they don’t explain the syllabus clearly. Often times there isn’t dates on the syllubus, so you have no idea about the pace of the class. If they are clear about the pace and they are clear about the transition in the course, that’s great.”


Intramural Sports Coordinator

“What bothers me that students do is when they come ill prepared and tardy, or when they are going to try and wing it. Also please read your emails.”


“A lot of what I find wrong, I set myself up for. I understand that my actions have an equal or opposite reaction.” AMY PRESLEY

Audio Media Coordinator FM90 Program Director

“My number one is when students don’t read the syllabus, but I also hate when students give up so close to the end of the semester. It’s like, you’ve done all this hard work and have one last thing to do and then you disappear. Where did you go? What happened?”


“I find it bothering when professors take attendance as a grade, I pay for my classes and should be able to miss a day if I need to with out it affecting my grade.” Jessika Fulton | The Ranger

Craig Cliffton, carter fitness center director, demonstrates using the equipment.

Students work out the semester By NATHANIEL MONTOYA Staff Reporter

Another semester is here, meaning another season of intramural leagues, tournaments and activities, as well as other opportunities to get in shape. “We’ve got a ton of stuff coming up. We have recurring events every Thursday including yoga, volleyball, dodgeball and kickball,” Trent Oneal, intramural coordinator, said. These activities will be scattered all throughout the Washington Street Campus both outside and inside the Carter Fitness Center. Scholarship opportunities are also available for students

who participate in the team leagues. “If you play every day of he league for flag football and volleyball, your name will be placed in a drawing for a scholarship,” Oneal said. Along with the leagues, there will be one day tournaments including 3-on-3 basketball and, for the first time ever, a wrestling tournament. According to Oneal, participating in the leagues has many benefits. “Team captains gain a lot of leadership skills and students constantly say they make new friends with people they’ve never met before.” For students who enjoy a more individual workout, the Carter Fitness Center is open seven days a week to all students. “The best way to

get in shape is to get to the gym at least fivedays a week and focus on cardio,” Michael Floyd, a drafting major, said. “Lift weights once you feel confident about your weight.” The gym includes free weights, Smith machines, cardio machines and basketball/volleyball courts. Students say that exercising regularly not only boosts their health and stamina, it helps their academic performance. “For me personally I’ve found myself to be more focused and engaged during class whenever I work out first,” Abraham Saldierna, a diesel technology major, said. “I think most students who work out are more happy and healthy,” he added.


The Ranger | 7 August 22, 2019

Where to study on campus Effective study spots equals student success By MARC ARTEUS Staff Reporter

One of the key components to effective studying is to find the perfect spot to focus on work; away from irritating noises or simply just away from friends who can be distractions from completing that homework. Finding that perfect place to do schoolwork is a big deal for some people. Students and staff at Amarillo College have different preferences for the best study spots. Jesse Starr, a circulation supervisor at AC’s library, said that the library is one of the best places to study. “It’s very quiet up here during the afternoon. Only a couple of students will come up here from time to time, especially during the summer. So having that small number of students here means there is less noise,” Starr said. He also added that the library has a few spots where

students will most likely feel more focused and isolated from any distracting noises. “Our back walls back behind the stacks of books is a perfect spot for studying or if you just want to read books,” he said. “It’s a very quiet spot since all the books back there absorb the sounds that are coming from around the library.” Teagan Rangel, a biology major, said that for her the best study spot is in the science building. “It’s very quiet down there. Not a lot of students hangout in that area so distractions like people talking happen on rare occasions.” Rangel also pointed out a few hidden spots around campus where students can go if they really want to be isolated. “There are a bunch of secluded rooms down at Russell Hall. Like literally there’s no people walking past it and I think it’s the best spot if you want a quiet time,” Rangel said.

Photo illustration by Marc Arteus | The Ranger

Jordan Mckillip, a photography major, prefers to study in quiet places. Some people want something other than just a quiet place. Jordan McKillip, a photography major, said he prefers to study in coffee houses.

“Studying with coffee helps me to stay awake and be more attentive. In my free time, I always go to Palace Coffee (on the Washington Street Campus) and just hang around

there. “Most of the time, that’s my go-to place whenever I’m preparing for an exam, or if I feel like reading a book or if I just want a latte.”

Arts Calendar Aug. 24:

Master Chorale Reunion & Concert in the Concert Hall Theater. Time TBA.

Aug. 26:

AC Community Band first rehearsal in MB 102 at 7 p.m.

Aug. 26-28:

Auditions for Concert Choir. Call 371-5344.

Aug. 28:

Dial “M” for Murder Auditions in the Experimental Theater - Washington Street Campus at 7 p.m.

Aug. 30:

Nibbler Auditions in the Experimental Theater - Washington Street Campus at 7 p.m.

Aug. 29:

AC Chamber Orchestra first rehearsal in MB 102 at 7 p.m.

Sept. 10:

AC Piano Series- Beethoven Sonatas: Duo Miroirs in the Concert Hall Theater at 7:30 p.m.

Sept. 24:

Suzuki Solo Recital in the Concert Hall Theater at 7 p.m.

Sept. 26:

AC Piano Series - Beethoven Sonatas: David Korevaar in the Concert Hall Theater at 7:30 p.m.

8 | The Ranger August 22, 2019




n o i t i d E r e g d Ba




Everything changes and evolves including the Amarillo College badger. Since the school was established in 1929, there has been a badger logo to represent AC, but now that badger has a new look. The process of coming up with a new design for the logo lasted just over a year. There were meetings to determine the direction of the logo, updating it to reflect AC’s slogan and “Success is” campaign. “It’s kind of fierce and fun and sporty and kind of competitive with what other colleges look like right now,” Kevin Ball, vice president of communications and marketing, said. Ball said the new badger is quite different from the older logos, which clearly reflect the eras during which they were created. Student reactions to the new logo vary. “The new logo

makes Amarillo College look more credible as a college because it is not as cartoony as the 2008 one,” Rafael Flores, a general studies major, said. Some students disagree with Flores. Jackson Ford, a criminal justice major, said he prefers the original 1929 logo to the latest version. “Whereas WT’s logo has been the same for a long time and it’s super simple, literally it is a white buffalo there is no detail it’s just a white silhouette of a buffalo, and that is kind of why I like that one best because it is simple,” Ford said. Students who attended Badger Beginnings were able to submit name suggestions for the redesigned mascot. Later this fall, the whole student body will be able to vote online for its final name.




The OG Badger. Adopted when AC was first established.

Billy the Badger. The first time the mascot was changed in 79 years.


Badgers have invaded pop culture. From Harry Potter to the notorious Honey Badger video.

Badgers, much like college students, are nocturnal. *Badger’s gender has yet to be determined.

Badgers have been known to become intoxicated with alcohol after eating rotting fruit.

The word badger is said to derive from the French ‘bêcheur‘ meaning ‘digger.’


AC’s New Bad Boy.* This new look could give our intramural sports teams a fiercer edge.

Badgers can be fierce animals and will protect themselves and their young at all costs, are capable of fighting off dog-packs and fighting off much larger animals, such as wolves and bears.

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